5 Worst Offenders That Drive Visitors Away From Your Website

You jumped on the digital bandwagon and created a website for your business and created a profile on every social platform known to man, yet your business is not attracting more customers. Does this scenario sound familiar? There’s a big chance that it’s not your brand that’s the problem, but the way you present it online. Your website could need a facelift.

“Visitors judge a website within a few seconds, and react based on elements such as the time it takes to load, the visual aspect and the ease of navigation,” says Nay Ayache, my company’s in-house WordPress expert. “An InspireMag article last year set that time limit to ten seconds, so everything has to be perfect.”

Take another look at your website and check if it has these five elements that drive audiences away.

1. Chaotic homepages

The homepage is the most important and most valuable piece of real estate on your website. A cluttered page will drive an audience away or confuse them. A website should be organized, with a clear focal point that allows the visitor to feel visually comfortable to explore all the pages. The navigation bar should be easy to find.

When it comes to pages, speed matters. Having a fast, responsive website that resizes to accommodate mobile devices helps visitors view not only the homepage, but the rest of the pages as well.

Worst offenders: Website sliders that rotate at lightning speed, do not have a header and animated GIFs that kill the visitor’s concentration.

2. Cryptic navigation

Ideally, the website navigation bar should be placed at the top of the page and always contain a link back to the homepage. The contents should be clearly represented in the menu, and pages should be titled in a way that speaks to visitors’ logic, not their imagination.

Worst offenders: Navigation bars with incoherent item hierarchy that leave primary pages hidden in sub-menus, broken links and a hard-to-find contact page.

3. Elusive social media buttons

Burying your social media buttons on the site makes them hard to find. A brand that prides itself on being social should make it obvious to its audience. Engage your audience by making sure that every page on the website contains a link to social platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, etc). Remember, these social media links are visually different from post-sharing buttons.

Related: 5 Tools to Help You Audit Your Web Content

Worst offenders: Websites where social media buttons are buried in the footer or the contact page, broken buttons that do not link to the proper page, and links to one social platform when the brand is active on several others.

4. No calls-to-action

Visitors are flocking to your website, and yet, your bounce rate — the percentage of people who leave the site after visiting only one page — is high. Why aren’t visitors going beyond glancing at your homepage? Are you sure your visitors know what to do? Guide your audience with calls to action and simple instructions such as “call us,” “click here” or “subscribe to our newsletter.” As a brand, you want people to know how to make the best out of your website and, ultimately, your services.

Worst offenders: Content made of aimless descriptions instead of reflecting a clear marketing strategy, wording that makes assumptions as to visitors’ concentration levels, and links that generously lead them to other websites.

5. Unoriginal photos

A website solely filled with stock photography does not reflect the individuality of the brand. Authenticity goes a long a way with potential customers, so invest in professional photos or shoot your own personal photos to tell your brand’s story. In a digital world where users are given endless options, the key to engagement and return on investment is to offer a unique value proposition in form as well as content.

Worst offenders: Websites that use rehashed icons from the ’90s, ubiquitous handshake pictures and the 20-year-old CEO in a conference room.

If you have one or more of these offenders on your website, you could be inadvertently driving your audience away. Let us know about your pet peeves with the websites you visit in the comments section below.


5 Things You Can Learn From a Poorly Designed Website

My son has just started middle school, and along with becoming oriented to an unfamiliar school environment, he now has “homework like never before,” and it is not just the amount of homework.

His teachers no longer send home printed homework sheets. Students are expected to visit the teachers’ individual websites to download assignments, study guides, and watch lectures. And while going online is not normally a problem for technophile middle schoolers, it becomes a problem when the websites are poorly designed.

Visitors come to a website to satisfy goals, to perform tasks, and to get answers to questions. If users cannot find what they’re looking for on a website, they will go elsewhere. But my son can’t go elsewhere. He has no choice but to muddle through the unclear navigation and bad design to find what he needs. It is maddening.

Still, you can learn a lot from being forced to use a poorly designed website, including ways to improve your own or a client’s.

  1. Do everything you can to reduce the number of clicks.

From the “Sixth grade homework” page, where he was told all assignments would be linked, he has to click through three pages to reach the math assignments. Those math assignments should be directly linked from the main page. When navigating, site users don’t want to stop and read along the way. They want to keep moving until they find the right link.

  1. Make the links meaningful.

Links should be descriptive. Don’t tell readers to “Read more,” “click here,” or “more.” Tell them what they will read if they click. “Math homework October 6-10” is an example of a descriptive link.

  1. Make copy easy to scan with subheads and bullets.

Lists make information easy to grab and help people skim through the information. If possible, keep lists short. But if your list must be long, use white space to break it up.

  1. Heading content should be concise and descriptive.

It should stand out from the rest of the text. Well-written headings facilitate scanning so users can find exactly what they need. They can also make the information less dense and more readable, allowing users to get a quick overview of the page.

  1. Keep in mind that less is often more on the Web.

Eliminate distracting site features such as flash animation or scrolling text. Use animation where it helps, not just for show.




1. It’s never been easier

Now here’s where the definition of ‘build’ is going to get a bit loose and people are going to get angry, but when I say it’s never been easier I mean because of the existence of apps and software like WordPress, Squarespace, Tumblr, et al. It’s easy to make something and get it out there into the world, and these are all gateway drugs to hard coding!

2. You’ll understand how it feels

How it feels to be so proud that something actually works that you momentarily don’t notice if the kerning is off or the padding is inconsistent. How it feels to see your site appear when you’ve redirected a URL. How it feels when you just can’t work out where that one extra space is in a line of PHP that has killed your whole site.

3. It makes you a designer

Not a better designer, it makes you a designer when you are designing how things look and how they work.

4. You learn about movement

Photoshop and Sketch just don’t cut it yet. Until you see your site in a browser or your app on a phone, it’s hard to imagine how it moves. Building your own sites shows you that it’s not just about how the content looks on the screen, but how it moves, interacts and feels.

5. You make techie friends

All the tutorials and forums in the world can’t beat your network of techie friends. Since I started working in web design I have worked with, sat next to, and co-created with some of the greatest developers. Developers who’ve shared their knowledge, encouraged me to build things, patiently explained HTML, CSS, servers, divs, web fonts, iOS development. There has been no void, no versus, very few battles; just people who share an interest and love of making things.

6. You will own domain names

When something is paid for, online and searchable then it’s real and you’ve got to put the work in. Buying domains has taught me how to stop procrastinating, but also about DNS, FTP, email, and how servers work.

7. People will ask you to do things

Learning about code and development opens a whole new world of design. When you put your own personal websites and projects out there people ask you to do more things. OK, so sometimes those things are “Make me a website for free”, but more often it’s cool things like “Come and speak at my conference”, “Write an article for my magazine” and “Collaborate with me.”

8. The young people are coming!

They love typography, they love print, they love layout, but they’ve known how to put a website together since they started their first blog aged five and they show me clever apps they’ve knocked together over the weekend! They’re new, they’re fluid, and they’re better than us!

9. Your portfolio is your portfolio

OK, it’s an obvious one, but as designers our work is our CV, our legacy! We need to show our skill, our attention to detail and our creativity in the way we showcase our work. Building your portfolio is the best way to start building your own websites. (And please be that designer who’s bothered to work out how to change the Squarespace favicon!)

10. It keeps you fluid!

Building your own websites is tough. You’ll never be happy with it, you’ll constantly be updating it to keep up with technology and fashion, and by the time you’ve finished it you’ll want to start all over again. Perfect for forcing you to stay up-to-date with what’s going on in the industry.

Two domain name conferences in China this summer

Events in Hangzhou and Wuzhen in June and July.

There will be at least two domain name conferences in China this summer.

First up is the 2016 Global Domains Industry Summit, co-organized by Verisign, Bizcn.com and 22.cn, and managed by Jinyuming. This conference will be held in Hangzhou, China, June 3-6.

The next month, Yumi.com will host the World Domain Conference from July 6-9 in Wuzhen, Zhejiang province. This conference used to be called Traffic China, but it has no relationship to Rick Schwartz and Howard Neu’s old show.

Somewhat humorously, both conferences list a bunch of well-known people with their pictures, but label them as merely invited, not confirmed.

For example, Traffic.cn shows Bob Parsons, erroneously listed as CEO of GoDaddy. It also shows Frank Schilling, hailing from…England?

These conferences seem like good opportunities to meet face-to-face with Chinese domain name investors and better understand the Chinese domain name market.

Personal Branding Guide for Designers

Personal branding is the practice of people marketing themselves and their careers as brands. Being good at your craft is not enough these days, being unique and authentic will make the cut, but only if enough people know about you. As Michael Simmons writes, authenticity is key in the digital age. Having a strong personal brand and following can lead to enormous opportunities and recognition.

Personal branding is becoming one of the most important key factors in any industry. Skills and boring resumes are not guaranteeing you anything anymore. You have to really start developing your own brand and building a tribe, or in other words an audience that will help you getting jobs, supporting you, sharing your work and getting recognition.

In today’s article I’d like to share some personal branding guidelines I’ve been experimenting with in the last couple of years. The techniques and methods used led me to speaking engagements, interviews on Forbes and Fast Company, business growth and business leads, not to mention the connections and friendships I’ve made.

Why should you care about building a personal brand?

There are numerous of reasons why you should consider strengthening your personal brand. The thing is your personal brand exists anyway, it’s how people perceive you, your work and your actions. To make sure that your brand goes together along with your values and how you wish to be perceived is to manage it. Moreover, building a recognizable personal brand will help you with the following:

  • Professional opportunities;
  • A better job;
  • Better contacts and clients for your company;
  • Industry recognition.


Develop a strong vision and make sure that you use it everywhere you go. Whether it’s to go to the moon or sail around the world, make sure it’s something big and bold, people remember these things. If you haven’t watched Simon Sinek TED talk “How great leaders inspire action” presenting “the golden circle” and “start with why” theory, make sure to check it out and come up with your own vision.

Personal branding is no way rocket science but it takes years to develop and maintain. Hopefully my experiences and experiments I’ve shared with you in this article will help you in developing your own personal brand that leads to professional opportunities, meaningful connections and industry recognition.

I am curious to hear your thoughts on personal branding. What are your strategies in engaging more people, how do you network and promote your work?

How an SSL connection is established

An SSL connection between a client and server is set up by a handshake, the goals of which are:

  • To satisfy the client that it is talking to the right server (and optionally visa versa)
  • For the parties to have agreed on a “cipher suite”, which includes which encryption algorithm they will use to exchange data
  • For the parties to have agreed on any necessary keys for this algorithm

Once the connection is established, both parties can use the agreed algorithm and keys to securely send messages to each other. We will break the handshake up into 3 main phases – Hello, Certificate Exchange and Key Exchange.

  1. Hello – The handshake begins with the client sending a ClientHello message. This contains all the information the server needs in order to connect to the client via SSL, including the various cipher suites and maximum SSL version that it supports. The server responds with a ServerHello, which contains similar information required by the client, including a decision based on the client’s preferences about which cipher suite and version of SSL will be used.
  2. Certificate Exchange – Now that contact has been established, the server has to prove its identity to the client. This is achieved using its SSL certificate, which is a very tiny bit like its passport. An SSL certificate contains various pieces of data, including the name of the owner, the property (eg. domain) it is attached to, the certificate’s public key, the digital signature and information about the certificate’s validity dates. The client checks that it either implicitly trusts the certificate, or that it is verified and trusted by one of several Certificate Authorities (CAs) that it also implicitly trusts. Much more about this shortly. Note that the server is also allowed to require a certificate to prove the client’s identity, but this typically only happens in very sensitive applications.
  3. Key Exchange – The encryption of the actual message data exchanged by the client and server will be done using a symmetric algorithm, the exact nature of which was already agreed during the Hello phase. A symmetric algorithm uses a single key for both encryption and decryption, in contrast to asymmetric algorithms that require a public/private key pair. Both parties need to agree on this single, symmetric key, a process that is accomplished securely using asymmetric encryption and the server’s public/private keys.

The client generates a random key to be used for the main, symmetric algorithm. It encrypts it using an algorithm also agreed upon during the Hello phase, and the server’s public key (found on its SSL certificate). It sends this encrypted key to the server, where it is decrypted using the server’s private key, and the interesting parts of the handshake are complete. The parties are sufficiently happy that they are talking to the right person, and have secretly agreed on a key to symmetrically encrypt the data that they are about to send each other. HTTP requests and responses can now be sent by forming a plaintext message and then encrypting and sending it. The other party is the only one who knows how to decrypt this message, and so Man In The Middle Attackers are unable to read or modify any requests that they may intercept.

What is HTTPS and what does it do?

HTTPS takes the well-known and understood HTTP protocol, and simply layers a SSL/TLS (hereafter referred to simply as “SSL”) encryption layer on top of it. Servers and clients still speak exactly the same HTTP to each other, but over a secure SSL connection that encrypts and decrypts their requests and responses. The SSL layer has 2 main purposes:

  • Verifying that you are talking directly to the server that you think you are talking to
  • Ensuring that only the server can read what you send it and only you can read what it sends back

The really, really clever part is that anyone can intercept every single one of the messages you exchange with a server, including the ones where you are agreeing on the key and encryption strategy to use, and still not be able to read any of the actual data you send.


There are many web hosting options available nowadays: free web hosting, shared hosting, dedicated server, and the list goes on. All these options serve the same purpose, which is hosting your content so that it can be accessed and viewed by people on the Internet. The major difference is how each is structured as well as the benefits they offer.

Let’s have a closer look at each of them.


What can be better than a free web hosting plan? This is a great option for someone who wants to create a homepage or small website to share with friends and family. While free web hosting has received criticism for its lack of features, security and customer support, there are a few reliable free web hosting providers that you can trust. However, keep in mind that free web hosting is more geared for giving you a taste of having and maintaining a small, personal website. If you want to establish a powerful web presence with an online business, you will need to consider a paid hosting service that offers more control, security and reliability.


As the name implies, shared hosting is an environment where you are sharing space on a web server with other users. As clients are sharing the cost of the server, this is the most affordable and popular solution for personal users and small businesses as companies to set up blog, e-commerce and other advanced applications. However, when hosting on a shared server, you are exposed to all the activities of your neighbors. If someone makes a huge scripting error, the entire server can suffer. If someone experiences a sudden burst in traffic, your site might run slower. If the server goes down, so does your website and ultimately, your business.


When your business takes off and requires more than the typical sharing server resources, it’s time to move up to the dedicated server. Now you’re in the big leagues with an entire server dedicated to your hosting needs. However, without any experience, succeeding with this hosting option is nearly impossible – those who require a dedicated server but don’t know a thing about server administration can get by with managed hosting. In this scenario, the hosting service provider handles all the management tasks which frees you up to focus on other areas of the business. Keep in mind that a managed service requires is generally more costly.


The best advice we can give about hosting is to know what you’re getting into. Free services are geared for personal sites, shared hosting is suited for small businesses and a dedicated server is designed for larger hosting needs, yet is far more expensive. By knowing what your site requires, it will be much easier to determine which is the best solution.


Looking for a free web hosting solution is an imperative decision. Try to identify a reliable web host can be a daunting task especially with so many service providers and options available nowadays. Throw in the feature sheets and promises, the task can be that much more intimidating.

But it doesn’t have to be. Let’s take a look at some of the most common features a good free web hosting provider should offer:


Disk space refers to the amount of storage space assigned to you by the free web hosting provider. This space will be used to store your web site files, including text, images, audio, etc. files you use for your website.

Bandwidth refers to the amount of traffic that is allowed to access and leave your website. Access means every time a visitor types in your website name in their browser. Leave means every time a visitor receives something from your website, whether it be viewing a photo, listening to an audio clip or downloading a file.

For example, if your website has a lot of graphics (ie. photographs) then you will require higher storage and greater bandwidth.


If this is your first website and you have limited or no scripting experience, then look for a free web hosting provider that offers a free website creating application where you can create your website simply by choosing a template and adding in your own text and images.

FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. It is the protocol for transferring your website files from your computer to your free web hosting server, or vice versa. This allows you to upload your finished website files (including images and other multimedia files) from your computer to your service provider’s server. It also allows you to download your files from your web hosting server back to your computer. A good free web hosting provider should offer 24/7 unrestricted FTP access.


Yes, your free web hosting provider should provide you with email services – so that you can setup @yourdomain.com email accounts. In addition to a webmail interface (so you can login and manage your emails using your web browser), the email service should also include POP3 and SMTP access so you can setup and access your @yourdomain.com emails using your mobile devices.


You should always choose a free web hosting service with free, reliable telephone and email support.

While no host can offer a 100% guaranteed uptime (think problems out of their control, ie. city power outage), they should provide “just-in-case” measures to limit website and email downtime to a minimal. These measures may include 24/7 server and network monitoring, redundant hardware and network configurations, and onsite backup power supply. While you might not completely understand the technicalities of these, look to see if your free web hosting provider has these listed somewhere on their website. If not, ask them about it.


If you’re looking for a free web hosting provider, then you should expect to pay absolutely nothing for all the basic features listed above. You shoudn’t have to compromise pricing with banner ads. Any free web hosting providers that forces ads on your website is a no-no.

Web Hosting


The web hosting service that we provide is the best quality service in an affordable price you can get in this extremely expensive world of internet. Just browse through our website and find out the cheap rates. Web hosting is a process in which we provide you space for your website for storing or uploading all your data.

We have several type of hosting available at our site which you can visit anytime and find out the best plan according to the requirements of your business.

You can find here the best hosting plan for your website yet a cheap one with several kinds of services like your business e-mail, a good storage space, 99.9% uptime with full dedicated 24*7 support, powered by c-panel and other tools with full guarantee. The best thing is we are never out of time and services, so you can visit us anytime. We are here for your convenience and to help you in growth of your website.

Basically web hosting is a service which allows you to upload any kind of information on a particular web page. It allows you space in GBs and TBs which is quite enough.

Here are some web hosting plans from which you can choose:

Starter plan – $ per month and $ per year

Advanced Plan – $ per month and $ per year

Business Plan – $ per month and $ per year

Professional Plan – $ per month and $ per year

All these plans are cheap and affordable as compared to other expensive web hosting providing companies because we know the value of our customer’s money. So, Come here and find what is best for you.

Web Design


A web design is the prime factor of a good website. A good web outlook will allow the user to visit again and again and finally convert them you’re your permanent customers. There are many terrific templates available with us from you can choose the best one for you according to the requirements of your website.

We provide many user friendly templates which will help you in making your website simple and easy to browse for your customers. If you are stuck at any step then we are available 24*7 to help you.

We are available with static web design and dynamic web design. A static design used for small brochures or a small business website. This is mainly used for online demonstrations and a dynamic design is used by professionals for handling large business. And the best part is we deal with both the designs with a very easy user interface so that you face any troubles with coding.

Now you don’t have think any longer about what you will do to make your website look amazing because we provide web designs for professionals, small business and large business. All these options are available with free designer templates which are easy to use.

We also offer flash animations and flash banner designing with templates which are more convenient.

You can send us your query about anything and we will respond you as soon as possible because we are best at solving problems. Web design is the only option for your website or application which makes it look good with friendly interface in which we are popular for offering.

We also offer mobile friendly, custom and e-commerce web designs which are most popular these days. Just remember one thing that if you want the best then visit us for once.

Terms and Conditions


Account setup/Email on file

Your account will be setup by us after receiving the payment and we and/or our payment partner(s) have removed the order(s) in case of fake activity. The responsibility is yours to provide us an email address which is not related @ the domain(s) you are signing up under. If there is ever a fault issue or we need to talk to you, the main email address on file will be used for this activity. You must provide the correct and current email address on file and it must be up to the date all times. If you have registered a domain name in webdesignervip.com, it is your duty to ensure that the contact information you have provided for domain account and your actual domain name(s) is up-to-date and accurate. Wedesignervip.com takes no responsibility for an expired registration due to obsolete contact information which is linked with the domain. You must contact our support team, if you need to verify or modify this information. Providing incorrect information of any kind can result in the termination of your account. In dedicated host purchasing or huge risk transactions, it is important to provide us a government issued identification and a scan of the credit card (if any) which you will use for purchase. The order would be considered fraudulent and be denied, if you fail to meet the requirements.

You have to verify yourself as the authorized owner of PayPal e-mail address or card holder as they will be used to make payments for the hosting and other services.

The professionals at webdesignervip will make every effort to help you transfer your site to us. The transfers however are offered as a courtesy service, and we can’t make any guarantees related to availability, possibility, or time required to fulfill an account transfer. Each hosting company is configured in a different way, and data saving formats of some hosting platforms are incompatible, which can make it more difficult if not impossible to move some/all of the account data. In some cases we may be unable to assist you in a moving of data from an old host but we will try our best. The free transfer services are valid for 30 days from your date of sign up. Transfers outside of the 30 day free period will be chargeable; you can contact our support with accurate details to receive a price quotation. However, in huge accounts i.e. more than 1 GB) the rate is $25 for the transfers.

Dedicated IP Address Allocation
Any dedicated IP order in extension to the ones with a hosting package (if any) may lead to IP Justification. Justification practices are subject to change to remain in conformity with policies of American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN). We do have the right to reject any dedicated IP request based on inadequate justification or current IP utilization.

Third Party Providers
All the dealings with third party providers are completely between the visitor and the respective provider. In any transactions, webdesignervip.com is not the representative, agent, fiduciary or trustee of you or the third party provider. Some products offered by webdesignervip.com are provided under vendor license, and the use of any such third party products will be governed by the applicable license agreement, if any, with such third party.

All promotions, special third party offers and discounts may be subject to further limitations and restrictions by third party provider. All the dealings with third party providers are subject to the terms and conditions beneath which the provider agrees with you to provide the services/goods. You have to confirm the terms of any purchase and/or services or using goods with the particular provider whom you are dealing with.

We make no any warranties or representations regarding, and are not accountable for, the quality, availability or timeliness of services or goods offered by a third party provider. It is your own risk to undertake all transactions with these providers. We never warrant the integrity or accuracy of any information as regard to the third party providers.


The services offered by webdesignervip.com could only be used for legal purposes. The laws of India apply:

The customer agrees to hold non-toxic webdesignervip.com from any allegations resulting from using our services.

Use of our services to intrude upon any trademark or copyright is restricted. This includes but is not limited to unauthorized duplicity of photographs, music, books, or any other copyrighted data. The offer of sale of any fictitious merchandise of a copyright holder will result in the immediate termination of your account. Any account found to be in violation of another’s copyrights will be removed hurriedly, or access to the material disabled. Any account to be found in a repeated violation of copyright laws will be terminated or/and suspended from our hosting services. If you feel that your trademark or copyright is being intruded upon, please email us at info@webdesignervip.com with the information/data required. You can find the list of required information here. We may require additional documentation, if the request is of a licensing issue.

Please do not take backups of your backups. Using a shared account as a storage/backup device is not permitted, with the exclusion of one cPanel backup of the same account.

Following are the examples of material which is not acceptable on all Shared and Reseller servers include:

  • Topsites
  • IRC Scripts/Bots
  • Proxy Scripts/Anonymizers
  • Pirated Software/Warez
  • Image Hosting Scripts (similar to Photobucket or Tinypic)
  • AutoSurf/PTC/PTS/PPC sites
  • IP Scanners
  • Bruteforce Programs/Scripts/Applications
  • Mail Bombers/Spam Scripts
  • Banner-Ad services (commercial banner ad rotation)
  • File Dump/Mirror Scripts (similar to rapidshare)
  • Commercial Audio Streaming (more than one or two streams)
  • Escrow/Bank Debentures
  • High-Yield Interest Programs (HYIP) or Related Sites
  • Investment Sites (FOREX, E-Gold Exchange, Second Life/Linden Exchange, Ponzi, MLM/Pyramid scheme)
  • Sale of any controlled substance without prior proof of appropriate permit(s)
  • Prime Banks Programs
  • Lottery/Gambling Sites
  • Hacker focused sites/archives/programs
  • Sites promoting illegal activities
  • Forums and/or websites that distribute or link to warez/pirated/illegal content
  • Bank Debentures/Bank Debenture Trading Programs
  • Fraudulent Sites (Including, but not limited to sites listed at aa419.org & escrow-fraud.com)
  • Push button mail scripts
  • Broadcast or Streaming of Live Sporting Events (UFC, NASCAR, FIFA, NFL, MLB, NBA, WWE, WWF, etc)
  • Tell A Friend Scripts
  • Anonymous or Bulk SMS Gateways
  • Bitcoin Miners
  • PayDay Loan Sites (including any site related to PayDay loans, PayDay loan affiliate progams, etc)

Examples of unacceptable material on all VPS & Dedicated servers include:

  • IRCD (irc servers)
  • IRC Scripts/Bots
  • Pirated Software/Warez
  • IP Scanners
  • Bruteforce Programs/Scripts/Applications
  • Mail Bombers/spam Scripts
  • Escrow
  • High-Yield Interest Programs (HYIP) or Related Sites
  • Investment Sites (FOREX, E-Gold Exchange, Second Life/Linden Exchange, Ponzi, MLM/Pyramid Scheme)
  • Sale of any controlled substance without prior proof of appropriate permit(s)
  • Prime Banks Programs
  • Lottery/Gambling Sites
  • Hacker focused sites/archives/programs
  • Sites promoting illegal activities
  • Forums and/or websites that distribute or link to warez/pirated/illegal content
  • Bank Debentures/Bank Debenture Trading Programs
  • Fraudulent Sites (Including, but not limited to sites listed at aa419.org & escrow-fraud.com)
  • Mailer Pro
  • Broadcast or Streaming of Live Sporting Events (UFC, NASCAR, FIFA, NFL, MLB, NBA, WWE, WWF, etc)

Webdesignervip.com services that include all related equipment, network devices and networks are offered only for authorized use of customer. Webdesignervip.com systems may be audited for all lawful purposes, which includes that use is authorized, for management of the system, to verify security procedures, to facilitate protection against unauthorized access, survivability, and operational security. During auditing, information could be copied, examined, recorded and used for authorized purposes. Use of webdesignervip.com system(s) constitutes consent to auditing for these purposes.

If we found any account connecting to a third party network or system without any authorization is subject to termination. Access to networks or systems outside of your direct reach must be with expressed written approved from the third party. Webdesignervip.com may, require and request authentication to prove access to a third party system or network is authorized.
We do reserve the right to reject service to anyone. Any material that, in our judgment, is illegal, threatening, obscene, or violates our terms of service in any manner may be terminated from our servers (or otherwise disabled), with or without notice.
Failure to reply to email from our abuse department within the specific time may result in the termination or suspension of your services. All misconduct issues must be dealt with via email/troubleticket and will have a response within the specific time.

Sites hosted on webdesignervip.com’s service(s) are circulated only by Indian law. Given this fact, we do not terminate allegedly defamatory material from domains hosted on our service(s). Only the exception to this rule is if court has found the material to be defamatory, as evidenced by a court order.

Webdesigner.com is not in a position to validate or invalidate and investigate the individual defamation claims, which is why we rely on the legal system and courts to resolve whether or not material is indeed examined defamatory. In such case in which the material is indicated as defamatory by the court and slanderous or libelous in nature; we will disable the access to the data. Similarly, we will comply and remove or disable access to the material in question, in any case in which an Indian Court has placed an injunction against specified content or material.

Webdesignervip.com and many of webdesignervip.com’s other webhosting services and brands are not the actual publishers but only re-publishers of the content. Our service purely provides space and a hosting platform on which to host content, and any publication or creation of content on our services is the lone responsibility of the third-party user which publishes or creates the content. So, webdesignervip.com should not be held liable for any allegedly defamatory, harassing or offensive content published on sites hosted under webdesignervip.com’s hosting service(s).

If you have any doubt regarding acceptability of your site or service, please do contact us at info@webdesignervip.com and we will be truly happy to assist you.

Possible harm to inferiors is strictly forbidden, including but not limited to child pornography or content likely to be child pornography. If we found any site hosting child pornography or linking to child pornography will be suspended immediately without giving any notice.

Resellers: we will terminate the site in question and will notify you so you may cancel the account. We will further audit your activity; more than one infraction of this type could be result in the immediate termination of your account.

Direct Customers: Your services will be cancelled with or without any notice.
Violations will be reported to the relevant law enforcement agency.

It is your duty to ensure that programs/scripts installed under your account are secure and permissions of directories are properly set, not regarding to installation method. Users are ultimately responsible for all actions taken under their account. This includes the adjustment of credentials such as user identification/username and password. It is must that you use a secure password for your own safety. If a weak password is used, your account may be terminated until you agree to create a more secure password. Audits may be done in case to prevent weak passwords from being used. If your password is found to be weak in an audit, we will notify you and provide time for you to update/change your password.

3. Zero Tolerance Spam Policy

We take a no or zero tolerance stand against sending of uninvited e-mail, spam bulk and emailing. Purchased lists, safe lists, and selling of lists will be noticed as spam. Any account holder who sends out spam will have their account cancelled with or without notice.

Sites that are advertised via SPAM (Spamvertised) may not have the privilege to host on our servers. This privilege includes, but is not limited to SPAM sent via email, fax, phone, postal mail, instant messaging, or newsgroups/usenet. No entity or organization listed in the ROKSO may be hosted on our servers. Any account which we found in our IP space being blacklisted will be cancelled immediately.

Webdesgnervip.com reserves the right to require disable or change as required any web site, database, account or other component that does not adhere to its established policies, or to make any such changes in a difficult situation at its lone discretion.

Webdesignervip.com reserves the right to charge the account holder for using to send any unwelcomed e-mail a clean up fee or any charges acquire to remove the blacklist. This cost of the clearance fee is entirely at the discretion of webdesignervip.com.

  1. Payment Information:

You admit to supply appropriate payment for the services received from webdesignervip.com, in prior of the time period during which such services are offered. Subject to all relevant laws, regulations, rules and all payments will apply to the oldest invoice(s) in your billing account. You admit that until and unless you notify webdesignervip.com of your desire to terminate any or all services received, those services will be billed on a recurring basis.

Terminations must be in writing via the cancel form provided. Once we receive your cancellation and have finalized the necessary confirmation with you via e-mail, we will let you inform in writing (typically email) that your account has been terminated. This confirmation will contain a tracking/ticket number in the subject for your reference, and for verification purposes. You will at the same time receive an automatic email with a tracking ID. A staff member will confirm your request (and do the process of cancellation) shortly thereafter. If you do not hear back from us, or do not receive the email confirmation within a few minutes after submitting your cancellation, you can call/contact us immediately. We require that terminations of service are done through online form to (a) confirm in writing that you are ready for all files to be removed, (b) confirm your identity and (c) document the request. This process reduces the likelihood of faults, fraudulent/suspicious requests, and assures you are aware that the emails, files, and account may be removed immediately after a termination request is processed.

As a client of webdesignervip.com, it is your duty to ensure that your payment information is accurate, and that all invoices/bills are paid on time. You agree that until and unless you notify webdesignervip.com of your desire to cancel any or all services received (by the relevant means listed in the matching section of the Terms of Service), those services will be billed on a regular basis, unless otherwise stated in writing by webdesignervip.com. Webdesignervip.com reserves the right to bill your credit card (if any) or invoice information on file with us. webdesignervip.com provides a 10 day extended period from the time the bill is generated and when it is paid. Any bill that is outstanding for 10 days and not paid will result in a $10 late fee and/or an account termination until account balance has been paid fully. The $10 late fee is applied in extension to whatever else is owed to webdesignervip.com for services rendered. Access to the account will not be republished until payment has been approved.

It is the customer’s duty to notify our invoice department via a support ticket after paying for the domain. Domain renewal notices and invoices are provided as a reminder and Webdesigner.com cannot be held responsible for the failure to restore a domain or failure to give notification to the customer about a domain’s renewal.

Subsequently, domain restoration are billed and restored 30 days before the renew date. It is the customer’s duty to notify our invoice department via a support ticket for any domain registration cancellation. No refunds will be given, once a domain is restored. All domain renewals and registrations and are final.

Invoices that are paid more times than once with Paypal multiple subscriptions can only be included as credit towards the hosting account and cannot be refunded via Paypal. If you want any assistance with this provision, you can contact support: to make/create a support ticket to our Billing department.

Webdesignervip.com has the right to change/modify the monthly payment amount and any other kinds of charges at anytime.

5. Backups and Data Loss

Your use of this service is at your own risk. We run our backup service once in a week, and only one week of backups are kept, overwriting any of our previous backups made. This service is provided to you as a generosity. Webdesignervip.com is not answerable for files and/or data residing on your account. You admit to take full responsibility for files and data transferred and to maintain all relevant backup of files and data stored on webdesignervip.com servers.

6.  Cancellations and Refunds

Webdesignervip.com reserves the right to terminate, suspend, or otherwise limit access to the account at any moment with or without notice.

Exchange rate variations for international payments are consistent and unavoidable. All refunds are handled in USD, and will reflect the exchange rate in effect on the time of the refund. All refunds are subject to this variation and webdesignervip.com is not responsible for any modification in exchange rates between time of refund and time of payment.

Customers may cancel order at any moment via a cancellation form.
Cancellation requests for Shared and Reseller accounts will go into effect on the restoration date for that specific hosting package. Unless particularly requested, the account will be active until the period expiration. If the account is acceptable, any request for a refund will be provided on a prorated basis with any previous extended term discount withheld. Refunds are to be resolved once the account has been terminated. Payments older than 2 months may require a refund via mailed check or PayPal due to our merchant account procedures and policies.

The following payment methods are non-refundable, and refunds will be posted as credit to the hosting accounts:

  • Bank Wire Transfers
  • Western Union Payments
  • Checks
  • Money Orders

There are no reimbursements/refunds on dedicated servers, administrative fees, and installation fees for custom software. Any domain name purchases are also non-refundable.

Only first-time registered accounts are eligible for a refund. For example, if you’ve had an account with us before, terminated and signed up again, you will not be eligible for a refund or if you have opened another account with us.

Violations of the Terms of Service will suspend the refund policy.

7. Resource Usage

User May Not:

  • Use 25% or more the of system resources for longer than 1 minute & 30 seconds. There are various activities that could cause problems; these include: PHP, HTTP, CGI scripts, FTP etc.
  • Run unattended server-side movements at any point in time on the server. This consists any and all daemons, such as IRCD. Run any type of indexer (including Google Cash / Ad Spy) or web spider or on shared servers.
  • Run any application that interfaces with an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) network.
  • Run any bit torrent software, tracker, or client. However you may link to legal torrents off-site, but may not store or host them on our shared servers.
  • Participate in any peer-to-peer/file-sharing activities
  • Run any gaming servers like half-life, counter-strike etc.
  • Run cron entries with pauses of less than 15 minutes.
  • Run any queries of MySQL longer than 15 seconds. MySQL tables should be arranged relevantly.
  • When using PHP include processes for including a local file, include the local file rather than the URL. use this (“include.php”) Instead of using this include(“http://yourdomain.com/include.php”)
  • To reduce the usage, don’t force html to handle server-side code (like shtml and php).
  • Only use https protocol when required; decrypting and encrypting communications is notable more CPU-intensive than unencrypted information systems.

Using more than 250,000 inodes on any shared account may positively result in a warning first, and if no action is taken, there will be a future suspension. Accounts found overtaking the 100,000 inode limit will automatically be terminated from our backup system to avoid over-usage; however there will still be a back up. Files like a webpage, image file, email, etc on your account uses up 1 inode.

Sites that somewhat exceed our inode limits are unlikely to be terminated; however, accounts that regularly create and delete huge numbers of files on a constant basis, have hundreds of thousands of files, or cause file system damage may be marked for review and/or suspension. The main cause of extra inodes seems to be because of users leaving their catchall address enabled, but never checking their main account mailbox. Over the time, tens of thousands of messages (or more) build up, finally pushing the account past our inode limit. To disable your default mailbox, login to your cPanel and choose “Mail”, then “Default Address”, and “Set Default Address”, and then type in: :fail: No such user here.

Backup Limit
Any shared account using more than disk space of 5 GBs will be removed from our off site weekly backup with the exclusion of Databases continuing to be backed up. We will continue mirroring all data to a secondary drive which helps protect against information loss in the event of a drive failure.

8. Bandwidth Usage

You are provided a monthly bandwidth allowance. This allowance depends on the hosting package you purchase. Should your account pass the allocated amount we have the right to termination the account until the beginning of next allocation, terminate the account until more bandwidth is purchased at an extra fee, terminate the account until you upgrade to a higher area of package, cancel the account and/or charge you an additional fee for the overages. Unused transfer in one month will not be carried over to the next month.

9.  Money back Guarantee

We do have the right to refund a prorated amount or no refund at all. Webdesignervip.com will not create new orders or activate new packages for customers who have a previous balance with webdesigner.com. For a new package to be activated or order to be setup, you must have a balance of $0.00, unless otherwise stated by webdesignervip.com in written.

10. Uptime Guarantee

If your reseller/shared server have a physical kind of downtime that is not within the 99.9% uptime you can have 30 days of credit on your account. Approval of the credit is at the discretion of webdesignervip.com dependent upon justification given. The third party monitoring service reports may not be used for justification due to many of factors including the monitor’s network transit/capacity availability. The uptime of the server is decided as the reported uptime from the OS and the Apache Web Server which may differ from the uptime reported by other lone services. For a credit request, you can contact support team to create a support ticket to our Billing department with approval. These uptime guarantees only apply to reseller/shared solutions. Dedicated servers are safe by a network guarantee in which the credit is distributed for the amount of time the server is not working which is not related to our uptime guarantee.

Reseller: Client Responsibility
Resellers are fully responsible to support their clients. Webdesignervip.com does not offer support to our Reseller’s Clients. We also reserve the right to place the client account on hold until the reseller can assume their responsibility for their client, if a reseller’s client contacts us. All the support requests should be made by the reseller on their clients’ behalf for purposes of security. Resellers are responsible for all content stored too or transmitted under their reseller account and the actions of their clients’. Webdesignervip.com will hold any reseller responsible for their clients actions that violate the law or terms of service.

11. Shared (non-reseller accounts) / Semidedicated Servers

Non-reseller/shared accounts may not resell web hosting to other people; you must use a reseller account, if you wish to resell hosting. Semi-dedicated servers are not actually backed up. You have to maintain your own backups.

12. VPS / Dedicated Servers

Webdesignervip.com reserves the right to change the password on a dedicated server if the password on file is not current so that we may perform security audits as necessary by our datacenter. It is the sole duty of client to ensure that there is a correct email address and current root password on file for their dedicated server on file to avoid downtime from forced password resets. Webdesignervip.com also reserves the right to audit servers as required and to perform managerial actions at the request of our datacenter. We do NOT back up dedicated servers and it is the responsibility of the client to maintain backups or to provide a solution for this. Maintaining backups is your responsibility.

13. Price Change

The amount paid by you for hosting will never rise from the date of purchase. At webdesignervip.com, we reserve the right to change prices listed and the right to raise the amount of resources given to plans at any moment.

14. Coupons

Coupon and discounts codes are reserved for first-time accounts or first-time clients only and may not be used towards the purchase of a domain registration except otherwise stated. If you have signed up using a specific domain, you cannot resign up for that domain using another coupon at a later time. Any account found in violation of these conditions will be reviewed by our sales department and the relevant invoices will be added to the account. Coupon abuse will not be accepted and may result in the cancellation of the account. Discounts or coupons are only valid towards the original purchase, and do not affect the recurring or renewal price.

15. Indemnification

Customer admits that it shall indemnify, save, defend and hold webdesignervip.com harmless from any and all liabilities, losses, demands, costs and claims, including reasonable attorney’s fees proclaimed against webdesignervip.com, its customers, its agents, officers and employees, that may arise or result from any service provided or agreed to be performed or any product sold by customer, employees, its agents or assigns. Client agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless webdesignervip.com against liabilities coming out of; (1) any injury to person or property caused by any products sold or otherwise distributed in link with webdesignervip.com; (2) any material supplied by client infringing or allegedly trespassing on the proprietary rights of a third party; (3) infringement copyright and (4) any defective products sold to customers from the server of webdesignervip.com.

16. Arbitration

By using any webdesignervip.com services, you admit to submit to binding arbitration. If any claims or disputes arise against webdesignervip.com or its subsidiaries, such disputes will be handled by an arbitrator of webdesignervip.com’s choice. We will select an arbitrator from the National Arbitration Forum in India. Arbitrators shall be retired or attorney judges and selected pursuant to the applicable rules. All the decisions taken by the arbitrator will be binding and final. The arbitrator’s award is binding and final on all the parties. The Indian Arbitration Act, and not any state arbitration law, governs all arbitration under this Arbitration Clause. You are also responsible for any and all costs related to such arbitration.

17. Disclaimer

Webdesignervip.com shall not take any responsibilities for any damages your business may suffer from. Webdesignervip.com makes no warranties of any kind, implied or expressed for services we provide. Webdesignervip.com disclaims any merchantability or fitness or warranty for a specific purpose. This includes loss of data in delays resulting, no deliveries, wrong delivery, and any and all service interruptions caused by webdesignervip.com and its employees.

18.  Disclosure to law enforcement

Webdesignervip.com may disclose any subscriber information to law enforcement agencies without further consent or to notify the subscriber upon lawful request from such agencies. We will cooperate fully with law enforcement agencies.

Changes to the TOS:  Webdesignervip.com reserves the right to revise/modify its TOS at any time without notice.

SSL Certificate


An SSL also named as Secure Socket Layers is a protocol which allows data encryption on online activities. This site provides you An SSL certificate to establish a secure connection on your website between web browsers and servers, server to server and internet based applications. In simple words, you can get a fully secure SSL certificate at an affordable price, which will help you to secure the information like personal data, login credentials, social security numbers, credit/debit card, internet money to be transmitted safely.

We help you in getting the right type of SSL certificate for your website; so that you won’t suffer from any lose. The SSL certificate you buy from here is easy to install on your web server so that anyone can access your server securely by using “http” with your domain name.

So, now the question is how you can buy it from here?

Browse our website to find the SSL certificate for you according to your requirement because we provide personal domain based along with organizational based certificates too.

Keep one more thing in mind that our site is verified and registered. If you have an online product selling site and you are not the one who manages it, then you must contact your web hosting provider to request a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) and it must be done before giving a request to buy an SSL Certificate.

Remember one thing, if you want a only domain validated certificate then we will take few minutes for you to get it and if it is an organization validated certificate then it could take few hours to few days. Overall, we will help you in keeping your website safe with a legal SSL Certificate.

If you need any help, we will answer your queries whenever you call us.



WebDesignerVIP.com  services work with wide established fundamentals, which are required to push the distinct Internet existence. We provide reliable, flexible lot of services, and web solutions, which can bring attention to an inviting crowd on your website. This will eventually pamper a delayed business on the whole World Wide Web. Below mentioned are the best and the most trustworthy solutions offered, which are functional, creative, and absolutely accurate.

Refund Policy:

WebDesignerVIP.com was originated in the year 2010 and since then we have satisfied our every single customer. We have also created a meaningful refund policy which states that you can ask for a refund within 14 days if you are not satisfied.

In case of Dedicate servers, Dedicated IPs, Renewals or any other add-on products which are excluded core packages, Refunds are not applicable.

Once the domain is purchased or transferred then it won’t be canceled until it is expired as we cannot control it. So, refunds are not entertained on domain registration, transfer or renewal.

As far as services like SEO, ORM, Internet Marketing and Web Apps development, no refunds will be given after the order is accepted.

Web Hosting Features

Latest cPanel/WHM: Updated and improved cPanel and Web Host Manager for you. The fully secure method to upload and maintain your website’s information safely is available with us now. Try these methods to experience great success with your website.

Free instant setup: The best feature offered by us, is we provide an instant setup for your website. We are always there to make your site easy to use and maintain. You can contact us anytime on our customer executive numbers or you can just visit our website and mail us.

Free Weekly Backup: We are always there for your website whether it is about backup or security. We provide free weekly backups so that the data of your website will remain safe on our dedicated servers. It is a great feature which we offer as compared to other companies.

E-commerce Ready: Our professional team makes your website e-commerce friendly so that it could attract more visitors and convert them into permanent customers. You can contact us for free samples or tools for your website.

24/7 monitoring: We are there for your website to monitor it as it is our duty to protect it from any data theft and hacking. We constantly keep observation and perform tasks whenever required. We always keep it updated and user-friendly.

wordpress optimized: We have optimized our servers with word press friendly because better performance leads to good visitors and later turn them into great customers. WP runs extremely good on our servers, so that you don’t have to worry about anything.

Secure network: As it is about the professional and personal data about anything on your website. So there is a tight security on our servers with lot of safe and secure methods. We make your website threat free so that the visitors can roam around easily on it.

24/7 support: Our customer care executives are always available to help you out with any problem. We are always pleasure to hear from you about anything. So if you have any query regarding your website or coding, call us without any hesitation.

Trustworthy infrastructure: Infrastructure of a website is the base of all tools which must be powerful as to make it safe from any suspicious activities. Our all hosting plans are protected with responsive and easy to use cPanels on all of our servers.

Dominating cPanel: A good quality of cPanel is a gateway of all the information and data which you are going to upload on your website. So we do it in a proper and protective way. You can request for free samples on our website.

Applications optimization: We provide updated content management system which is much responsive as compared to other websites. We are always ready to deal with any difficulty for our customers to make their website more efficient.

Support system always available: We are always glad that we can assist our clients whenever they want. We always believe in full satisfaction or our customers which is also the motto of our company. If you have any query then it would be a pleasure to hear and solve it.

Domains – Creating a Business Name


We provide various kinds of domain names which are cheap and safe for you to use. Here you can find how the domain is registered and how you can buy one. Creating your own website is not very tough these days, all you need is your desirable domain name and a web hosting along with it, which you can get from here at an affordable price. The first thing you need to keep in mind is what kind of website you want to create. The example of a domain names available on our site are “.com”, “.org”, “.in”, “.net” and the list goes on.

Now, let me explain you in a very simple language about how you can buy a domain name from here and how you can use it. We are one of the best web hosting and domain name provider available on internet today.

Make sure the domain name you are searching on our site is available and matches with your work and you can also have your name in it but it must not be very long or very short, e.g. “yournamemobiles.com”. Having a short domain name means your customer need not to remember some lengthy name to visit your site.

Different kinds of domain names on our website are available at cheap prices. You can also buy web hosting plans at reasonable rates to store or upload your data. You can register for a new domain or transfer your old one to here at a nominal rate.

There’s no doubt that our site is verified and fully secure so that you can do your work safely.

Reviews & Ratings

satisfaction survey

1. There are plenty of web related solutions out there, but what we really wanted is the support system to help us optimize our ecommerce website and provide the most consistent and best user experience. These people know what to do and what is right, recommended highly from my side!

2. I have been totally satisfied from WebDesignerVIP. I own 150+ websites now and all these are handled by WebDesignerVIP and no doubt in recommending them.

3. I am happy using their service. Appreciable work!

4. WebDesignerVIP is the best hosting provider I have ever used till now. They always know how to fulfill my expectations with prompt and polite way. Highly recommended!

5. My web developer suggested me to transfer my hosting to WebDesignerVIP and now I think it was a great decision. Very affordable prices, amazing customer services. A beautiful experience overall.

These 25 Successful Startups Were Built With Outsourced Development

Starting a venture and developing your product or service requires working quickly and efficiently. You need to ensure your startup offers value in terms of innovation, quality and convenience, even though you have limited resources and may be racing against the competition to be first to market.

So, how do you strike the perfect balance?

It’s up to the talent you bring in to make this happen. The problems are you (much like myself) have limited funds to hire talent, who may be new to the process. There is an alternative approach that many companies have actually used during the startup phase: outsourced development.

While this may be little known, perhaps because there is considerable controversy over using outsourcing, here are 25 large startups that have succeeded using this strategy to launch their highly-valued businesses:

  1. Slack: Now valued at nearly $3 billion, this company used outsourcing to develop its solution in its earliest days.
  2. Fab: This large startup partnered with developers in India to maximize funding while scaling up when their business showed signs of growth.
  3. Skype: They used a team of developers in Estonia to help them build out their business.
  4. Klout: To get its technology in the right place before launch, Klout relied on many outsourced developers.
  5. AppSumo: The company has used many freelancers in various fields, including marketing, content and IT to grow its business.
  6. Staff.com: Serving as a company that offers outsourced talent and freelancers for other organizations, Staff.com utilized the same model to grow from a start-up into a globally successful business.
  7. Branchout: This app was created entirely with outsourced development.
  8. Github: The company has used numerous people who completed development work virtually from home.
  9. Basecamp: The same practice of outsourcing worked for Basecamp as it developed itself into a technology leader.
  10. AlertBoot: The company decided to outsource infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) and cloud hosting to speed those areas of development.
  11. MYSQL: From the start, the company believed and proved the success of a growth strategy that included using a mostly outsourced staff in various countries to ramp up operations in each location.
  12. SeatGeek: This company found a considerable cost benefit to outsourcing specific tasks to talent in other countries. That helped them build their infrastructure quicker at less cost than hiring in-house staff.
  13. Squawker: This company partnered with an outsource provider to build its platform solution.
  14. JPay.com: Outside developers built their technology and infrastructure. They used people in India, China and Israel for quality assurance, engineering and hardware. It helped to have the outsourcing in place to handle growth. They eventually sold the company to Securus Technology.
  15. Splunk: This company, known for search and analysis of data, has used outsource agencies to find the talent that rapidly developed their infrastructure and solution.
  16. Opera: This web browser company relied on developers in other countries to create and implement its platform.
  17. Pingar: The company helps organizations with data analytics. While establishing itself in its industry it called on outsourced talent to develop its business.
  18. Axeda: The company relied on developers to create the software and platform to offer its cloud-based solution.
  19. Solix: Even technology outsource companies have used outsourced talent to create its infrastructure as Solix has done.
  20. Cloudmunch: This Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) company utilized an Indian outsource company to cull talent it needed to start up its operations.
  21. Gliffy: This web-based diagramming tools company has turned to outsourcing for specific aspects of its technology development.
  22. Net2Text: The company outsourced the development of its mobile payment platform.
  23. Proximate Global Inc.: This company used an outsource service provider to create a location-based service for smartphones called Face2Face.
  24. Mailburn: This iPhone email client solution developed thanks to a partnership with an outsource service provider that helped with many of the technical aspects of the solution.
  25. Mindspark: This mobile app development company has used outsource providers to create its business and many of its current apps.

After learning about this list I started researching good companies that could build my invoicing for freelancers startup. I now have a large team of developers who are cranking away at new features.

These startups and many others, like myself, have recognized the value that outsourcing brings, whether that is talent in other countries or homegrown experts who work virtually. The primary driver is that outsourcing costs startups much less an in-house team. Outsourcers come with skills already in place, so you do not spend time training. The low costs and knowledgeable talent means you can get infrastructure developed faster and your company launched sooner.

My one tip for success is, before you engage long term, test a couple developers and make sure the code is clean. There are numerous horror stories, so make sure that you have someone who understands code to manage this outsourced team.

Here’s to growing all of our businesses online!

25 Businesses That Make Life Simpler for Other Businesses

As a small business owner with my own personal brand, streamlining my process by finding resources that are affordable and easy to use is a must. I’ve written about productivity here before, but soon after, I received requests to write more about additional solutions that make our business lives more manageable. I’m happy to fulfill these requests, partly because my list is ever-changing and expanding, with new solutions coming to market constantly.

Here are 25 startups that will simplify your business life, and help you get more done.

1. Buffer.

Any small business owner knows that you must have a social media presence. Buffer allows you to streamline your postings with a simple UI and times them so that they post throughout the day. I recommend this to any entrepreneur who needs to build their followers, but only has five minutes to plan their tweets.

2. Charlie.

Charlie has become an ace in the hole for me. The app tells you everything you need to know about the person you’ll be talking to in your next meeting. It gives you a cheat sheet before the meeting, including LinkedIn connections, breaking news on the person’s company, or what’s happening with their competition. I’ve found it to be invaluable because it provides information that can be used as icebreakers in conversations.

3. Crazy Egg.

Crazy Egg shows you interactive heat maps of users on your website, and tells you who’s leaving the site. See where people are clicking, where they’re interested, and where they aren’t. Tools like these help you better monetize your site and turn visitors into revenue

4. Documaster.

Having a hard time finding documents on your computer? Documaster uses natural language processing, machine learning, and other keyword strategies to better organize your documents and find what’s actually important.

5. Doodle.

Looking to manage your schedule better but can’t afford an assistant? Using a free web tool like Doodle is one of the simplest ways to control your calendar as well as a helpful way to find dates for meetings with your colleagues.

6. Dreamfunded.

Need funding? Looking to fund startups? Dreamfunded is an angel investing crowd funding platform started by angel investor Bill Payne, who curates startups for angels to invest in. These types of platforms are becoming more and more popular, and are perfect for both angels and startups, as veterans like Payne sift through the ideas so that only really good ones make it on the platform.

7. Due.

One of the biggest headaches that a company faces is paying bills. Due is one of the better services out there at handling it. This platform helps manage accounts payable and receivable and provides easy to use time tracking.

8. Flock Draw.

White-boarding and brainstorming creative ideas is often important to taking virtual teams to the next level. Flock Draw allows your team to whiteboard together in real-time, so everyone can visualize what’s being said. Create a free session, and have access to tons of tools to show your idea to the entire team.

9. Grubmarket.

Scaling quickly in 10 markets, farm to fresh Grubmarket provides your office with some of the best food and snacks available. Part of being a great employer these days is providing fresh food and snacks for you employees, and Grubmarket will bring you some of the best.

10. HipDial.

This services greatly simplifies conference calls by allowing colleagues to simply call a personalized phone number assigned to you. HipDial lets you take a conference call at any time without the hassle of scheduling or creating a new room for each call.

11. Hostt.

Every business needs a website, and therefore needs web hosting. Hostt provides free website hosting, perfect for eliminating an unnecessary expense and helping you bootstrap.

12. Infographics.space.

No type of online content is shared quite as much as infographics. Infographics.Space is a design agency that specializes in making highly professional infographics for entrepreneurs on a budget.

13. Last Pass.

Most business owners have to keep track of a thousand different passwords, and often each one has to be different for each site. This includes numbers, letters, bizarre combinations, and other items that can be difficult to remember. Use a tool like Last Pass to keep all of your passwords in one place so you can access them from wherever you are.

14. Lumi.

Going to conferences and need some cool swag? Lumi allows you to put your logo on anything. Being able to put your logo on items that people keep is a huge bonus, rather than choosing cheap stuff people will just throw away.

15. Near Me.

Need a turn-key responsive marketplace website to sell your merchandise? Near Me empowers owners of small business by making marketplace management simple from design to analytics, and letting small business owners look like a larger company, without any coding or engineers.

16. PandaDoc.

One of the most important parts of the sales process is the sizzling proposal that hooks the prospect. Having the right proposal can make or break a deal. One tip I have for proposals is knowing a client’s hot buttons and making sure they land in the proposal. That’s what makes PandaDoc so great. You can modify and personalize the proposal for each client to insure its gets the clients attention. You can track once they open your proposals as well as what they’re looking at within to quickly follow-up and intelligently address objections.

17. Peer Space.

Need to rent a space for a party, or an office for a day? Have an important meeting and need to impress? Perhaps you have an office your team only uses a few days a week. Use Peer Space and rent a spot, or rent out your own – it’s like an AirBnB for business offices.

18. Product Hunt.

I’ve found this site to be the most helpful location on the Internet for discovering new products. Apps that help startup founders are highly popular on Product Hunt. Founder Ryan Hoover’s Reddit-like daily list of recently-discovered products has built a massive community, too. Some startups I talk to say they’ve received tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of visitors when they “hunted” their product on the site and it floated to the top portion of the front page. Overall, this is a highly effective way to launch or find new users for an app, product or service.

19. Redirect.com.

If you have international traffic, you should be using this service. Redirect monetizes your international web traffic with a geo-targeting system that uses a combination of CPC, CPM, and CPA strategies.

20. Remoteinterview.io.

Interviewing engineers is important to building an A team, however a business owner must usually require some rapid prototyping/live coding to insure that the engineer can actually code. Remote interview allows potential employers to watch the engineer code in real-time and therefore help to insure he or she is qualified (or simply learn about his or her thought processes). The service also provides programming tests, saving your business a lot of time and money before you invest in a team member that doesn’t work out.

21. Searchmetrics.

The cornerstone of a business in the 21st century is its web presence. Being found on the front page of Google for specific keywords is critical. Searchmetrics provides SEO analysis to optimize your content marketing strategy so that your company is found under the right circumstances.

22. Shyp.

Most businesses have to ship packages at some point, whether its merchandise, contracts, company property, etc. Waiting in long lines at the post office is a waste of company resources, so that’s where Shyp becomes a helpful resource. Take a photo on your mobile phone, upload it to the mobile app, and Shyp comes and does the rest – including using the most low-cost, reliable shipping method possible.

23. Trello

Need an online collaboration system to help you work with teammates in order to complete a task? Trello could be the right project management solution for you. I’ve used it on multiple occasions and it definitely cuts down on confusion, not only in determining how a project should be completed, but in figuring out where in that process you are currently working.

24. Wrike

Need another project management recommendation? There are many of these platforms, and entrepreneurs tend to switch among them a little more often than you’d think. Wrike is one that several founders have recommended to me in conversation. It allows your team to have real-time collaboration, document sharing, and a news feed to keep everyone informed.

25. Zirtual

Often, as small business owners, we become overwhelmed with the little things, and the little details slide. Unfortunately its the little details that often set you as an entrepreneur apart. Zirtual is a virtual personal assistant who take care of calendaring, scheduling, inbox management, and gives your team an extra hand.

5 Tips for Hiring a Great Web Developer

A web developer can be one of your most critical hires. After all, that’s the person who will create the online face of your company and enable you to interact virtually with your customers.

So, it’s especially important that you hire the right talent the first time out. Otherwise, you risk hurting your business, as well as wasting time and money seeking a replacement.

Here are five tips that can help in the selection process:

1. Hire for DNA first, then work experience.

When I hire web developers, their personal DNA is the most important consideration. While experience is important, the bigger predictor of success is someone’s innate DNA and how it fits your company. Are drive, determination, persistence, curiosity, important to you culture? Or, are you more low-key and relaxed about time management and deadlines? Whatever characteristics make up your culture, you want to ensure that the web developer will fit in.

For example, a brilliant web developer who has worked at a large financial institution may not do well at a startup. Why? A startup typically requires traits like versatility, adaptability, risk-taking and a self-starter personality, but these may be less important at a large company.

So, make a list of your company’s DNA requirements. Do you foster an environment of relentless drive? Do you want great team players? If you come up with five requirements, make sure the interviewee matches at least three. Hiring for DNA also can help you to start to define a company culture and ensure that your team will work well together.

Of course, it’s easy for some people to fake it in an interview, so you may need to evaluate them in other ways to ensure they’re a good fit.

2. Try out a new developer with a small project first.

Although you might think you’ve identified your ideal candidate, just to be sure you should give him or her a small, non-critical project. That can let you observe the person in action and provide additional information beyond the job interview.

You can see how efficient the candidate is in delivering products and how buggy the final product is. Did he or she go above and beyond to get the product delivered? How creative was the solution? How well did he or she work in a team and communicate problems and delays?

3. Pick a developer with aptitude, not a particular skill set.

In the tech space, skills become obsolete every two years, give or take. So, it’s better to hire a web developer who can learn new technologies easily rather than someone who knows a specific technology now but may not adapt when a new one comes along.

The easiest way to detect whether someone will adapt well to change is to ask questions that will reveal whether a Web developer has a love for learning. For example:

What new programming languages did you learn recently?
What are your go-to places for learning new tech tips and tricks?
What are your favorite technology conferences?

4. Don’t ask trivia questions about programming.

These are examples of trivia questions you want to avoid asking when interviewing web developers:

Who is the primary creator of the Java programming language?
In what year was PHP released?
What is the origin of the Python scripting language’s name?

While such information may seem useful, trivia questions are often a terrible way to determine if someone is smart. They just single out people who can memorize things.

As a rule of thumb when I conduct technical interviews, I never ask questions that can be easily searched for and found online. Instead, I focus on open-ended questions and listen. What I look for is how much passion candidates show in their answers and how well they communicate and explain tech terms.

Some examples of open-ended questions:

How do you manage conflicts in a web application when different people are editing the same data?
Which design patterns have you used, and in what situations?
Can you name any differences between object-oriented design and component-based design?

5. Hire slow, fire fast.

Take your time when hiring, but if you realize the person isn’t working out, let him or her go as fast as you can. An ineffective web developer can be disruptive to the entire team and potentially the entire project.

At Webgrrls.com, I made a significant hiring mistake a few years ago and let that person stay on for far too long. Although he was a talented lead developer, he’d sometimes disappear for days, missing important deadlines. Missing deadlines can be especially detrimental to startups where resources are tight and the ability to develop and improve products quickly and efficiently can make or break them.

The fire-fast rule may be difficult to follow in small companies where there’s often a feeling of everyone being in it together and forming close friendships. But don’t let that stop you.

10 Steps to Finding the Right Co-Founder

A common challenge faced by every entrepreneur is that they don’t have the bandwidth, interest or skills to do everything that is required to build their startup. Of course, they can outsource part of the work or hire employees, but that approach means more time and money to manage the work, which they don’t have. The right answer is to find a co-founder with complementary skills.

Two heads are always better than one in a startup. Both need to share the passion, long-term opportunity and risk, rather than just getting paid to do a job, win or lose. Investors worry about a single entrepreneur getting overloaded, disabled or led astray, with no balancing and supporting partner. The challenge is how to find that elusive perfect-fit partner.

Don’t expect someone else to find the partner for you, since it’s really very much like finding a life partner. Your version of the right chemistry, similar values and passion for your solution probably won’t match mine. Yet from my own years of experience in the startup community, here are 10 common steps that have worked for other entrepreneurs:

1. Write a “job description” for that ideal partner.

Your best friend, spouse or a family member is the least likely candidate, so don’t start there. Take a hard look at your own business strengths and weaknesses, and write down what partner skills and experiences would best complement yours. Seek input from seasoned investors and peers.

2. Network to find co-founders just as you network to find investors.

In fact, many of the same venues, such as industry conferences, entrepreneur forums and local business organizations are useful for both. Online, it pays to join entrepreneur groups on LinkedIn and Facebook, and interact with people who meet your criteria on Twitter.

3. Join online “matchmaking” sites for business partners.

Co-founders are business partners for startups, so don’t be afraid to join and explore sites such as StartupWeekend, StartupAgents and CoFoundersLab. Also start a discussion on the wealth of business blogs frequented by entrepreneurs, where you can make your interests known.

4. Attend local university entrepreneur activities.

University professors and student leaders always know a host of top entrepreneurs, alums or staff members who are just waiting to find the perfect match for their own interests, skills and entrepreneurial ideas to change the world. Support local activities and you support yourself.

5. Look for a partner from a different background.

In today’s global economy, your ideal partner may be half way around the world, from a different geography and business culture. Every startup infrastructure is flush with smart people from all cultures, many of whom may be ready and able to bring new energy and creativity to your startup.

6. Follow up with associates from prior job assignments.

If you were impressed with someone’s drive and capabilities in a prior work role, now is the time to connect again to check their interest and availability, or recommendations they may offer. Use caution to avoid employer conflicts of interest and non-compete clauses.

7. Relocate to a more likely geography.

Finding a high-tech co-founder in the middle of Kansas may be a long search. There’s a reason that Silicon Valley and Boston are hubs for high-tech startups. These areas may have not just your co-founder, but also the robust ecosystem your startup needs for investors, programmers and customers.

8. Explore candidate common interests outside of work.

Co-founder chemistry and interest matches are best explored outside the office. Find some common hobbies or sports to get acquainted before giving away half your company. Business partnerships are long-term relationships, so take your time getting acquainted before closing the deal.

9. Jointly define major milestones and key metrics for the startup.

This process is the ultimate test of a true shared vision and working style. Building a startup is hard and unpredictable work, and people get busy, so now is the time to jointly commit. If you can’t work as a team now and easily agree, it probably won’t happen at all in the future.

10. Negotiate and document roles early, including who is the boss.

No matter how equal you all are, there is only room for one at the top to make the final decision on hard issues. Especially when everything feels good today, don’t be hesitant to ask the hard questions of each other. There can be only one chief executive officer.

For the success of your startup, finding the right co-founder is one of the most important things that a new entrepreneur needs to do. There are so many challenges in a startup that no founder should try to go it alone. When you find someone that works, I’m betting you will be together on your next startup, and the one after that. Great teams persevere, and success breeds success.

Thinking of Going Solo? 7 Reasons You Need a Co-Founder.

There are few decisions in business that are more important than deciding whether you’ll “go it alone” or team up with someone that you may, or may not, already know. Although there are a couple of reasons that going alone might sound appealing — like owning more of the company and being completely in control of decision-making — there are considerably more that should direct you otherwise.

Let’s have a gander at a short list of reasons why you should reconsider a solo career in entrepreneurship.

1. Starting a business is hard. Really hard.

When you have the idea for your new startup it’s easy to get excited — after all, you’re going to sell for a zillion dollars and have your birthday set as a national holiday, right? Yep, the adrenaline is flowing. Then you begin executing on your fancy new idea, only to realize that there is a heck of a lot of work to be done. While struggling to keep your head above water isn’t terribly fun, doing it alone is much worse.

2. Distribute the stress.

As a result of the enormous amount of work that is required to launch a new enterprise, mountains of stress inevitably come. Do you know what you can’t do — or shouldn’t do? Take it home with you. Now I realize that this may not be entirely realistic but it’s important that you know in advance that your significant other and/or children aren’t going to understand what you’re going through and no, you can’t vent to your employees — they’re not your friends.

As a solo entrepreneur you’re never going to feel more alone, so put yourself in a situation to share the stress with someone that you’re working with every day.

3. Nobody will understand your business like you do.

This is a point that cannot be stressed enough — if you’ve never started a company before, I can assure you that the number of details and intricacies will be orders of magnitude greater than your wildest expectations — and the only person that will understand them like you, when you need help the most, is a co-founder.

4. Problem solving can’t be one-sided.

We know that problems are going to come up — no need to beat a dead horse. The issue is that you’re going to need the perspective of another person that understands your business like you do, and that person can only be a co-founder. It’s equally as important that you have an opposing view. Hiring a co-founder that thinks like you do and shares the same opinion won’t be much better than having no co-founder at all.

5. Advisors are advisors, not partners.

You may have gone out and built the greatest crack squad of advisors imaginable. The problem is that you can’t call one of them at 11:15 at night when you’ve had a “eureka” moment or are struggling to come up with a solution to a problem — even if they said you could. Keep in mind that their job is to provide you with advice on an “as needed” basis, which is typically going to be for larger problems than those that appear multiple times throughout the day.

6. Split the early and out-of-pocket expenses.

Hopefully this doesn’t come as much of a shock, but starting a business can be expensive — and fundraising early and without a product or prototype is really difficult, unless of course your grandfather invented Velcro. The opportunity to work with a co-founder will allow you to split the initial costs of getting a working product or prototype going, which will in turn allow you to raise funds at a better valuation.

Are you concerned about giving up equity? Don’t be. Would you rather own 50 percent of something or 100 percent of nothing?

7. Mitigate risk for investors.

At Beachwood Ventures, we’re rather opposed to investing in single-founder companies — that’s not to say we won’t in circumstances where the founder is a repeat entrepreneur with past success, we just prefer a team with at least two founders. Yes, having too many founders can also be troublesome, but that’s a different article.

The potential problems here are many. If the founder has a major problem in the highest levels of the new company, he’ll be relying on employees of the company for help — whom have a different mindset and priority base — as well as people outside the company that won’t understand the intricacies like the founder will.

If the founder burns him or herself out or gets hit by a beer truck, both the company and our investment are likely gone — sorry to be morose, it’s just reality. Unless it’s a truly otherworldly opportunity and all the stars align, it’s just not worth the risk as an investor.

4 Simple Reasons Your Website Isn’t Converting Visitors Into Sales

You are attracting website visitors through social media marketing, email marketing, search engine optimization and pay-per-click marketing. Your traffic is highly targeted; and let’s assume you are selling the exact product or service that your visitors want. You also have the lowest price online, yet you still aren’t converting sales.

So, what’s the problem?

Sometimes a simple website problem will drastically hinder your sales. Here are four reasons why your website might not be converting as well as you would like.

1. Your website provides a horrible mobile experience.

You have to have a mobile-friendly website — there is no way around it. It’s very easy to check to see if your website passes Google’s mobile-friendly test, but a passing grade doesn’t necessarily guarantee that your website is going to provide a pleasant experience for your users.

There are many things to consider when optimizing a landing page for mobile traffic. Using text that’s large and easy to read, having just a single call-to-action, avoiding large paragraphs of text and ensuring that a visitor can access every feature using just one finger are a few things to consider.

Invite feedback from actual users — friends, family and customers — and watch them run through every page of your website on a mobile device. Take notes based on their feedback in real time to determine what works and what still needs to be addressed, to give your visitors a hassle-free experience on their mobile devices.

2. Customers are required to create an account to complete the checkout process.

I won’t purchase from a website that requires me to create an account before checking out, and I promise I’m not the only one that shares this stance. Consumers demand speed, efficiency and convenience. Requiring someone to create an account not only adds time-consuming steps to the checkout process, but also acts as a repellant, pushing away consumers who are sensitive about putting personal information online.

You don’t need to completely eliminate the ability to create an account; some consumers, especially repeat visitors, like the convenience of stored information, such as a preferred payment method and shipping address. Just make sure you offer a “guest” checkout option, as well, allowing someone to quickly make a purchase and be done.

3. You don’t offer any visible discounts, special offers or free shipping.

We all like to feel that we are saving money or receiving a special perk. Make sure that all of your special offers, even standard ones, are highly visible.

Here’s an example of how a simple change can make a difference: An ecommerce website I consulted for was offering free shipping on all orders. When the company implemented a two-step exit offer to let visitors leaving the site claim free shipping, its conversion rates went through the roof. We also strategically placed the offer throughout the website. Without adjusting anything else, the company’s revenue numbers grew much stronger.

The message? Work current special offers and discounts into your website design, and include them in areas that are clicked and viewed often (Tip: Use a heat-map tool like Crazy Egg to see where your visitors are scrolling and clicking.) Also, build exit offers that include these special offers, enticing the visitor to stick around and complete a purchase.

4. Your website speed and load time are painfully slow.

What happens when you land on a website and it doesn’t load immediately? You leave. I leave. Everyone leaves. Your website visitors aren’t any different.

If someone leaves your website because it loads slowly, I have news for you — not only did you just lose a possible sale, but you lost all future sales from that person, as well, since he or she will never return. There are several free tests you can run to audit your website speed and load time. In addition to making the changes those tests suggest, you should use quality website hosting, utilize caching and consider signing up for a content delivery network (CDN) to improve your website performance.

10 Questions to Ask When Optimizing Your Website for Mobile Users

Americans can’t get enough of their smartphones. Most of us compulsively check them countless times a day, then stash them by our bedsides at night, according to the Pew Research Center. We’re hooked on them because they make our lives easier.

Fortunately for businesses large and small, smartphones also make it easier for people to research and make purchases on the go. And that very (and very lucrative) mobile purchasing power is precisely why it’s critical for your company website to look great and work smoothly on smartphones — and on tablets, too.

Here are 10 crucial questions to ask when optimizing your company’s website for mobile users:

1. My website looks okay on mobile devices now. Is it really worth it just to make it look and feel as slick as possible on smartphones and tablets?
Yes, without a doubt, says Brian Alvey, “chief scientist” at Ceros, a cloud-based real-time web content authoring platform. Global fashion, auto and retail brands look to Ceros to publish interactive marketing experiences that are designed to “work flawlessly” on all types of devices, and smartphones and tablets are no exception.

“Mobile used to be the future of business,” Alvey says. “Mobile used to be a trend. Now it’s the norm.” The bottom line: If you don’t adapt to mobile and quick, you could miss out on a prime revenue-generating opportunity, or even lose customers to competitors who already embrace mobile.

2. Should I have a dedicated mobile version of my existing website or simply make my existing website responsive to mobile?
You have two choices. You can either opt for a single website that displays content responsively for different device and browser types, otherwise known as responsive web design. Or you can create a standalone dedicated mobile website separate from your main website. If your main site is www.examplesitehere.com, then your dedicated mobile site would likely appear as m.examplesitehere.com. The .m signifies mobile.

Alvey prefers an all-in-one responsive site. He says he’s heard that Google and Bing prefer them as well.

3. Should I try to mobile-optimize my website myself or delegate it to someone on my staff? 
Particularly for small businesses that are light on resources, it’s best to leave it to the pros. The mobile optimization process is generally too cost-prohibitive, complicated and time-consuming to go in-house.

“Most SMBs can’t justify even a single full-time designer, so in-house isn’t an option,” Alvey says. “Unless you have the time and experience to directly manage freelance designers, I’d hire a company [to do the job].”

4. What are some of the best mobile optimization options available and what do they cost?
Luckily, there are a wide variety of solutions available for every budget. Alvey suggests deciding what you’re willing to spend, then choosing the best available option from there.

Alvey’s favorite mobile services are from popular website hosting companies like WordPress (free hosting, plus premium upgrades), GoDaddy (hosting costs $4.99 to $7.99 per month) and SquareSpace (free 14-day trial, hosting costs $8 to $24 per month). Each offers a broad array of automatically mobile-friendly, attractive prefab website designs, features and themes, plus premium add-ons.

Another is bMobilized, whose slogan is “mobilize any website… instantly.” This can be a smart option if you simply want to add mobile responsiveness to your existing website. The service’s software mobilizes your site with the click of a button. Pricing is monthly and reasonable at $15.20 per month annually or $19 month-to-month.

5. Should I just hire a contractor?
Hiring a contract web designer for the job is also an option, though it could cost you more in the end than using an online solution. Alvey says web designer fees are generally charged hourly and vary quite a bit from city to city. If you do go the contractor route, he advises that you hire locally and carefully check customer references before committing.

6. What are some key, must-have mobile site features?
Required mobile features vary, Alvey says. “Obviously, if you don’t have e-commerce, then a shopping cart is useless.” But if you do sell goods online, you should definitely include one in your mobile design. Or, if you own a brick-and-mortar retail business, be sure to prominently display your store address and hours, and perhaps a link to driving directions as well.

Another essential feature all businesses should position front and center is a “click-to-call” phone number. All mobile users have to do is click the number and their smartphone will call you, allowing them to instantly and directly engage with your business.

“Never forget that a customer who is checking out your business on their phone — is holding a phone.”

7. What about social media integration?
Social media integration is like free advertising. It lets users generate a buzz around your brand. In most cases including social elements is a must. For example, on the mobile site for a free online deal-tracking service called Hukkster, first-time users can sign up to use it by entering their Facebook (and Google) credentials. Hukkster’s Facebook integration makes it easier for its users to share their favorite product discounts with their friends on the popular social platform, while simultaneously broadening Hukkster’s marketing reach on Facebook.

Alvey points out that, because they’re so inherently visual, hotels and fashion companies thrive on Instagram and Pinterest, so those particular platforms make sense to integrate into their mobile sites. Whereas Twitter integration is a better fit for airlines and TV shows, which tend to experience high engagement on the microblogging service, he says.

Whichever social platforms you settle on, it’s wise to limit yourself to only two or three social media sharing buttons, not a dozen, Alvey says.

8. What’s the best way to test my mobile site before launch?
Test-driving your site helps you discover and weed out bad links, confusing navigation and a host of other potential functionality issues. Be sure to test yours on as many devices and browsers possible, “not just the ones your team or your CEO uses,” Alvey says.

Interestingly, he also suggests swinging by Best Buy, which he cheekily calls a “free mobile testing lab,” or a similar consumer electronics retailer to check your site out on as many of their sample smartphones and tablets as possible. You’ll get a hands-on feel for what works and what doesn’t — at zero cost.

9. How can I track the success of my mobile strategy?
The most popular, user-friendly website traffic and usage tracking option available is Google Analytics. The free self-service tool shows you how many people visit your mobile site, from which devices and how often, along with where they live, how they found your site and much more. It also tells you which social channels drive people to your mobile entity and what content they share from it. Use what you learn to fine tune your mobile strategy over time.

10. What are some common mistakes to avoid?
One of the biggest blunders is poorly targeting which devices users will view your content on, Alvey says. “If you send my Android phone to a desktop version (of a website) or my iPad to a smartphone version (of a website), you’ve lost me as a customer.”

Other common mistakes on Alvey’s list of mobile mistakes to skip include: crowded designs with links that are too close together for people’s fingers to accurately click, not optimizing image sizes for mobile bandwidth, making people fill out complicated forms and “harassing me to download your app.”

The Best Social Media Marketing Tips for Your Specialty Food Business

In Start Your Own Specialty Food Business, the Staff of Entrepreneur Media Inc. explain how you can launch a profitable specialty food business, with information on the hottest trends, insight from practicing specialty food business owners, and how you can differentiate your business. In this edited excerpt, the authors offer advice on using social media networks to promote your business.

Social media outlets present a fantastic opportu­nity for all specialty food business owners to meet and engage with targeted audiences full of thousands of potential custom­ers. If used correctly, participating in social media will help your business grow through powerful word-of-mouth campaigns. Here are eight tips on using social media to your advantage:

1. Before you start any social media outreach, define your target audiences. How old are they? Do the people in your audience tend to be more female than male? What groups, organizations, or associations are they likely to join? Are they foodies? Or just people who like to eat healthy or unique foods? Think about the kind of people you market to and want to use your business — then hang out with them via social media outlets.

2. Once your target audiences are defined, locate them online. Search Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Pinterest for groups, organizations, channels, or discussions that would contain the people you’re looking to meet.

3. Use social media search and organizational tools to help you find your audiences. Some sites like Facebook and YouTube have great, built-in search functions that will help you find your audience. To find your audience on Twitter, try using external sites like Twibes.

4. Once you’ve found your audience on these sites, join their groups and lists so you can follow the ongoing conversation. Don’t jump right in with a sales pitch! Listen instead. Learn the etiquette and major players. Spend some time just following along.

5. After you’re familiar with the etiquette and people involved, jump into the conversation when and where appropriate. Don’t hide who you are or the company you represent. Become a regular voice in the conversation and offer your friendly expertise to others. Invite people back to your website and social media accounts to see what it is you do and offer.

6. Once you’re a regular voice in the conversation, don’t be shy about doing a little pro­motion. Contests, giveaways, and raffles can be great tools for audience interaction and promotion of your products. People will love the chance to play in your contest and will invite friends to join in the fun.

7. As your audience grows, stay creative. Invent new ways to engage your audi­ence and encourage them to invite their friends. Continue to avoid hard sales pitches. People don’t forward commercials to their friends. They forward value.

8. Don’t try to do everything everywhere. Focus on the top two or three social media sites that have proven to contain the largest number of people in your target audience. Remember, social media provides you with the opportunity to meet your audience — not sell to your audience. People join these social media networks and participate for friendly interaction and the value it adds to their day. Provide that friendly interaction, and watch your audience grow.


Blogs are typically personal and short, diary-like entries that touch on a specific topic. Perhaps you went to an event trade show and found out about a great new technique you’re going to try in the next product you introduce. Or maybe you went to a seminar on whipping cream and want to share what you learned.

Like websites, there are templates, mostly free, available to make the blogging process simple — you sign up, create your blog, write your entries, and the template sets up an archive for you. Tumblr, WordPress, and Blogger are a few more popular blog platforms. Some website template services, like Weebly, offer blogging as an option with your website.

Try to include both pictures and perhaps links to sites with further information in your blog. Again, use it to engage potential customers but don’t use it as a strong selling tool. This is your chance to be personal with existing and potential clients. Give them some good information, and even if they don’t become immediate customers, they may use you to cater their event or they may remember you kindly and tell their friends who are looking for a specialty food source to check out your blog.

You can link your blog to your Facebook and LinkedIn pages as well, so your friends and acquaintances on those sites will know when you’ve posted a new blog entry. It can appear with some initial teaser copy, enticing them to click on the link.


Facebook started as a way to communicate with your network of friends. However, not only have people always used it to promote their businesses but Facebook itself has been offering ways to make the social media platform business-friendly. And friends “like” websites that they want to support. So definitely create a Facebook page for your business but use it sparingly for directly promoting your product.

Postings to your Facebook wall might include some fun tidbits you learned about a new type of mustard or the region from which it comes, or some blooper packaging experiment you did. Check out the pages of other food-related businesses and see how they’re using Facebook to their advantage.


LinkedIn is thought of as the Facebook of the business world. The general advice is to make your LinkedIn page more formal than a Facebook page might be. This is where people might go to see your resume, client list, a headshot of you.

LinkedIn is almost definitely going to be the more likely place your business is exposed to the corporate world if, for instance, your products include something that could be used for corporate gifts. However, no one can see more than the most basic information about you without your approval of a “connection” with them.


A Twitter account for your business may be best used as an extension of a blog. You can send quick messages of up to 140 characters, a “tweet,” to your subscribers. “Found the greatest fair trade coffee to use in next batch of macaroons — check the Macaroon Mania website for details!” or “Stop by the store Wednesday evening 6 to 8 for tastings of our latest chocolate bars paired with red wines from WineBar at 123 Front Street” might be messages that promote your service while also offering a benefit to readers.

The web reacts to Facebook’s Reactions

It’s inappropriate to ‘Like’ someone’s firing, breakup, fashion disaster, or untimely demise. That’s the conundrum Facebook has been struggling with since it introduced its ‘Like’ button seven years ago.

Today, after announcing the move last year, Facebook has rolled out its new ‘Reactions’ to all users. The six buttons—Like, Love, Wow, Sad, Bashful, and Sneezy—are intended to convey the full spectrum of human emotion, or at least give users more options to express themselves than they previous had.

Facebook’s ‘Like’ feature has been so fundamental to the definitive social network that it’s part of its branding; as recognizable, if not more so (especially after last years rebrand) than the company logotype itself.

It’s a modern-classic problem for a startup that has outgrown its original use-case: the UI that users are accustomed to, no longer reflects the tasks users are trying to accomplish. Twitter faced a similar issue in 2015 when it rebranded its star icon as a heart. It’s a problem LinkedIn would bite your hand off to be troubled by.

Strangely, given how important this update is to Facebook, the icons are both visually, and semantically inconsistent: only the ‘Like’ and ‘Love’ buttons are icons, the other four reactions are emoticons; ‘Like’ is a mild version of ‘Love’, but there’s no ‘Mild Distain’ reaction to partner ‘Hate’; ‘Wow’ could be both positive, or negative.


WhatsApp kills BlackBerry app and tells owners to upgrade their phones

In what is yet another nail in a firmly-closed coffin, WhatsApp has announced that it will drop support for its BlackBerry app by the end of this year.

The messaging app used by more than one billion people said that it would end support for the once all-conquering smartphone, as well as older versions of Nokia, Android and Windows Phone software.

Despite their gradual fade into obscurity, BlackBerries still have a following among fans of tactile keyboards and reliable email services. David Cameron admitted to still using one last year, and Kim Kardashian has been a vocal supporter of the keyboard-enabled handsets.

Although BlackBerry’s most recent device, the Priv, runs Android, it was still releasing devices running its own operating system last year, so the (presumably small) number of people who bought one will be without WhatsApp in 10 months’ time.

When the messaging app, now owned by Facebook, was started in 2009, it was developed for BlackBerry and Nokia’s Symbian, the dominant smartphone platforms at the time, and faced tough competition from BlackBerry’s own BBM. Android, iOS and Windows Phone had less than a quarter of the market.

But the Canadian manufacturer’s share of smartphone sales now stands at just 0.2pc, according to Gartner, with smartphones running BlackBerry OS selling 1.7 million units.

WhatsApp said it had made a “tough decision” to stop supporting BlackBerry by the end of 2017. “As we look ahead to our next seven years, we want to focus our efforts on the mobile platforms the vast majority of people use,” it said

Perhaps most offensively for BlackBerry fans, WhatsApp recommended that users upgrade “to a newer Android, iPhone, or Windows Phone before the end of 2016”.

As well as BlackBerry, WhatsApp said it would end support for Nokia S40, Nokia Symbian S60, Android 2.1 and 2.2 and Windows Phone 7.1.

“While these mobile devices have been an important part of our story, they don’t offer the kind of capabilities we need to expand our app’s features in the future,” WhatsApp said.

14 Tips to Setup Google Analytics

Let’s say you’ve installed Google Analytics on your website and now you want to cover all of your bases. This is the post that will give you those essential items to review in your GA deployment and setup.

(I will assume that you know the basics of setting up your Google Analytics already, including goal tracking. It’s pretty well explained in the GA Getting Started section.)

1. Don’t get hijacked

When you add GATC to your website, anyone can come and copy that code, put it on their website and have their pageviews show up in your reports. Just what you need! You probably don’t want your data to be rendered useless by random pageviews. Avoid that trouble by only tracking pageview data from the domain(s) you wish to track. Setup the following filter in your profile:

2. Filter out internal IPs and known visitors

Your sales people and other internal team members are likely to be visiting your website on a frequent basis and browsing the website in a particular pattern. You don’t want their traffic to be diluting the patterns of the potential customers you’re trying to analyze on your website. One of the most effective ways of solving this issue is to filter out the office’s IP range. That can be accomplished in the following way:

Check out the Google Analytics tool that can help you write regular expressions to help cover an IP range.

Sometimes, though, you’ll have cases where people in your organization have dynamic IPs that change all the time. For those folks, you’ll want to create a unique page (say “/remove-from-ga.html”) for them to visit that places them in a Custom Variable that you can, in turn, filter out from your reports. You can go about this by adding the following line to your GATC (before _trackPageview) on the unique page to send to those you wish to exclude from  your reports:

_gaq.push(['_setCustomVar',1,'Internal Team','Exclude',1]);

Then go into your filters and do this:

3. Track views of 404 pages

Although many tools can provide you with 404 errors by crawling your website, it’s a good idea to track how many error pages your visitors actually see. You can do this by adding the following GATC to your error page header template. What it does is appends a unique name to the beginning of the URL so that you can quickly filter those pages and figure out what the requested URL is in each case. To find the URLs that are being reached and giving a 404 error, simply run a table filter in your content section of Google Analytics.

_gaq.push(['_trackPageview','/404errorpage/' +document.location.pathname+document.location.search']);

Read this for more: How To Track 404 Errors in Google Analytics

4. Monetize your goals, even if you don’t sell anything

That’s right. Even if your goals include things like the filling out of a contact us form, the clicking of a mailto: link, or the download of a PDF, you should be adding a monetary value to each conversion in Google Analytics. Come up with a number based on roughly how much revenue is made per 100 converions of X and dividing by 100. At the least, give the lowest value goal the value of 1 and work up from there. To setup your goals with monetary values, simply go into your goals area in the Admin section and add in the values:

The reason this is so important is because it will give your visitors, traffic sources, and pages all a value (besides conversion %) that is far more granular than what you’ll have with no goal monetization.

Want to take it a bit further? Setup your non-ecommerce website as though it were an e-commerce website. The main benefit of this is to not be restrained by the 20 goals allotted for in GA and to be able to track many more different types of goals as products, each with varying monetary values.

5. Tag URLs with campaign parameters

Whenever you have the power to do so, add URL tags to your links so that your traffic sources are as accurate as possible. You should be tagging the following types of links with campaign parameters:

  • Emails, Tweets (before links get shortened) and other social shares, RSS (can be done through Feedburner), links in digital documents (.docs, .pdfs), TV ads (using redirects from vanity URLs or custom subdirectories), QR codes, and anything else you can think of where someone might click a link to come to your website.

The best way to organize your campaign tags are to standardize them so that you do not have an overabundance of mediums. Those should be kept at a minimum: email, docs, social, etc.

To help with tagging your URLs, you can use the Google URL Builder.

6. Use profiles to protect and organize your data

Profiles can be used to create web propery subsections, such as to isolate the performance of a mobile website or a separate part of your website. Whether you want to segment data in more useful ways is up to you, but whatever you do, it’s good to have the following types of profiles setup in you GA account:

Google Analytics Profile Setup

  • A “Catch-All” that has no filters applied to it. That way you have a place to go in case you’ve lost some valuable data.
  • A “Primary” profile that is your main source of actionable data. It should have all of your important filters (such as filtering out internal visits and ignoring URL parameters) applied to it.
  • A “Test” profile where you can try out new things. Say you want to add a new filter and you’re not sure if it will end up tracking properly. Here’s where you can try it out, risk-free. Or perhaps you want to track form fields as pageviews and you don’t want that data mingling with your pristine “Primary” profile’s data.

7. Increase the sample rate of your site speed tracker

Google Analytics provides some nice, on-going data on page load time. To make the numbers more accurate – especially on low-traffic pages or websites – increase the size of the visitor sample that GA uses to report this metric. Here is the modification you have to make to your GATC:
_gaq.push(['_setSiteSpeedSampleRate', 10]);

The sample rate parameter (in the example above “10”) determines the percentage of pageviews for which load time will be tracked. By default it is set to track 1% of pageviews. The sample rate can be increased to include up to 10,000 hits per day.

To figure out how high you can set your sample rate, simply divide 10,000 by your total daily pageviews. For example if you get 4,500 pageviews/day, you can set your sample rate at 100 (%). If you get 450,000 pageviews/day, you’ll want to set it at 2(%). Anything more and you should not worry about modifying this parameter at at all since GA will not track more than the 10K maximum of pageviews.

Note: make sure to use data from your “Catch All” profile to determine how many pageviews you get since that is what GA will be using to determine where they’ll put the cap on the sample size used for your page speed reports.

8. Connect your AdWords and Google Webmaster Tools accounts with GA

By connecting your AdWords with GA, you’ll have a complete view of your paid search keywords, placements and ads and the resulting visitor behavior. To connect your AdWords account:

  • Go into AdWords, under Tools and Analysis Google Analytics Admin.
  • Locate and click on the GA account that you want to send AdWords data to.
  • Click on “Data Sources” and you should see something like this:

adwords analytics connection

Link your account and select the profiles that AdWords data should be sent to.

With a Google Webmaster Tools integration you won’t gain quite as much insight, but you will be able to see query impressions, clicks (and CTRs) for various keywords. The information can be beneficial in some cases, such as spotting keyword opportunities. Having that data in GA allows you to use advanced filters to get to the info that really matters. To make the connection:

  • In GA, go to Admin Property Settings.
  • There, click “Edit” under Webmaster Tools settings.

analytics gwt integration


9. Ignore some parameters

Your website might generate random parameters that get added on to URLs. The worst are session IDs. These include tracking parameters that don’t use the “utm_” syntax. It’s a good idea to keep your data clean to ignore those parameters from your pageview reports so you can get a consistent reading on pageview data. That way you’re not looking at a report that has “/productA.php” and “/productB.php?kk=234” listed as two separate pages when in fact they are the same page.

To ignore URL parameters, go to Admin Profiles Profile Setttings.

ignore parameters analytics

10. Setup custom alerts

Rather than obsessively checking your GA reports on a daily basis looking for one or two specific metrics, setup custom alerts to let you know when the significant event that you are waiting/hoping/fearing for occurs. For example, I’ve got a few setup for specific keywords. If we get a bunch of traffic for a specific keyword, it will indicate that we most likely moved up in search rankings. I also have one setup for 404 errors. If there is a high number of 404s then I’m alerted so that I can solve the issue.

Say you have a campaign that has a conversion rate threshold that it must stay above. A custom alert would be good to have in such a scenario as long as you’re not using that information to prematurely make changes without a significant sample size.

To setup custom alerts, go to Admin Assets Custom Alerts.

11. Track PDFs and external pages as page views

You might have links that open PDFs or that go to another website from which you expect users to return to yours. I’d recommend tracking these as page views rather than events. This way you can see user flows through these content pieces and can attribute value to pages.

For PDFs or other docs, you need to add the following to links that open them:

<a href="http://www.bluefountainmedia.com/uploads/2012/6/20/tech-specs.pdf" onclick="javascript: _gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/pdfs/tech-specs.pdf']);"</a

For external websites, consider tracking page views as /external/myfriendssite.com.

12. Track views of your website videos

It’s great to see whether or not visitors are clicking on your videos, but are they watching them all the way? And if they are, does it help increase conversions? You can track whether visitors are watching some or all of your videos by using the YouTube API.

track youtube events in google analytics

See this blog post for instructions on how to do it: How to Track YouTube Player Events in Google Analytics.

13. Re-attribute your traffic sources

It’s important to be able to properly attribute traffic to the right sources. That way you can give credit where it is due. This is especially crucial when working with multiple vendors all playing different roles in  your marketing campaigns.

To relabel incoming traffic, you can either modify your GATC or create filters. I prefer filters as they don’t alter data until it’s come into a profile. In other words, you can still have a profile that collects raw, unfiltered data while you have a profile that has many re-attribution filters applied to it. This is what a filter for one of the examples below looks like. You’ll need sound RegEx skills to ensure you don’t mess it up. This is again why you want to have separate profiles to test out your filters.

Here are modifications I’ve made to traffic source/medium attribution:

  • Relabel organic, branded searches as “Direct”. The reason for this is so that conversions don’t get wrongly attributed to “Organic” or keywords like “Blue Fountain Media” when in fact there is an upstream medium that is responsible for that conversion. Labeling branded search terms as “Direct” will make GA attribute the conversion to the medium one prior to “Direct”. Also, it’s a well-known fact that many people use Google’s search bar as an address bar. Many branded searches are so navigational in nature that they may as well as be considered Direct.
  • Track social referrers as “Social” rather than “Referrals”. Gather a list of social media websites that you are likely to get traffic from and relabel their medium as “Social”. This will separate them out from your list of referring websites. These sites and the users are probably very different from a typical website linking to yours. It comes down to personal preference on whether this seems like a useful medium to be tracking separately.
  • Relabel mail client referrers as “Email”. This is a simple one. Go through and find all of the email clients that show up in your referrer list and create a regular expression that matches them all and change the medium to “email”. That way you know much more of what is really coming from email.
  • Relabel common search websites as “Organic”. GA doesn’t recognize all search engines and will label visits from small search engines as referrals when they are in fact organic search visits.

Bonus: Track form fills

You can track forms as a page or each field as a separate page view, thus taking a 2 step funnel and turning it into multiple, multi-step funnels. Read this for the how-to: How to Track Form Fields as Pageviews in Google Analytics

– See more at: http://www.bluefountainmedia.com/blog/must-haves-google-analytics-deployment/#sthash.nRSVzmti.dpuf

5 Ways Brand Journalism Will Drive Your Social Media Strategy


There is plenty of chatter about brand journalism these days. If this is the first time you’re hearing the term, listen up because you’re about to hear it a whole lot more. Big names are already capitalizing and practicing this new style of content marketing, often so effectively you may not have even noticed.

Done well brand journalism leverages social media to build influence, improve search results and spread ideas and excitement about a particular industry. At its most basic level, brand journalism involves storytelling that invites audiences to participate through digital and social media channels.

Essentially brand journalism is the practice of covering your business and your industry like a reporter. It also means transforming your marketing department (even if that’s only you!) into a publishing team that can produce content for readers and reporters.

The future belongs to businesses that become media. The key to your success is producing and hosting unique content designed to engage and attract a new audience. And how you leverage social media to drive this new style of journalism can mean the difference between success and failure.

Below are five tips on how to get started.

#1 This Isn’t Your Boss’ PR Program
For decades consumers have been bombarded with very “me” oriented messaging: My product, my service, my company, my plan. In order to thrive in the evolving digital landscape, you must get out of the “me” business so popular and common in public relations efforts. Instead, become a storyteller to attract, engage, entertain and inform your targeted audience.

Produce great content – articles, videos, infographics – and they’ll come to you.

This storytelling process is a fantastic inbound public relations approach that will pull consumers, competitors and media towards your business’s content hubs – company website, blog and important social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

For example, wireless telecom-giant Qualcomm is leading the charge in brand journalism and its efforts are often followed with savvy social media strategies designed to pull in a larger audience.

They understand it’s not all about the “me” approach.

The company’s publication, QualcommSpark, often focuses on cool and interesting gadgets and games which their products “touch”, and it rarely speaks directly about any chipsets or processors they may have created for use in these platforms (see below). It’s about creating interest around subjects they are involved in.

While there aren’t many of us with the financial resources of Qualcomm, remember many people once also thought blogging was the prevue of the big players. If you follow Qualcomm’s storytelling lead and learn how to talk about your company without actually talking about it (or at least not talking about it too much), you’ll attract an audience you’d never reach with old-style press releases.

  • Start small with one or two posts a week about things that interest people in your industry.
  • Hone your storytelling efforts by requesting feedback (put a comment section at the bottom).
  • Share your story using social media channels (Twitter, Pinterest, Google+) to pull your audience toward you. Add social buttons on each content page to make it easier for readers to share.
  • Develop interesting content that will encourage readers to make an effort to learn more about you and your business.

#2 You Are the Media Now – Start Acting Like it!
Now that you’ve decided to become a storyteller in your space, you’re better off thinking like a newsperson.

“You are now the editor of an online publication dedicated to following news and trends in your industry.”

The first step in this phase involves listening: learn the questions and concerns of your target audience. Instead of relying on “push” communications, such as e-mail marketing, direct mail and advertising, content is moving toward “pull” – pulling people to your business as opposed to pushing out information – which is a better long-term strategy.

“Our goal is to lead the conversation, to spark engagement, to identify trends relevant to our business and the industry,” Karen Snell, social media communications manager at Cisco, wrote on her blog recently.

Cisco Systems recently launched The Network, a technology news website tied very closely with its social media engagement program.

“There is no requirement to mention Cisco at all, in fact a vast majority of the stories don’t…and that is just fine,” said Snell. “As for the stories inviting audiences to participate that is where sitting on the social media team really kicks this effort into high gear.”

Because social media is intertwined with every aspect of digital – from commenting to social actions (Likes, Shares, Tweets, etc.) – Cisco encourages their audience to take content and republish it elsewhere, and share it through all social media channels.

Once you start treating content meetings like you’re in a newsroom, the editorial team will develop an eye for developing shareable content. Monitoring where it travels will also help hone your technique and overall voice.

  • Invite team members to editorial meetings to pitch and produce good stories around topics you focus your business on.
  • Create an editorial calendar and let readers know they can expect fresh content on a regular basis.
  • Share and share some more. Social media is the engine that drives content engagement. Share and encourage everyone else to share your storytelling efforts.

#3 It’s a Story, Not a Campaign
Not since the invention of the printing press has publishing seen such a quantum leap in content accessibility for the masses. The continued advancement in publishing technologies is changing journalism to that point where anyone can now create it. However, developing campaign-style content won’t cut it. It has to have the look and feel of a real news story. And, in fact, it will be a real news story; the type that a reporter at a larger publication might see and run with. It happens every day.

If you are trying to create a campaign – content created based primarily on your products or services -forget it. They won’t go for it.

Today, the messages people see and hear are the messages they choose to see and hear. And this means you must share unique experiences, ideas and strategic thoughts instead of product launch dates and discounts.

  • Content must be created with a view toward being reusable and re-purposed across multiple media platforms.
  • No longer are you only a provider of goods and services, you’re aiming to show the world you are the expert in your field.
  • No campaigns will make it far across social media. The content must have a life of its own away from your product, or service in order for it to move.

#4 Listen and Learn
As we’ve mentioned, listening to the conversation and learning the questions and concerns of your target audience is an extremely important first step. This will ultimately help you craft a more effective editorial calendar and lead to a greater understanding of what people are yearning to know. It’s the same process reporters undertake when studying their beats.

The best and most effective efforts are designed to engage a wide audience, and can be managed, monitored and continually tweaked based on the feedback and actions (or non-actions) of your target audience.

Let’s say you’re in the wedding dress business. It is a sensible approach to set up your listening posts in places such as the popular wedding website The Knot and its community page to learn more about what brides-to-be are talking about.

Knowing what your intended audience wants to talk about is a big part of learning your new “beat” and will help you craft relevant, engaging stories. Once you’ve rolled out your first edition, continue to focus on listening to what they are saying about your content through social media.

Consider this: 21.3 million people in 2011 discovered a new brand or company through social media, and another 22.5 million say they use platforms to learn more about brands and products, according to recent study from the Center for Media Research.

By setting up social media listening tools to filter out all that chatter on the internet, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of what people are saying about you and your content. Try, a social media search and analysis platform designed to aggregate user generated comments into a single stream of information.

#5 Invite Others to Participate
For many aspiring brand journalists, the end-goal will be achieving earned content – others creating and publishing content on behalf of your business, which generates buzz and further dissemination. While this is a very significant goal it can be hard to achieve.

However, the more you share with others, and the more often you invite others to participate and share with you, and the more clearly your content is designed to interest rather then tell, the more visible your own content will become.

There are likely many websites in your business realm that would welcome quality content. Give it to them. Allow others to post your material across their channels, and invite high-quality columnists to contribute to yours.

Still, don’t be confused. We aren’t talking about your standard social media outreach here. We are talking about creating a seperate publishing entity that will enjoy a full news cycle directed by your and your team.

A continual challenge for smaller businesses is to achieve a resource balance that can also maintain growth. When it comes to content, especially for these smaller businesses, sharing content responsibilities with others is an extremely helpful method of brand journalism. At the same time, sharing the responsibility with others can exponentially increase the content’s visibility through social networks.

  • Ask contributors to spread content on all of their social accounts.
  • Encourage commenting and write articles people will want to comment on.
  • Use calls to action like “tell us what you thought in the comments.”

And now get to work.

So, what do you think? Any ideas about the direction brand journalism is heading, or concerns about the practice may undermine traditional journalism? We’d love to hear more from you! Leave comments in the box below.