Web Design for Doctoori
Web Design for Doctoori
Web Designer Vip were approached to produce a major Arabic healthcare information website due our track record with Arabic websites. Understanding the Arabic market, language and marketing implications is a speciality for Web Designer Vip and a major factor which contributed to the possibility of this work. Doctoori.net was to be the Arabic version of NHS Choices, acting as a portal to thousands of visitors on a weekly basis.
The lack of Industry approved Arabic healthcare information was the driving force behind this business idea for Dr Zain Sikafi and his partner, both general practitioners operating in London. Doctoori was created with the vision ‘To transform the health of the Arabic World.’
They wanted to achieve this through key industry partnerships. The content on the Doctoori website was created in partnership with the NHS choices and The Information Standard, to ensure that content was industry approved and of the highest quality. The site needed to show this content in conjunction with the three pillars of Doctoori: Accessibility, Reliability and Quality.Doctoori believes that all people should feel empowered to look after their health. Providing credible and easy to understand information in the Arabic language is essential to achieving this and hence improving the health and well-being of all Arabic speaking people.
Our Approach
There were three aspects to be designed and delivered, the website, 5 health tools and a find a clinic system. This meant many were produced (in excess of 30 different layouts). To satisfy the ‘accessibility’ factor, the site needed to be responsive to cater for all types of device.
- A meeting to discuss exactly what was required of the new website, what needed designing and building and outlining potential time scales for the project.
- In depth keyword research to establish key areas that the site needs to focus on to drive high quality traffic from site launch.
- In depth spec of tools – which tracking is required and what admin functionality users need and how users will navigate the tools.
- In depth spec of find a clinic – which information needs to be displayed. Followed client brief closely for client to be able to use admin system autonomously
- Created a holding page and social media campaign to raise awareness before site live
- Designs produced for the website, 5 health tools, find a clinic system and admin ensuring we take into consideration all Arabic functionality and web standards.
- Coded designs into responsive HTML format and created logic for database for tools calculations to function correctly.
- Created an in depth admin system for client to login and alter find a clinic directory details easily as well as track their results in their tools
- Took the site live in January 2014.
Web Designer Vip successfully created all aspects of the Doctoori website will be an invaluable tool for both patients and clinics in Arabic speaking countries. The site features a ‘Find a clinic’ section in which Arabic speaking patients around the world can find an Arabic speaking clinic, hospital or healthcare establishment regardless of their location – fulfilling the vision of improving accessibility and developing the healthcare sector in the Arab world.
To further satisfy this, the site was created in a fully responsive format, ensuring that we met client requirements of making the content as accessible as possible.
Speaking on the day of the launch, Doctoori managing partner Zain Sikafi said:
“Thank You for your incredible work in getting the site live. It has been an absolute pleasure to go on this journey with you guys!”
The site attracted in excess of 8000 visits in the first 90 days of officially going live – Web Designer Vip will be carrying out the online marketing for Doctoori and hope that the site will continue to grow in its popularity and become the leading health information website in the Middle East and beyond.