SEO for Online Tiles Shop – Client Case Study

Web Designer Vip was first approached to undertake SEO work for an online tiles shop back in 2011. The client were having difficulties in getting a good return on investment for their SEO work and wanted assistance and consultancy with onsite optimisation to increase their revenue and grow their business.

SEO for Tiles Shop: Approach

After a full keyword analysis and examination of the conversion potential of the current online shop, we used our experience with ecommerce SEO to begin advising on changes to the site structure, code and content which would benefit the optimisation of the website.

Initial onsite SEO work improved content dramatically and caused a sharp increase in relevant organic traffic over the first year. After this work shifted to offsite link development to build domain authority as the shop developer had difficulties maintaining valid and optimised code. The focus here was principally to grow domain authority using sustainable and high value inbound link development.

SEO for Tiles Shop: Results

The graph below shows organic search traffic growth over time (exact figures are not shown to preserve client data confidentiality). Click to enlarge.

The graph below shows revenue growth for the tiles shop for the duration of natural search marketing work (exact figures are not shown to preserve client data confidentiality). Click to enlarge.

The site currently maintains levels of over 50% more relevant natural search traffic than it did when work first began. Typical results for any given month include (figures taken from real client data):

If you are looking for sustainable and effective growth for your online tiles web shop, Extra Digital’s SEO services, sector familiarity and design and development assets can help you realise significant growth in revenue, traffic and business brand. Contact us today to find out more, get a free website SEO review and find out how we can help you grow your online tiles business.