SEO for B2B Cold Storage Provider – Client Case Study

Web Designer Vip was first approached to undertake SEO work for a major cold storage provider in 2010. The client required SEO work and consultancy with onsite optimisation to increase their revenue and grow their business. The cold storage provider wanted to increase the leads gained through natural traffic as well as PPC management.

SEO for B2B: Approach

After an extensive keyword review and examination of the conversion potential of the current site after website redesign, we used our experience with onsite optimisation to begin advising on changes to the site structure, code and content which would benefit the optimisation of the website. Following a redesign of the UK website, the Ireland website was to be redesigned and recoded for better conversion potential.

Initial onsite and offsite SEO work improved content considerably and over time, there was a gradual increase in not only the volume of traffic from organic traffic, but the amount of enquiries also.

SEO for B2B Cold Storage: Results

The graph below shows organic search traffic growth over time (exact figures are not shown to preserve client data confidentiality).

The site currently maintains levels of over 158% more relevant natural search traffic than it did when work first began.

The graph below shows that SEO has grown to be the highest source of leads from the site since 2010 and the percentage of leads via search traffic is improving every year.