Off Site Blog, On Site Blog or Both?

New Year we are all looking forward, wondering what this year will bring, making plans and promising to get completed those outstanding projects. For those with big ambitions for their website and business, you are probably looking at 2016 as the year to make that big push online. But how?

One great way to improve you online reach and authority is to start a blog.


Blogging is a big area and really started as an online journal or diary, but has grown to be so much more.

For business a blog is a great outlet to write and share content aimed at your target audience and industry influencers. You can promote what you do and show off your knowledge often in a way your existing website structure doesn’t allow.

Why Blog?

Blogging has been very popular over the past couple of years and is still a growth area. Online blogs are seen as a highly trusted source of information and as such have real power to influence customer’s decisions.

Blogs can also be used to provide content for your social media and email campaigns. How often do you struggle to find something good to post on social!

Blogs do need to be posted on frequently and the content needs to be:

  • Useful
  • Unique
  • Quality

Ok so yes you want to start a blog, but:

Should I have an On Site Blog or an Off Site Blog?

Where to have your blog depends on what you want achieve.

Should I have an On Site Blog or an Off Site Blog?


Benefits of an On Site Blog

There are many benefits of having an onsite blog to your website, 3 of the main ones are:

Fresh Content

Appeasing Google’s Love of Fresh Content

It can often be far easier to give Google the fresh content that it craves through the form of an onsite blog post than trying to add new pages to other sections.

So if you are struggling to put new content regular on your site a blog can help.

Helps On Site SEO
Helps Onsite SEO

With an onsite blog you can target keyword topics in more depth and build onsite keyword authority all under the one domain.

If you are struggling to get ranking positions on keyword areas for your website an onsite blog can give you a place to add the content, you need.

Attract Links to your Domain

Providing you put link worthy content on your blog you can use an onsite blog to help generate more back links to your website.

The key here is to add content people want to link to and to promote it well online.

Benefits of an Off Site Blog

There are also many benefits to having an offsite blog, the top 3 here include…

Tap into Existing Networks Audience
Tap into Existing Networks Audience

Blog sites like WordPress already have huge audiences and having a blog on one of these networks can help you reach a bigger audience than hosting it on your site.

The best way to gauge this is to do some research to see just how big the existing audience for your sector is on these Networks. This can also be useful in highlight good topics and other related tips like tagging.

Create Distance

If the topics and content, you want to cover doesn’t completely fit with your website then hosting it offsite can be a better solution.

You can then preserve the voice and feel of your website without compromising on exploring interesting topics that your audience want to know more about.

This can be good if you want to create more fun focused content that could jar with your domains SEO focus.

Trust Factor

An external blog can have a greater trust factor especially if it has more of an independent look and feel.

You can also invite industry experts and other suitable contributors to create content for the blog to further demonstrate its authority, which in turn will help build its readership.

That being said you should never mislead visitors into thinking they are reading content from an independent source if it is being produced internally.

To go with this content should be less about selling and more about helping and informing.

Should I have an On Site Blog or an Off Site Blog?

So Should I have an Onsite Blog or an Offsite Blog

If you’re in a small niche and struggle to find somewhere on your site to post fresh content, then an onsite blog will probably work best.

If you’re in a more competitive market and looking to explore topics and connect with a wider audience, then an external blog is probably a better option.

In some cases, you might even want to use both methods, which is fine providing both can be resourced and don’t use duplicated content.

Either way, get blogging and realise the full value for yourself today.

Responsive Website for Inspire Community Trust

With an ever increasing trend for website visitors to use mobiles and tablets the need for responsive websites, (a website that repsonds and adapts to be viewed on the smaller mobile and tablet screens), is becoming a must have.

This need is acute for organisations such as charities; their reach and audiences are increasingly more likely to search for them via mobiles devices, often as a result of the immediate nature of the services and support they provide.

This was very much the case for Inspire Community Trust.

Responsive Website for Disability Charity

The Client

Inspire Community Trust are a growing disability charity based in Bexley. They were founded in 2005 with the aim to improve and develop facilities for less able people and carers in need of support.

With a brilliant hub in the Slade Green area they are able to provide a wide range of services to people with visual impairments, disabilities and sensory impairments.

The Project

The aim of the project was to give the Inspire Community Trust website a complete makeover, so that it would fit in with their new branding and raise the standards of the website to make it truly accessible to all those using their services.

ExtraDigital did this by re-designing their website to give it a more modern look, with a sleek design focused on the ease of use and accessibility for all.

At the heart of all of this was the much needed action to make the website responsive so that the visitor experience for all was the same across all devices. This helped future proof their website, (use of mobile devices will certainly not waning anytime soon), and ensure that all of their visitors could use the website with ease.

Responsive Website for Disability Charity

The Outcome

The website was successfully designed, built and developed by our in-house team of project managers, designers and developers to meet and succeed our client’s expectations.

The website has far more functionality than it had before, which has helped the organisation to use it in a much more useful way. Some of this additional functionality includes…

  • Instant Feedback forms found on all pages to ensure up to date feedback on the services provided,
  • Contact forms for ease of communication by all their users,
  • Staff Only Areas to assist the employees of Inspire with their day to day activities,
  • Online shop to provide instant access for their users to vital equipment and tools,
  • An all round better responsive website that definitely has the ability assist with the aims of Inspire Community Trust.

Overall, this new responsive site has seen a fall in the bounce rate of organic traffic coming to the site of 40%. Whilst the amount of time that an average user spends on the site has shot up by 104% – showing just how much more useful and functional this new site is to its users.

How Can I Get These Same Results for My Website?

If you are a charity or an organisation that wants to see these types of improvements and more then contact our team today on 01227 68 68 98. We have a wealth of knowledge and experience that is sure to give you a better designed, better built and easier to market website.

Check out some of our other successes on our website today or our Portfolio to view more of our brilliant designs.

Should Your Online Shop Target China?

Are you an ambitious UK online retailer?

Do you sell or are you considering selling online internationally?

If the answer to these questions is Yes, then you’re not alone. Almost half of all the big UK online retailers are selling overseas.

However, there is one marketplace even the large online stores seem to be missing and that’s China.

Despite recent news reports saying China is in economic slowdown its online shopping market is growing. In fact, Information Age reported this month that the Chinese total ecommerce market is predicted to grow by 50% to $6.5 trillion by 2020.

The article also highlighted that WorldPay had reported that 44% of people in China shop on overseas websites. Plus other media reports from the 4th quarter of 2015 also confirmed that Chinese shoppers currently make up a quarter of UK online exports.

China is certainly still a country of opportunity for oniine retail.

Online Shopping that Appeals to China

So if you’re an online retailer should you expand your horizons to China?

Well UK products that appear popular in China include:

  • British clothing, footwear and accessories
  • Cosmetics and other beauty products
  • UK groceries, food, drink and alcohol

If you’re online shop covers these markets, then you should strongly consider targeting China.

To reach this audience your going to need to cover some key requirements including:

  • A dedicated Chinese website
  • Authentic quality product range
  • High payment security
  • Offer full duties calculations

But its worth the investment, because if you foster the Chinese market it will repay you with loyal repeat customers.

Chinese Websites and Marketing

At Web Designer Vip we have been working on multilingual web design and marketing projects for many years including Chinese, Russian, French and Arabic markets.

We understand that often these markets have more than one written language.

While the official language of China is Mandarin it has two different written forms, known as simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese. The simplified Chinese is used by people in mainland China and further south, In Malaysia and Singapore. While Traditional Chinese is also used by people in mainland China plus some of the islands such as Taiwan and Hong Kong.

We have created website for both including organising all the necessary translations.

For marketing in China you have to start with SEO, but don’t think Google, its Baidu that’s the top search engine here. But again Asian markets have a much wider range of search engines requiring a more skilled approach to maximise reach.

So if you want to expand your online business interests abroad then come and talk to us and we can help you avoid the pitfalls to reap the benefits of international sales.


83% increase in total traffic YOY for Logistics Consultant

The Problem

Web Designer Vip had been carrying out the internet marketing for Gideon Hillman for many years which saw his company grow from a 2 person operation to a national business, working with companies such as Siemens, McDonalds, Volvo, Ronseal and the Co-operative.

The website was no longer reflecting the calibre of the clients that Gideon was getting. He wanted a site that reflected his leading position in Logistics Consulting as well as modernising the site the site to appeal to cater for mobile and tablet browsers.


The Solution

  • Analysis of business objectives to discover what the aims of the website are
  • We conducted research to re-establish the 4 core areas of the business are and how to direct users to the appropriate page on the website.
  • We created a selection of well thought out modern designs based on usability and best practice, taking into account how the users view and engage with the website
  • We designed and created an interactive banner to encourage a higher number of interactions on the page whilst intuitively improving the user journey
  • We ensured all CTAs and contact details were clearly visible to increase the volume of enquiries
  • Made the site responsive to any device the site is viewed with.
  • We re-optimised all content on the site in accordance with SEO best practice
  • Successfully putting the site live and maintained SEO value by maintaining URL structure


The Results

Since then the site, and the business, has continued to flourish. Here are the statistics from the website:

  • SEO Traffic: 83% increase in total traffic year on year
  • SEO Traffic: 54% increase year on year

Gideon was extremely grateful saying:

…the only problem we could have faced from the results we get…was being able to respond to and resource all the enquiries and subsequent projects, however we have as a result of the success of the website employed additional staff dedicated to managing and responding to the enquiries and also increased our consultant team

Online Ecommerce Store

The Problem

Be Safe Direct specialise in selling a variety of fire safety products from full smoke ventilation systems to fire extinguishers. Web Designer Vip has been working with Be Safe Direct for some time and have been able to help the business grow into a successful ecommerce store.

Web Designer Vip currently manage PPC, SEO and email marketing and also redesigned the current Magento store to make it more modern and user friendly.

The original site looked very dated and attracted a high number of useless visitors. The aim was to re-design the site to make the user journey easier for customers to make a purchase and to change the SEO and PPC strategy to attract customers that would convert into sales.

The Results

The graph below shows how conversion rate has increased throughout the year.

Total revenue has increased by 59% when comparing year on year since the website went live. The average order value has also increased as people are spending more time on site browsing through different items and buying more.

We have achieved this result by generally improving the SEO across the website, better optimising the PPC and updating the website to a completely new design.

Do you want to increase your return on PPC investment whilst decreasing your spend or see better success from your SEO efforts? Get in contact with us today on 01227 68 68 98. Or fill out the contact form below. 


How to Create an Intuitive Landing Page that Converts

Landing Pages Cause Conversion

Optimizing for conversions is the name of the game no matter what skill or discipline you happen to be employing in the realm of online marketing. Once a person lands on your website, whether it be the homepage or product specific page, how you layout your content is crucial when it comes to grabbing attention and getting people to call or opt in for more engagement with your brand.

How Much Text Should There Be?
People generally don’t come to your website to read a novel, so try not to write them one. Of course, that doesn’t mean that you need to make a site minimal, but instead try and find a way to strike the perfect balance of text. Information is best digested in small bites, along with clearly designated headlines to make scanning easy. Indicators with small sections of text are optimal for the layout of a successful landing page.

Make it clear to people that they are in right place with very strong, concise, and relevant messaging above the fold. You only have a matter of seconds to grab and keep someone’s attention. This doesn’t mean just having a fancy picture and an arrow pointing to a “REQUEST A QUOTE NOW” button. Those elements need to be part of the overall layout in some fashion, but there needs to be adequate information and substance to accompany the concise intuitive layout that is geared specifically in order to convert quickly.

Make it Intuitive!
Intuitive landing pages simplify the process of encouraging your users to take action. Visitors to your website should quickly grasp what they are looking for on your website. This content should be tailored to their search habits and be coupled with an incentive to reach out to you for more information.

In the case of Verve Medical Cosmetics, the goal or conversion is to get users to sign up or call for a free consultation.

Someone searching for a Botox Doctor in NYC clicks on our ad for Verve Medical Cosmetics Botox Cosmetic treatment. Since traffic from pay-per-click marketing usually yields a more qualified lead, the user is looking for a very specific product or service like Botox treatments. A landing page should feature clear messaging with supportive talking points and actual patient photos, all driving users towards a prominent call to action.

What is Your Value Proposition?
To stand out from the competition, the value of your brand needs to be visually apparent and expressed as vividly as possible to users without cluttering the page with text. In this case, we chose to highlight the literal value of the invitation to Botox specials. This is a great offer and is unique to new clients. Above the fold we have a free consultation, and below we have a series of great specials. This is what sets Verve apart from the competition.

A Trusted Source…
If they are still undecided, the substantive supporting text below the fold must establish your credibility with strong and informative text. The image below shows the informative text below the fold. In this example we have content that explains the service and validates their practice with Botox info, doctor certifications and other relevant information. This supportive content is what leads people to convert.

Trust and credibility factors are well represented in the citation from the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery on the popularity of Botox Cosmetic, as well as in informative sections about the product and what you can expect from it. Also, integrating Google Maps with the locations section of the page illustrates how local your company really is. When targeting the competitive NYC area, this proximity factor is another selling point to convert.

In this case, it’s a doctor that is administering the products and treatment with said product. He is the determining factor for trust. Taking this into consideration, we placed his credentials just below the image you see above, right below text that reads: “MEET DR. BRACCI.” When new patients come to the office for the first time they meet Dr. Bracci in person, so we wanted to show him! His picture, combined with his accreditations, clearly demonstrate his training, experience, and professionalism.

Intuitive and Informative Landing Pages Work
Verve Medical Cosmetics is a great example of using landing page strategy and content to convert. For SEO purposes, original content that supports the main call(s)-to-action are always recommended. Utilize H tags that complement the keyword funnel with purpose and always aim to inform the user. The results prove that PPC landing pages are effective when they are concise, informative, and intuitive with a direct call to action.

What results you ask? The Verve Medical Cosmetics landing page went from zero conversions from Jan. 1st 2013 to March 1st with its previous template to 16 conversions with our new landing page since March 1st 2013. Through a combination of form submissions and phone calls, the new landing page helped Verve Medical Cosmetics to a 1,600% increase in conversions in just three months’ time.


How NOT to Set Up Event Tracking

How NOT to Set Up Event Tracking

Marketers love data. We love numbers and information and getting inside the brains of consumers who view our websites. Event tracking, when properly applied, can be one of the most powerful tools for understanding exactly how people respond to your content and how other marketing efforts are affecting the top of your conversion funnel.

Unfortunately, in their haste to start collecting data, many marketers rush to put event tracking in place and come out weeks (or months) later with numbers that have no actionable meaning behind them and confuse more than they clarify. Following the few simple guidelines below will help you get your event tracking up and running in a way that will allow your entire team to see a site’s value as well as the potential that various optimizations could have.

Don’t: Track every single click

Not all clicks are created equal, and only a small portion of your site’s total clicks are actually necessary to track. If a click does not indicate a higher-than-average interest in your business, it is not going to give you any insights into how your top visitors operate. Clicks on navigation, pagination and in-text links are almost never worth tracking, except in rare and purposeful situations.

Do: Track meaningful interactions

Focus on clicks that showcase how a user interacts with your site, especially interactions which aren’t automatically captured elsewhere. For example, a contact form on the page /contact which generates a unique URL /contact/thank-you upon submission could be tracked by looking at unique pageviews of /contact/thank-you in the Analytics Content report. However, a contact widget shown dynamically on any number of pages and not triggering a unique thank you page cannot be tracked through default settings in Analytics.

Interactions are also worth applying event tracking to when they can be used to set up an Analytics Goal with an actual monetary value applied to them. An interaction such as submitting a request a quote form could easily be assigned an average value based on the company’s close rate and lifetime customer value. Having event tracking set up on the form will allow such tracking to take place.

In the example below, you can see a client who came to us with event tracking set up so broadly that 98.45% of visitors logged at least one event. After drastically refining their tracking, limiting events to only actions display conversion intent, only 2.86% of visitors now log events. Not only is this number more realistic (how many of your site visitors are actually potential clients/customers?), but it allows us to more intelligently act upon the data with a targeted audience.

Don’t: Take “Action” literally

Of Google’s three mandatory attributes, “Action” is what throws off well-intentioned marketers more than any other. When taken literally (as it too-often is), this results in an inordinate number of “Clicks” and “Submits” in Analytics. Since Event Tracking is used most frequently on a site’s buttons and links, “click” is quite possibly the most redundant and least insightful piece of information to track. Take the account above, for instance. Looking at this report lends zero insight into what interactions took place 62.89% of the time.

Do: Categorize Intelligently

Forget for a moment about the entire notion of a physical action, and instead use what we’ll call Event Tracking Attribute #2 as an opportunity to further describe the user interaction taking place. Consider the two examples below. Without needing any additional context, Example #1 clearly defines what type of interaction is happening on site while Example #2 gives a sense of what item on a page is being interacted with.

Example #1

Example #2

Don’t: Set up without a structure

Most event tracking newcomers I’ve seen approach the process somewhat like this:

1) Load website homepage, make list of all buttons on page
2) Create event tracking tags for each button
3) Click through to first main category or landing page, make list of all buttons on page
4) Create event tracking tags for each button
5) Repeat ad nauseum one page at a time

This “process” if it is even called such, is bound to be rife with irrelevant, mislabeled events along with serious data confusion. In event tracking, attributes must exactly match one another (meaning they are case-sensitive) in order to be aggregated under a common title. As errant labelers will quickly find out, “Contact” and “Contact Type” (and for that matter “contact,” “contacts” and “contact form”) are completely separate items which cannot be combined after the fact.

Do: Track with meaning

Start your event tracking endeavor by closing the website altogether and getting out a piece of pen and paper. Write down the top interactions a user can or should perform on the site. Most frequently, these will include:

  • Contact
  • Download
  • View
  • Register
  • Purchase

Notice that each of these tasks is completely unique from the others. These are your event tracking “categories.”

Next, you’ll apply an “action” to each category. Since you already know that “click” is an unacceptable action, look for something more insightful to contribute to your tracking. Typically an action should describe the type of content being interacted with. For example, under a “Download” category, you might have actions consisting of “white papers,” “case studies,” and “product overview.” After you expand all of your categories, you should have a list that looks something like this:

  • Contact
    • Help Form
    • Free Sample
  • Download
    • White Paper
    • Case Study
    • Product Overview
  • View
    • Testimonial
    • Webinar
  • Register
    • Newsletter
    • Account Signup
  • Purchase
    • Add to Cart
    • Add to Wishlist

Good so far? Great! Now all you need is a simple little label and you’re set. Labels should be used to identify the specific piece of content, product, or location on a page with which a user is interacting. When it comes to forms (such as a Help or Contact form), it can also be valuable to capture any drop down or radio button options your users have to fill out.

If you have a huge product catalog or huge archive of content that you’re dealing with, simply create a standardized template for your developers to apply site wide so you’re not left manually combing through thousands of pages.

Once you’ve gone back through your list a final time, you should wind up with an event tree that looks a bit like this:

  • Contact
    • Help Form
      • Sidebar
      • Footer link
    • Free Sample
      • For me
      • For a friend
  • Download
    • White Paper
      • [White-Paper-Title]
    • Case Study
      • [Case-Study-Title]
    • Product Specs
      • [Item-Number]
  • View
    • Testimonial
      • Client ABC
      • Client XYZ
    • Webinar
      • How To Make a Widget
  • Register
    • Newsletter
      • Footer link
      • Blog widget
    • Account Signup
      • Supernav link
      • Signup widget
  • Purchase
    • Add to Cart
      • [Product-Name]
    • Add to Wishlist
      • [Product-Name]

Once you’ve reached this point,you have satisfied Google’s required attributes for event tracking–pat yourself on the back! If you’re ready to be an overachiever, review your existing list and look for opportunities to incorporate Values where appropriate and determine whether or not you need to implement Non-interaction Events.

Don’t: Write code on your own

Granted, event tracking code is not the most complicated syntax most marketers will deal with on a regular basis. That said, manually writing this code is just asking for a slip-up that fractures your otherwise flawless data (see above: case-sensitivity).

Do: Use a tool to simplify your life

I’m a fan of the Google Analytics Configuration Tool from Raven. This user-friendly site allows you to easily populate code snippets for event tracking, as well as a few other handy Analytics items.

After selecting the general type of event you want to track from the drop-down menu, the tool prompts you to provide a Category, Action and Label, while providing helpful hints and suggestions. Once the three mandatory fields are populated, the tool generates your code snippet which simply needs to be placed into your webpage. Using this system reduces the chances that someone will create manual typing errors by enabling an easy copy and paste procedure.

Have more event tracking Do’s and Don’ts to share? Leave a comment below, tweet


How to Create Great Landing Pages That Convert

How to Create Landing Pages That Convert

How to Create Landing Pages That Convert

Building an effective landing page that features a form users need to fill out can help any online business skyrocket the amount of business they are able to generate. This makes it one of the most important parts of any website that is looking to create new leads and business from its website’s users. Understanding what goes into a great landing page where users convert can help your business take a good online presence and make it even better by focusing on improving just a single page.

Seeing as one form can be the difference between a successful website and one that is underperforming, a Reddit user wanted to know: “How do I create a landing page that actually converts?” This is a million dollar question that will vary depending on what kind of website you have and what your landing page form is trying to get from your audience. However, I try and discuss some of most important features of any good landing page and how you can help tailor your form fields so that your audience actually fills them out.

To view more of our videos answering questions from around the web and for more information about video marketing, you can check out our other work here. If you have a question that you would like answered, leave it in the comments section below or tweet it at us at @BFMweb.


Hey, I’m Dan Morosi from Web Designer Vip. I’m a Senior Marketing Specialist and I’m responsible for the paid media, paid search and display efforts here. We had a question from Reddit – a user asked: “How do you go about making a landing page where people actually convert?”That’s a million dollar question (literally), and there are some obviously basic things that every landing page should have. If you’re using it for paid search and you know exactly which campaign and keywords are going there, obviously those keywords should be used and targeted on that landing page, it should be relevant to what


4 Tips to Increase Average Conversion Rate Using CRO

CRO Superhero Featured Image

Conversion rate optimization can be a huge addition to any company’s digital marketing efforts when done correctly. From increasing click through rates and decreasing bounce rates to increasing on site goal completions, conversion rate optimization (or CRO) can play an integral role for your business when it comes to creating a site that performs well.

With so many case studies around the web discussing how companies leveraged CRO to increase overall conversion rates to make more money than ever before, it can be tempting to jump in and test everything on a website without thinking about the goal of such tests. Not everything on a website that can be tested should be tested. Doing that can actually cause more issues for a website than it does to increase a company’s bottom line.

In an effort to make sure that you are testing the right elements of your website, here are 4 tips to correctly use CRO for your business in order to get the most ROI our of your tests:

1. Look at bounce rates

Out of all the metrics to take note of when deciding whether or not a CRO test on an individual page makes sense, bounce rate and exit rate are the most important. Take a look at the pages that have the highest exit rates and compare them with pages that have a low exit rate. It makes sense to leave pages with low exit and bounce rates alone as they are performing as they should be. However, pages with high bounce or exit rates are often the source of lost traffic (note that individual blog posts are clearly exempt from this general rule) and are sensible pages to test if they have large amounts of traffic coming to them.

When analyzing a page with a high bounce or exit rate, ask yourself why this is happening. Often there is content that is missing from the page that audiences were looking for and the page just doesn’t provide it, or they can’t find key navigation elements to take them where they want to go. This means taking a look at key CTAs to make sure they are clear to audiences both in terms of where they are on the page and what kind of copy is featured.

2. Test the Obvious

Headlines and CTAs are the best pieces of a website that you can test as they will ultimately have the biggest effect on user behavior on an individual page. Changing the messaging, color, or size of your headlines or CTA’s are also great ideas for A/B Testing as they are the main focus point for users who are trying to get to the ever-important RAQ or product pages.

By testing elements that your users are going to be using to get through to your key goal completion on a site, you will get to test the most helpful elements that affect your bottom line. Tweak these elements to the point of being blatantly obvious so that users don’t have to guess what they are supposed to do next.

3. Use User Surveys to Inform Your Tests

A great way to make sure that your CRO tests are going to have the biggest impact possible is to understand what users need or are looking for before you even start CRO. Using user surveys or user testing tools is a great way to understand why your website is not performing to its full potential. When using user surveys, make sure to use qualitative questions in order to get the most out of it! Don’t make your questions make the process seem like a net-promoter score survey for users. You want to avoid leading users into simple “yes” or “no” responses, and instead aim to ask open ended questions so that you get specific feedback about what you can do to make your website work better for your audience.

Dive into the responses you get and explore any potential trends in responses that users are giving about your website. If you notice patterns in terms of the feedback suggestions you get from your audience, it makes sense to test them in your CRO tests. This way, you’re sure to be testing things that your audience actually wants or needs instead of basic elements that users might not even be noticing in the current version of a page or website.

4. Don’t Micro Test

Testing little elements on your website one by one is often not beneficial enough for your website and testing timeline (especially if you have low traffic) to be worthwhile. Some websites, like Google, can get away with testing micro-elements because they have millions of people using their site, so it takes them less than a day to get statistical significance on their tests. However, for sites that only get a couple of hundred visitors a day, it could take months to reach statistical significance for tests that don’t provide that much ROI for a business. That’s why it is so important to test only the elements that are going to have a big impact.

The founder of Optimizely and author of A/B Testing, Dan Siroker, states that it’s better to make big drastic changes and test it, instead of small changes. Once you have found a big change that works, you can go back and analyze the next steps of how to optimize that change and understand what worked in order to get the most out of the new element that you’ve found.

Don’t Lose Sight of Your Goals

It can be tempting to wildly test a variety of different parts of your website and justify doing it by telling yourself that regardless of what happens you will have some interesting data that you can repurpose into case studies about what you’re doing or what you found. However, it is important to not lose sight of the whole point of a CRO study, which is to help increase your bottom line by testing elements that you or your users are having trouble using properly. Keep it in perspective and follow the tips I’ve outlined and you’re sure to find new, interesting ways to increase your website’s ROI.

Do you have tips I’ve missed or questions about CRO that you would like addressed? Let me know in the comments section below.


How to CRO and Look Good in The Process

CRO Process Featured Image

I was performing conversion rate optimization tests before I even knew what they were. Fresh out of college, I found myself mercilessly pounding the pavement in a quest for my first job. I went on dozens of interviews those first couple of months out of undergrad, all with conversion rates of less than zero.

Wanting success and finding none, I quickly started tweaking aspects of my interview experience to see if any of the changes netted a beneficial impact. Blue tie over red? Open suit jacket versus buttoned? Hair slicked back or parted?

Personal CRO Test
While I never actually wore a tank top and a baseball hat to an interview, I did quickly find that how I dressed to go to my interviews drastically changed my luck in the job market. Just like that – boom. CRO in action. I like to tell myself that eventually the reams of mini data I gathered were enough to land me my first job (or I just got lucky).

When performed correctly and efficiently, CRO tests on your website can net you a variety of benefits, but you’re going to want to make sure you know what you’re doing before you get started. Keeping the following points in mind before running your first tests will drastically help.

#1. Understand What a Conversion is for You

Knowing what constitutes a conversion is the first step, and it is not always as obvious as you might think. Are you tracking placed orders? Newsletter sign-ups? Booked appointments? Examine your site and take stock of every potential action you are asking of a site visitor. Ascertain which is the most important and set that as your main conversion to track.

Once you’ve figured out what a conversion means for your business, examine the steps that users have to take to convert. More often than not it is the buttons, fonts, and colors that users have to navigate with to achieve a conversion that you will want to tweak in order to increase your conversion rate.

#2 Test Multiple Variables at Once

Text color and size, message prominence, form placement, copy positioning and image use are all variables that can have subtle, yet measurable effects on how willing a person is to convert on your site. You’ll want to make sure you test all of these. There are three types of test you can perform:

  • Time-split
  • A/B Tests
  • Multivariate

Time-splits are generally regarded as not efficient, and A/B tests are solid, but don’t provide the wealth of insight multivariate testing offers. You’ll definitely want to test multiple variables at once if you want to make large changes to an entire page – particularly if each individual element you are testing is relatively minor on its own.

There are programs that are great for these types of tasks, namely Visual Website Optimizer and Optimizely, and if you’re looking for a free option, Google offers Google Content Experiments as well.

#3 Know What to Do with Your Information

So you run a bunch of tests and gleam lots of useful data for your site. You’re seeing that your conversion rates are improving and your cost per acquisition has dropped, netting you extra budget. What to do now? Use the money you’re saving on other marketing channels or media. Perhaps you can partition off funds to promote yourself via Adwords campaigns, or invest into print or more traditional media. Partner your conversion data with site usability surveys to add a qualitative aspect to your quantitative data. Or, keep performing CRO tests on important variables of your website. There’s always room to improve.

Engaging in CRO tests forces you to take a very hard look at your website and understand exactly what it’s conveying to the world and how the world is responding to it. Whether you’re a start-up with a tiny budget or an established company with decades of experience, the knowledge you gain from these tests can make your website run smoother, provider a better user experience, and net you money!


How to Create Stellar Landing Page Copy that Converts

Landing Page Copy Featured Image

No matter how you’ve driven traffic to your landing page, whether through PPC, Social, or Email, it’s essential to create stellar copy that will make your traffic convert. It doesn’t matter what the end-goal conversion is: crisp, catchy, and minimal copy will drive your traffic down the funnel. If your traffic is coming through organically, that’s another story, and we’ll get to that in a bit.

All landing page copy is cobbled out of four distinct parts: the header, where your visitors will immediately learn what you’re offering; the summary, where they’ll learn more about your product; value propositions, where you’ll convince them that your product is better than your competition; and the call to action, or CTA, where they’ll convert.

In all cases, before writing your copy, you have to know who your audience is, which channel the traffic will come through, and what your audience is looking for. Understanding the demographic and expectations of your audience is essential in writing great copy that speaks directly to their intent, converting them quickly.

Your landing page will be the culmination of months of researching your audience through Google Analytics demographics and interests (below), surveying your audience through email or directly on the site, competitor research, and researching the audience specific to the industry you’re promoting.

Audience Interets
While you can still write great landing page copy without this information, it’s best practice to commit substantial time to establish your audience’s identity and needs to result in the highest number of conversions possible.

Our Example

For the sake of this blog post, let’s create an example. Let’s say that your business specializes in B2B payment solutions, providing call centers, mobile payments, and payment processing. Your audience consists of small business owners and utility companies looking to reduce the expense of paper bills and make payments easier. The specific product you’re promoting is a text-based payment system called Text2Pay that reminds customers when payments are due and allows them to pay their bills with a single message.

Let’s also say you’ve written an email blast announcing the new service, which you’ll send to customers who’ve previously requested additional product information. The call to action will have customers download a demo to learn more about the product. Your traffic will funnel through your email, and your landing page will be the conversion point, so we’ll tailor the page for this purpose.

What We Know

We know that the audience has already visited your site, and that they’re interested in payment solutions. Because they provided their email address, they’ve already shown intent, and possibly purchased products in the past. This means that they:

  • Are current or potential customers
  • Are small business or utility company managers
  • Know your brand
  • Have a need for payment solutions

Now that you’ve written your email, determined your audience, and know who will receive it, it’s time to write the page.

Landing Page Header Copy

It all starts with the header, which should tell your visitor immediately what the page is, what it does, and what you want them to do. Any savvy marketer knows that a visitor’s eye is drawn immediately toward the top left corner, making your header the most important part of the page.

We need to tell them immediately what your product does and what it can do for them:

Reduce late payments and paper costs with Text2Pay.

Here we’ve chosen the two most important value propositions for your customers. They’ll save money and reduce missed payments with this new service, and every company likes to save money. In addition, we’ve worked in two reasons why they should try your product as well as the product name in eight words. Because we’ve peaked their curiosity, the next question your customer will have is, “What is Text2Pay?” That’s where the summary will come in.

Landing Page Summary Copy

Here’s where you tell them a little bit more about your product. Generally consisting of 2-3 lines, it should fully encapsulate the product and make it sound like the only option for your customer’s needs. Our goal is to get them down the page, so we have to keep it short, simple, and catchy:

Text2Pay is a text-based payment solution that reduces payment delinquency, providing payment security and convenience for your customers. Remind subscribers when payments are due and receive their payments 24/7. Download your demo today to learn how Text2Pay works for your business.

In three short lines, we’ve repeated the name of the product, added two additional value propositions while underscoring the first, explained how the product works, and told them what the conversion will be. We’ve also worked in the word “subscribers,” cutting out the need for an explanation of the subscription process. We’ll get to that later, explaining the product in detail when the customer converts at the bottom of the page.

Most importantly, we’ve let the customer know what they’re expected to do before they read the value propositions. That way, your customer doesn’t have to decide immediately whether they want to convert. We have a little more time to convince them. Now let’s hammer home what makes this product unique.

Value Propositions

This is where your traffic will learn why your product is better than the competition. It will consist of 4-5 short and unique value propositions, leading the eye down a bulleted list and toward the conversion button. Your customer is now on step three of the process, so we need to get them excited about the opportunity and ready to press that button:

  • Eliminate the expenses of paper bills
  • SMS platform guarantees text message delivery
  • Adheres to FCC regulations for secure processing
  • Payments processed in real time

With these four value propositions, we’ve told them they’ll save money, the service is reliable and secure, and there’s no delay in processing. We’ve positioned this product as a safe and convenient way for customers to pay bills that will save money and result in fewer delinquencies, which is good for the company and the customer. Now we just have to convert them.

Call to Action

Your conversion button should tell your audience what to do next. There’s no need for additional copy here, just a few controlled words to take them to the next step and convert them. While it may be tempting to try something like “Save Money Now” or “Make Payments Easier,” there’s no need to add another value proposition. It not only sounds hokey, but by adding a specific value proposition to the button, you’re focusing the customer on one point in which he or she may not be interested, leading to fewer conversions. It’s best to go with something simple and elegant that tells the story, in this case something like:

Download Your Demo

By clicking the button, your customers will download a demo that gives an in-depth explanation of the product and features. Congratulations, you’ve begun converting your customers and selling more products.

A Note on Organic Landing Pages

Landing Page Optimization
While this post focuses specifically on paid and email traffic, the same rules apply for organic landing pages. The biggest difference is that these pages exist as an island outside of your website, and don’t need to conform to the standards and format of other pages. Generally, this is the only page your customer will see before they convert, so you’re able to optimize it for conversions however you wish.When writing organic landing pages, they must exist on your site as a natural extension of your content and theme. Generally, organic landing pages are longer and more in depth, as your customer will visit them by navigating through other pages. They haven’t yet displayed the intent of paid and email visitors, and will take additional time, copy, and value propositions to convert.

For more help with writing great copy for your business check out our copywriting page. If you have any questions or comments about creating great landing page copy, let us know


Expert Tips on How To Increase Click Through Rate on Emails


Nearly all industries and businesses use email marketing as a way to reach their audience. And it’s no wonder why–as email users, most of us are constantly connected, checking our inbox on desktops and mobile devices multiple times a day. By reaching users on devices that are just a touch or click away, marketers hold a major advantage if this initiative is properly utilized and appropriately implemented.


Email allows you to draw attention to any specific asset of your business. Whether you’re trying to drive immediate sales, remind users of an event, or bring traffic to a distinct page on your website, email marketing is often the best way to do so.If you have significant value to offer users, then the advantages of email marketing may seem endless. However, as a platform it won’t be effective if the message isn’t being opened or clicked on. In order for email marketing to be a successful channel, and for your click-through-rate to be significant enough to produce results, apply as many best practices as you can to your efforts.

We’ve asked some top digital marketing experts at our digital agency for insights, and have looked to outside experts at some top organizations to find out what their best tips are for producing emails with high click-through-rates:

1. Customer Logic

Bryan Clayton, CEO at Greenpal, points out the worth of thinking about your audience when you’re crafting emails, and suggests asking people unfamiliar with the content for feedback on how it reads:

“The biggest mistake we were making when crafting our emails was that we were using company logic as opposed to customer logic. You really need to put yourself in the mind of your customer when crafting your emails. Run your email copy by friends, and strangers. Get feedback because it’s so challenging to get out of your own skin.”

-Bryan Clayton, CEO, Greenpal

2. Timing Matters

Finding the best time to send emails to individual users will provide the best results. Austin Paley, Corporate Marketing Communications Manager at Blue Fountain Media, explains the importance of segmenting contacts with consideration for timing:

“While there are some standard times that are widely considered the ‘best’ to send emails based on vertical and email type, you should try and go beyond just finding the best time to send for most of your users and aim to send at the best possible time for each individual on your contact list. For example, if you find that most people like to open emails at 9 am, it isn’t enough to just send an email at 9 am Eastern Standard Time and call it a day. Use the information you’ve gathered in your lists to try and segment your contacts down by time zone – that way you can send to each person at 9 am in their local time. Some mailing platforms will do this for you automatically as a final step before you send – but if your email service provider doesn’t include this it can be as simple as using phone numbers or city data to figure out what state a contact is in and then adding a new time zone field manually. It can be a lot of tiring manual work, but higher open rates and better results make it more than worth it.”

-Austin Paley, Corporate Marketing Communications Manager, Blue Fountain Media

3. Think About Individual Users

It’s important to have relevant messaging, and an understanding of your users at a 1-to-1 level explains Shannon Johlic, Head of Marketing at Boomtrain. Then you can deliver only the most targeted content for that individual person:

“As email marketers, we must look to reaching the mythical segment of 1. No audiences, just individual people seeking more personal user experiences. But how do you do this? Previously thought a near impossible task, now, (thanks to machine intelligence), marketers have the opportunity to massively scale and automate not only the actual building of the emails, but the collection and processing of data that surfaces an understanding of the behavior of your subscribers/customers and a deep understanding of your content/products. This coupling of multiple layers of understanding with automation gives marketers tools that predictively populate emails with content most relevant to that individual person, and will deliver it to them at an optimal time. Powerful computers and algorithms have evolved so much that marketers are now able to distribute relevant emails as if sent by a close friend who has known that individual for years.”

-Shannon Johlic, Head of Marketing, Boomtrain

4. Quality over Quantity

Ashley Chavez, Director of Marketing at Get Smart Marketing explains that sending emails to a ton of leads that aren’t necessarily qualified is far less effective than sending to a smaller, qualified group:

“As a marketer, it is your goal to influence a consumer’s purchase decisions. Email is a powerful tool that helps marketers connect with consumers, delivering them useful and relevant content right to their inbox. So, it seems logical that the more people you can contact, the better your chances are at sending qualified leads to sales. However, more doesn’t always mean better. Adding unqualified leads to your nurture campaigns, won’t help close more sales. Grow your email list the smarter way by serving personalized sign up forms only to visitors who haven’t opted in and that fit within one of your target audience personas.”

-Ashley Chavez, Director of Marketing, Get Smart Content

5. Code Images

Andrew Jung, Corporate Marketing Associate at Blue Fountain Media suggests always defining your image sizes in your coding, and labeling them with alt image tags for the best user-experience:

“If your images don’t render in your clients’ email platform, your email will display as an assortment of random white boxes and could come across as spam. By having the image sizes defined with alt image tags in your coding, it ensures that the layout of your email will retain its shape without being jumbled together and your alt tag images will explain and help identify what each white box is. This does not seem like a huge difference to you, but putting in the extra effort can be the decisive factor that might sway your clients to load those images and actually read and react to your email.”

-Andrew Jung, Corporate Marketing Associate, Blue Fountain Media

6. Align Content with the Buyer Process

Aligning content with the buying cycle is crucial for every company and should be a focus of any successful email marketing campaign. Troy O’Bryan, CEO at Response Capture explains how organizations should consider where the user is in the buying process when crafting their emails:


“Each stage of the A.C.T. (Awareness, Consideration, Transaction) Model represents a different part of their journey and the content should be reflective. For example, if a prospect visits the “request a demo” page on your website, they are already in the Consideration stage. A case study or expert guide would be great content for your follow-up email strategy. By tailoring the content to fit the wants and needs of the buyer, they will be more likely to respond because you are providing something of value.”-Troy O’Bryan, CEO, Response Capture

7. What’s the CTA?

Having a strong Call-To-Action allows marketers to encourage users to take a desired action that brings them further into the conversion funnel. Saurbah Nangia, CEO & Founder at Targeting Mantra suggests making the CTA of your email your core focus:

“Marketers should focus on the CTA that goes with the email. Whether it is a template or a simple HTML message, your email focus should be on the CTA you are including in the mail. This is because you have just 1-8 seconds to catch the attention of the reader and you should be able to direct the reader in split seconds what you want him/her to do.”

-Saurbah Nangia, CEO & Founder, Targeting Mantra

8. Testing

Like all other marketing tactics, in order to understand what’s going to resonate best with your users and what types of email messages they’re most likely to open and click through, you need to do some testing. Jeff Tomlin, CMO of Vendasta Technologies highlights the importance of this in his tip:

“Get them into the email. First, you’ve got to get people to open the email and they choose in milliseconds whether to do so or to delete based only on who sent it what the subject line is. So make both count. Remember, emails coming from a person usually perform better than those coming from an entity. And while there are plenty of guidelines on creating open-worthy subject lines, if you’re looking for the BEST subject line, you need to test. Test. Test. And, you got it, test.”

-Jeff Tomlin, CMO, Vendasta Technologies

9. Videos

Owner at The Media Captain says his team has had great success with embedding videos in their email marketing, and suggests using it as an opportunity to engage users in a way that many companies don’t:

“When you mention “video” in the title it typically has a higher open rate percentage. We will then embed the video within the email blast and when people click on it, it drives them to a landing page specific to the email marketing message that we’re delivering.”

-Jason Parks, Owner, The Media Captain

10. Build Consistent Confidence

If you’re not delivering in content, you likely will not be converting clicks. Owen Powis, Founder and CEO of Mailflow, stresses the importance of instilling confidence in your users:

“Focus on creating the best possible experience, and people will click when they have confidence that the email will contain something they want to see. If they know when you send them an offer it’s always a great offer they are far more likely to check it out. The more effort you put into creating a fantastic campaign that genuinely benefits your audience the better your CTR will become. This is a far healthier and longer term strategy than just looking at making the subject line stand out.”

-Owen Powis, Founder and CEO, Mailflow

Effective Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the best marketing tactics for reaching an audience, and boosting a brand’s ROI. To understand if your efforts are paving the way for your business, take a look at your key performance indicators and examine your open-rates and click-through-rates to identify areas of improvement. If you’d like to enhance the overall performance of your email marketing, and increase your click-through-rates, incorporate some of our experts’ ideas throughout your next campaign.


10 Advantages of Social Media Marketing for Your Business

Advantages of Social Media

Social media marketing is a highly valued element of any decent marketing strategy. The benefits of using social media marketing are so great, that anyone not implementing the cost-effective marketing resource is missing out on a phenomenal marketing opportunity.

According to Hubspot, 92% of all marketers claim that social media marketing is important for their business, with another 80% stating that their efforts increased traffic to their websites. It’s easy to see that social media marketing is definitely making waves in the marketing field and many marketers report realizing the potential for business growth, however they are unsure of the best method.

Social Media Examiner states that 97% of marketers are currently participating in social media, but 85% of participants aren’t sure what social media tools are the best to use. There seems to be some uncertainty when it comes to social media marketing. With our help, we will diminish the confusion by thoroughly explaining the best ways to use social media to market your business.

There are an immense amount of benefits of using social media to market your business. We’ve chosen 10 to highlight:

1. Increased Brand Recognition

Social media marketing is one of the most cost-efficient digital marketing methods to syndicate your content and increase your business visibility. Implementing a social media strategy will greatly increase your brand recognition because your business will be reaching such a broad audience of consumers. To get started, create social media profiles for your business and begin networking. Have employees, partner businesses, sponsors, your mother, anyone “like” and “share” your business content on social media. Simply having content “liked” and “shared” makes your business more visible to new consumers which will lead to retaining customers. The more people who know about your business, the better – and social media is a fantastic outlet for showing people what your business is about. Social media marketing increases any businesses’ ROI (return on investment).

2. Improved Brand Loyalty

According to a report by Texas Tech University, brands who engage on social media channels enjoy higher loyalty from their customers. Social media creates the perfect environment for brands to communicate with their consumers and create a bond of brand loyalty. The report proves that brands who communicate with their customers on social media obtain higher levels of customer loyalty.

The millennial consumer generation is known for being the most brand loyal generation of all. The millennial generation is the largest generation in US history – born between the early 1980’s and the early 2000’s – and will soon completely consume the market. Studies show that the millennial consumer generation is 80% more likely to use a brand again if they are pleased with their first purchase. With these technology natives requiring communication between themselves and their brands, businesses must implement social media marketing to catch the eye of the most influential consumer.

3. More Opportunities for Conversion

The more visibility your business has, the better. Every blog post, image, video, or comment may lead viewers to your company website, providing the opportunity for traffic conversion. Social media marketing allows your business to give a positive impression. If a viewer comes across your content and has no need for your products or services, the consumer is more likely to think of your business when the need arises.

4. Higher Conversion Rates

There are several ways social media marketing results in higher conversion rates, the most prominent is its humanization factor. When brands are interactive by sharing content, commenting, and posting statuses on social media, it personifies a brand. People prefer to do business with other people, rather than companies.

Studies have also shown that social media has a 100% higher lead-to-close rate than outbound marketing. When a brand is interactive on social media, consumers who follow your brand’s social media accounts often gain more trust for your brand and view your business as more credible. People use social media platforms to stay connected to their friends, family, and communities. Since people are already talking, why not throw your brand into the mix? More likely than not, they’ll mention your brand to a friend when your products or services are needed, overall providing your business with social proof of its quality. Putting your brand in an atmosphere where people are sharing, liking, and talking, can only improve the conversion rates on your existing traffic.

5. More Brand Authority

When consumers see your business posting on social media – a marketing strategy that only top businesses use – it makes your business appear more credible. Interacting with your customers frequently demonstrates that your business cares about customer satisfaction, and is available to answer any questions that customers might pose. When a satisfied customer wants to spread the word about a great product or service they received from your business, they often turn to social media (especially if social media is the platform where they heard about your business in the first place). Having authentic customers mentioning your business on social media will advertise your business to an even broader audience. The average person has over 300 friends on Facebook, that’s 300 more people that will hear about your business if they scroll through their news feed.

6. Increased Inbound Traffic

Without marketing your business on social media, your inbound traffic is limited to your usual customers. The people familiar with your brand are likely searching for the same keywords you already rank for. You’ll have much more difficulty reaching anyone outside of your loyal customer circle (if you have loyal customers) without social media marketing. Every social media profile you add to your marketing mix (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Vine, etc.) is a gateway to your website, and every piece of content you post is another opportunity to acquire a new customer. Social media is a melting pot of different types of people from different cultures and backgrounds, and no two people have the same profile. With different people come different needs and different ways of thinking. Perhaps someone in an older demographic of consumers will search your website for the same keywords, however a millennial generation consumer could think totally differently. By marketing on social media, you are opening your business to versatile consumers all over the world.

7. Cost-Effective

Social media marketing is the most cost-efficient advertising strategy. Once you obtain a few satisfied customers who are vocal about their positive purchase experience, you can sit back and let the advertising be done for you by actual customers who enjoyed your product or service.

According to Hubspot, 84% of marketers found that as little as 6 hours a week spent on social media marketing efforts saw a benefit of reduced marketing expenses. Even paid advertising through Facebook and Twitter is the cheapest form of marketing compared to other methods. If paid advertising on social media is the way you decide to go, you can always start small and watch your conversion rates rise, which will pay off the money you initially put in.

hotdog man

8. Better Search Engine Rankings (SEO)

Search engine ranking is very important for obtaining traffic to your business website. More than 58% of marketers who have been using social media for one year or longer improved search engine rankings. Ranking in the top positions in SEO for your keywords will revolutionize your traffic. Let’s face it, everyone uses Google to find information, and they likely won’t click “Next Page” because they don’t have to, they’ll find the answer within the first URLs they click on. If your business website isn’t ranked high in search engine results, you should probably adjust your marketing strategy.

Although posting on social media might get your business some site traffic, more is required to succeed at social media marketing. First, you must create high quality content. Content such as blogs, infographics, facts, advertising your products or services, employee photos and events, and much more will make your business’s social media profile intriguing and credible. Once you begin posting quality content, you’ll begin to build a social media community. Your followers will “like” and “share” your content, which will give your business more visibility, however it is about quality over quantity. An engaged community is more likely to link to you, which will make your website rank higher in search engine results. Social media can be used to publish your content in order to obtain more links to your webpages, which will rank you higher in search engine results.

9. Overall Better Customer Experience

Social media is a networking and communication platform. Every customer interaction with your business on social media is an opportunity to publicly demonstrate your compassion for your customers. Whether a customer has a complaint you can address, or a compliment to give, social media allows you to address the matter in an interpersonal dialogue. A brand devoted to customer satisfaction that takes the time to compose personal messages will inherently be viewed in a positive light, even if responding to a customer complaint.


10. Improved Customer Insights

Hubspot reported that 69% of marketers found social platforms provided market place insights. Social media also gives you an opportunity to gain valuable information about what your customers are interested in. By monitoring comments, you can see customers’ blunt opinions of your business that you might not be aware of if your business didn’t have social media presence.

Another insightful aspect of social media marketing is the ability to segment your content syndication lists based on topic and identify what types of content generate the most interest and then produce more of that type of content. With social media marketing you have the ability to measure conversions based on different posts on various social media platforms to find the perfect combination to generate revenue.

Now Get Started

Still don’t know where to start? First, create your business’s social media profiles, next, post engaging content, gain some links to your webpages (which will improve your keyword search engine optimization), and boom: you’ve got yourself a functioning social media marketing strategy.

There are virtually no reasons not to implement social media marketing into your marketing strategy. Your competition is most likely already on social media. Don’t let your competitors hog the playing field. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll see growth in your business. There is no reason not to market on social media when the potential losses are statistically insignificant.

The longer you wait, the more time you’re losing, the less traffic you’ll receive, and the less customers you will retain. Check out Web Designer Vip’s social media marketing strategy to get started right away.


Domain Migration Tips To Preserve Search Engine Rankings


Rebranding is one of the most common marketing initiatives for businesses, and can occur for many reasons. Whether it is an attempt to dissociate with the performance of the past or to simplify the brand, this marketing tactic can be very effective if approached properly.

Some notable brands have undergone this process including Comcast’s rebranding to Xfinity, and the British Overseas Airway Corporation’s (BOAC) rebranding to British Airways. In the digital world, Quantum Computer Services successfully changed its name to America Online in 1991–and even Google rebranded from their original name, BackRub.

While rebrandings can be very profitable, it requires a very complex interplay of resources to be successful. One of those resources is search engines and the way they manage a change in domain. In some cases, the original brand has such a strong online presence that a Google search will still return several pages and results before the actual current page. BOAC returns several Wikipedia pages and YouTube video results before you start seeing the current brand’s site, British Airways. On the other hand, if you do a search for Comcast, you’ll find paid and organic results for occupying the first two ranking positions and the Wikipedia page for Comcast down at position 5.

SEO Preservation

SEO Preservation can be a broad term that may include a variety of performance indicators including page-rank, traffic, ranking keywords, online purchases, bookings, and many more. When SEO preservation is not a key factor throughout domain migration or the URL restructuring process, there are some key lessons that can be learned. As search engine optimizers, we understand that often other factors like time-resources, budget, other marketing efforts, or even client buy-in to the SEO process may inhibit the preservation process. Brands that have failed at this process chose to focus on other priorities during their website migration process, and unfortunately, as a result they have seen dramatic dips in their site performance.

To highlight this, consider the following example. This company, started with 2,100 keywords ranking in the top 20 search results before the domain change and one month later saw a 40% drop to fewer than 1,400 terms in April.

Another “nightmare scenario” for SEO is to have domain migration occur so that both domains remain live for some time and links connect the old and new sites back and forth. To avoid this, coordinate the shift all at once because the existence of two live domains with substantial amounts of duplicate content and partial implementation of redirects will send conflicting signals to search engines about which site should rank. Consequently, the domain authority is then split instead of shifted from the old domain to the new one. In some cases we’ve seen domain authority drops for both the old and the new domain.

To illustrate this, consider this example below. Average daily site visits dropped in half due to falling organic traffic when the site no longer ranked for terms that they dominated only weeks before.


Rebrandings with SEO in Mind

What steps do you need to plan ahead for, in order to minimize the chance of these drops impacting your business?

There are 6 critical components to maintaining domain authority, digital presence, and accurate tracking of the domain migration. Some of which impact how the domain is perceived and some are related to how the migration is tracked. Keep in mind these crucial elements if your preparing for a rebranding:

  1. Redirects
  2. Resubmit Sitemap
  3. Directory Listings
  4. Social Media
  5. Analytics and Search Console (formerly Webmaster Tools) Profiles
  6. Audit Redirects


The most obvious first step is to put in place redirects which automatically route a user from the old domain and page to the new one. There are a range of types of redirects that are available, but for these types of redirects, a 301 is best. A 301 status communicates to search engines and web browsers that the page has been permanently relocated and redirects the user to the correct page. A 301 redirect also transfers ranking power (sometimes called “link juice”) that the legacy page had built up to the new page.

In order to identify every page on the site that needs to be redirected, several tools, including Xenu Link Sleuth, Screaming Frog, Integrity for Mac, are available to “crawl” the legacy site. Pay special attention to URLs that have the most in-bound links, or receive the highest volume of inbound traffic from other sites. These pages are home to most of the site’s “link juice” and must be maintained. Tools such as Moz Open Site Explorer, Google Search Console and Majestic SEO, can be used to compare and make sure that nothing gets skipped or overlooked.

Once the list of legacy pages is complete they must be mapped to pages on the new site and redirected. A simple way to help you do this is to create an excel file listing the old URL’s in one column and the new ones in another. It also helps for verification purposes later.

It’s important to be prepared to make all of the changes at once instead of drifting a handful of pages at a time. Leaving both domains live sends conflicting signals to search engines and can damage the domain authority of both the legacy and new domains.

Resubmit Sitemap

Once the redirects have been implemented it’s important to notify Google and Bing Webmaster Tools that a change of address is happening. Leave the old site’s XML sitemap live for about a week after the migration so crawlers can still access it, follow the links therein through the 301 redirects, and start working the old URLs out of their indexes.

Create a XML sitemap for the new domain and submit it to Google and Bing Webmaster Tools/Search Console. Typically, it can take a day or two before the new crawl takes effect and you can compare the number of indexed pages.

Directory Listings

Along with inbound links, directory listings are one of top sources used by both search engines and users to find a website or domain. It’s considered best SEO practice to make certain that listings in online and print directories are current and accurate. A domain migration requires returning to all of the directories that list the legacy domain and updating them to reflect the new address. These directories may include (most generically) FourSquare, InfoGroup, Localeze,, City Search, and DMOZ. An aggregation tool like MozLocal can help bring all of these directories into alignment.

In addition to the generic directories most businesses have an opportunity to be listed in industry-specific directories. From auto-dealers to law firms or home maintenance professionals, you’ll likely find a set of available directories. The longer a legacy domain has been in existence, the more directories that will subsequently need to be updated.

Social Media

There is a strong correlation between social media engagement and web traffic. Announcing and publicizing the domain name change to provide important social signals and promote the rebranding in its own right. This will generate higher than usual volumes of traffic to the new domain in order to compensate for the potential drop in organic traffic while Google is indexing the new domain. While it isn’t critical to update all legacy posts with a new domain, it’s crucial to make sure that any pages that have social media links to them are correctly redirected. Update social media profiles, especially Twitter, Facebook and Google +, but don’t neglect LinkedIn, Instagram, Blogger, YouTube and any others that are connected to the website.

Analytics and Search Console Profiles

The profiles in an analytics package, whether it is Google Analytics or a fee-for-service provider, will track the traffic to a specific domain, and if it’s set up correctly should not be tracking activity on other domains. In the Admin tab of Google Analytics, the property name and default URL should be updated to reflect the new domain. This is also the time to annotate Google Analytics in order to track the date of the migration.

In addition to Google Analytics it’s important to update settings in Google Search Console, only AFTER the migration has occurred.

1. On the Search Console homepage, click the name of the legacy site.
2. Click the gear icon; then click change of address.
3. Follow the instructions in the change of site address tool.
4. Monitor site traffic as indicated in move a site with URL changes.


Audit Redirects

Once everything is complete, it’s important to verify that everything is working as expected. The Screaming Frog web spider tool can help run an audit of the old and new site to examine the results.

1. Upload: The legacy URL’s

Switch the SEO Spider to ‘List Mode,” select the file with all the old URLs to audit and upload.

This is where the log that was saved from step 1, redirects comes back into play.

2. Select: The ‘Always Follow Redirects’ box

Navigate to the ‘Advanced’ tab inside the ‘Spider Configuration’ and select the ‘Always Follow Redirects‘ option.

As default ‘List Mode’ works at a 0 crawl depth, meaning it just crawls the URLs included in the upload. With this feature selected, it ignores depth and will follow redirects until the final destination (a no response, 2XX, 4XX or 5XX etc.).

3. Start the crawl

Now hit the ‘Start’ button let the SEO Spider crawl the site, reach 100%, and come to a stop.

4. Click on ‘Reports’ & ‘Redirect Chains’

This report does not just include URLs which have redirect chains, it includes every URL in the original upload and the response in a single export. If a URL has multiple redirects in a chain, this export will map out each hop along the way, redirect 1, to redirect 2, to redirect 3, and all the responses along the way until the final target. It will also show how many hops there are (remember 5+ Google might give up and treat as a 404) and identify any pesky redirect loops.

This report provides a comprehensive method to audit all redirects in a site migration in a nice, easy, single export.

Effective Domain Migration To Preserve Search Engine Rankings

While there are a lot of steps in this process and many intricate details to pay attention to, with preparation and a clearly outlined plan it can be possible to identify unexpected behavior or disparities before they have a notable impact on traffic and visitors. Following the steps to update analytics packages and audit redirects will help identify opportunities to make changes before they become problems.

Now, go forth and change that domain!


Instagram for Business: 5 Tips for Effective Advertising


Social media advertising is on the rise, and more and more social media platforms are providing advertisers with the capability to advertise on each individual platform to best reach their target audience within a specific channel. Instagram has officially joined the game, and with an expected growth to hit over 100 million users by 2018, it’s an obvious decision for relevant businesses to utilize the new advertising options that have been made available.


So, what kind of businesses should consider advertising on Instagram?Instagram is an incredibly visual-centric social platform, ultimately providing users with appealing imagery that is highly engaging and shareable. With the capabilities to Like, Comment, and Share the content posted by other users, your content’s reach is organically extended to a large portion of the Instagram network.

Businesses with captivating imagery, product photos, and lifestyle-based content (think company events, flowers in the office, happy hour) are able to give their target audience a glimpse inside the brand on the Instagram platform. This “point-of-view” strategy allows users to better understand the background of the business, get to know their employees, how their products are made, and obtain a behind the scenes look at the company – building trust and forging brand loyalty in the process. Fashion companies, lifestyle brands, bloggers, magazines, and other businesses with strong imagery to share tend to be the most successful on the Instagram platform.

Instagram has made an atmosphere for marketers to create a close bond with consumers via mobile devices. With a less conventional content concept in comparison to other traditional advertisements, this form of social engagement can significantly increase digital visibility. The platform offers similar characteristics to Twitter and Facebook, yet the specific steps to connect with your audience are different. Follow these 5 tips to expand your brand reach and effectively advertise on Instagram:

1. Set Your Goals

For any social media advertising initiative, defining your goal should be the first step; followed by the strategy to reach these goals (targeting, content to be shared, brand voice, etc.), which should be built with these objectives top of mind.

Is your brand interested in advertising on Instagram to build out their following? Is the business launching in the US market and seeking to expand brand awareness throughout the country? Is the company launching a new line and seeking to leverage the existing audience of their current, well-established line? Once the goals for your advertising efforts are identified, your business can move towards the execution of the advertising campaign.

2. Establish Your Point of View

With a strong visual presence on the platform, Instagram uses imagery (and the use of some text and hashtags as well) to deliver messaging to users. Businesses must create a brand strategy unique to each social platform, and specifically on Instagram, decide what specific “point of view” they would like to convey to their target audience. Think sneak peek into the showroom, the latest celebrity look from the brand, or a look inside the factory where products are manufactured. Once a brand’s point of view strategy is established, the content strategy should be built to support it.

3. Create A Content Strategy


Supporting the goals and point of view previously established by your business, your content strategy should go hand in hand with the two. Within the content strategy, you’ll want to tell a story to users on the platform. Keep in mind, users on each social media platform are unique, so the content strategy across social platforms should vary a bit, while aiming to maintain an overall consistent brand voice across all channels. By analyzing the success of each post, you will be able to best determine what works best in terms of content, and optimize your efforts accordingly.

4. Utilize Hashtags

Leverage the organic reach of your posts with the use of relevant and trending hashtags. Instagram’s resources provide inspiration for ways to best use hashtags to connect with the community and extend your brand’s reach.


5. Continue Improving

In both organic posts and advertising efforts, the success of each should be analyzed and reported on regularly to best determine what works best and what kind of posts don’t perform as well for your specific brand. Maybe the use of a specific hashtag resulted in 30% more engagement on two similar posts, or maybe a specific image type generated noticeably higher results. By analyzing and understanding the success of your efforts, your brand is able to optimize posts accordingly to help foster the best results possible.

Instagram for Business

Instagram is a highly visual social media platform, and it provides brands with the ability to share their point of view with the world. With advertising capabilities being extended to more businesses, we expect to see immense growth on the platform. By following these 5 tips for effective Instagram advertising, your brand’s content strategy and advertising efforts will boost the success of your social media efforts.


How Can Personalized Email Make An Impact on Your Users?


Remember when you set up your first email account? You’ve probably been through countless email addresses since then for various reasons–a change in taste, or more likely, a need for an email address that sounded more professional. Your email addresses back then was essentially your username, so we had “dorky” IDs that we likely would be embarrassed to share as contact information today. Email has evolved into one of the most important forms of online identification, and nearly everything on the web that you create an account for now requires a valid email address.

So, if the basic concept behind naming email addresses has drastically changed, you can bet that the marketing aspect of email has transformed as well. Just as you would be embarrassed to have to explain your decades-old email address, you don’t want to be embarrassed when explaining during a company presentation how you lost potential leads and customers with outdated and ineffective email marketing tactics that didn’t include strategies like personalized email. In order to help make sure this never happens, here are three email marketing tips you should follow to get the most out of your email campaigns.

Focus on the Personalized Email Process

Repeat after me: “Not all emails are meant to generate an online sale.” Again. Not all emails are meant to generate an online sale. Users that visit your website and sign up for more content via email are all motivated by the different things that your website has to offer, and they are all at different points of the conversion funnel.

However, companies are often too distracted with sealing the deal and getting conversions or sales so they often send the same sales-oriented email newsletter to each and every user. While it certainly is easy to do things this way, this method is no longer as effective in the modern era. Users will get annoyed when you place priority on trying to foster a conversion through your emails and appearing overly concerned with driving sales without including messaging that is at all related to the overriding reason they signed up to receive emails from you in the first place. Find out how and why users decided to give you their email address, and present them with content, imagery, and links that they’ll find valuable based on why they signed up.

Email Drip
For example, if you have a fashion site that sells a myriad of designer clothing and you also have a blog that gives style tips, fashion advice, and information about what’s trending now, it is reasonable to assume that someone may visit your site interested in updating their wardrobe, while someone else may come to your site through your blog. If both sign up for your emails, they’re likely anticipating different things from your brand. As a result, sending the same mailer to both users will likely leave someone feeling as if you don’t understand who they are as a customer and that you aren’t interested in what they are actually to learn from your business.

Take a few moments to plan out the process of where users are in the conversion process as well as how they will read, interact, and click through to landing pages from your emails. By doing this instead of focusing on immediately converting all of your email recipients into sales, you should see a considerable bump in your end goal (often conversions) without being overly sales-centric with your email content.

Send One to Two Personalized Emails A Week

If this was a guide on how to get users to unsubscribe from your emails or marking your emails as spam, I would suggest that you send them an email every single day. However, this is a guide on how to use your email marketing more effectively, so I suggest that you send one to two emails a week at most, and don’t click that send button any more after that.


Do research on the most favorable time and day that your target demographic will check and respond to their email and schedule out your campaigns accordingly. Each email that you send to your users should offer interesting and fresh content that will intrigue them and encourage them to click on prominent calls to action. For example, if you are having a “BOGO” or “50% off everything” sale, and it’s is a week long, it will not create a sense of urgency if your users get an email for 7 days straight reminding them of your amazing sale. “Inbox fatigue” and “email fatigue” are real terms, and in my own email marketing experience, even some of the more well-known brands don’t realize that they are driving online users away with the constant reminder of their existence in their inbox. Do not be that company. Receiving an email from your business should be a pleasant surprise and should be something that users look forward to receiving, not a daily nuisance.

Timing is Key for Email Personalization

I flew to Atlanta this past weekend to catch up with old friends, and I bought my tickets through an online travel company. They emailed me the day before and a couple hours ahead of my flight to check in online so I could skip the line, and linked me to a webpage that I could scan as my boarding pass. I loved the email check-ups and reminders up until I landed and turned on my phone. While I was still on the runway, I received a “How was your flight?” email. This email didn’t come as I was going through baggage claim or after I had gotten home from the airport, it came as soon as I landed. It may sound like an overreaction, but this is a good example of NOT giving users their space when sending them a follow-up email. As soon as I hit the runway post-flight, the first thing I want to be able to do is call my friends and family to let them know I have landed safely and check for any missed personal emails, texts, or phone calls – not get bombarded with emails that should realistically arrive around the time I check in to my hotel.


Research has shown that follow-up emails, especially for abandoned shopping carts, are great at re-engaging users and influencing purchases. What’s often not included in this research is the timing of when those emails were sent out. As I’ve hinted at earlier, timing when it comes to email marketing is essential and you want to send your follow-up or reminder emails at the right time to retain customer lifetime value and foster positive user engagement.

Effective Email Marketing is Personalized

Ultimately, the most efficient way to confirm that your email marketing initiatives are proving beneficial to your organization is to do a thorough examination of whether or not they are driving increases in key metrics. Whatever you use as your email platform, be sure to take a look at things like click-through-rates and open-rates to discover areas for improvement, and see what types of emails are providing you with the best results. By following best practices and tweaking your messages so that they are tailored to each individual user’s wants and needs, you’ll find your organization will convert more customers, and produce a higher ROI from email marketing efforts.


What Is a Responsive Web Design: Understanding the Basics


Today, as users, we’re constantly on-the-go. The majority of website visits start on mobile devices, and according to eMarketer, Mcommerce sales for US retail will be increasing with each coming year. As a result, optimizing website accessibility and user experience on tablets, smartphones, and every device imaginable is becoming increasingly important in order for all businesses to stay relevant. To accommodate users, websites that are designed responsively are typically the best option available.

Responsive design is an approach to web development by which a website is planned, designed, and developed to appear optimally in a range of devices. The phrase “appear optimally” refers to a page being readable, easy-to-navigate, and usable with minimal panning and scrolling. Responsive Design is not just a method or technique – it is a fundamental ideology about how a site is designed and built.

What Is A Responsive Web Design?

Responsive design is a front-end development process intended for molding website design and user experience to the user’s device, whether desktop, tablet, or mobile.

In responsive, a cascading style sheet (CSS)—essentially what defines the format and layout of a web page, is leveraged to permit a website to scale to the width of a browser, independent of device type. Javascript and js libraries such as JQuery and Modernizr are also used to accompany this behavior for resizing more dynamic objects like masonry galleries as well as converting mouse activities to touch activities.

Unlike adaptive design or mobile detection, responsive design does not leverage device detection, so rather than querying the device with backend logic, CSS media queries are used to determine things like the width and orientation of the device screen—your browser.

Basics of Responsive Design

Two basic principles exist in responsive design, the use of breakpoints and fluid scaling:


CSS3 media queries create conditional boundaries at which the width of a specific device type’s browser will then trigger alternate styles. Here at Web Designer Vip, we generally use maximum-width breakpoint, to create a desktop-first (scale down) build versus a minimum-width boundary, for a mobile-first (scale up) build. Queries can also be used to determine height and even device orientation.

Breakpoint sizes (we’ll use widths from here on out) can be set in px or em. The differentiation in modern browsers is negligible, though, compared to a few years back. Breakpoints can be set at any size but they tend to align with the most common dimensions of each Desktop, Tablet Portrait, Mobile Landscape, and Mobile Portrait. Generally speaking, these tend to be 1200/960px, 768px, 480px, and 320px, wide respectively, though industry standards are constantly changing as new devices are released.

Over the years, these types of devices have begun to blend into one another, especially with the introduction of retina displays. As a result, you might find two devices can match the same breakpoint (ie. tablet landscape and laptop) but might also find that a particular device has a unique size, so that’s where the next principle comes into play.


Fluid scaling can be achieved in a few different ways, but it will always involve percentage or em values to permit a container to scale within the bounds of its parent elements, and ultimately the browser. Fluid scaling is necessary to achieve responsiveness between breakpoints, to maximize your real estate, as well as to maintain the flow of columns in a responsive grid.

A simple example of a fluidly scaling object would be an HTML page consisting of one block with width of 100% and a height of “auto”. As the browser changes width, the block scales with it, proportionally. Where you choose to apply this scaling at the granular level is up to you but fluidity should always exist at the top level of any responsive container.

Another popular example of fluidity is a grid layout. In a grid layout, virtual blocks are aligned and evenly distributed over the width of the body of a site or container. These blocks are fixed in width, aligned as inline-blocks, with a parent container which is fluidly scaling. By doing tis, when the browser (and ultimately, the container) reaches the point at which the sum of all blocks exceeds its parent container, the blocks break to the next line. These blocks are referred to as columns and each block could also represent a number of columns.

For instance, if you have 3 blocks, they could represent 9 columns, at 3 columns each. Once you’ve scaled down to a width that fits 2 blocks, at 3 columns each, with the 3rd on the next row, you’re now looking at an 8 column layout, with 2 columns of margin. Scale down further to close out the margin and you’re looking at a 6 column layout with no margin.


Grid layouts may also be used across an entire website, including sidebars and body content. As a result, many websites are designed on grids, flowing from left to right, top to bottom (just like germanic and latin-based written languages).

In order to present the optimally responsive layout for a grid, we start by selecting the known device widths from our knowledge of breakpoints. Using these figures, we calculate the nearest figure of the site width and number of columns, which divide into the greatest number of whole factors. We must do this without compromising the content’s real estate much (so don’t go overboard). One of the most popular systems is the 960grid system, which is often used in 12 columns. Two side-by-side blocks taking up the full width of a page is therefore each 6 and 6 columns respectively, in a 12 column grid.


Photo Credit:

When designing and developing for responsive, we place emphasis on retaining the structure and order of elements from desktop through mobile. This permits fluid scaling while also reducing unnecessary load of duplicate elements that are hidden or shown at specific breakpoints.

Responsive Design at Web Designer Vip

At Web Designer Vip, our 2015 standards for responsive design include options for a standard 960 grid, requiring designs for desktop and mobile, as well as a widescreen 1200px or 1280px grid requiring designs for widescreen, tablet or 960, and mobile. All interim stages are either snapped via breakpoints, to the next breakpoint size, or fluidly scaling – the complexity of the design and scope of the project will dictate that decision.

Our talented development team includes full stack developers as well as frontend specialists, all of whom are trained in responsive practices and are evaluated on a quarterly basis. We perform quality checks of all the major browsers and aforementioned breakpoint widths both manually and using a proprietary screenshotting service built off of PhantomJs, as well as with manual device testing with our in-house QA engineers.

Optimizing User-Experience

Regardless of your industry or the products and services your company offers, user-experience on your website should be of the utmost importance. With responsive design, your audience will always be able to engage seamlessly with your site on each of their devices, at any given time. Mobile and tablet use is becoming more and more prevalent, and to succeed with your online presence, your website should be optimized for those devices and their users.


10 Marketing Strategy Elements You Need for A Website Launch


Before launching a website, you must determine the qualifications a website needs in order to be successful. There are several elements that must be taken into consideration, such as; website design, content, technical logistics, marketing, and much more. The list goes on and on…

Having a well-thought out strategy is what will make all the difference with a website’s success. Without it, you’re unable to design a site that will accomplish everything a business wants to because those goals haven’t been outlined. At Web Designer Vip, our strategy department likes to take phased approaches when we build a strategy for any type of business before the launch of a website. We begin by asking questions throughout all phases of the project—before it begins, during, and after. The following is a basic “game plan” for the major components of your strategy, and the right questions to ask that will help you create the most effective strategic plan, and reach your finish line to achieve the goals of your site.

Pre Game

The discovery phase is one of the most important parts of any successful website strategy because it helps shape the fundamental aspects of your entire project. Proper research will provide you with a clear understanding of your client needs, your competitive landscape, and the unique assets your business has to offer. Without fully grasping those components, you won’t be able to identify the right business objectives or goals, and furthermore, the tactics you need to implement in order to achieve them. Three crucial strategy elements that should be considered during your initial research phase include the following:


1. Target Audience

  • Who are they, what will resonate with them the most?
  • How do they behave? Will it be best to market to them offline, online, or socially?

2. Industry landscape

  • Who are my top competitors in my vertical, direct, looking and goliaths alike?
  • What are the industry trends, what is driving them?

3. Differentiators

  • What is my competition not doing well that I can highlight or capitalize upon?
  • What can I offer to offset or detract from any weaknesses?

Game Time

Determining actionable tasks and goals related to your website should be based on what you ultimately want your users to do. What your audience is looking for and how you can fulfil their need should be the basis for how your website is designed. The user-experience is crucial to the success of your online business and should be tailored to meet the needs of your users. These four elements of a strategy should be examined as you’re creating your website:


4. Social Integration

  • Do I want posts to link to landing pages or just get the word out?
  • How much interaction or commenting do I want between the company and customers? Does it need to be monitored?

5. Content Offerings

  • Am I a catalogue, resource center, thought leadership portal, mix?
  • How do I avoid dead ends and supplement with related upsells?

6. Conversion & CTAs

  • What do I want users to do, buy, share, download, comment, or post?
  • How do I prompt them to do so? With links, buttons, pop ups, and at what stage of interest?

7. Online Environment

  • What are my users looking to do? Browse, buy, learn, or reach out?
  • What atmosphere are they expecting any offline sites or other materials?

Post Game

After the launch of a website, you’re not done yet. In order to stay relevant and continue enhancing your online business, certain elements need to be evaluated and several tactics should be implemented. It’s important to look at what’s working and what’s not working so that you can adapt your strategy to most effectively meet the needs of your audience, and ultimately foster the growth you’re looking for with your business. After your website has launched, consider the following three strategy elements essential to your business plan:

Photo Credit: Kickify

8. Maintenance

  • What CMS (Content Management System) is in place or should be in place?
  • What resources are in house, or do I outsource?

9. Follow up Marketing

  • What customer service is required or should be offered?
  • What can keep them coming back? Remarketing? Newsletters?

10. What Next?

  • Now what are the competitors and target audience up to, how do I keep up?
  • What else can I add to my website and overall marketing to stay relevant?

An Effective Strategy

The right strategy helps any business take their goals and objectives, outlines them, and creates actionable methods to accomplish goals. By looking at a strategy in several phases, and ensuring that the most important elements, as identified above, are included, you will find the online success you’re seeking to be attainable. Reaching your customers in the most effective way will help foster sales, and build out business growth. A strategic approach will be crucial to reaching your objectives.


A Complete Guide for Developing a Digital Marketing Strategy

Strategy Featured Image

When trying to design a great website it is very easy to focus on making something aesthetically pleasing while forgetting to make sure that the website also achieves your business’ online goals. This is why a well thought-out strategy is crucial to the success of any digital design project. Regardless of brand or industry, having a strategy in place so that you’re able to identify business objectives and determine what tactics you will need to accomplish them is necessary. The process of building out an efficient strategy can be complex, so it makes sense to break it down into three phases:

Phase 1: Discovery

The initial stage of developing a strategy is heavily focused on research, so that we have an informed understanding of client needs. By doing a deep dive to learn about the industry, the competitive landscape, and the business, we gather details necessary for a successful kickoff and have a targeted set of questions for the client’s edification. A mix of both qualitative and quantitative research such as examining current website metrics, engaging in competitive analysis, and having conversations with stakeholders will provide us with findings that will be relevant throughout the entire strategy process.

When it comes to qualitative research, we speak with key stake holders that the client has identified to grasp how the web design or web redesign will play a role in their job. Whether it’s the CEO, CMO, or various members of the marketing or sales teams, having a clear understanding of needs from the website is imperative, so we host stakeholder interviews. We’ll ask questions such as, “How does your offline sales process fit in with online efforts?” or “What are the key customer pain points your website should address?” Having an understanding of what employees think about the website and where it can be improved can also provide vital design insights that will help the website generate more sales for your business. Often, this will guide us to opportunities that enhance the site. For example, some businesses may have employees that are on the road and need to access a database that is hosted through the website—in that instance, a sales extranet may be a good fit and increase productivity for the business’ employees.


This portion of research also uncovers how the website can become an effective tool for everyone at the company to help address the current specific needs of their job. Similarly, we examine more closely the future intentions for the website, and try to understand why the client feels the need to change it. By making sure that we are appropriately aligned with the needs this project needs to fulfill, we can determine the best ways to create a site that addresses every pain point that the client currently has with the site and what might pose a headache in the future.Every website wants to achieve the conversion goals that have been outlined—even if they aren’t an ecommerce website; conversion could mean simply directing them to a physical location. During this phase of the process, we’ll work with our clients to figure out exactly what the conversion is. This enables us to identify the best way to put our clients’ customers through the buyer journey with as little room for error as possible. We’ll also examine writing and marketing needs to identify what is currently occurring online and offline, and where this aspect of their marketing strategy needs to go. Looking at exactly how items are currently sold provides us with insights that help us shape the way the website should be organized, and how the users will access it.

On the other end of the discovery phase is quantitative research. At this point, our goal is to gather high-level findings that are backed up by statistics. Often, we’ll be interested in research related to the target audience, so we want concrete data that is going to provide forward-looking insights on how to best reach them. To gather numbers related to the needs of our target audience, we’ll develop surveys through a platform such as Survey Monkey, and disseminate it across email or social platforms to get as much data as possible. By connecting our questions with the users we’re targeting, we get valuable data that a client may not have been aware of before. Conducting our own research with each new initiative gives us supporting quantitative data that leaves us with unbiased findings that can eventually be used as a basis for decision-making related to design elements, calls-to-action, navigation, and other items that users may want to see or avoid on the website.

Being thorough with our research is incredibly important—especially during this phase, so that we can identify exactly what it is that needs to be examined in the strategy.

Phase 2: Audit

The culmination of the discovery phase brings us to the first audit—the first real deliverable that we present to the client. It’s at this point that we take all of our insights from the “Discovery” phase and use them to put together a coherent and actionable audit plan based on a plethora of different analyses so we know which areas to pinpoint more analyses on. For example, if the client is a start-up, we will look closely at other similar business models and do a more thorough branding audit to make sure their pending presence in the digital space stands out and can compete with both the Davids and Goliaths of their marketplace.


Several online tools can be a huge help when it comes to finding relevant information and determining areas of improvement. With Google Analytics, you can hone in on existing site performance (if applicable) and see firsthand what’s working and what’s not. During this part of the audience analysis, where the core goal is to really study the behavior of the users, we’ll sometimes look for reoccurring areas of the website where users are dropping off, or certain keywords that aren’t performing. We look to find out the driving need for why users visit their website, identify any issues the client has with the current one, and come up with ways we can solve them. From there, we can generate ideas on how to best increase results and foster business growth from the project at hand. When conducting a competitive analysis, we do a thorough examination of what we can learn from client competition — both failures and successes – to get a stronger indication of what actions we should be taking. We compare our findings to industry averages to gauge what is appropriate or what is not. For example, if the bounce rate is high on the current website, or there are low conversions when visitors access the site through a certain channel. Taking these metrics and then looking at eMarketer, a digital marketing data aggregation service, helps us find industry benchmarks to see if what we’ve found on the client website is occurring for other companies within the industry as well.To highlight all of our findings from the audit, we’ll include key takeaways from each aspect discussed, so that we can present the client with various areas for conversion improvement, and how we can achieve “stickiness,” so users continue to visit a website over and over again, ideally leading to the outlined goal that clients want users to fulfill.

Phase 3: Strategy

Once the audit has been presented, it’s time to move on to the web strategy phase. At this point, we focus on taking the insights found in the audit and fleshing them into actionable recommendations that integrate into various creative and design elements.

During the strategy phase, we create a conversion funnel that will reflect the buyer journey and how the consumer will likely go through the decision-making process. At the top is the awareness phase, where a user is not sure of their problem or if they need a solution. In the middle of the funnel are users who know what they need and are actively researching who has the right solution for them. Finally, at the bottom of the funnel are users that know what they want and which company they want, and simply need to be presented with a clearly defined direct path to conversion. If content aimed towards one area of the funnel is placed incorrectly it may prove to be useless. For example, placing a “buy now” button in a location where the customer has likely spent only a few seconds on your site and is definitely not ready to make a purchase is not going to convert to a sale. Consumers should be guided into the buying process and offered content depending on what stage they are at, and then guided down the funnel to get them closer to converting.


Also during this phase, we work with other departments at our agency to enhance the recommendations we are making. Typically, strategists will collaborate with members of the information architecture team to collaborate on user flows and pathways, or calls-to-action that will support both usability and web conversions. At other times, bringing in a graphic designer to offer creative recommendations and show inspiration behind the branding concepts will help the visualization of the web design project, and bring it to life.

Effective Processes Drive Achievements

When developing a strategy, every action is always supported and backed up by specific business objectives that clients are looking to achieve. By conducting thorough research, analyzing the insights found, and applying them to recommended action items, we can align our clients for success.


10 Tips to Enhance Your Search Engine Optimization Strategy

SEO Tips

In the digital marketing space, Search Engine Optimization (or SEO) has become one of the leading areas to hone in on if you’re seeking some major growth for your company. Whether your brand is facing a lot of competition, or is looking to bring in some more sales, employing the best SEO practices can provide you with the results your brand is seeking.

However, to effectively benefit from SEO, you need to consider which tactics will provide you with the highest ROI and are also completely aligned with search engine regulations and rules. Black-hat SEO tactics, which aren’t geared towards a legitimate user audience and are more focused for search engines, will get you penalized with Google, and likely result in your organization being removed from search results altogether.

From tips related to website design to the proper way to build out your keywords, we’ve spoken with our team of SEO experts atWeb Designer Vip, as well as some experts at outside organizations, to understand which methods some of the top companies are recommending when it comes to properly optimizing your website for search engines. Take a look at the ten tips below and see how you can incorporate them into your overall business plan and SEO strategy.

1. Generate Content Ideas through Auto Fill

To rank well for SEO you need great content ideas. Your blog and web pages should be “bookmark worthy” explains Andrew Nguyen, Content Marketer at Bizible. However, sometimes coming up with the ideas for content that you know will rank well isn’t very simple. Nguyen explains how to discover strong content ideas in his tip below:


“One way to help your brand come up with web content that provides value is by using Google’s auto fill feature. Auto fill is the list of search queries that Google predicts and lists for you when you type in a keyword. It’s a helpful feature to save people time, and it’s also great for marketers who need content ideas. Here’s how:

  1. Get a list of keywords you want to rank for.
  2. Enter it into the Google search bar.
  3. Then add a letter of the alphabet. For example, type “online marketing” + “a” and you’ll see a list of search queries where the next word starts with the letter “a.”
  4. Write down the suggested search queries that might be good to create content around. Even if you aren’t sure you’re going to write about these topics, record them anyway. You want to create a big list to reference whenever you run out of content ideas.
  5. Do this for every letter of the alphabet. For example, “online marketing” + “b,” “online marketing” +”c” and etc.”

2. Pay Attention to Algorithm Updates

The formula that Google uses to rank web pages is frequently changing. As an SEO professional, it’s vital to stay up-to-date on these algorithm updates, explains Lauren Witte, Associate Director of Marketing at JacksonWhite, P.C:

“Google changes its algorithms periodically—usually every couple of months. They typically don’t announce it too far ahead of time, and the only way you might be made aware of the change is through noticing shifts in traffic to your website. A change in the current algorithm will likely mean a necessary strategy change on your end. Subscribe to digital marketing blogs to read about others experiencing algorithm updates and learn how different businesses are adjusting.”

3. Leverage Keyword Tools

Selecting appropriate keywords for anything you produce is important because that’s how users will find you—through the terms they search. How do you determine which keywords you should go after? Anthony De Guzman, SEO Specialist at Saatchi and Saatchi Canada suggests the following:

“Search for keyword ideas in the Google Keyword Planner (AdWords), and select a few with a good average monthly search volume—and enter them into Google. Take a look at the first page results only, since that’s what you should be aiming for, and see if you can compete. Be sure to use third-party tools such as Majestic, Ahrefs, and Moz to measure how authoritative they are (page authority, domain authority, citation flow, trust, flow) and determine how optimized the article is for that particular keyword.”

4. Use Google+

Google has created G+ as a way to verify and connect “entities” on the internet, and G+ Business is integrated with other Google products including Maps, G-Mail, Youtube and even the Chrome browser. Jefe Birkner, Senior SEO Specialist at Web Designer Vip, shares the importance of using this platform:

“G+ results will show up in search results and include shared endorsements when someone in a user’s network has “+1’ed” a G+ listing. Content from a website that gets shared on G+ is indexed immediately, meaning that it shows up in search results before the whole site is re-indexed.

Yes, it is one more social media platform that is requesting your attention and engagement, but this one comes from Google, and nobody loves Google products the way Google does. G+ content can show up directly in search results, in the “knowledge graph” on the right side of the screen, and in reviews in the “local pack” with local results. Remember that over 100 million people are logged into their Google accounts every day, these are potential influencers, fans and customers. Don’t let your competitor get a leg up in this area.”

5. Think about Online Communities

Often times, to improve rankings, many businesses will turn to online communities to start sharing their content. Steve Belk, Founder of has seen success in terms of rankings when using Reddit:

“I’ve noticed a direct correlation between when one of my articles goes viral on Reddit, and the speed with which it gets indexed and starts ranking. My site is barely 2 months old, and I’ve already had a couple of occasions where someone shared one of my articles on Reddit, it gained a lot of traction, and the same day it shot up to page 1 in the search results for relevant keywords. And those rankings have lasted.”

6. Building a Backlink Profile

Backlinks are a critical part of the SEO mix, but it’s also vital to understand how your page authority is handled, especially if you’re in a competitive niche. Taylor Daughtry, Digital Strategist at shares insights on this:

“Google considers all the outbound links on your site just as critical as incoming links. If they’re trustworthy, high-value sites, it influences your page authority in a positive manner, and shows Google’s crawler that you’re reading and linking to other high-quality content. The easiest way to consider your outbound links is the moment you’re creating them—when you’re writing content. Be sure to use only reliable sources that themselves have a high page and domain authority, and you’ll see an increase in your own page authority. This strategy may lower your pool of available link-worthy content, but it could be just the edge you’re looking for.”

7. Quality Content Is Key

SEO is largely based on providing a positive user-experience. That being said, the content that you produce needs to be readable and digestible by users. Matthew DiCiero, SEO Associate at Web Designer Vip, describes the need for quality content below:

“For me, my number one SEO tip (especially for the future) is putting a higher importance on generating content that is digestible for consumers and search engines alike. There is more and more information supporting the idea that search engines are leaning towards algorithms that are content-driven. Identifying a content strategy that adheres to that prediction will be crucial in any digital marketing efforts and help keep you ahead of your competitors. Quality content is essential.”

8. Check for Broken Links

Checking your website for broken links is an effective way to enhance your ranking and improve the experience you provide your users with explains Flo Bejgu, SEO Manager at Inbox Translation:

“When a website redesign takes place, some URLS will change and links from other sites that point to your site might not work anymore. This is bad for both the user experience and SEO. Visitors coming from those pages will get a 404 error page, and those links won’t pass link equity. The more working backlinks to your website, the higher in search engines you will be.”

9. Mobile-Friendly Websites


Google’s latest algorithm update, nicknamed “mobilegeddon,” is all about having a mobile-friendly website. Daniel Hickey, Director of Creative Advertising at Hickey Marketing Group recommends a responsive design:“If your website isn’t mobile-responsive, have your website redesigned so mobile users can visit your site. Because more than 30% of people use their cell phones to search the web, you could be missing out on potential clients if your website doesn’t appear in the Google mobile search results.”

10. Video Marketing

Many businesses and individuals will overlook video marketing as an effective SEO tool. Janelle Page, Founder and CEO of KickFire Marketing Agency highlights the power of video marketing:

“You can keyword rank a video faster than you can keyword rank a blog post. YouTube and Google are married so producing great video content, and then optimizing those videos, ensures you get found online. 9 out of 10 people will click on a video over a simple plain text result and YouTube is one of the fastest growing search engines.”

The right approach to SEO

The strategy you use to optimize your website for search engines should be part of your entire business plan. By including the best practices, as outlined above, you can effectively enhance your rankings, and ultimately provide a better user-experience for your target audience.


Conversion Funnel Optimization at Web Designer Vip’s 2015 Forum

Blue Fountain Media 2015 Digital Marketing Trends

Web Designer Vip held its 3rd Annual Digital Marketing Trends Forum this year at the Gansevoort Park Ave Hotel on September 16-17. In the past, the event has only been one day. However, due to a large RSVP count this was the first time the seminar was held for two days. The forum’s speakers were compromised of the Web Designer Vip team and special guest speaker, Jon-Michael Durkin, who is the Agency Development Manager at Google.

The overall focus of the seminar was to bring to light the importance of optimizing one’s conversion funnel to find the niche audience that your business can convert to long term relationship consumers which can dramatically increase your digital marketing ROI. Broken down and explained step by step, the topics ranged from finding the right leads by using Google Analytics and driving them through the conversion funnel to personalizing your online marketing through marketing automation, optimized SEO, and online advertising beyond search.

Below you can find photos, videos, and presentation slides from our forum:

Finding the Right Leads: Engaging with Digital Targeting

Jon-Michael Durkin, Agency Development Manager at Google

Durkin described the state of the consumer market in today’s world. The consumer is oversaturated with advertisements as, “the average person sees 5,000 ads every day,” Durkin said. Because of segmentation of different consumers with different needs, wants, and purchases, he explained that it wasn’t enough to market and hope for sales leads from an overarching demographic anymore. Using Google Analytics and smart insights, Durkin demonstrated how a business’ market audience can be segmented and narrowed down to a consumer profile.

Driving Leads though the Conversion Funnel

Christina Shaw, Chief Marketing Officer at Web Designer Vip

Shaw gave a deconstruction analysis of how reaching visitors earlier rather than later in the conversion funnel process could help boost sales. Despite the fact that “most websites are targeting people that are ready to buy, but lose people that might not be quite ready yet,” she pointed out that these potential buyers just need to be nudged into learning more and trusting your business. “Blogs, infographics, and quizzes are all great when buyers are still curious and learning about your brand,” she said.Shaw finished with an example of how Web Designer Vip helped make the website and landing pages of PEX Card more inviting and less forceful to potential conversions. “Web Designer Vip built out more top and middle of the funnel touch points for PEX Card and it’s starting to work.”

Using Marketing Automation to Grow Your Business

Joe DiNardo, Director of Paid Media & Social Media

By likening marketing automation with an illustration of a consumer sitting in front of a computer that was bombarding him with ads, DiNardo revealed how marketing automation should actually be called ‘marketing personalization.’ He stated that creating a marketable website with only a certain sales lead objective in mind is like having a finely, tailored suit that looks perfect to the business owner, but won’t fit or match the needs and wants of consumers.Rounding out his presentation with some eye-popping statistics, DiNardo said that, “20% of leads websites generate are sales ready. Marketing personalization can result in 50% more leads at a 30% lower cost and can lead to a 113% increase in sales leads.”

Designing Your Site for Optimal SEO Results

John Marcinuk, Director of SEO & Content

Marcinuk began his presentation with the 4 crucial key ranking factors for a business website’s SEO: visibility, usability, engagement, and authority. Having an up-to-date website isn’t enough to build and maintain high search rankings. He spoke of how potential buyers might be looking for your business online, but that it could lose out to competitors who have optimized their site for SEO more thoroughly. Despite the notion of the technical complexity of SEO such as keyword research, Marcinuk said that “keyword research is the backbone of good SEO, but it’s also the backbone of good messaging.”With the broad range of search engine optimization, he emphasized some important avenues for businesses to focus on like tagging images with meta tags, link building, and optimizing your website not only for desktop but for mobile as well.

Online Advertising Beyond Search Ads

Ashley Kemper, Senior Marketing Strategist

With the heavy competition and rising prices of search advertising like PPC, Kemper discussed how other forms of digital advertising were more cost efficient and made it easier for your company to reach out to potential consumers. “Search marketing is projected to hit $25 billion in revenue next year,” she said.Kemper showed examples of how investing in other advertising options such as display, social media, remarketing, mobile, and video were proven to be very effective. By comparing the vastly different commercials of Dyson, Kemper showed how online advertising should sometimes steer away from being so sales-oriented and serious, and instead appeal to the pathos of our human sides.

10 Marketing Strategy Elements You Need for A Website Launch


Before launching a website, you must determine the qualifications a website needs in order to be successful. There are several elements that must be taken into consideration, such as; website design, content, technical logistics, marketing, and much more. The list goes on and on…

Having a well-thought out strategy is what will make all the difference with a website’s success. Without it, you’re unable to design a site that will accomplish everything a business wants to because those goals haven’t been outlined. At Web Designer Vip, our strategy department likes to take phased approaches when we build a strategy for any type of business before the launch of a website. We begin by asking questions throughout all phases of the project—before it begins, during, and after. The following is a basic “game plan” for the major components of your strategy, and the right questions to ask that will help you create the most effective strategic plan, and reach your finish line to achieve the goals of your site.

Pre Game

The discovery phase is one of the most important parts of any successful website strategy because it helps shape the fundamental aspects of your entire project. Proper research will provide you with a clear understanding of your client needs, your competitive landscape, and the unique assets your business has to offer. Without fully grasping those components, you won’t be able to identify the right business objectives or goals, and furthermore, the tactics you need to implement in order to achieve them. Three crucial strategy elements that should be considered during your initial research phase include the following:


1. Target Audience

  • Who are they, what will resonate with them the most?
  • How do they behave? Will it be best to market to them offline, online, or socially?

2. Industry landscape

  • Who are my top competitors in my vertical, direct, looking and goliaths alike?
  • What are the industry trends, what is driving them?

3. Differentiators

  • What is my competition not doing well that I can highlight or capitalize upon?
  • What can I offer to offset or detract from any weaknesses?

Game Time

Determining actionable tasks and goals related to your website should be based on what you ultimately want your users to do. What your audience is looking for and how you can fulfil their need should be the basis for how your website is designed. The user-experience is crucial to the success of your online business and should be tailored to meet the needs of your users. These four elements of a strategy should be examined as you’re creating your website:


4. Social Integration

  • Do I want posts to link to landing pages or just get the word out?
  • How much interaction or commenting do I want between the company and customers? Does it need to be monitored?

5. Content Offerings

  • Am I a catalogue, resource center, thought leadership portal, mix?
  • How do I avoid dead ends and supplement with related upsells?

6. Conversion & CTAs

  • What do I want users to do, buy, share, download, comment, or post?
  • How do I prompt them to do so? With links, buttons, pop ups, and at what stage of interest?

7. Online Environment

  • What are my users looking to do? Browse, buy, learn, or reach out?
  • What atmosphere are they expecting any offline sites or other materials?

Post Game

After the launch of a website, you’re not done yet. In order to stay relevant and continue enhancing your online business, certain elements need to be evaluated and several tactics should be implemented. It’s important to look at what’s working and what’s not working so that you can adapt your strategy to most effectively meet the needs of your audience, and ultimately foster the growth you’re looking for with your business. After your website has launched, consider the following three strategy elements essential to your business plan:

Photo Credit: Kickify

8. Maintenance

  • What CMS (Content Management System) is in place or should be in place?
  • What resources are in house, or do I outsource?

9. Follow up Marketing

  • What customer service is required or should be offered?
  • What can keep them coming back? Remarketing? Newsletters?

10. What Next?

  • Now what are the competitors and target audience up to, how do I keep up?
  • What else can I add to my website and overall marketing to stay relevant?

An Effective Strategy

The right strategy helps any business take their goals and objectives, outlines them, and creates actionable methods to accomplish goals. By looking at a strategy in several phases, and ensuring that the most important elements, as identified above, are included, you will find the online success you’re seeking to be attainable. Reaching your customers in the most effective way will help foster sales, and build out business growth. A strategic approach will be crucial to reaching your objectives.


Data Driven Content Marketing: Measuring Your Effectiveness


There’s no question that producing a well strategized and maintained content stream is crucial for the success of any digital business. The benefits are numerous and include everything from an increase in visitor engagement onsite, improved search engine rankings through SEO, and if your content marketing initiatives are done correctly, the establishment of a “sticky” factor that keeps people coming back to your site.

The copywriting portion of content marketing is the fun part, but in order to truly get the most out the content you produce it’s vital that you begin thinking about how effective your content is analytically. A truly effective content marketer combines both the creative and analytical aspects of proper content marketing to produce engaging, hard-hitting copy that is backed by significant amounts of quantitative research to inform what is being discussed. The following are some of the most important elements of proper data driven content marketing to keep in mind to help give your content marketing program a substantial edge over your competition.

Before Posting:

Surf a Little
The key to ensuring that what you’re writing is engaging is making sure that you’re staying on top of trends in your industry, and being aware of what your audience finds valuable. A fairly simple way to do this is to monitor social media conversations on Twitter and Facebook to stay abreast of news and developments. Regularly check industry news outlets and the social profiles of industry influencers to see what “hot topics” are circulating amongst your audience. The content you create should offer some fresh perspective or an appropriate response/reaction to the particular topic.

Leverage Google Trends as a tool for your research efforts to see what terms and trends are significant in searches and just how many people are expressing interest in these terms. The tool also allows you to see a forecast for any given term and topic allowing you to gauge the projected amount of interest users will have in this subject as time progresses. Build this data into your planning phase so that you can identify which topics and subjects users are seeking to learn the most about, and ultimately allow it to help you define what your content should be related to and how effective it will be in providing value to readers.


The content you create should always be substantiated by correlating data so that you know your efforts aren’t going to be useless. To highlight the benefits of utilizing Google Trends, consider the idea of a relatively new subject within your space and perhaps there isn’t a lot of existing content on it. Take a look at Google Trends to see if this subject may gain traction within the next few months, allowing you and your organization to get an edge over competition, and be one of the first to provide insights on the topic of interest.Keyword Research
Once you have a relevant topic, you’ll want to do your site a favor by ensuring that the final product benefits your search engine rankings and is easily accessible to users. To do this, create content that contains keywords appropriate to the article topic as well as your business’ products or service offerings. A great tool for this is Google Keyword Planner.


The goal here is to find keywords that have a high monthly search volume mixed with low competition, which greatly improves the chances of your content appearing prominently on the search results page when a user searches for the particular set of terms or keywords that you’ve identified. These keywords cannot simply be plugged into your content in any way possible, but instead should be naturally occurring in a way that provides an excellent and relevant user experience while simultaneously giving you as much SEO value as possible.

After Posting

Hopefully you’re using a tool like Google Analytics on your website to help you monitor your site’s performance. If so, allow a week or so to pass after posting your content to allow data about how users are interacting with your content to aggregate. Once you do, dig through the following metrics to analyze the performance of your content and it’s effectiveness in reaching the goal of the content. Identify what types of content is repeatedly producing the best results, and what content could use some improvements, is one of the best ways you can enhance your SEO by using data to drive your content marketing initiatives.

Key Metrics:

  • Page Views: While it shouldn’t be the only metric that informs whether or not your content marketing initiatives are successful, page views are a solid metric that can be extremely helpful when it comes to comparing different pieces of content. It will inform you about what your audience is interested in and also help you identify what pieces of content are the most important on your site for generating traffic.
  • Page Bounce Rate: You’ll want this as low as possible, as it indicates the content was engaging enough to send people elsewhere through the site. Remember that if you’re posting content on a blog a bounce rate at or just slightly below 90% is perfectly normal.
  • Time on Page: These metrics are tied to bounce rate, and reiterates a visitor’s engagement with the content. The longer the average time is that users are interacting with your content the more likely they are to be finding that content helpful.
  • Session Duration/Page Depth: Looking at these two metrics for the overall site will give you a good idea of how effective the content you’re producing is to the overall user experience, and how extensively users are engaging with your website as a whole as a result.
  • Social Engagement: If you share your content on social media, monitor the traffic that comes through that source and how it behaves by utilizing UTM parameters that are linked to your analytics account. Keep track of how people are responding to your content by paying attention to audience follower growth and the amount of likes, shares, comments, and retweets on each of your pieces of content.

Data Driven Content Marketing Informs Success

With data backing what you produce, you can work on continual topic optimization and mold your content program into a tool that cannot only increase your business’ success in terms of online traffic and sales, but also position you and your team as thought leaders in your respective industries. By utilizing tools and programs that allow you to optimize your content, and then examining what’s working and what’s not, you can proactively develop a content program that is tailored to most closely fulfill the needs of your audience, and significantly improve rate that your business grows.


Best Call to Action Buttons: 8 CTAs Designed to Convert

Best Call to Action Designs

Building the perfect website is hard. From the right color scheme, to choosing a font that engages audiences, to making sure that technical SEO elements are perfect, there are a lot of different things that require a great deal of thought and effort in order to get right. However, one element really stands above all the rest in importance for any website that is trying to get a user to do something – whether that is buy a product, request a quote on a service, or learn new things about the value a business might provide them. This essential website item is known as a call to action button, and it can be unbelievably difficult to get right.

From choosing the right shape, to its placement on your website, there are a variety of different elements to consider when trying to create the best call to action buttons for your website. With so many different factors to consider, it is easy to get overwhelmed and settle on a button quickly and without much thought – but beware! The right call to action button can mean the difference between hundreds or even thousands of conversions over the lifetime of a website. A great place to look when you’re feeling stuck on what to do is to check out some examples of websites that are doing their calls to action correctly. Here are 8 of our favorites:

1) Uber

All of the best call to action buttons feature copy that gets users to click and see what comes next in a website’s conversion funnel process. However, an equally important part of any good call to action button is whether or not it stands out from the rest of the website it is on. For most pages with ctas, contrast is extremely critical when it comes to making sure that the button actually converts.

There are few better examples of consistent contrast usage than Uber’s website. The homepage features three separate background images that scroll behind a CTA button that doesn’t change in color, shape, or positioning on the page in the middle left-hand side of the site. It provides three versions of copy for three very different demographics. What is so interesting about this call to action, outside of contrast, is that the three scrolling backgrounds are effectively going after each of their target audiences – in order. First they go after riders with a very simple “sign up” copy, and then drivers with the same message. Finally they provide information for people who are interested in what the business is doing for the community through a “learn more” call to action.

While the copy isn’t particularly earth shattering in it’s originality, it is clear, to the point, and draws the eye so strongly that most user’s initial interaction with the website is almost solely based around the CTA’s location on the page.

2) Flex Studios

Call to action buttons come in lots of shapes and sizes – but all of the best ones offer an emotional trigger while standing in stark contrast to the rest of the page they are featured on. While CTAs are important, sometimes the actual emotional trigger that a CTA uses to be effective isn’t in the button – it’s in the copy that surrounds it.

Flex Studios call to action
A great example of this idea in action can be found on Flex Studios’ website. Featuring scrolling background images, the page changes the text that accompanies each image while giving a consistent green CTA button with the copy “Book a Class”. What’s particularly interesting about this site is that each set of copy provides different emotional triggers that could feasibly interest someone enough to book a class. The initial copy focuses on highlighting Flex’s location in New York City’s Union Square, as their target customer is in that area. For the second image and batch of copy they focus on the three different workouts they offer in an effort to get users to see what different classes they could book by clicking on the call to action. Finally, they highlight their discount pricing for a first class.

In this way the page and its CTA are not addressing just one possible emotional trigger that could get a user to click on it – but three. In this way the page is able to capture a variety of different users with different needs, and this is what makes the call to action button on the page one of the best around.

3) Crazyegg

While a simple button for users to “click to learn more” or “purchase a product” can be extremely effective, some of the best call to action buttons are a lot more interactive and serve as a way to push people down the conversion funnel as opposed to acting as a final step before a purchase.

crazyegg call to action
A great example of an interactive CTA leading to great results for a business is Crazyegg’s website. The homepage is extremely simple – it features the company’s logo and poses a very simple question that a lot of users want to know the answer to: “What’s making your visitors leave?” It then goes one step further and provides a solution by suggesting that audiences find out by entering their website and then click on an extremely alluring CTA – “Show Me My Heatmap”.

This call to action is so effective because it primes users by presenting and then offering a simple solution to a problem. By the time they end up on the next page, they really want an answer to the question Crazyegg posted on their homepage, and are much more likely to sign up for the service as a result. The whole process is a phenomenal example of emotional triggers combining with user interaction to get a business tons of conversions in the most efficient way possible.

4) medCPU

Sometimes the best call to action buttons are the most subtle. While this would seem to go against all logic, if your product is a sizable investment, sometimes it’s important to keep your call to action present, but secondary to providing audiences with information about why they need to purchase what you’re offering.

For B2B healthcare provider MedCPU, this was certainly the case. A technology solution for hospitals, their product is not something someone would buy on a whim – they need as much information as possible beforehand. As a result, the call to action button at the top of the page, “How It Works”, is a very soft call to action not in the vein of a “buy now!” or a “sign up”, because most users aren’t going to be at the step in the conversion process upon initial entry to the site – they need to learn more about the product first.

It’s only when users get to the bottom of the page and have read everything medCPU can do for their business that they are presented with a much stronger set of calls to action to “Contact Us” and “Request A Demo”. This site is a great example of an initial call to action that is subtle, but moves users along the conversion process in a non-intrusive way, teaming up with a much harder sales-centric call to action later on in the user’s journey through the website.

5) Litmus

We’ve already discussed how the content on the rest of the page can affect a call to action’s worth to a business – but lack of content can play a role as well. This is particularly true in above-the-fold calls to action on a website’s homepage, where text and image clutter can distract users from seeing (and clicking on) what would otherwise be a perfectly decent call to action button.

litmus final call to action
One of the best examples of spacing leading to a call to action button that converts is on email provider Litmus’ site. Their orange call to action button, which reads “Get started now”, would be pretty efficient on most sites – but with how they’ve structured their page it works even better. In particular, their use of an extremely high quality image of a desktop with their email testing suite open in the background, paired with their call to action is impressive. It provides imagery that answers the “why” of their CTA – mainly that their product suite looks great and provides result. There are two lines of text above the CTA that answer the “why” to really drive this idea home.

While this is all impressive and effective in terms of making sure the call to action button performs, what is important here is that a single background image, two lines of text, and standard navigation elements are all users have to contend with outside of content that users have to scroll down to see the rest of. This means that a CTA that is already prominent gets even more prominence on the page – driving more conversions as a result.

6) Spotify

When a website has two unique goals it can be difficult to choose which one to prominently display. We’re already gone through a couple examples of how scrolling background images can be used to solve this issue – but they clearly pose a problem in terms of click-through-rate as your calls to actions on the second and third scrolling images get less face time and less opportunities to drive clicks as a result. If your business is facing this problem, sometimes it’s a better idea to go with two calls to action side-by-side using different color schemes and font choices.

Spotify's Best Call to Action buttons
One of the best calls to action that demonstrates this concept in practice can be found on music streaming service Spotify. Spotify has two clear goals when it comes what they want to do with their online presence – drive as much usage of their platform as possible, while simultaneously trying to convince existing and new users that purchasing their premium package is a worthwhile investment. In order to make sure that both actions can be feasibly taken from their homepage they feature two call to action buttons side-by-side that are designed quite differently. Their “Go Premium” CTA features bold white text on a green background, while their “Play Free” button features black text transparently overlayed on their background image. It’s clear that the primary goal of the site is to drive premium sign-ups as a result of both style and positioning (buttons and clickable navigation elements to the left of a page tend to drive more clicks) of the buttons – but at the same time it’s very easy for users looking to listen for free to find what they’re looking for as well.

7) Unbounce

A lot of the highest-converting calls to action do a phenomenal job of incorporating testimonials on their pages without detracting from their button’s conversion rates. While this might seem relatively simple in practice, getting a testimonial on a page that actually provides value while not pulling user attention away from a call to action button is anything but child’s play. There’s a very fragile balance between allaying some user’s fears of buying your product or service while not negatively impacting those who would otherwise convert with you without a second thought.

Unbounce call to action
A great example of a website that does this perfectly is Unbounce, a landing page creation service. They do an impressive job using vertical space to make sure that their call to action is the star of the show while still including a testimonial. The button itself is big, contrasts nicely with their background color, and features the extremely engaging copy, “build a high-converting landing page now” in big white letters. It’s hard not to be immediately drawn to the call to action – but it’s clear that Unbounce knows that there might be some concerns about their product, so they go to great lengths to make everything as clear as possible. Not only do they map out the exact steps for using their service in the simplest terms possible, they provide a testimonial at the very bottom of the page right below the fold. This way the testimonial is there for users who are looking for it, but the person’s face and the quote they’ve give about how useful Unbounce is doesn’t distract users who have their minds made up about the service and just need to have their attention driven to the CTA button.

8) Giftrocket

Sometimes the best way to get someone to buy your product is to simply get them started with the purchase process. While this is a rare case, occasionally people will see the value that your product brings as they fill out each required step to complete the purchase process. This is particularly true for the gift-giving industry, where the initial purchase step is intimidating, but the feel-good effects of giving a gift to someone helps steer a user to completion once they start the process.

Giftrocket call to action
In this instance, the call to action buttons are tailored so that they make the process seem easy, and not intimidating to users. While you might be slightly misrepresenting the difficulty of sending a gift, once you get a user to click on a button with the intention of buying someone a gift, you can rely on the feel-good power of doing so in order to offset the slight misrepresentation of how easy the process is going to be. There are very few businesses that take advantage of this strategy as efficiently as GiftRocket.

Their CTA, “Send a GiftRocket” dramatically underplays how difficult their service is to use. While it isn’t rocket science (pun intended) to get through their relatively simple fields – it does require you take about 5 minutes to sit down and fill everything out. It isn’t quite as simple as snapping your fingers and immediately sending a GiftRocket, as the CTA would suggest. That being said, because the ease of use expectation is set before a user starts the process and they’re going to be sending a gift – they stick with the process. After all, who starts buying a gift for someone they care about and then stops halfway through – even if the CTA is slightly misleading?

The Best Call to Action Buttons are Tested

Without a doubt these are 8 of the best designed call to action buttons out there in terms of the amount of thought and time that have clearly been put into them. Most of them have been on their respective sites for some time, and all signs point to them being extremely effective converters of traffic. However, it is important to note that just because a call to action button looks nice, doesn’t always mean it will function correctly. At the end of the day the purpose of a call to action button is to convert traffic – not look pretty. So don’t just create a great looking call to action button and think of the task as done and dusted. Test it! You’d be surprised by how often data can go against common conceptions of utility and beauty when it comes to calls to action on a website.

What is the best call to action button example you’ve seen? Let us know in the comments section below.


10 Design Presentation Tips to Win the Hearts of Any Client


For anyone unfamiliar with public speaking or sharing their ideas in front of a large group, the idea of a presentation can be overwhelming. For some people, even presenting in front of a few people can cause jitters. However, at most companies where teamwork or creativity is encouraged, presentations are a common occurrence and mastering presenting skills is crucial as a result.

When you’re showing design-related projects to clients, the manner in which your designs are presented is often just as important as the material itself. Whether you are lacking confidence, or not fully explaining the reasoning behind your idea, you run the risk of leaving clients disappointed and unimpressed. The same concept goes for internal presentations at your company—without utilizing best practices for presenting, your ideas may seem mediocre and unfulfilling.

In order to grow existing relationships with clients, to win the hearts of new clients, or to impress and motivate your co-workers or supervisors, consider the following 10 tips when you’re sharing your team’s latest design projects:

1. Be Prepared

Like with most things in life, preparation is crucial. To make sure you’re comfortable with the ideas you’re speaking about, and to familiarize yourself with some of the key terms you want to cover, take time to organize yourself and ensure you’ve done your prep work. Many people assume that you need to spend hours upon hours on this aspect of the presentation process, however that typically isn’t the case. If you’ve done all the work leading up to this point appropriately and correctly, you only need a little bit of time to walk yourself through the presentation one final time.

2. Act Naturally

Public speaking is one of the top fears people have, and since presenting is a form of public speaking, it’s no surprise that for some people, anxiety can take over. To avoid this, focus on the points you feel strongly about. Remember that the clients or supervisors you’re sharing your work with are people too and that if you act naturally the entire presentation will go much better. Familiarity and confidence in what you’re presenting make it easier to act naturally.

presentation-tips-for-designersPhoto Credit:

3. Know Who Is On the Other Side

Think about how you would feel if you were working with yourself—and the way you and your team operate on a project. Remember that you’re dealing with the time, money, and expectation of someone else and keep that in mind as you highlight certain points of the project.

4. Personalize All Elements

Chances are that you’ve met with whomever your presenting once before to understand the needs, requirements, or expectations for the project. As you present, make it clear that you’ve heard what they had to say during prior meetings, and have taken that fully into consideration as you crafted the designs you’re sharing with them. Create a checklist of concerns or requests that have been vocalized, and as they come up in the presentation of the project, point out that you’ve done something a certain way to meet their wishes. Reinforcing the decisions you made throughout a logo design or the design of a webpage (even if they are something you always do) shows that the project is custom designed for that particular client, or for your boss’ taste.

5. Don’t Let Nerves Get the Best of You

If you’re nervous, it’s easy to say filler words as you speak. Saying things such as “you know?” or “like” or “um” can easily fill up a nervous conversation. While these terms may seem trivial, they can be distracting to anyone listening to you and make you appear unsure. Even if you’re 100% confident in the project and the material you’re presenting, those terms can take away some of your credibility. The best way to overcome the habit of using filler words is to make a conscientious effort to avoid them while you’re speaking. It’s okay to take a pause if you need a second or two to think about what to say.

6. Say It Once

For major points you’re addressing, it may be your natural instinct to spend a great amount of time focusing on them or repeating what you’ve said. Saying things like “So, as I said…” or “Once again” give the impression that the person you’re presenting to does not understand what you’re saying. Instead, at the culmination of the meeting, offer the opportunity to revisit any aspect of the presentation that needs reiteration.

7. Be Spontaneous

You don’t always have to stick to the precise plan you’ve outlined. You shouldn’t be reading from a script, and should be using any slides or notes merely as a starting point for what you’re discussing. Don’t be afraid to be spontaneous and verbally add or reduce the amount of time you spend on certain sections.

8. Be Positive, No Matter What

Positivity can go a long way. It instills trust in you and your team, and helps build credibility for your business and the quality of work that you do. If the ideas you present aren’t receiving as much positive acclaim as you had imagined, don’t become overly defensive. When alternatives or changes are suggested, instead explain that you can definitely explore the opportunity and that it’s not a problem. Even if you oppose the opinions that are vocalized, consider them post-meeting and create new ideas that are more aligned with the suggestions.

9. Read Cues from Reactions

To expand on the idea of being spontaneous during your presentation, always pay attention to subtle cues as you discuss certain points of the design. If the client seems really interested in a particular design element, spend more time going into further specifics on it than you had originally planned. Plan the general outline of the presentation, but always allow reactions to help you determine what you should spend more or less time on.


Photo Credit: LMF Design

10. Own It

Even if you didn’t personally create every piece of the design, it’s important you be responsible for and a part of the whole project. Perhaps it’s a logo design and you created the structure of the design, but had no role in the color choice or font style used. If you’re receiving negative reviews on the logo color, it’s a bad idea to pass blame onto some else. Note that the color choice is not favored, and explain that you can easily change it to a preferred choice.

Effective Tips for Design Presentations

Collectively using these tips during your next presentation can help the success of your design project. Presentations aren’t always going to go seamlessly well. There are bound to be hiccups and issues now and then—it happens. Don’t let one failure keep you away from sharing your ideas again in the future. Learn from the errors you make, and allow mistakes to be lessons for the future.


What Is a Responsive Web Design: Understanding the Basics

Today, as users, we’re constantly on-the-go. The majority of website visits start on mobile devices, and according to eMarketer, Mcommerce sales for US retail will be increasing with each coming year. As a result, optimizing website accessibility and user experience on tablets, smartphones, and every device imaginable is becoming increasingly important in order for all businesses to stay relevant. To accommodate users, websites that are designed responsively are typically the best option available.

Responsive design is an approach to web development by which a website is planned, designed, and developed to appear optimally in a range of devices. The phrase “appear optimally” refers to a page being readable, easy-to-navigate, and usable with minimal panning and scrolling. Responsive Design is not just a method or technique – it is a fundamental ideology about how a site is designed and built.

What Is A Responsive Web Design?

Responsive design is a front-end development process intended for molding website design and user experience to the user’s device, whether desktop, tablet, or mobile.

In responsive, a cascading style sheet (CSS)—essentially what defines the format and layout of a web page, is leveraged to permit a website to scale to the width of a browser, independent of device type. Javascript and js libraries such as JQuery and Modernizr are also used to accompany this behavior for resizing more dynamic objects like masonry galleries as well as converting mouse activities to touch activities.

Unlike adaptive design or mobile detection, responsive design does not leverage device detection, so rather than querying the device with backend logic, CSS media queries are used to determine things like the width and orientation of the device screen—your browser.

Basics of Responsive Design

Two basic principles exist in responsive design, the use of breakpoints and fluid scaling:


CSS3 media queries create conditional boundaries at which the width of a specific device type’s browser will then trigger alternate styles. Here at Web Designer Vip, we generally use maximum-width breakpoint, to create a desktop-first (scale down) build versus a minimum-width boundary, for a mobile-first (scale up) build. Queries can also be used to determine height and even device orientation.

Breakpoint sizes (we’ll use widths from here on out) can be set in px or em. The differentiation in modern browsers is negligible, though, compared to a few years back. Breakpoints can be set at any size but they tend to align with the most common dimensions of each Desktop, Tablet Portrait, Mobile Landscape, and Mobile Portrait. Generally speaking, these tend to be 1200/960px, 768px, 480px, and 320px, wide respectively, though industry standards are constantly changing as new devices are released.

Over the years, these types of devices have begun to blend into one another, especially with the introduction of retina displays. As a result, you might find two devices can match the same breakpoint (ie. tablet landscape and laptop) but might also find that a particular device has a unique size, so that’s where the next principle comes into play.


Fluid scaling can be achieved in a few different ways, but it will always involve percentage or em values to permit a container to scale within the bounds of its parent elements, and ultimately the browser. Fluid scaling is necessary to achieve responsiveness between breakpoints, to maximize your real estate, as well as to maintain the flow of columns in a responsive grid.

A simple example of a fluidly scaling object would be an HTML page consisting of one block with width of 100% and a height of “auto”. As the browser changes width, the block scales with it, proportionally. Where you choose to apply this scaling at the granular level is up to you but fluidity should always exist at the top level of any responsive container.

Another popular example of fluidity is a grid layout. In a grid layout, virtual blocks are aligned and evenly distributed over the width of the body of a site or container. These blocks are fixed in width, aligned as inline-blocks, with a parent container which is fluidly scaling. By doing tis, when the browser (and ultimately, the container) reaches the point at which the sum of all blocks exceeds its parent container, the blocks break to the next line. These blocks are referred to as columns and each block could also represent a number of columns.

For instance, if you have 3 blocks, they could represent 9 columns, at 3 columns each. Once you’ve scaled down to a width that fits 2 blocks, at 3 columns each, with the 3rd on the next row, you’re now looking at an 8 column layout, with 2 columns of margin. Scale down further to close out the margin and you’re looking at a 6 column layout with no margin.


Grid layouts may also be used across an entire website, including sidebars and body content. As a result, many websites are designed on grids, flowing from left to right, top to bottom (just like germanic and latin-based written languages).

In order to present the optimally responsive layout for a grid, we start by selecting the known device widths from our knowledge of breakpoints. Using these figures, we calculate the nearest figure of the site width and number of columns, which divide into the greatest number of whole factors. We must do this without compromising the content’s real estate much (so don’t go overboard). One of the most popular systems is the 960grid system, which is often used in 12 columns. Two side-by-side blocks taking up the full width of a page is therefore each 6 and 6 columns respectively, in a 12 column grid.


Photo Credit:

When designing and developing for responsive, we place emphasis on retaining the structure and order of elements from desktop through mobile. This permits fluid scaling while also reducing unnecessary load of duplicate elements that are hidden or shown at specific breakpoints.

Responsive Design at Web Designer Vip

At Web Designer Vip, our 2015 standards for responsive design include options for a standard 960 grid, requiring designs for desktop and mobile, as well as a widescreen 1200px or 1280px grid requiring designs for widescreen, tablet or 960, and mobile. All interim stages are either snapped via breakpoints, to the next breakpoint size, or fluidly scaling – the complexity of the design and scope of the project will dictate that decision.

Our talented development team includes full stack developers as well as frontend specialists, all of whom are trained in responsive practices and are evaluated on a quarterly basis. We perform quality checks of all the major browsers and aforementioned breakpoint widths both manually and using a proprietary screenshotting service built off of PhantomJs, as well as with manual device testing with our in-house QA engineers.

Optimizing User-Experience

Regardless of your industry or the products and services your company offers, user-experience on your website should be of the utmost importance. With responsive design, your audience will always be able to engage seamlessly with your site on each of their devices, at any given time. Mobile and tablet use is becoming more and more prevalent, and to succeed with your online presence, your website should be optimized for those devices and their users.


How Can Personalized Email Make An Impact on Your Users?


Remember when you set up your first email account? You’ve probably been through countless email addresses since then for various reasons–a change in taste, or more likely, a need for an email address that sounded more professional. Your email addresses back then was essentially your username, so we had “dorky” IDs that we likely would be embarrassed to share as contact information today. Email has evolved into one of the most important forms of online identification, and nearly everything on the web that you create an account for now requires a valid email address.

So, if the basic concept behind naming email addresses has drastically changed, you can bet that the marketing aspect of email has transformed as well. Just as you would be embarrassed to have to explain your decades-old email address, you don’t want to be embarrassed when explaining during a company presentation how you lost potential leads and customers with outdated and ineffective email marketing tactics that didn’t include strategies like personalized email. In order to help make sure this never happens, here are three email marketing tips you should follow to get the most out of your email campaigns.

Focus on the Personalized Email Process

Repeat after me: “Not all emails are meant to generate an online sale.” Again. Not all emails are meant to generate an online sale. Users that visit your website and sign up for more content via email are all motivated by the different things that your website has to offer, and they are all at different points of the conversion funnel.

However, companies are often too distracted with sealing the deal and getting conversions or sales so they often send the same sales-oriented email newsletter to each and every user. While it certainly is easy to do things this way, this method is no longer as effective in the modern era. Users will get annoyed when you place priority on trying to foster a conversion through your emails and appearing overly concerned with driving sales without including messaging that is at all related to the overriding reason they signed up to receive emails from you in the first place. Find out how and why users decided to give you their email address, and present them with content, imagery, and links that they’ll find valuable based on why they signed up.

Email Drip
For example, if you have a fashion site that sells a myriad of designer clothing and you also have a blog that gives style tips, fashion advice, and information about what’s trending now, it is reasonable to assume that someone may visit your site interested in updating their wardrobe, while someone else may come to your site through your blog. If both sign up for your emails, they’re likely anticipating different things from your brand. As a result, sending the same mailer to both users will likely leave someone feeling as if you don’t understand who they are as a customer and that you aren’t interested in what they are actually to learn from your business.

Take a few moments to plan out the process of where users are in the conversion process as well as how they will read, interact, and click through to landing pages from your emails. By doing this instead of focusing on immediately converting all of your email recipients into sales, you should see a considerable bump in your end goal (often conversions) without being overly sales-centric with your email content.

Send One to Two Personalized Emails A Week

If this was a guide on how to get users to unsubscribe from your emails or marking your emails as spam, I would suggest that you send them an email every single day. However, this is a guide on how to use your email marketing more effectively, so I suggest that you send one to two emails a week at most, and don’t click that send button any more after that.


Do research on the most favorable time and day that your target demographic will check and respond to their email and schedule out your campaigns accordingly. Each email that you send to your users should offer interesting and fresh content that will intrigue them and encourage them to click on prominent calls to action. For example, if you are having a “BOGO” or “50% off everything” sale, and it’s is a week long, it will not create a sense of urgency if your users get an email for 7 days straight reminding them of your amazing sale. “Inbox fatigue” and “email fatigue” are real terms, and in my own email marketing experience, even some of the more well-known brands don’t realize that they are driving online users away with the constant reminder of their existence in their inbox. Do not be that company. Receiving an email from your business should be a pleasant surprise and should be something that users look forward to receiving, not a daily nuisance.

Timing is Key for Email Personalization

I flew to Atlanta this past weekend to catch up with old friends, and I bought my tickets through an online travel company. They emailed me the day before and a couple hours ahead of my flight to check in online so I could skip the line, and linked me to a webpage that I could scan as my boarding pass. I loved the email check-ups and reminders up until I landed and turned on my phone. While I was still on the runway, I received a “How was your flight?” email. This email didn’t come as I was going through baggage claim or after I had gotten home from the airport, it came as soon as I landed. It may sound like an overreaction, but this is a good example of NOT giving users their space when sending them a follow-up email. As soon as I hit the runway post-flight, the first thing I want to be able to do is call my friends and family to let them know I have landed safely and check for any missed personal emails, texts, or phone calls – not get bombarded with emails that should realistically arrive around the time I check in to my hotel.


Research has shown that follow-up emails, especially for abandoned shopping carts, are great at re-engaging users and influencing purchases. What’s often not included in this research is the timing of when those emails were sent out. As I’ve hinted at earlier, timing when it comes to email marketing is essential and you want to send your follow-up or reminder emails at the right time to retain customer lifetime value and foster positive user engagement.

Effective Email Marketing is Personalized

Ultimately, the most efficient way to confirm that your email marketing initiatives are proving beneficial to your organization is to do a thorough examination of whether or not they are driving increases in key metrics. Whatever you use as your email platform, be sure to take a look at things like click-through-rates and open-rates to discover areas for improvement, and see what types of emails are providing you with the best results. By following best practices and tweaking your messages so that they are tailored to each individual user’s wants and needs, you’ll find your organization will convert more customers, and produce a higher ROI from email marketing efforts.


Instagram for Business: 5 Tips for Effective


Social media advertising is on the rise, and more and more social media platforms are providing advertisers with the capability to advertise on each individual platform to best reach their target audience within a specific channel. Instagram has officially joined the game, and with an expected growth to hit over 100 million users by 2018, it’s an obvious decision for relevant businesses to utilize the new advertising options that have been made available.


So, what kind of businesses should consider advertising on Instagram?Instagram is an incredibly visual-centric social platform, ultimately providing users with appealing imagery that is highly engaging and shareable. With the capabilities to Like, Comment, and Share the content posted by other users, your content’s reach is organically extended to a large portion of the Instagram network.

Businesses with captivating imagery, product photos, and lifestyle-based content (think company events, flowers in the office, happy hour) are able to give their target audience a glimpse inside the brand on the Instagram platform. This “point-of-view” strategy allows users to better understand the background of the business, get to know their employees, how their products are made, and obtain a behind the scenes look at the company – building trust and forging brand loyalty in the process. Fashion companies, lifestyle brands, bloggers, magazines, and other businesses with strong imagery to share tend to be the most successful on the Instagram platform.

Instagram has made an atmosphere for marketers to create a close bond with consumers via mobile devices. With a less conventional content concept in comparison to other traditional advertisements, this form of social engagement can significantly increase digital visibility. The platform offers similar characteristics to Twitter and Facebook, yet the specific steps to connect with your audience are different. Follow these 5 tips to expand your brand reach and effectively advertise on Instagram:

1. Set Your Goals

For any social media advertising initiative, defining your goal should be the first step; followed by the strategy to reach these goals (targeting, content to be shared, brand voice, etc.), which should be built with these objectives top of mind.

Is your brand interested in advertising on Instagram to build out their following? Is the business launching in the US market and seeking to expand brand awareness throughout the country? Is the company launching a new line and seeking to leverage the existing audience of their current, well-established line? Once the goals for your advertising efforts are identified, your business can move towards the execution of the advertising campaign.

2. Establish Your Point of View

With a strong visual presence on the platform, Instagram uses imagery (and the use of some text and hashtags as well) to deliver messaging to users. Businesses must create a brand strategy unique to each social platform, and specifically on Instagram, decide what specific “point of view” they would like to convey to their target audience. Think sneak peek into the showroom, the latest celebrity look from the brand, or a look inside the factory where products are manufactured. Once a brand’s point of view strategy is established, the content strategy should be built to support it.

3. Create A Content Strategy


Supporting the goals and point of view previously established by your business, your content strategy should go hand in hand with the two. Within the content strategy, you’ll want to tell a story to users on the platform. Keep in mind, users on each social media platform are unique, so the content strategy across social platforms should vary a bit, while aiming to maintain an overall consistent brand voice across all channels. By analyzing the success of each post, you will be able to best determine what works best in terms of content, and optimize your efforts accordingly.

4. Utilize Hashtags

Leverage the organic reach of your posts with the use of relevant and trending hashtags. Instagram’s resources provide inspiration for ways to best use hashtags to connect with the community and extend your brand’s reach.


5. Continue Improving

In both organic posts and advertising efforts, the success of each should be analyzed and reported on regularly to best determine what works best and what kind of posts don’t perform as well for your specific brand. Maybe the use of a specific hashtag resulted in 30% more engagement on two similar posts, or maybe a specific image type generated noticeably higher results. By analyzing and understanding the success of your efforts, your brand is able to optimize posts accordingly to help foster the best results possible.

Instagram for Business

Instagram is a highly visual social media platform, and it provides brands with the ability to share their point of view with the world. With advertising capabilities being extended to more businesses, we expect to see immense growth on the platform. By following these 5 tips for effective Instagram advertising, your brand’s content strategy and advertising efforts will boost the success of your social media efforts.


Domain Migration Tips To Preserve Search Engine Rankings


Rebranding is one of the most common marketing initiatives for businesses, and can occur for many reasons. Whether it is an attempt to dissociate with the performance of the past or to simplify the brand, this marketing tactic can be very effective if approached properly.

Some notable brands have undergone this process including Comcast’s rebranding to Xfinity, and the British Overseas Airway Corporation’s (BOAC) rebranding to British Airways. In the digital world, Quantum Computer Services successfully changed its name to America Online in 1991–and even Google rebranded from their original name, BackRub.

While rebrandings can be very profitable, it requires a very complex interplay of resources to be successful. One of those resources is search engines and the way they manage a change in domain. In some cases, the original brand has such a strong online presence that a Google search will still return several pages and results before the actual current page. BOAC returns several Wikipedia pages and YouTube video results before you start seeing the current brand’s site, British Airways. On the other hand, if you do a search for Comcast, you’ll find paid and organic results for occupying the first two ranking positions and the Wikipedia page for Comcast down at position 5.

SEO Preservation

SEO Preservation can be a broad term that may include a variety of performance indicators including page-rank, traffic, ranking keywords, online purchases, bookings, and many more. When SEO preservation is not a key factor throughout domain migration or the URL restructuring process, there are some key lessons that can be learned. As search engine optimizers, we understand that often other factors like time-resources, budget, other marketing efforts, or even client buy-in to the SEO process may inhibit the preservation process. Brands that have failed at this process chose to focus on other priorities during their website migration process, and unfortunately, as a result they have seen dramatic dips in their site performance.

To highlight this, consider the following example. This company, started with 2,100 keywords ranking in the top 20 search results before the domain change and one month later saw a 40% drop to fewer than 1,400 terms in April.

Another “nightmare scenario” for SEO is to have domain migration occur so that both domains remain live for some time and links connect the old and new sites back and forth. To avoid this, coordinate the shift all at once because the existence of two live domains with substantial amounts of duplicate content and partial implementation of redirects will send conflicting signals to search engines about which site should rank. Consequently, the domain authority is then split instead of shifted from the old domain to the new one. In some cases we’ve seen domain authority drops for both the old and the new domain.

To illustrate this, consider this example below. Average daily site visits dropped in half due to falling organic traffic when the site no longer ranked for terms that they dominated only weeks before.


Rebrandings with SEO in Mind

What steps do you need to plan ahead for, in order to minimize the chance of these drops impacting your business?

There are 6 critical components to maintaining domain authority, digital presence, and accurate tracking of the domain migration. Some of which impact how the domain is perceived and some are related to how the migration is tracked. Keep in mind these crucial elements if your preparing for a rebranding:

  1. Redirects
  2. Resubmit Sitemap
  3. Directory Listings
  4. Social Media
  5. Analytics and Search Console (formerly Webmaster Tools) Profiles
  6. Audit Redirects


The most obvious first step is to put in place redirects which automatically route a user from the old domain and page to the new one. There are a range of types of redirects that are available, but for these types of redirects, a 301 is best. A 301 status communicates to search engines and web browsers that the page has been permanently relocated and redirects the user to the correct page. A 301 redirect also transfers ranking power (sometimes called “link juice”) that the legacy page had built up to the new page.

In order to identify every page on the site that needs to be redirected, several tools, including Xenu Link Sleuth, Screaming Frog, Integrity for Mac, are available to “crawl” the legacy site. Pay special attention to URLs that have the most in-bound links, or receive the highest volume of inbound traffic from other sites. These pages are home to most of the site’s “link juice” and must be maintained. Tools such as Moz Open Site Explorer, Google Search Console and Majestic SEO, can be used to compare and make sure that nothing gets skipped or overlooked.

Once the list of legacy pages is complete they must be mapped to pages on the new site and redirected. A simple way to help you do this is to create an excel file listing the old URL’s in one column and the new ones in another. It also helps for verification purposes later.

It’s important to be prepared to make all of the changes at once instead of drifting a handful of pages at a time. Leaving both domains live sends conflicting signals to search engines and can damage the domain authority of both the legacy and new domains.

Resubmit Sitemap

Once the redirects have been implemented it’s important to notify Google and Bing Webmaster Tools that a change of address is happening. Leave the old site’s XML sitemap live for about a week after the migration so crawlers can still access it, follow the links therein through the 301 redirects, and start working the old URLs out of their indexes.

Create a XML sitemap for the new domain and submit it to Google and Bing Webmaster Tools/Search Console. Typically, it can take a day or two before the new crawl takes effect and you can compare the number of indexed pages.

Directory Listings

Along with inbound links, directory listings are one of top sources used by both search engines and users to find a website or domain. It’s considered best SEO practice to make certain that listings in online and print directories are current and accurate. A domain migration requires returning to all of the directories that list the legacy domain and updating them to reflect the new address. These directories may include (most generically) FourSquare, InfoGroup, Localeze,, City Search, and DMOZ. An aggregation tool like MozLocal can help bring all of these directories into alignment.

In addition to the generic directories most businesses have an opportunity to be listed in industry-specific directories. From auto-dealers to law firms or home maintenance professionals, you’ll likely find a set of available directories. The longer a legacy domain has been in existence, the more directories that will subsequently need to be updated.

Social Media

There is a strong correlation between social media engagement and web traffic. Announcing and publicizing the domain name change to provide important social signals and promote the rebranding in its own right. This will generate higher than usual volumes of traffic to the new domain in order to compensate for the potential drop in organic traffic while Google is indexing the new domain. While it isn’t critical to update all legacy posts with a new domain, it’s crucial to make sure that any pages that have social media links to them are correctly redirected. Update social media profiles, especially Twitter, Facebook and Google +, but don’t neglect LinkedIn, Instagram, Blogger, YouTube and any others that are connected to the website.

Analytics and Search Console Profiles

The profiles in an analytics package, whether it is Google Analytics or a fee-for-service provider, will track the traffic to a specific domain, and if it’s set up correctly should not be tracking activity on other domains. In the Admin tab of Google Analytics, the property name and default URL should be updated to reflect the new domain. This is also the time to annotate Google Analytics in order to track the date of the migration.

In addition to Google Analytics it’s important to update settings in Google Search Console, only AFTER the migration has occurred.

1. On the Search Console homepage, click the name of the legacy site.
2. Click the gear icon; then click change of address.
3. Follow the instructions in the change of site address tool.
4. Monitor site traffic as indicated in move a site with URL changes.


Audit Redirects

Once everything is complete, it’s important to verify that everything is working as expected. The Screaming Frog web spider tool can help run an audit of the old and new site to examine the results.

1. Upload: The legacy URL’s

Switch the SEO Spider to ‘List Mode,” select the file with all the old URLs to audit and upload.

This is where the log that was saved from step 1, redirects comes back into play.

2. Select: The ‘Always Follow Redirects’ box

Navigate to the ‘Advanced’ tab inside the ‘Spider Configuration’ and select the ‘Always Follow Redirects‘ option.

As default ‘List Mode’ works at a 0 crawl depth, meaning it just crawls the URLs included in the upload. With this feature selected, it ignores depth and will follow redirects until the final destination (a no response, 2XX, 4XX or 5XX etc.).

3. Start the crawl

Now hit the ‘Start’ button let the SEO Spider crawl the site, reach 100%, and come to a stop.

4. Click on ‘Reports’ & ‘Redirect Chains’

This report does not just include URLs which have redirect chains, it includes every URL in the original upload and the response in a single export. If a URL has multiple redirects in a chain, this export will map out each hop along the way, redirect 1, to redirect 2, to redirect 3, and all the responses along the way until the final target. It will also show how many hops there are (remember 5+ Google might give up and treat as a 404) and identify any pesky redirect loops.

This report provides a comprehensive method to audit all redirects in a site migration in a nice, easy, single export.

Effective Domain Migration To Preserve Search Engine Rankings

While there are a lot of steps in this process and many intricate details to pay attention to, with preparation and a clearly outlined plan it can be possible to identify unexpected behavior or disparities before they have a notable impact on traffic and visitors. Following the steps to update analytics packages and audit redirects will help identify opportunities to make changes before they become problems.

Now, go forth and change that domain!


10 Advantages of Social Media Marketing for Your Business

Advantages of Social Media

Social media marketing is a highly valued element of any decent marketing strategy. The benefits of using social media marketing are so great, that anyone not implementing the cost-effective marketing resource is missing out on a phenomenal marketing opportunity.

According to Hubspot, 92% of all marketers claim that social media marketing is important for their business, with another 80% stating that their efforts increased traffic to their websites. It’s easy to see that social media marketing is definitely making waves in the marketing field and many marketers report realizing the potential for business growth, however they are unsure of the best method.

Social Media Examiner states that 97% of marketers are currently participating in social media, but 85% of participants aren’t sure what social media tools are the best to use. There seems to be some uncertainty when it comes to social media marketing. With our help, we will diminish the confusion by thoroughly explaining the best ways to use social media to market your business.

There are an immense amount of benefits of using social media to market your business. We’ve chosen 10 to highlight:

1. Increased Brand Recognition

Social media marketing is one of the most cost-efficient digital marketing methods to syndicate your content and increase your business visibility. Implementing a social media strategy will greatly increase your brand recognition because your business will be reaching such a broad audience of consumers. To get started, create social media profiles for your business and begin networking. Have employees, partner businesses, sponsors, your mother, anyone “like” and “share” your business content on social media. Simply having content “liked” and “shared” makes your business more visible to new consumers which will lead to retaining customers. The more people who know about your business, the better – and social media is a fantastic outlet for showing people what your business is about. Social media marketing increases any businesses’ ROI (return on investment).

2. Improved Brand Loyalty

According to a report by Texas Tech University, brands who engage on social media channels enjoy higher loyalty from their customers. Social media creates the perfect environment for brands to communicate with their consumers and create a bond of brand loyalty. The report proves that brands who communicate with their customers on social media obtain higher levels of customer loyalty.

The millennial consumer generation is known for being the most brand loyal generation of all. The millennial generation is the largest generation in US history – born between the early 1980’s and the early 2000’s – and will soon completely consume the market. Studies show that the millennial consumer generation is 80% more likely to use a brand again if they are pleased with their first purchase. With these technology natives requiring communication between themselves and their brands, businesses must implement social media marketing to catch the eye of the most influential consumer.

3. More Opportunities for Conversion

The more visibility your business has, the better. Every blog post, image, video, or comment may lead viewers to your company website, providing the opportunity for traffic conversion. Social media marketing allows your business to give a positive impression. If a viewer comes across your content and has no need for your products or services, the consumer is more likely to think of your business when the need arises.

4. Higher Conversion Rates

There are several ways social media marketing results in higher conversion rates, the most prominent is its humanization factor. When brands are interactive by sharing content, commenting, and posting statuses on social media, it personifies a brand. People prefer to do business with other people, rather than companies.

Studies have also shown that social media has a 100% higher lead-to-close rate than outbound marketing. When a brand is interactive on social media, consumers who follow your brand’s social media accounts often gain more trust for your brand and view your business as more credible. People use social media platforms to stay connected to their friends, family, and communities. Since people are already talking, why not throw your brand into the mix? More likely than not, they’ll mention your brand to a friend when your products or services are needed, overall providing your business with social proof of its quality. Putting your brand in an atmosphere where people are sharing, liking, and talking, can only improve the conversion rates on your existing traffic.

5. More Brand Authority

When consumers see your business posting on social media – a marketing strategy that only top businesses use – it makes your business appear more credible. Interacting with your customers frequently demonstrates that your business cares about customer satisfaction, and is available to answer any questions that customers might pose. When a satisfied customer wants to spread the word about a great product or service they received from your business, they often turn to social media (especially if social media is the platform where they heard about your business in the first place). Having authentic customers mentioning your business on social media will advertise your business to an even broader audience. The average person has over 300 friends on Facebook, that’s 300 more people that will hear about your business if they scroll through their news feed.

6. Increased Inbound Traffic

Without marketing your business on social media, your inbound traffic is limited to your usual customers. The people familiar with your brand are likely searching for the same keywords you already rank for. You’ll have much more difficulty reaching anyone outside of your loyal customer circle (if you have loyal customers) without social media marketing. Every social media profile you add to your marketing mix (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Vine, etc.) is a gateway to your website, and every piece of content you post is another opportunity to acquire a new customer. Social media is a melting pot of different types of people from different cultures and backgrounds, and no two people have the same profile. With different people come different needs and different ways of thinking. Perhaps someone in an older demographic of consumers will search your website for the same keywords, however a millennial generation consumer could think totally differently. By marketing on social media, you are opening your business to versatile consumers all over the world.

7. Cost-Effective

Social media marketing is the most cost-efficient advertising strategy. Once you obtain a few satisfied customers who are vocal about their positive purchase experience, you can sit back and let the advertising be done for you by actual customers who enjoyed your product or service.

According to Hubspot, 84% of marketers found that as little as 6 hours a week spent on social media marketing efforts saw a benefit of reduced marketing expenses. Even paid advertising through Facebook and Twitter is the cheapest form of marketing compared to other methods. If paid advertising on social media is the way you decide to go, you can always start small and watch your conversion rates rise, which will pay off the money you initially put in.

hotdog man

8. Better Search Engine Rankings (SEO)

Search engine ranking is very important for obtaining traffic to your business website. More than 58% of marketers who have been using social media for one year or longer improved search engine rankings. Ranking in the top positions in SEO for your keywords will revolutionize your traffic. Let’s face it, everyone uses Google to find information, and they likely won’t click “Next Page” because they don’t have to, they’ll find the answer within the first URLs they click on. If your business website isn’t ranked high in search engine results, you should probably adjust your marketing strategy.

Although posting on social media might get your business some site traffic, more is required to succeed at social media marketing. First, you must create high quality content. Content such as blogs, infographics, facts, advertising your products or services, employee photos and events, and much more will make your business’s social media profile intriguing and credible. Once you begin posting quality content, you’ll begin to build a social media community. Your followers will “like” and “share” your content, which will give your business more visibility, however it is about quality over quantity. An engaged community is more likely to link to you, which will make your website rank higher in search engine results. Social media can be used to publish your content in order to obtain more links to your webpages, which will rank you higher in search engine results.

9. Overall Better Customer Experience

Social media is a networking and communication platform. Every customer interaction with your business on social media is an opportunity to publicly demonstrate your compassion for your customers. Whether a customer has a complaint you can address, or a compliment to give, social media allows you to address the matter in an interpersonal dialogue. A brand devoted to customer satisfaction that takes the time to compose personal messages will inherently be viewed in a positive light, even if responding to a customer complaint.


10. Improved Customer Insights

Hubspot reported that 69% of marketers found social platforms provided market place insights. Social media also gives you an opportunity to gain valuable information about what your customers are interested in. By monitoring comments, you can see customers’ blunt opinions of your business that you might not be aware of if your business didn’t have social media presence.

Another insightful aspect of social media marketing is the ability to segment your content syndication lists based on topic and identify what types of content generate the most interest and then produce more of that type of content. With social media marketing you have the ability to measure conversions based on different posts on various social media platforms to find the perfect combination to generate revenue.

Now Get Started

Still don’t know where to start? First, create your business’s social media profiles, next, post engaging content, gain some links to your webpages (which will improve your keyword search engine optimization), and boom: you’ve got yourself a functioning social media marketing strategy.

There are virtually no reasons not to implement social media marketing into your marketing strategy. Your competition is most likely already on social media. Don’t let your competitors hog the playing field. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll see growth in your business. There is no reason not to market on social media when the potential losses are statistically insignificant.

The longer you wait, the more time you’re losing, the less traffic you’ll receive, and the less customers you will retain.