Creative & Print Design

Bring Your Brand To Life

Our branding and creative design work is second to none. With everything from logos and business cards to full branding documents, brochures, banner and display advertising and a complete set of creative material to cover every possible need for your brand, we can provide with our UK based teams.

Brand Concept and Design

We provide a straightforward professional logo concept and design which provides you with a unique logo that is tailored to your business. Logos are a very important part of your business and it makes sense to put effort into getting these right.

We normally provide a set of draft concepts and then work the preferred options into a choice of quality logos which we supply as high quality vector graphics.

We can also supply a full branding document which covers everything from colour scheme and font to written voice and style of address, giving you everything you need for your marketing at your fingertips.


Case Study: Arabic website for the British Museum

Web Designer Vip were approached in 2010 to produce an Arabic version of their website. The British Museum were in the process of creating pages in other languages, but their website CMS did not support arabic characters very well, with particular difficulty in the menus and navigation.

Web Designer Vip produced the Arabic website with over 100 pages in Arabic, based on a range of different page templates. The website was colour coded by section and this was replicated in the arabic version. Much of the design layout was reversed to cater for the right to left language. Some styling needed changing to cope with arabic words and lettering which tends to be longer than English words.


When developing arabic websites, the right to left direction of the language affects the design. Considerations on the location of the logo and navigational components needs considering, and there is considerably more work than simply exchanging one set of copy for another.

The Arabic typesetting is a different shape to Latin based languages such as English. Words tend to be longer and the lines smaller. It is usual to increase the font size to make legible.

The British Museum website also uses a specialist vocabulary, with historical and archaeological language being needed on the exhibit pages.

Large scale – there were over 100 pages created in a variety of different templates. Efficient project management process was used to keep track of translation versions, images and the pages produced. Not all pages from the English site were used, so menus needed adapting to suit the arabic site.

Further work

In 2012 the British Museum updated their website design, so Web Designer Vip upgraded the arabic version to match.

The new website was very image rich which gives a good visual appearance. However this can cause the website to load slowly. When making the change Web Designer Vip put considerable effort into ensuring a fast page load to give the best possible visitor experience. Verification with 3rdpasty testing gives this website an A rating on both the commonly used metrics of page speed.

Web Designer Vip maintain the arabic content, uploading new exhibitions as needed. Examples of this include exhibitions on the Haj, The Horse, Shakespeare, Pompei., The Ice age and El Dorado. We are now provided with the translations,  to maintain consistency with other Arabic material produced by the Arabic museum, but Web Designer Vip’s arabic speaking staff can deal with any typos  or missing  text.

Web Designer Vip have produced over a dozen different Arabic language websites, and have natural Arabic language speakers within both their design/development and marketing teams.  The multilingual ExtraCMS copes well with the Arabic language, including arabic search, and is now used by a growing number of Arabic websites.


Web Design for Doctoori

Web Design for Doctoori

Web Designer Vip were approached to produce a major Arabic healthcare information website due our track record with Arabic websites. Understanding the Arabic market, language and marketing implications is a speciality for Web Designer Vip and a major factor which contributed to the possibility of this work. was to be the Arabic version of NHS Choices, acting as a portal to thousands of visitors on a weekly basis.


The lack of Industry approved Arabic healthcare information was the driving force behind this business idea for Dr Zain Sikafi and his partner, both general practitioners operating in London. Doctoori was created with the vision ‘To transform the health of the Arabic World.’


They wanted to achieve this through key industry partnerships. The content on the Doctoori website was created in partnership with the NHS choices and The Information Standard, to ensure that content was industry approved and of the highest quality. The site needed to show this content in conjunction with the three pillars of Doctoori: Accessibility, Reliability and Quality.Doctoori believes that all people should feel empowered to look after their health. Providing credible and easy to understand information in the Arabic language is essential to achieving this and hence improving the health and well-being of all Arabic speaking people.

Our Approach

There were three aspects to be designed and delivered, the website, 5 health tools and a find a clinic system. This meant many were produced (in excess of 30 different layouts). To satisfy the ‘accessibility’ factor, the site needed to be responsive to cater for all types of device.

  • A meeting to discuss exactly what was required of the new website, what needed designing and building and outlining potential time scales for the project.
  • In depth keyword research to establish key areas that the site needs to focus on to drive high quality traffic from site launch.
  • In depth spec of tools – which tracking is required and what admin functionality users need and how users will navigate the tools.
  • In depth spec of find a clinic – which information needs to be displayed. Followed client brief closely for client to be able to use admin system autonomously
  • Created a holding page and social media campaign to raise awareness before site live
  • Designs produced for the website, 5 health tools, find a clinic system and admin ensuring we take into consideration all Arabic functionality and web standards.
  • Coded designs into responsive HTML format and created logic for database for tools calculations to function correctly.
  • Created an in depth admin system for client to login and alter find a clinic directory details easily as well as track their results in their tools
  • Took the site live in January 2014.


Web Designer Vip successfully created all aspects of the Doctoori website will be an invaluable tool for both patients and clinics in Arabic speaking countries. The site features a ‘Find a clinic’ section in which Arabic speaking patients around the world can find an Arabic speaking clinic, hospital or healthcare establishment regardless of their location – fulfilling the vision of improving accessibility and developing the healthcare sector in the Arab world.

To further satisfy this, the site was created in a fully responsive format, ensuring that we met client requirements of making the content as accessible as possible.

Speaking on the day of the launch, Doctoori managing partner Zain Sikafi said:

“Thank You for your incredible work in getting the site live. It has been an absolute pleasure to go on this journey with you guys!”

The site attracted in excess of 8000 visits in the first 90 days of officially going live – Web Designer Vip will be carrying out the online marketing for Doctoori and hope that the site will continue to grow in its popularity and become the leading health information website in the Middle East and beyond.



SEO Case Study – Arabic Medical Website

“Medical website sees 870% increase in natural visitors from SEO work.”

Doctoori ( provide healthcare information in Arabic , targeting a global marketplace. Digital marketing agency Web Designer Vip were asked to help promoted the website through SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) in arabic.

The results obtained in the first two months of work showed a very significant increase of 870% in natural search traffic.

The Challenge

When then work was started the website only achieved top page ranking on their company name. The website includes a very large range of medical advice with many keywords to target so prioritisation was important. The website is written in arabic, so arabic language skills were also needed.

The Approach

Both on-page and off-page activities were prioritised with those giving greatest impact undertaken first. Web Designer Vip updated the meta data on many key pages and checked that the code mark-up showed the structure of the website clearly to the search engines. Checks were made on sitemaps and news articles written to start promoting the website content to other websites. Social media activities were started to encourage social activity in a natural way regarding the website.


Within two months a large number of target keywords saw substantial improvements in ranking and the number of natural visitors to the website rose more than eight-fold.

Web Designer Vip provide multilingual SEO in many industry sectors, using sustainable techniques aimed at steady medium to long term growth that is robust against search algorithm changes.


Social Media Consulting for Online Tiles Shop – Client Case Study

Web Designer Vip was already managing PPC and assisting this client with SEO for their tiles shop when we were asked to also provide consultancy on the best use of social media to grow brand awareness and boost the business.

Social Media for Tiles: Approach

A marketplace and competitor analysis revealed that while it was easy to spend a lot of time and money on social media, the best way to ensure high return on investment for this activity was to focus on the principle measurable benefits of various social platforms – the SEO benefits (authority backlinks) and the referral traffic and its conversion potential.

  • Initial advice on setup, branding and basic use of Facebook and Twitter to maintain high authority backlinks from these domains for SEO purposes
  • Guidance on next most valuable platforms to establish a presence on for social branding and referral traffic with high conversion potential
  • Advice on placement on visual platforms with the best conversion rate for tiling products via lifestyle images – e.g. Pinterest, YouTube, Flickr
  • Advice on placement and maintenance of a social presence on sites with lower conversion potential for SEO benefits – e.g. Google Plus
  • Suggestions on increasing visitor engagement to boost social media from a basic “brochure” presence to brand-building social marketing

Social Media for Tiles: Results

The graph below shows social network referral traffic growth over time (exact figures are not shown to preserve client data confidentiality). Click to enlarge.

Typical results for any given month include (figures taken from real client data):

  • 90% year on year increase in social referral traffic from Facebook
  • 250% month on month revenue increase from Pinterest social referrals
  • 123% year on year increase in onsite conversions from social traffic
  • 8x more referral traffic from Twitter year on year

If you are looking for sustainable and effective growth for your online tiles web shop, Extra Digital’s social media consultancy, sector familiarity and design and development assets can help you realise significant growth in revenue, traffic and business brand. Contact us today to find out more, get an initial free social media review and find out how we can help you grow your online tiles business using social media.


Case Study: Social Media Management


To manage clients Twitter account in order to increase social media followers and search engine optimisation of website.

“Expert management of social media profiles for businesses” stated by Nature Supplies

Social Media Target

Significantly increase links with relevant customers and clients via social media that result in more conversions on website.


Over a period of less than a month we have increased Nature Supplies followers more than six times.

Social Media Approach

  • Overall ExtraDigtal SEO contract that incorporates social media management
  • Strategic, regular management of Twitter account to encourage more relevant activity
  • Consultation with client on approach
  • Over 6x increase in number of Twitter followers in less than a month
  • Continued SEO contract to incorporate social media as part of internet marketing

Social Media Results

  • Over 6x increase in number of Twitter followers in less than a month
  • Continued SEO contract to incorporate social media as part of internet marketing


Consistent and Responsive Design: DCS

The Brief

DCS (Data Capture Solutions) provide a wide range of information management software and service solutions for over 400 of the biggest businesses in the world and cover a diverse range of business sectors.

Having recently refreshed the look of their brochures DCS felt that the website no longer reflected their current look and feel and also needed to be brought into step with their print media branding.


Having looked closely at the new style brochures and company branding and talked extensively with DCS we then identified how best way to proceed in implementing a new complimentary look for the website.

In addition being aware of the need to make any new design fully responsive for both smart phones and tablet computing we recommended this as an additional key project objective.

What we did

Our first step was to create an initial working design, which would allow DCS to see how the new look would work on a number of devices including smart phones. We then worked closely with DCS to refine the final design before it was finally implemented onto the website.


DCS were extremely happy with the websites new design and now have a consistent look and feel across all their media channels both on and offline.

In addition DCS is now better positioned to take advantage of the up take in smart phone and tablet usage and able to engage effectively with its visitors from multiple devices.



Local Citizens Advice Website Design

Web Designer Vip have recently designed and developed Stroud citizen’s advice bureau website. Stroud CAB wanted a more modern website that will be easier for their users to find the relevant information. One of the main functionalities they needed was easy to use contact forms that allow users to efficiently fill out the forms to do with different issues, eg benefits or debt. The website also needed to be linked with an online donation system which allows users to donate to the service effectively and efficiently.

The client wanted the ability to be able to easily edit the site through an online content management system.

The client had a specific brief about the design of the website and wanted to stick with the colours of the old website which were yellow and blue, Web Designer Vip worked with the brief to produce a website design that the client was extremely happy with.

The old website can be seen below:

New website Design:


Web Designer Vip produced a website that the client is extremely happy with. “Thank you for all your help. Really excited about the site going live – it looks really excellent!”

Web Designer Vip offer a comprehensive marketing website design service for a range of businesses and sectors including web design for the local services sector. To learn more take a look at our range of business website designs or contact us today to get an initial, free website review and find out how we can bring your business to life online.


Web Design Case Study – Bespoke Stable Supplier

The Brief:

To redesign the existing Jon Williams Stables site to give the site a fresh look, improve accessibility and user interaction. Make room for the addition of a new product range and give the site an overall less boxy look with more images and less text. A classic looking site was wanted due to client’s preference.

What We Did:

Web Designer Vip redesigned the site so that it appeared less cluttered, had a good use of white space and a continuous theme throughout the site to help with the branding and presentation of the brand. Additional options on the site and new product lines were also added to create more applicable and relevant content for visitors to the site.


The outcome of the redesign of Jon William Stables is that our client now has a functional, aesthetically pleasing and good value site built with marketing in mind. This means that every aspect of the site was built to be search engine friendly and informative to the user. The client is very pleased with the redesigned site and has seen an increase in visitors to the site and also sales as a result.

Below is some data taken from Google Analytics which shows that since the site went live in the middle of July 2013 the number of non-paid visitors to the site has been increasing steadily and the site is now receiving nearly twice the number of non-paid visitors now than since last November (data correct on date of publish – 18th November 2013).

Web Designer Vip offer a comprehensive marketing website design service for a range of businesses and sectors including web design for consultants and businesses. To learn more take a look at our range of business website designs or contact us today to get an initial, free website review and find out how we can bring your business to life online.


Website Design In The Holiday Industry


Cornish Holiday Lettings are a company that provide quality holidays apartments and cottages throughout Cornwall. Cornish Holiday Lettings came to Web Designer Vip wanted a website to market the range of properties that they have on offer.

The main aim of the website is to attract people to book a holiday through Cornish Holiday Lettings, in order to do this we needed to make sure that the booking process was very easy and stress free and that the website was attractive and easy to navigate.

The website also needed to be fully editable so that it can be kept up to date easily by the web editors. The website also needed to be fully integrated with social media, a booking system, news section and a contact form.


Web Designer Vip produced a website that met all the clients’ needs. The client liked the design of the website and was able to sign it off very quickly to start the build process. To see the finished website, visit

Web Designer Vip offer a comprehensive marketing website design service for a range of businesses and sectors including web design for the holiday industry. To learn more take a look at our range of business website designs or contact us today to get an initial, free website review and find out how we can bring your business to life online.


Creating a Marketing Website in Two Weeks – Detect Cancer

Web Designer Vip has recently created a marketing website in two weeks for Ancon Technologies. This website, Detect Cancer, had one aim which was to raise as much funds for their cancer detecting device. Ancon Technologies has been working on a Nanoparticle Biomarker Tagging device for the last decade and has finally managed to get their device to the final testing stage before being rolled out for use in hospitals and GPs throughout the UK.

Wesley Baker of Ancon Technologies stresses that “Cancer touches all of us eventually – it could be you or someone you know and love. Donations will be put towards the development of this ground-breaking NBT device so that it can save uncountable lives from the perils of this ugly disease.”

Once we at Web Designer Vip heard about this device we started work pro-bono to design, develop and manage the funding campaign to raise them the donations that they desperately need. The design and development of this responsive website,, was completed in just two weeks.

Ancon Technologies are very pleased with the look and functionality of the website, along with the high quality of the work we produced with Wesley Baker of Ancon Technologies stating…
‘I like the style very much and the approach – you have surprised me (which trust me is a hard thing to do as many will confirm in the world of business, but has great benefits for future projects!).

This is not the first time that Web Designer Vip has worked to assist a worthy cause in meeting their aims, every year since 2011 we have supported the LEJOG run from Land’s End to John O’Groats to help raise money for Demelza House, the children’s hospice that helps to support families throughout Kent, East Sussex and South East London. You can find out more about this cause and our community sponsorship and support on our website.

Web Designer Vip offer a broad marketing website design services for a range of organisations and sectors including web design for consultants and businesses. To find out more about our range of business website designs simply contact us today find out how we can bring your business to life online.


Worldwide Marketing and Design Projects

Multilingual Website Design & Marketing

We have used our marketing and website design expertise to build websites in a wide variety of different languages, including semitic languages like Arabic and non-English character sets such as Chinese and Russian. Our expertise ranges from European languages like French, German and Portuguese to Japanese, Thai, Korean and more.

We provide an all-inclusive multilingual website service including web design, eCommerce, content translation and localisation using native speakers, SEO, PPC and more. Isn’t it time you started speaking the language of your customers?


Social Media for Crafts Shop

Looking to reach your target audience on social media? Then read about the great results our social media marketing has achieved for an arts and crafts retailer.

The Challenge

Web Designer Vip were approached to help ‘Cowling and Wilcox’ with the online marketing, managing the SEO, PPC and Social media. The arts and crafts store faced the challenge of tapping into the Art community, increasing the level of engagement and interaction with the site and the brand though social media.

The Solution

Extra Digital created a compelling content strategy in the form of a blog to engage the art community. We extensively researched current trends to produce relevant, shareable content which was a big hit with the art community. Our strategy consisted of the following stages:

  • Using the analytics data to devise which content is popular and creating compelling and engaging content based on this data
  • Using social media platforms, Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and a Blog to distribute this content, making sure to alter the message for each platform as each has a different user
  • Providing helpful guides using products sold by the client such as ‘impressionist techniques’
  • Proactively liaising with influential art bloggers to provide guest posts
  • Producing a dedicated social media content calendar and analytics

Check out the links below to see the social accounts that we built to drive more traffic and business to the cowling and Wilcox blog.

The Results

The social campaign resulted in huge success for Cowling and Wilcox. See the results below:

Cowling and Wilcox are the perfect example of how social media can be used to engage communities. With platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram you can get generate tremendous online exposure for your brand, allowing you to showcase your products and services. Social media helps you listen to what people are saying, including your customers, prospects, peers and competitors.

We can help y


Quality Processes & Certificates

ISO 9001 Certification

We have been ISO 9001 certified since 2010, giving a guarantee of well documented quality control procedures and processes for client work as well as the business as a whole.

Cloud Technology Management

Web Designer Vip adopted cloud based technology very early on for managing internal processes. We use a sophisticated CRM to ensure all staff can see what is going on for specific clients. We use a cloud-based project management tool for ensuring all staff can see progress on projects and help project managers ensure delivery of work to client satisfaction.

As a leading company in a fast moving area of technology, keeping up to date with new technology and sharing best practise is important. We have an internal wiki for sharing technical knowledge and make use of social tools to help communication and efficient working.

Website Design Quality

When designing websites, we validate all website code and test the website with a number of browsers including IE6, IE7, IE8, FireFox, Chrome and Safari. We test all new websites on both PCs and Macs, and on a variety of screen resolution and monitor sizes.

Our websites adhere to the following standards:

All new websites are automatically checked with regards to accessibility and colour blind issues. We also regularly check all links (internal and external) are working, including those to other websites.

Amateur or “build your own” websites will often look very good on one browser or one operating system, but look poor on different browsers and devices. This is due to a lack of knowledge and no checking or validation process. Extra Digital have a set of quality checks we work through during and at the completion of the website design and development process to ensure our websites correctly function on all browsers and thus perform well in all major search engines.

PPC Management Quality

We were the first UK management firm to only use staff who had passed the Adwords examination to manage client accounts. This continuing practice ensures that all our account management staff are trained to the highest standards to manage accounts to the benefit of our clients.

Unlike many other digital agencies we never outsource PPC management and all work is carried out by in-house, fully qualified staff rather than trainees or freelancers.

SEO, Social and Marketing Quality

All SEO and marketing work uses sustainable “white hat” techniques which grow the presence of your business online over time rather than relying on unethical tricks and shortcuts that will be penalised at the next search algorithm update. We never risk our clients being blacklisted from searches by using spamming or short-term boost tactics. When acquiring links we focus on quality, not quantity, and exclude all paid links, exchanges, directories and other cheap, ineffective “link farming” techniques.

Unlike many other digital agencies we never outsource SEO, social management or other ongoing marketing work and all work is carried out by in-house, highly experienced staff rather than trainees or freelancers.

We make use of the following social media sites:


Our Clients

Web Designer Vip specialise in online marketing (SEO, PPC, Social Media), web design and development.

Often clients come to us for one service like SEO or Web Design and then find they are so happy with our work and level of service that they commision more services from us.

We are proud that we have several clients who have been with us for over 8 years and that they continue to trust us with their online marketing, design and development.


Jobs With Web Designer Vip

We have frequent opportunities for people with website design and/or Internet Marketing skills. A good level of English is essential, but we also have opportunities for other languages, for example Arabic, Chinese, Russian, French, Spanish, Dutch or German.

We offer very flexible working times and hours. As nearly all our work is Internet based, location is not an issue. Most of our staff work the majority of the time from home based offices, meeting once or twice per week in Canterbury for collaborative working and team training.

Recruiting now for web Developer – early 2016

We are looking for another developer to join our team.

Essential skills requied include ability to program within PHP/MySql and Ajax/Javascript and HTML/CSS

We would also expect familiarity with several of the following:

* Magento ecommerce stores

* MVC framework (Zend/Symfony/Laravel)

* MongoDB/Express/js/Angular.JS/Node.js

* Git/SVN experience

* API development

Initially this work will be based at our Canterbury office, with an option to work from home 2-3 days per week.

To apply send a CV to Web Designer Vip.

Recruiting now for Account and Marketing Managers to start in Summer 2016

We are looking to further expand our marketing team with 1-2 account managers, starting Spring/Summer 2016. Essential skills are excellent English, good communication skills and a high level of organization. Design ability an advantage.

The role will include full training in online marketing.

Although we expect these roles to be filled by recent graduates we will also consider applications from more experienced account managers or marketing managers.

More details at:

To apply please send a CV  to Rachel Cornish at rachel.cornish@Web Designer

Graduate Marketing Jobs

We expect to recruit 2-3 graduates in 2015 to join our expanding marketing team.

We provide full training on all aspects of the marketing work. Initially this work will be based at our Canterbury office, with an option to work from home 2-3 days per week.

Essential skills are excellent English (or another language)*, good communication skills, good analysis skills and strong interest in business or marketing. You will enjoy this role if you like new challenges, are ambitious, like problem solving, good with Excel and producing charts and analysing data and are happy writing  articles and reports.

* we provide multilingual marketing work and applicants fluent in another language (such as Arabic, Chinese,  French, German, Russian, Portuguese, Spanish) are also sought.

Website Design & Development Jobs

We expect to recruit 1-2 graduates in 2015 to join our development team.

We will be looking for a designer who can also code websites; the essential attribute here is a natural flair for design. We will provide training on most of the website coding work.

We will also be looking for a junior developer – an ability to code and program in at least one web development language is needed. Training and on-the job learning will be provided.

Initially this work will be based at our Canterbury office, with an option to work from home 2-3 days per week.

To apply send a CV along with a portfolio of your work to Web Designer Vip.

Freelance Copy Writing

We often have opportunities for part time freelance copy writers, particularly those able to write high quality content on technical subjects.

If you think you have the required skills, please send a CV and accompanying letter or use ourcontact form. Please ensure that you state your existing level of expertise, giving reference web sites where applicable, and give some indication of the type and level of work you are looking for.

All of the above roles require people able to work independently and accurately, with good English skills. We currently undertake some work in other languages, so please state if you understand and read in other languages as we see this as an advantage.

Potential Job Specifications

We sometimes have vacancies available for the following positions – speculative applications from high quality candidates are invited to submit details.

Sales & Project Managers

Motivated individuals needed to help deal with our sales enquiries and project manage some of the simpler website design and build projects. This will involve working extensively with our online CRM and project management tools. Essential skills are excellent English, good communication skills and a high level of organization.

Client Managers

Motivated client managers needed to interface with clients and our project staff. The role will include project managing design projects from startup to completion and project managing and reporting on our SEO contracts. The role will require the ability to write copy for web sites and articles on a huge variety of topics. Essential skills are excellent English, good communication skills and a high level of organization.

Website Developer / Programmer

We have sometimes have vacancies for web site programmers. For this we would expect a good level of knowledge of PHP / MySQL, plus some knowledge of other languages such as JavaScript, Perl or ASP. The ability to hand-code in html to the latest web standards is also required. A working knowledge of Magento, Joomla and other widely used systems and frameworks is an advantage.

Marketing Managers

This role includes SEO Manager, PPC Managers and Social Media Managers

We usually train from within the company for these. However there may be opportunities for applicants fluent in another spoken language. Other skills required are the ability to generate reports, to handle a lot of data, to understand HTML code and to be good at writing articles and analysing information. Please note that we do not employ people to simply acquire links or stuff keywords into web copy as this is not part of our sustainable, ethical SEO techniques.

To apply

Please send a CV along with a portfolio of your work.


Lesson: Turn your phone into a telescope device number rounding too far and secret places in the city are amazing

About Web Designer Vip

Web Designer Vip is a large, well established digital marketing and design agency with offices across the south of the KSA . We work in over 20 languages to provide multilingual marketing, consultancy and design services for a wide range of businesses across many sectors.

  • Our core skills are in both marketing and design – a combination which lets us produce highly effective websites which drive business goals
  • We have extensive experience in multilingual website development and marketing including SEO and PPC in a range of languages such as Chinese, Portuguese, Arabic and Russian
  • We are one of very few marketing and design agencies with a defined quality standards policy and are ISO 9001 certified under certificate 10/2692
  • All work is carried out by in house staff – we do not outsource to cheap suppliers abroad and do not act as a skills “broker” like many digital agencies

Core Agency Skills

Our core Internet marketing skills base includes:

  • QualifiedGoogle Partners
  • Qualified Analytics professionals
  • PPC providers such as Google AdWords, Yandex (Russian), Baidu (China), LinkedIn Ads and Facebook advertising
  • Over 10 years of experience in search engine optimisation
  • Academic & latest research based information on international marketing
  • Social media marketing based on best ROI for businesses
  • Specialist ecommerce marketing including SEO, PPC and social strategy

Our core website / IT skills base includes:

  • Website design languages such as HTML, HTML5, XHTML, CSS
  • Interactive webpage development languages such as JavaScript, AJAX, JQuery
  • Dynamic website page languages such as ASP, PHP, Perl, CGI, JavaScript,
  • Database programming with databases such as MySQL or SQL
  • Graphic design skills including PhotoShop and Flash
  • Accessible website design, W3C compliant websites
  • Online content management applications including bespoke development, WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Sitefinity and many others
  • Natural search engine optimisation at code and design as well as content level
  • Multi-lingual work including Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian and many others
  • ecommerce platform development including bespoke applications and a focus on high speed, easy to market Magento shops


35% increase in Total Ecommerce Revenue

The Problem

There were several issues with the BeSafe website redesign.

  • The original branding colours were overwhelming for customers and needing toning down.
  • The site was very cluttered and didn’t have a clear user journey, which often confused the user leading to a high bounce rate.
  • The checkout system was broken which was losing be safe direct many customers
  • The site was not mobile accessible meaning they were losing out on all visitors from mobile and tablet users.

All these factors combined to result in an underwhelming volume of conversions. Be safe wanted a fresh design to maximise the sales potential of the site and increase the volume of leads and sales.

Home page before redesign

The Solution

We worked closely with Be Safe Direct, looking into the current user experience, website data and statistics and honing in where the main ‘leaks’ of the current site were and how we could amend this. We focussed on the user journey, constructing a customer focussed plan of action to maximise the potential of the website.

  • Gather the branding requirements for the site, colour schemes and new logos
  • Analyse the current site data, trends and traffic identifying important factors for conversion
  • Creating well thought out designs starting from mobile first, based on UX, best practice and analytics insights
  • Seamless transition between new site and old site, implementing the necessary 404s to retain search engine value
  • Tested the site vigourously across all devices

The Results

View the website here: 

Web Designer Vip produced an extremely eye catching design, whilst maintaining the existing branding and colour scheme.

Some statistics below:

  • Average monthlyincrease of around 35% in total revenue when compared to previous year with the old website
  • Average monthly search increase of around30% of traffic year on year



Online Shop for Downton Brewery

Looking to add an online shop to your website? See how Web Designer Vip added a simple online shop for Downton Brewery that opened up a whole market for them in selling to the general public.

Downton Brewery is a craft brewer of real ales based on the edge of Wiltshire in the historic and beautiful village of Downton, close to the New Forest.

As well as their popular regular beers the brewery also produce seasonal special ales and limited edition bespoke beers supplying pubs, hotels, wholesalers, event organisers and the general public.

The Challenge

Downton Brewery has grown in popularity in recent years due to ever expanding range of diverse real ales. This has led to an increase in demand from the general public wanting to purchase beer directly from the brewery.

The brewery needed to identify the best beers and available formats (case, mini pin and poly pins) for sale to the general public. Plus develop a way to make it much easier for people to buy direct from the brewery and have their beer delivered directly to their door.

The Solution

Having originally built the Downton Brewery website Web Designer Vip was happy to help find the perfect solution and suggested adding an online shop to the existing website.

As the website was already hosted on our content management system we planned to add our ecommerce module to enable easy selling online.

We worked with the brewery to identify the right beers and set formats for selling online and helped agree the best delivery charges that would ensure great value for their customers.

In addition we identified and implemented some areas where custom options would be required to make managing the shop much easier for the brewery as they expand in the future.

PayPal was identified as the breweries preferred payment provider and we helped them set-up and customise their account for online sales.

The Result

The online shop launched in May and the brewery were thrilled with how easy the shop is to use both for customers purchasing beer, but also for the brewery to keep up-to-date.

They were particularly struck with how simple it was for customers to find and purchase their beer of choice.

The online shop is already generating sales and proving to be a popular addition to the website.


Prestashop Stores

You may have heard of Prestashop creating quite a stir in the eCommerce community. This promising up and coming platform is a free open source framework which has produced some awesome, dynamic websites!

With a variety of features and a great user experience, Prestashop stores can be just the platform you need to sell your awesome products and put your competition to shame.

Whether you need to start your store from scratch or maintain your current store, we will make sure your needs are met and beyond.

We are passionate about helping others to achieve their online goals starting with a stunning and well managed Prestashop stores. For more information give us a call on 01227 68 68 98, or fill out an online contact form. 

So what are the advantages of a prestashop store?

  • Rapid development– We can produce great ecommerce websites to make sure you get your products on the market as soon as possible
  • Be seen in search engines– Your store may look breath-taking but this is of no use if nobody can find it. Our stores are very search engine friendly so your customers can easily find you
  • Designed to convert visitors into buyers –we focus on designing and building awesome Prestashop websites designed to make sure visitors have no choice but to buy
  • High speed ecommerce server hosting –ask about our specialised ecommerce hosting that will supercharge your website

If you’re looking for a custom ecommerce design, our in house design team can create a visually compelling design that converts website visitors to customers that keep coming back for more.

Prestashop or Magento

Choosing between these two giants of the eCommerce game can be difficult but who finished on top in a head to head clash?

Magento is said to be the leader of eCommerce pack with the larger business preferring to use this platform. However, if you are running a smaller business, you will see that ecommerce start-ups prefer a Prestashop store. This is because it’s actually easier to install, has arguable better search capabilities and is smaller in size.

However, Magento has the merchandising and promotion aspect as well as the out-of-the-box features, has a vast support community, a vast array of themes, awesome SEO features and no compatibility issues. If you’re not sure about which platform to go for?


API Integration

API integration is used by organisations in their business websites or web applications allowing others take advantage of difficult complex software systems in a smooth and connected way.

Put simply, API’s allow you to open up a site to public or private users to get your information without giving them direct access to what happens in your site.

So you need to connect your website using an API but you don’t have the resources necessary to do this? Extra Digital have great experience with integrating API’s with websites or database software.

Our team of experienced developers relish the challenge to integrate your website with an API smoothly and effectively.

What are the benefits of API integration?

API application integration has great benefits helping to streamline the business processes, help in providing better customer services and thus assist in enhancing the growth of your business.

What types of integration can we offer?

  • Need custom API integration? We specialise in integrating custom API applications for your business website or web app.
  • Whatever your needs, we can produce and develop custom APIs
  • Are you yet to make a decision about which API you need? We can point out services providing API’s to which can be connected to your website or application to enhance your services.
  • We also support API development, twitter API integration, API application programming interface, REST API integration, application integration services, social media developer API, CMS API, Saas API Integration services at competitive rates.


CS Cart Services

CS Cart is a very powerful feature-rich ecommerce platform and could be the perfect option to sell your awesome products. No matter the size of your store, our tailorable CS development and design services can help you to achieve your dream products, getting you started with a profitable online shop that grows as your business does.

To find out more about getting your ecommerce marketing off the ground to set yourself on the path to an effective and profitable online shop, get in touch with Web Designer Vip today on +44 (0) 1227 68 68 98.

Our CS Cart Services Include:

  • Speedy development – From design to complete build in just under 4 months. Less depending on the size of the store.
  • Get your shop visible – fast! – there’s no point in having a great looking store if no-one can find it. We build our websites to be search engine friendly.
  • Designed to convert visitors into buyers – we focus on designing and building a great CS Cart websites that will give you the best possible return on investment
  • High speed ecommerce server hosting – ask about our specialised ecommerce hosting that will run your store at light speed

If you’re looking for a custom ecommerce design, our in house design team can create a visually compelling design that converts website visitors to customers that keep coming back for more.

No matter what you’re selling, we’ll help you reach your goals. Why not check out oureCommerce website portfolio to see some of our breath-taking design work.

Our CS Cart Experience

We offer:

  • CS-Cart websites in multiple languages (for example French, Spanish, German, Russian)
  • CS-Cart websites for a  large number of products
  • CS-Cart websites in B2B markets as well as the more traditional consumer markets.

If you are a designer looking for a CS Cart developer then we offer complete flexibility to give you the creative freedom to bring your client’s business to life. We don’t make use of pre-existing templates or themes – all our CS Cart stores are coded straight from the ground up which gives you total and absolute freedom.

Is your website in several languages? No problem. We have awesome expertise in developing multilingual eCommerce sites on CS Cart so you can sell to customers in several languages using native speakers for accurate translation, regardless of what you are selling.

What our customers say

 “The website is doing very well under your leadership and you are always on the phone when I need you, very helpful.”

Peter Grove, Occasion Photo Frames

“I wanted to say what an awesome job you guys did on the Readicut website. From our point of view we are really pleased with the way it’s been brought to life. To find someone like yourselves who we’ve found to be so easy to work with has been fantastic. It goes without saying that if were to have the opportunity to work on a similar type of project that we would come to you to work with again. Fingers crossed there are more juicy jobs out there soon!”

Readicut Crafts Website: Design Team

As well as offering comprehensive CS-Cart development services based around completely bespoke design work (we never use templates), we offer in-house, UK based CS-Cart  development which builds a search engine optimised, user-friendly online store that is easy to market in order to grow your revenue and your business.


Magento Ecommerce

Magento Ecommerce Solutions

No matter how large or small your store is, our Magento ecommerce design and development services can bring your products to life and get you started with a profitable online shop that can easily grow as your business does.

  • Effective and rapid Magento ecommerce development – we can get you from design to completed build in under four months
  • Highly search engine optimised – like all our websites, we build our Magento stores to be search engine friendly
  • Designed to convert visitors into buyers – we focus on building a website that will give you the best possible return on investment
  • High speed Magento server hosting – ask about our specialised Magento ecommerce hosting that will run your store at light speed

Magento Design & Development

As well as offering comprehensive ecommerce website design services based around completely bespoke designs (we never use templates), we offer in-house, UK based Magento ecommerce development which builds a search engine optimised, user-friendly online store that is easy to market in order to grow your revenue and your business.


Mobile Development

Our mobile development services include:

  • Mobile website design
  • Mobile web applications
  • Android Applications

We have created the following types of mobile website:

  • Simple brochure website with phone now
  • Booking mobile site for searching for and reserving holiday accommodation
  • Questionnaire or assessment from mobile phones

Mobile development delivers an optimised view of your existing website and brand to maximise the browsing experience of your visitors. By detecting the device being used, we present a mobile layout design with condensed content in a format which is more legible and will load faster on mobile network connections.

When undertaking mobile development there are key design considerations to make a mobile site and app effective. As the screen size is smaller, less information can be given.

  • Navigation needs to be simple and activated over a wide area on a touch screen.
  • Forms must be clear and simple with minimum typing and as much use of sectors as possible.
  • Calls to actions are easy with a ‘dial now’ being very effective.

Your existing website can remain unchanged and a mobile website design or other mobile development is a very cost effective way to improve your online marketing activity.

With the growing trend for mobile browsing, particularly in international markets, isn’t it time you discovered how to improve your web presence? Get in touch and we can give you the guidance you need on expanding your reach to your customers using mobile development.


Web Maintenance

Keep Your Website Up & Running

Keeping your website up and running can often be one of the biggest challenges you face, which is where our web maintenance services come in.

Whether you need support for your content management system, security or accessibility updates or just having professional help on hand to guide you through the everyday housekeeping tasks of web maintenance, our expert, UK-based support team can provide all the support you need.

Website Maintenance Services

We offer a wide range of web maintenance services at a variety of a platforms to suit your needs and budget.

  • Security updates and security auditing
  • Backups and redundancy to minimise downtime
  • SEO updates and SEO auditing – also take a look at our complete SEO services
  • Content management system updates and support
  • Copywriting and content assistance to make your website an effective marketing tool
  • Multilingual services including translation and content localisation taking into account both cultural and lingual differences
  • eCommerce management including online shop help, payment integration and genera management
  • Web application support including usability, training and mobile or social applications
  • …and much more!

Our in-house staff have a wide range of skills which means we can provide an enormous range of web maintenance services. We can handle everything for you from complex backup and redundancy to training and support – or you can just have us on standby as someone to call to handle the technical bits so your staff don’t have to!


Multilingual Development

Multilingual Web development for high performance websites

We develop websites, database systems and mobile/social application in over twenty languages including:

  • French, German, Dutch
  • Spanish, Italian, Portuguese
  • Arabic
  • Russian, Turkish, Greek
  • Chinese (traditional), Chinese (simplified), Japanese, Korean
  • Latvian, Lithuanian, Slovakian, Polish, Czech
  • Bengali, Punjabi

Issues to consider when developing websites in other languages

The issues from a web development point of view fall into the following main areas.

  • Language translation for dynamic parts of websites (the order and length of text is different)
  • Character set issues
  • Language direction (for Arabic) impacting design

Language translation

The syntax of languages varies with verbs for example in different places. This requires a different approach to some dynamically created messages when interacting with the user. This is one area where an application not designed with language in mind can be very costly to convert to multiple languages.

Character Sets

Different languages have different alphabets. Most Western European languages are based on the Latin Alphabet, but there are differences in letters used and especially accents and also the numbers of letters available. Other languages are based on very different scripts, for example Cyrillic. These all require different character sets to be used within the website and database. Issues can arise with some commonly used code that converts characters into urls as these will not work with (say) the cyrillic or arabic alphabets.

Text Direction

Most languages are written left to right. The most common exceptions are Arabic and Hebrew which are written right to left. Chinese and Japanese may be written top to bottom although this is now less usual in web applications. This impacts the design and how messages are shown on applications.


Cutting Edge Ecommerce Web Development

ECOMMERCE DEVELOPMENTExtraDigital offer cutting edge ecommerce development and performance services, creating smooth running, robust stores that run and convert like a dream.

Do you have page speed issues? Configuration problems? Difficulty updating your website? Whether you run a Magneto store with thousands of products, or a small store selling only a few, our bespoke ecommerce platform extraCMS, we can restructure, rebuild and redesign your store for optimal performance with one aim in mind – increasing your sales.

What can you expect from our development?

Our Ecommerce Solutions are:

A wealth of ecommerce experience

Having from 10 product websites to complex Magento stores, we’ve seen it all in our years as Ecommerce developers. We can advise at every stage of the process from inception, UX design all the way though to the marketing and social media, to UX and development.


We have total flexibility in the content management systems we can use to build your site. We have experience of building on all of the popular CMS’s such as Magento, Prestashop, ExtraCMS, Shopify and more.


Which Ecommerce solution do you need?

We use a variety of different technologies depending on the scale of the project, required functionality and available budget.

With all projects we sit down with you and really try to understand your business first so we can translate this into a solution that offers optimal performance for your customers which translates to an increase in sales.

  • For clients on a more constricted budget or looking for an easy to use online shop that will let you get started selling products online but still give you plenty of room to grow, we offer online shops and ecommerce solutions on our bespoke content management platform, the ExtraCMS.
  • For high numbers of products we provide development on the Magento platform, an enterprise ecommerce development platform. Magento is one of the most popular systems for large online shops and it powers shops such as Kookai, Olympus, The North Face and Nestle.
  • For growing businesses without their own warehouse and fulfilment system or for charities wishing to sell cards or distribute fundraising material we provide an ecommerce with a managed fulfilment option

Database Development

Our Database Development Skills

We have an in house team of developers able to provide bespoke database applications, especially those that in interface with websites.

Our clients for this work range from small business up to major multinational corporations and we have produced systems ranging from small website applications through to sophisticated management information systems.

Our preferred development platform is LAMP (Linux server, Apache operating system, MySQL database and PHP programming language). This is a popular choice with government agencies and large business keen to avoid expensive license fees from the alternative Windows based development.

We are ISO 9001 certified and make use of online project management tools to keep track of project progress.

Examples of database development

Finance system databases

We have produced database systems for interfacing between marketing websites and finance product calculators in markets such as loans, pensions and private healthcare. Many of these systems require secure servers as dealing with confidential medical or financial data. They often involve integration with 3rd party calculators or best deal finders.

Mapping and data analysis systems

It is possible to show complex set of data graphically and if the data relates to geographical regions to show this with Google maps or Google earth. We work with Bureau Veritas and defra on many air quality projects to show data on maps on websites. Some of these datasets and very large and require data manipulation and analysis before display.

Management Information systems

We have produced integrated management information systems that deal with all communication between the company and their clients. We have done this in industries such as healthcare and adult education.

This starts with leads generated from the website or by phone or email, includes a record of all communication, generates customisable email responses and PDF attachments, allows for online payments, records all payments received and made (to suppliers) and provides a reporting system for managers. Activities can be scheduled and highlighted in terms of priority. Access and reporting levels available vary with access level.

In one such system we have included a booking and room allocation system making it easy to assign to rooms according to language spoken and gender.

Marketing Information Systems

A much simpler alternative to a full management information system is a marketing system; this tells quickly where good leads or sales have come from and the aim is to provide just the information needed.

Workflow and document tracking

As processes get moved online there is a need for systems which accurately record the process of sending, receiving, auctioning and replying to documents. These projects range from the simple job applications systems to the more complex handling of local authority report submission over many years with multiple levels of review and different reviewers depending on geographical location.

School VLE

This is a VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) aimed at Primary Schools. It enables effective communication of homework between teachers and parents at a level appropriate to their age, and is very quick and easy to use. A key consideration here was a system which reduced workload for teachers and made their job easier. Responses from schools have been very positive in this regard.

Multilingual database development

We have extensive experience of producing database driven systems in multiple languages. Examples of these include:

  • Database to choose the particular ring or spring according to width and various other engineering measurements – in Russian
  • Database to select suitable aircraft for air charter company – in Russian, Arabic, French and English


Web Application Development

With over a decade of experience of in web application development built to high specification we can tackle most projects. Our clients include the Government (Defra), Education providers, Public service providers such as the police, healthcare providers, international companies such as Alcoa, Smalley, travel and tourism companies and businesses and organisations from many different sectors.

We work to ISO 9001 to ensure a high quality. Accessibility and search engine optimised code is standard for all websites and web applications.

Database Design

Database Web Application DevelopmentThe majority of web application development we undertake will involve a database. For larger projects getting the database design right is critical for the final performance. Slow websites can be caused by an inefficient database setup and slow database queries.

For large projects we provide a full data analysis and often a work flow analysis as well. On many occasions we have taken existing systems and considerably improved the performance, sometimes by factors of over 20x in terms of speed for users.

We have in house staff skilled at database design and build as well as strategic planning.

Ecommerce Development

ecommerce Web Application Development

We design and develop a range of different ecommerce websites, using an appropriate web application development technology to the size and scale of the website required. Our speciality is search engine optimised online shops, and we ensure all design and development is done to help market the website online.

We are familar with integrating with many different PSPs (Payment Service Providers) to enable taking of payment by credit card securely.

We can provide the full solution including hosting with secure server and certificate if required. We can also advise regarding PCI compliance. Take a look at our ecommerce development expertise, which includes Magento ecommerce development, CS-Cart ecommerce development and small online shop development.

Multilingual Development

Multilingual Web Application Development

We undertaken website design and web application development in over twenty languages including:

  • French, German, Dutch
  • Spanish, Italian, Portuguese
  • Arabic
  • Russian, Turkish, Greek
  • Chinese (traditional), Chinese (simplified), Japanese, Korean
  • Latvian, Lithuanian, Slovakian, Polish, Czech
  • Bengali, Punjabi

Web Development

Web development for high performance websites

Our web development expertise includes:

  • Rapid development of bespoke database driven websites
  • Online payment
  • Registration and bookings systems
  • Ecommerce
  • Multilingual – with websites in Arabic, Chinese, Russian and 15 other languages
  • Social media integration

We have expertise at integrating websites with other applications and services

  • Marketing websites linked with quotation systems
  • Ecommerce systems linked to fulfilment systems
  • Healthcare websites linked with care plan systems

We provide workflow or business process automation systems that link seamlessly with websites

  • Air Quality Data – regulated upload to Government websites
  • Patient Care – planning and record keeping
  • Education – student enrolment, allocation and record keeping

With ten years’ experience of building websites to high specification  we can tackle most projects. Our clients include the Government (defra), Education providers, Public service providers such as the police, healthcare providers,  international companies such as Alcoa, Smalley, travel and tourism companies and businesses and organisation from many different sectors.

We work to ISO 9001 to ensure a high quality. Accessibility and search engine optimised code is standard for all websites.