20 Amazing Free Handwritten Fonts for Your Designs
Here I put together 20 amazing handwritten fontsto use in your future designs. All these fonts are completely free to download so go nuts!
تعمل ( في آي بي VIP ) على مساعدتكم في إنشاء موقع والمحافظة عليه بحيث يكون جذاباَ من الوهلة الأولى . في ( في آي بي VIP ) لدينا فريق متكامل من الخبراء المختصين ذوي الكفاءات العالية ويستخدمون أفضل وأحدث التقنيات من أجل تحقيق طموحاتكم وأحلامكم و تصميم موقع متميز جداً لشركتكم أنت بحاجة إلى تصميم موقع على الانترنت يسهل الوصول إليه بواسطة محركات البحث ومصمم بطريقة متميزة تشد الإنتباه بحيث يساعد في تطوير أعمالكم والعلامة التجارية من خلال الإنترنت. هل موقعكم على الانترنت قوي بالقدر الكافي بحيث يكون جذاباً ويشد إنتباه القارئ من أول 3 -5 ثواني من زيارته الأولى؟
في ( في آي بي VIP ) لدينا فريق متكامل من الخبراء المختصين ذوي الكفاءات العالية ويستخدمون أفضل وأحدث التقنيات من أجل تحقيق طموحاتكم وأحلامكم وتصميم موقع متميز جداً لشركتكم. عملية تصميم موقع الإنترنت هي توليفة من تصميم الشعار و تصميم الموقع والتصاميم الرسومية من أجل إنشاء موقع شديد التميز يجد طريقة في أعلى نتائج البحث بواسطة محركات البحث. وإذا كنتم ترغبون في الحصول على موقع بسيط ساكن أو حل معقد للتجارة الإلكترونية مثل موقع أمازون (Amazon) فنحن لدينا المجموعة المناسبة من الأدوات والخبرات التي تحتاجونها لتحقيق أهدافهكم. وفي الواقع فإن موقع الإنترنت الذي يصمم بمهنية وإحترافية عالية هو مزيج من البرمجة والمهارات الإبداعية. وكنتيجة لذلك قمنا بتوظيف أفضل الخبراء لأجل تجهيز وإعداد موقع جذاب يعتمد منهجاً بعيد النظر. وعندما يتقدم عميل بطلب لنا لإعداد وتجهيز موقعه على الإنترنت فنحن نقوم بإعداد وتجهيز و تصميم مواقع وفقاً لحاجة العميل. ويعمل خبراؤنا ومختصينا على تقديم حلول تصميمية لمواقع تمكن عملائنا من تحقيق أهدافهم وفي نفس الوقت الإحتفاظ بالرسالة الأصلية المطلوب توصيلها من خلال إستخدام مواقعهم على الإنترنت. إذا كنت تبحث عن موقع تصميم مواقع .. فقد وصلت لوجهتك الصحيحة .. ( في آي بي VIP ) ستقدم لك تصاميم مواقع تناسب احتياجاتك وحسب مجال عملك. الآن أحصل على عرض أسعار مجاني عند ارسالك لنا الإحتياجات والمتطلبات الخاصة لتعديل وتطوير موقعكم علىالانترنت . تقدم لكم ( في آي بي VIP ) خدماتها في المناطق التالية:- تصميم وتطوير مواقع الإنترنت في المملكة العربية السعودية – الرياض، جدة ، الدمام – الامارات العربية المتحدة و دبي.
مع تصميم الموقع الخاص بك يتم مراعاة النواحي الجمالية ليكون رائعاً جذاباً فإن منتجاتكم وخدماتكم تكون على الأرجح محل إهتمام وتفضيل عملائكم مقارنة بمنافسيكم. تركز ( في آي بي VIP ) على كل الجوانب الهامة والدقيقة في موقعكم على الإنترنت. نحن نركز على التفاصيل والجوانب الدقيقة لموقعكم مثل أين تضع المحتوى وكيف تصمم هوية الشركة بحيث تعكس أعمالكم على الإنترنت. ونحن في ( في آي بي VIP ) نعمل على تحقيق نتائج ملموسة من خلال تصميم متميز لموقعكم على الإنترنت والذي يتم تصميمه بإستخدام أحدث التقنيات والتي منها على سبيل المثال التالي:- تصميم قواعد بيانات ماي اسكيو ال (MySQL) تصميم عربة التسوق للتجارة الإلكترونية والبرمجة والدمج تطوير تطبيق بي اتش بي (PHP) تطوير موقع بيرل (PERL) تطوير تطبيق مواقع الانترنت المعدل للتوافق جافا وجافا سكريبت (JAVA & JAVA script) آكشن سكريبت (ActionScript) أجاكس (AJAX) كينتيكو (Kentico) جوملا (Joomla) ماجينتو (Magento) تطويرات ورد برس وبلوقرس سايت (Wordpres & Blogger site) حلول CMS HTML/ DHTML/ XML/ WML /WAP خادم الانترنت API (ISAPI) نيت (NET) حلول التطوير AS
Here I put together 20 amazing handwritten fontsto use in your future designs. All these fonts are completely free to download so go nuts!
Infographics are a good way to turn some boring data into an informative attractive graphic which is easier for a reader to digest. With the rise of the visual web, the number of infographics on various topics increases day by day. I handpicked 20 infographics related to web design that feature useful tips and tricks, trends, and other interesting information you ought to know.
Here you’ll find infographics about time management, creating a perfect landing page, do’s and don’ts of website, mixing different typefaces, usability, latest design and visual trends, responsive design, choosing ideal hosting and much more. Click on the images to see each infographic in the full size.
Finally, the long wait is over and the most intriguing event of this fall was held – Last week Apple unwrapped it’s brand new smartphone, the iPhone 6 – the eighth generation of iPhone – at a special event in Cupertino.
While waiting for release of new iOS on 17th of September, some creatives have taken the liberty to create their own iOS 8 designs concepts. Of course, most of them are moderately realistic, some are futuristic and bold. But wishful thinking is always welcome these days, and who knows, maybe these concepts would be seen someone from Apple and taken into account while designing the real iOS 8. So, let’s get closer to the topic: I collected here 15 really cool iOS 8 design concepts you should see. Feel free to name your favorite concept in the comment section in the end.
Over the last few years, the ability to rapidly create responsive web pages using Bootstrap has taken the development community by storm. Although other front-end frameworks like Foundation exist, Bootstrap has no doubt become the most popular.
With such a large following, it’s no surprise that many web designers and developers are using the framework to create beautiful themes and templates. The growing demand is evidenced by communities like BootstrapBay, a niche marketplace for premium Bootstrap themes & templates.
The following gallery contains 40 high quality themes & templates for your next project. They cover a variety of categories including admin & dashboard themes, corporate & business themes, landing pages and portfolio templates. Enjoy.
Boom Admin is a full-featured versatile web app and dashboard template featuring Bootstrap 3.1, AngularJS and JSON data services. Boom Admin contains over 40 HTML template pages, 3 dashboard layouts and a plethora of components and widgets.
Dragonfly is a full-featured 22 page business theme built on Bootstrap 3.2. This modern theme is very easy to customize and uses PHP for basic functions like generating a header from one file on all pages.
Papel is a modern one-page creative portfolio template built on Bootstrap 3.2. It’s the ideal template for web designers, graphic designers and creative professionals. The template is very clean and uses modern design techniques.
Flat Dream is a fully responsive Bootstrap admin template with a stunning flat design. Flat Dream includes 10 preset color themes with customizable less files, a wide variety of modals with colors and effects, as well as great email pages and a beautiful inbox.
Start is a beautifully designed one page Bootstrap template. It’s perfect for any businesses or corporations looking to showcase a product or service.
Easy is a very lightweight Bootstrap template due to the very minimal design and clean markup. There are 6 pre-configured color options, 2 different layouts and an additional coming soon page. The template also features a working contact form with validations.
Proctor is multi-page admin and front end Bootstrap theme that comes stocked with essential UI elements. Both themes follow the same design philosophy to maintain consistency and impact. The clean minimal design also enables users to focus effortlessly on the data.
FullScreen is a Bootstrap template that uses a parallax scroll with a slideshow background. The template comes in both plain and animated versions and will definitely catch your attention.
Writer is a responsive blog and writing theme with a focus on minimal design and typography. The theme was created using the latest HTML5 and CSS3 features, with responsive design that works great on any device. Sass files are included for you to easily continue development.
Flatter is a mobile first Bootstrap admin theme, carefully coded from head to toe. The responsive charts scale beautifully to any size and it also comes with a well designed mail application.
VANTE5 is a multipurpose Bootstrap theme with over 35 HTML files. VANTE5 comes equipped with a content slider, 15 modern element shortcodes and tons of other features.
Srikandi is a unique Bootstrap admin theme that uses a top header navigation to set itself apart from other admin themes. It comes fully equipped with over 40 pages and tons of components and widgets.
Nogoli is an awesome Bootstrap theme that combines the best of current trends with a clean, pixel-perfect minimal design.This theme is ideal for a business, corporation, startup or other type of organization.
eKoders Admin is a very light weight, fully featured and easy to use Admin theme. It’s built off Bootstrap 3.2 and includes most popular plugins and a fully attached front end template. The theme also comes equipped with 5 color styles and unlimited other possibilities using LESS.
Spice Shoppe is an e-commerce template built on Bootstrap 3.2. It is fully responsive in order to take advantage of the growing number of people shopping on mobile devices. The template features over 13 pages and comes with helpful documentation.
Heather is a Bootstrap template that comes with 2 different layouts in both animated and non-animated formats. The template includes a variety of different sections, PSD files and detailed documentation.
Arjuna is a fully responsive admin & dashboard theme built on Bootstrap 3.2. It has tons of features and ready-to-use UI elements, widgets, charts and pages.
Arillo is a responsive Bootstrap template intended to showcase real estate or properties. Arillo enables real estate agents or realtors to build their own brand while showcasing all of the properties they have for sale. The theme includes 10 pages and a variety of different features.
Kagum is a Bootstrap template that can be used for blogs, magazines, or personal web pages. The clean, modern template comes equipped with all the necessary pages to setup a beautiful blog.
Makers is a clean responsive theme for your agency, business and portfolio. The template features a parallax scroll design with blog page, pricing tables and portfolio pages.
Oceanica is a clean and professional Bootstrap template with a beautiful parallax scroll design. The theme is ideal for creative professionals, digital agencies, photographers and all other types of businesses with a portfolio.
Appion is a simple, minimal and responsive Bootstrap theme designed to showcase your app or product. You can choose between three different variations depending on whether you want a static background, slideshow background or a video background.
PixyWEB is a 100% responsive one page Bootstrap template. The template is ideal for creative agencies, digital studios, personal freelancers and photographers.
Agenzio is a multipurpose and fully responsive Bootstrap template with 4 different color variations. The template features a filtered Ajax portfolio, a working contact form and swipe menu on mobile devices.
Marinka is a fully responsive resume and CV template built off Bootstrap 3.2. This clean and beautiful template is perfect for showcasing your background and experience to potential employers or clients.
Crafto is a one page Bootstrap template perfect for freelancers and creative agencies. Crafto will catch your attention because of its clean deasin, CSS3 animations, and stunning parallax effects.
Awesome Photography/Portfolio template is the perfect Bootstrap template for photographers and other creative professionals with a visual portfolio. Creatively designed to present your artwork in the most clean and beautiful way.
Nakula is a simple and clean Bootstrap template suitable for any sort of portfolio. The template comes equipped with 2 different blog variations, login & register page, and a contact page.
microStore is the perfect Bootstrap template if you’re looking to sell 1-3 products. The theme comes equipped with everything needed to showcase your products and collect relevant contact information from your customers.
Uneaty is a lightweight and responsive Bootstrap theme with an easy to use two-level navigation menu on the side which converts to a neat drop down menu on smaller screens. The template uses full screen backgrounds and minimal custom CSS rules.
Flip Resume is a unique book style resume template built on Bootstrap 3.2. The template comes with 8 pre-set colors and also uses SASS to facilitate customization. Furthermore, all pages are divided into sections, all of which having their own identifier in order to easily add/remove/edit sections.
Wilford is a one page Bootstrap template for creative agencies and freelancers. The template is clean, fully responsive, easy to customize and handles corporate or personal projects very well.
MyxDashboard is a clean and elegant Bootstrap template suitable for any back-end application. It is intended to be a very lightweight and easy to use admin panel.
XOLO is a minimal coming soon Bootstrap template with a countdown timer and subscription form. This template is perfect for people looking to collect emails before the launch of a company or product. The template also features a beautiful popover to display additional company details.
Ophiuchus is an interactive and modern landing page template for your mobile application. The template comes with 4 different variations depending on your design preferences.
SimpleApp is a clean and simple landing page for your mobile app. This snazzy Bootstrap template features a beautiful flat design and a cool minimal form.
Semi-Pro is a portfolio theme ideal for freelancers and creative agencies. It includes 8 HTML templates with fully skinned components.
Flat King is a clean one page responsive Bootstrap theme. Flat King is great for any kind of business or agency looking to showcase the products and services.
Jessica is simple and clean one page Bootstrap resume / cv template. This template is suitable for anyone looking to publish a clean and elegant resume online.
Cleany is a clean and easy to use Bootstrap template that can be used as a blog or as a portfolio website.
Just ask any restaurant owner, the food industry is quite competitive and difficult to maintain. It’s not easy to create a spot that serves food loved by a local community. These days the web is the most effective way to find new clients and that is why the food industry should be properly presented online. If you compare how people search for restaurants in almost all cases people are on their mobile device browsing Google, Urbanspoon, Yelp, and many others. Historically it has been easier for big brands to get the word out. For the local cafes and small stores word of mouth is critical. Similar to the way that Google allowed small businesses to compete with large businesses the modern method of searching using the tools we mentioned above has allowed for good quality local restaurants to compete like never before. Instead of looking for the nearest chain that looks familiar folks now rely on an app to tell them where to find the best little corner of a town with the best menu.
The aim of each food related website is to present their food and drinks in the most aesthetically pleasing way. Designers rely on huge attractive images or videos to trigger an appetite. Moreover, food websites should be easy to use and navigate, so it becomes critically important to have a perfectly designed website to attract more customers. In this roundup I collected fresh yummy food and drinks website designs that will make your mouth water!
Social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and more bring tons of traffic to the sites right after search engines. Moreover, these two sources of traffic are connected: the more people like and share your content, the more chances you have to get to the Google’s top by specific keywords.
While people would always find a way to share the content they really like, it matters how well social media are integrated on your site. Let’s review 10 social media plugins for WordPress I collected below and make our sites more sharing-friendly! These plugins will encourage people to share your content and recommend it to their friends and followers.
This awesome free plugin gives you a widget for displaying various social media icons in clean minimalistic style. You may set custom icon and hover color and also choose from 4 different sizes.
Sossy allows you to create unlimited number of social profiles with counters. It’s highly customizable, so you can easily adjust the widget to fit your website theme perfectly.
Power Pinner is an easy-to-use plugin that lets you to add a big pin-it button to your website images and make people pin them.
With this Twitter timeline slider you can display your Twitter feed in a neat fancy way.
This social plugin are used for displaying sharing buttons for 17 networks. Give a boost to your WordPress posts in the social media world with this plugin. Moreover, it’s quite easy to customize.
It’s a popular social share buttons plugin which shows buttons in a floating panel or a toolbar. A lot of blogs around the web use it.
This is a social Retina ready plugin which shows the numbers of your social activities, such as subscribers, fans and followers. It can be sticked at the right or left sidebar of your website.
Facebook Traffic Pop plugin for WordPress says for itself. The plugin will add a Facebook pop-up window to your site that encourages users to like and share your content.
Instagram Theatre allows you to add a gallery with your Instagram photos to the website. You can customize the appearance of the Instagram gallery.
This plugin makes your visitors to like your content to get access to it. You may use it showing a part of the content and unlock the rest of it after the user press Like button.
Startup Framework for WordPress is a new powerful theme, which will help you create websites in an easy and intuitive way. It’s not an ordinary WordPress theme, it is a mix of the most advanced front-end tool working with the most popular CMS in the…
What’s in a grid? A grid-style framework is the backbone to almost any web design project, providing the structure for your site as well as a way to organize content, elements and images. There are a variety of grid systems out there that you can buy or download free. You can also create your own if you are feeling ambitious. But one thing is for sure, you can probably…
When upgrading a website to a new design, carrying out bug fixes at the backend and updating the website core CMS, themes and plugins works best when the site is placed in maintenance mode while you are working. When a website is in maintenance mode, public access is blocked and a splash page (informing visitors that the site is down for maintenance) displayed. If your…
Apple announced a few new and great products on Sept. 9. But what does it mean for designers? Whether you were impressed with the keynote or not, we can all learn some lessons about what was said during the presentation. With more products to choose from, there are many things that will impact designers. Bigger Diversity in Screens It’s obvious with two new iPhones that as…
When creating a great user experience becomes a number one priority, micro UX comes to the forefront – in our case are preloading animations. For a long time, only some have taken into account this constituent, yet everything has changed, and almost every other website can boast having one or two delightful effects that impress visitors. Micro UX is usually associated…
After “How To Improve Your Website’s UX With Doors Diagram” you learned what Doors Diagram is and how to use it. This is the second part of the topic explaining why to use this design tool, covering this approach in more detail and showing some UX research while implementing Doors Diagram on Medium.com. Why is Doors Diagram Helpful? As a design tool, Doors Diagram helps…
WordPress arguably has become the de facto content management system (CMS) in the world powering over 20 percent of websites globally. One of the platform’s most loved feature is widgets that seamlessly add content and features to sidebars. Widgets were originally designed to provide a simple and easy-to-use way of giving design and structure control of WordPress themes…
The adage “The Customer Is Always Right” has been so deeply ingrained in us that going against the principle can feel near impossible. Even as children, long before the issue gained any real-world application, we were learning this little mantra. No matter what, you have to make the customer happy. What better way than to validate their every whim from the moment they walk…
Readability: “the state or quality of being readable; the property of type that affects the ease with which printed matter can be read for a sustained period.” – dictionary.com Text can be beautiful, simple, wild, engaging, exciting and a wide number of other things. It can stir emotion and helps users understand your message. Type can be a wide number of things but one…
Communication is essential to the survival and success of any business. A popular form of communication is the email – a method of exchanging digital messages from an author to one or more recipients. With emails, businesses can reach a number of clients and also receive in a convenient and easy manner. A number of visitors who visit a site will opt-in for information…
When mass printing dominated the mid-twentieth century, the number of colors in an image was reduced by replacing gradients with dots. The technique was seized upon by pop artists, like Lichtenstein and Warhol, to such an extent that it’s entered our visual language.
However, despite it being one of the simplest ways to evoke retro printing, it’s not that easy a technique to produce in Photoshop.
Happily designer Matt Borchert has fixed the problem for us by providing Halftone Automater, a great set of Photoshop actions, free to download for WebdesignerDepot readers.
There are 12 distinct actions: dots, diagonal lines, and horizontal lines; each divided into small, medium, large, huge and gigantic sizes.
Download the files beneath the previews:
Waterfall image via Nesster
Retro street image via Mohamed Adel
Captain America image via JD Hancock
Beach image via Ares Nguyen
Taxi image va Chris Goldberg
Smart web development agencies follow a standard process when designing new websites, starting from the client’s brief and moving smoothly and logically through a variety of steps to website launch and maintenance. The way to achieve this is all down to being able to visualize and verbalize the web design process effectively.
Of course all web developers know what they need to do — but imagine how much easier it would be if there was a generic “Master Plan” to follow, one that could be shared with the team and the client to allow everyone to monitor progress and see what comes next.
And so we share with you a can’t-live-without infographic that details every step that must be taken to get a new website live and in front of an appreciative audience: from the project brief, to planning, design, development, launch and right through to the all-important maintenance phase.
Each and every element that needs to be considered when designing a new website is covered.
You want to explain to your client why you can’t provide them with a new website mock-up within a week? Just go through all the steps of the Project Brief and Planning phases with them — explain the importance of getting the basics right before your graphic designers get to work.
Maybe you’ve hired a fabulous new graphic designer who is already visualizing the website pages without fully understanding the look the client wants or the budget restrictions — refer to the infographic to help explain why fundamental aspects need to be agreed with the client before they can let their creative juices run wild.
Once everybody understands the intricacies of the web design process and see where and when their contribution is required, all your projects will run far more efficiently.
Think of design as a road map for consumers, taking them where you want them to go. Design makes an efficient way to get across the message and still make it pretty.
That last part is where things start getting sort of weird.
Sometimes I just don’t know what to think anymore when it comes to designers. I’ve seen and heard too much and it still keeps pouring in. Some designers are too weird for other designers. How does that ever happen?
While I pride myself on being a rule-breaker when it comes to design (because my ego won’t allow me to do anything standard and the insatiable need to hear people say they never saw anything like one of my designs) it is easy to get lost in the design and lose the message.
This seems to be a problem for many of us, as I hear countless designers complaining that the client has ruined their design with impossible limitations, and elements difficult to include.
That’s our business! We serve the client’s needs and sometimes have to accept their wishes.
We all know the endless stories of scams for free work, design-by-committee and micromanaging clients who fancy themselves as design geniuses— why do people seem to naturally assume that creatives are one-step from being zombies with computers?
Was it that we were the weird kids in school? Is it how “artists” are portrayed in the media? Is what we do just not considered a proper job? Whatever it is, it’s here to stay! So, how does one work around the belief we are just a shaved monkey?
The important thing about business… or war, is knowing your client/enemy. How do they think? What do they really want? How do they see design in conjunction with their business goals/world domination?
In many cases, odd design requests from a client are lost in translation. They think they are asking for one thing but in their attempt to explain something in “design terms” it strays in a completely different direction, as with my infamous tug-of-war with a company president who kept using the word “sophisticated” for her design parameters when she really meant “whimsical.” Two very different directions!
Despite the assumptions of how we live our lives, how we make a living and the differences between us and clients, it is our job to help guide the project to a successful conclusion. (Or follow the client’s wishes and then call them after the project flubs and laugh really hard as they answer the phone and then keep repeating “I told you so!” over and over until they hang up.)
Sometimes, however the non-creative person sees something we do not. The same ability to visualize things in our heads is what stops us from seeing the larger picture. Often it is mired in the power struggles between different departments in a large company or the interpersonal, one-on-one relationships we have with a smaller client.
The first step to becoming even more creative is to understand that there may be limitations for a good reason. The client’s belief in their own brand is the biggest one. Overexposure to really bad memes posted on Facebook may be another. The challenge in design must always be a clear message and sometimes, being more visual than wordsmiths, we just don’t see why our designs may be confusing to the client or just off their perceived brand. The fact is, that usually clients better represent their targeted demographics — unless they are 58 and working at MTV — they hold some hints as to what design direction will please, and win.
If you can understand the wishes of the client and take the limitations as a challenge and look for a unique but saleable solution, that makes you a great designer. Coming up with fabulously pretty pictures makes you a fabulous fine artist. If you want to be a fabulous designer, then remember; function wins out over form.
There are limitations for every design. I love when people ask me to “just go crazy” when designing a project. They just never say how crazy.
There are limitations on sizes, colors, fonts and technology. It’s important to know how far you can push not only your imagination without boundaries, but how far you can go with certain limitations and be great within the lines.
Did hearing that term about coloring within the lines perk you up a bit? Creatives don’t care about lines. We color outside of them, make new ones, hide existing ones and earn our place among great art on our parents’ refrigerator. Clients are the kids who cried if their Crayola left a mark on the middle of the line. Get the difference between us?
The New York City Subway Map, designed in 1972 (running until 1979 and then being “revisited” in 2011) by the recently departed Massimo Vignelli, is a classic example of the form having certain functions that had to be the foremost consideration and still Vignelli was able to design the most user beloved map in New York transit history.
The only complaint aired about the Vignelli map was that it didn’t show true ratios of mileage between stations. As many observers countered, “it’s the freakin’ New York City subway map. I just want to get to my station and out onto the street alive!”
To this day, 42 years after it was introduced, people talk about the Vignelli map and the concept has been used on rail systems and metros around the world. Although the New York City subway map has changed to show the proper ratio of distance and above ground locations, Vignelli’s lesson on how to show multiple train lines and transfer points is still present.
Paul Rand, who had an impressive reputation for designing on his own terms, still had limitations when designing logos for major brands. Look at the difference between his abilities, unfettered and with strict limitations.
Josef Müller-Brockmann, despite his reputation for his role in creating the grid system/Swiss Style of design, created striking pieces that set off post World War Two design and reconstruction. Even today, his early work stands out as brilliant solutions that still stay within the realm of the grid.
Piet Zwart, a contemporary of the Swiss School designers, was too much of a rebel in his self-taught career. Examples of his work show genius in his freedom and self-confidence but his work for commercial clients, such as the Nederlandse Kabelfabriek Delft (the Dutch Cable Factory in Delft) show incredible thought about the limitations of the product and a brilliant way to show the product, clearly and informatively while making for an eye-pleasing catalog… of cable wiring! What designer wouldn’t roll their eyes if offered such a project? Obviously Zwart saw it as a challenge and created an incredible Bauhaus influence to the project.
Saul Bass, as with Rand, could handle the limitations of logo design but, even more remarkable, he was able to drive innovative design to Hollywood, which has traditionally been a conservative controller of creative output. The distance between his corporate logos, albeit brilliant design, is light years from his illustrative design work.
When you understand all of your options, there are no real limitations, aside from specific requests. “Make the logo bigger?” How big? It’s only a request and not a limitation. Maybe 10% is enough. Maybe 200% will look incredible? You have not been neutered as a designer — you are still challenged to create the best solution possible.
I was taught an advertising trick for coming up with the best product name or tagline; think up 20 names/taglines. The first five are easy. The next ten are a stretch. The final five are impossible but somehow you come up with them. You now have every possibility that works within the limitations of the product itself… and a few that are really out there, but that’s good! It means you’re thinking outside of “normality.”
There’s a layout trick that follows the same principles. Because we use computers in digital design, we are often more focused on the placement of individual design elements and then balancing the next element with the previous design element decision. There are some people who use cut-out elements and move them around a piece of graph paper but making layout sketches is still considered the key to exploring great layout possibilities. As with the advertising copy trick, draw out 15-20 pencil sketch layouts. The first five will be easy…
Another layout trick is to do a complete layout pencil sketch. Take it to the logical solution, until you are proud of what you’ve designed… then put it aside as a reject. Start over in a completely different direction. Repeat step one. Do this four or five times and then look at all of the layouts side-by-side. You will see a marked difference in all of them and can send 3-5 of them to the client, assured you met and exceeded all of your personal limitations, as well as those of the medium on which the project will appear. Most of all, no matter which design the client chooses, you’ll feel it’s one of your best.
Self-doubt is the greatest limitation in design. When I’m at a design event, and I receive a request to review a portfolio, my first questions is: “do you, as the designer like it?”
If the answer is no (it has to be either “yes” or “no” and not, “a little, kinda”) then why should I look at your portfolio? Why show me something you don’t like to represent your talent? The client didn’t “ruin” the project… you did by not handling the challenge to design within limitations and now you have a “a little, kinda” portfolio!
I know that sounds harsh, and judging by some of my former clients and the horror stories that abound in our profession, it seems impossible at times but as professional designers, we must take control, even when surrounded by those with “a pretty good design sense.” It can be one hell of an uphill battle but while giving the client what they want, you need to give them what they need or project failure will be blamed on you and there’s another one-time client, and a bad design with your name on it.
One of the most infamous errors, it has resulted in broken crockery across the globe. It will most likely be down to one of three things:
If the screen occurs on different sites, that use the same host, then you can safely assume that the issue lies with your hosting provider. If not, then you can be sure that the problem is with your site itself:
Reaching the memory limit is often the problem behind this error. To increase your memory, access your wp-config.php file — navigate to the root file of your site using an FTP client or the File Manager in your hosting panel. Within the main php tag you will need to add a line of code, which will increase your memory limit to 64M:
define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '64M');
It’s possible to go higher than 64M, but it’s dependent on your server so 64M is generally a safe amount. Maybe increasing the memory didn’t help, or you already have an even higher limit than 64M? The issue could then be down to a plugin, or your theme.
If you have access to the dashboard then troubleshooting plugins is simple. Simply click on ‘Plugins’ and disable the most recently installed one, if this doesn’t help then you can deactivate all of your site’s plugins, select all the plugins using the topmost tick box and choose ‘Deactivate’.
If you don’t have access to the dashboard, then an alternative way of testing plugins is via FTP. If you have an FTP client, then simply navigate to the relevant directory. Open up ‘wp-content/plugins’, which will contain all the plugins you’ve installed. Simply rename the ‘plugins’ folder slightly, maybe add a word at the end – so ‘plugins’ becomes ‘plugins-test’.
Alternatively you can also use this same methodology to rename the folders of the individual plugins, which will test each plugin individually – rather than all of them at once. If you’re happy to reinstall your plugins, simply rename the folder back to its original name.
If a plugin is at fault, there could be one of many reasons. The best approach is to simply remove it and find a plugin that achieves a similar result. Try and find a more recent plugin, or one that has been updated so that it won’t cause issues.
If troubleshooting your plugins hasn’t helped, then annoyingly it could be your theme. The first thing to do is backup your theme folder. You can then simply delete your theme, and WordPress will install a default theme. If you’ve determined that the theme is at fault, then you will want to look at your theme’s functions.php file. Some poor coding may be the issue, if you’re not confident in adjusting this yourself, then perhaps contact the theme’s author. Purchasing a trustworthy theme whose author offers support is always advised.
Still thumping the desk in frustration? There is another method that might help – Enabling Debug mode.
If the solution above haven’t fixed your issue, then you will have to dig a little deeper. The process outlined below will help to identify your problem. However, fixing the problem once you’ve discovered what it is might require some more advanced skills.
Firstly, open up the wp-config.php file. Then locate the following line:
define('WP_DEBUG', false);
Place ‘//’ at the start, so that it becomes
//define('WP_DEBUG', false);
The above is now commented out, for the next step paste in the following code directly below the above line:
define('WP_DEBUG', true); define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true); define('WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false); @ini_set('display_errors',0);
Now this is where you will need to have some knowledge of coding. The steps you’ve just taken will result in errors being sent to a file named error.log (found in the wp-content folder). If you’re having trouble finding this, it might be that you don’t have permission to create this file. Simply create a new error.log file and give it permission of 666.
Open up the file in a text editor and check for PHP errors. If this is something you don’t understand or aren’t confident with, then it’s advisable to seek some help.
If you’ve received a 500 internal server error, then you might not be aware of the really bad news – it could be one of many problems! So make a highly caffeinated hot drink, take a breather, and be prepared for some more troubleshooting. The good news? Some of the methodology is the same as the previous section.
Refer to the ‘Plugin’ and ‘Theme’ sections of the previous section. The troubleshooting methodology is exactly the same.
Again, this process is the same as the previous section.
Not any of your plugins, or your theme? Time to check if your .htaccess file has become corrupted.
Firstly rename the file — again just add ‘temp’ or something similar on the end. Can’t see the file? Then you’ll have to make sure that you’ve enabled ‘viewing of hidden files’. How to achieve this will depend on your FTP client, but it will be fairly simple. For example in Filezilla, simply select ‘Server’ from the top and then select ‘Show hidden files’.
Now onto the next step, firstly go back to the WordPress admin area. Navigate to ‘Settings – Permalinks’, and then reset your permalinks. You’ve now generated a new version of the working file, so you can check to see if the problem has been fixed.
This has also been covered in the above section, so once again, scroll up.
There could be several reasons for this error. It is commonly a server error, but it might be that you’ve simple changed your database login details.
It’s important to establish if you receive this error on both the front and back end of your site. If you see the same error message in the back end (wp-admin) – ‘Error establishing a database connection’, then you can skip the next step.
However, if you’re seeing a different error message which includes something along the lines of ‘…..The database may need to be repaired…’ then you should add the following to yourwp-config.php file:
define('WP_ALLOW_REPAIR', true);
Then visit this page on your site: http://www.examplesite.com/wp-admin/maint/repair.php
You’ll then be able to see an option to repair the database, once you have repaired it, make sure you remove the above code from your wp-config.php
Have you changed your root password, or database password? If so, then you’ll also have to change this in the wp-config.php file. So jump into your wp-config.php file and make sure the information is correct.
define('DB_NAME', 'database-name');
define('DB_USER', 'database-username');
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'database-password');
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
It’s important to verify what your DB host value is, so that the final line is correct. In the majority of cases it will be localhost, but do some research just in case. If you’re running WordPress on a local server then replacing localhost with the IP address might fix the problem.
If you notice this error when your site receives a large amount of traffic, then the fault could be with your web host provider. There are methods that allow you to see if MySQL server is responsive, but your web host will also be able to tell you. Maintaining communication with your web host is always a good idea anyway, so why not give them a call?
In the majority of cases the above solutions will provide you with a fix to your error, however there are always rarer issues that may have caused similar problems. If you’re still struggling then I recommend visiting this page as a good starting point: http://codex.wordpress.org/Common_WordPress_Errors
Good luck!
The September edition of what’s new for web designers and developers includes new web apps, CSS tools, software, email templates, inspiration resources, productivity apps, jQuery resources, pattern tools, and some really great new fonts.
Many of the resources below are free or very low cost, and are sure to be useful to a lot of designers and developers out there.
As always, if we’ve missed something you think should have been included, please let us know in the comments. And if you have an app or other resource you’d like to see included next month, tweet it to @cameron_chapman for consideration.
Gravit is a new open source design tool that’s currently available as a beta release. It offers the possibilities of a full-scale design suite but in an app-size package.
CSS Guidelines is a collection of high-level advice for writing scalable and manageable stylesheets, written by Harry Roberts.
This collection of Transactional HTML Email Templates makes it easier to create a number of common transactional emails, including receipts, support requests, password resets, and more. They work in desktop, mobile, and web-based email clients.
Slides has a new editor now available in public beta. It’s a big departure and much more visually appealing than the old editor.
Shrthnd is an easy to use CSS shorthand web app. Just input your standard CSS and Shrthnd will output a much shorter version that’s easier to maintain and keeps your stylesheets smaller.
GoMoodboard.com is a free moodboard creator that lets you create and share moodboards on anything you like. Start with a blank board or with one of their templates.
The Responsive Web Design Podcast is co-hosted by Karen McGrane and Ethan Marcotte, and in each episode they conduct interviews with people who have worked on responsive designs for some very prominent websites, including Capital One, Marriott, and others.
The Colors of Motion breaks down the color palettes of famous films in a frame-by-frame basis. The UI is incredibly well done and user-friendly, just click on a film, then find the frame whose color you like, and click on it to see the actual frame.
This Web UI Design Patterns 2014 ebook from Chris Bank and Waleed Zuberi takes a deeper look at sites like Amazon, Kickstarter, AirBnB, Eventbrite, Mailchimp, and more, with a look at the patterns they use and why.
UXPorn is a collection of UX inspiration for designers. It includes wireframe templates, UI design patterns, and more.
If you’re looking for royalty free stock photos from outside the standard stock photo sites, then check out The Stocks, which serves as a single jumping-off point for a variety of stock photo sites.
Gridlover is a useful tool for creating a typographic system with modular scale and vertical rhythm. It gives you adjustable CSS for font sizes, line heights, and margins, with default output that includes body, p, and h1-h4.
This hand-picked collection of Aesop’s Fables is created with hand-picked type from Google Fonts. It’s great inspiration if you’re trying to figure out which font combination to use.
CommonMark is a strongly specified, highly compatible Markdown implementation that aims to create a uniform standard of the Markdown syntax.
Folllowing is an easy way to find the Twitter accounts of the Dribbble designers you’re already following. All you have to do is connect your accounts.
The Fibonacci Flexbox Composer makes it easy to create a Flexbox layout and then export the HTML and CSS. Despite its name, it does not actually use the Fibonacci sequence in any way.
Plain Pattern is an SVG seamless pattern creation app that lets you clone shapes and download pattern images, with more features on the way.
UILang is a UI-focused programming language specifically for web designers. It makes it easy to create popovers, galleries, overlays, tabs, and more.
Pexels is a search engine for free photos from across the web. All of them are licensed under the Creative Commons Zero license, so they can be copied, modified, distributed, and performed.
Animsition is a jQuery plugin for adding page transitions on CSS animations. It offers 18 different animations, including various forms of fade, rotate, flip, and zoom.
jQuery FocusPoint offers up intelligent cropping of images for flexible containers. It lets you specify a point of focus for the image to be cropped around, resulting in better adaptive images.
The Userium Usability Checklist is a great way to catch common usability issues before you proceed to user testing, saving you time and money.
Adorable Avatars is an avatar creation service that creates consistent avatars based on a unique identifier you (or your users) provide.
One Hundred Patterns is a Tumblr blog and growing collection of patterns, with more than a dozen so far.
Flynn includes components for solving ops, with a low-level resource framework making up one level and a set of higher-level components that make it easy to deploy, maintain, and scale apps and databasees.
Bowery gives you a full dev environment in less than 30 seconds, without expensive staging servers, virtual machines, or local installations. Just define your app, connect to Bowery, and then share and collaborate.
Mailpile is a self-hosted webmail client that has user-friendly encryption and privacy features. It’s fast and responsive, with powerful search and tagging features.
Aerobatic is a cloud hosting service built specifically for front-end devs. It makes it easy to build feature-rich HTML5 single page apps in the cloud, with enhanced integration, performance, and security.
Slack is an all-in-one communication platform for teams. It integrates with everything from Dropbox to Google Drive to GitHub, and much more.
92Five App is a self-hosted project management web app that includes all the features of a basic project management app, including projects, tasks, timesheets, a calendar, to-dos, reports, user profiles, and more.
DesignCrit.io is a design feedback app that lets you create and annotate on websites in just a few clicks, with screenshots taken directly from any accessible website.
Want some inspiration for practice projects to hone your design chops? Briefbox offers up practice briefs for designers, complete with inspiration for each.
Dude Hank Pro is a new addition to the Dude family that comes with three fonts: Hank Sr., Hank Jr., and Hank III. It also includes a Catchwords font with 30+ catchwords and 14 Manicules.
Rasmus comes with four styles (regular, bold, italic, and bold italic), and is inspired by classic serifs but with contemporary details.
Ballpoint Script is an informal script font with single-weight lines and charming variations. It’s meant to feel like a handwritten note, with a balance of humanity and clarity.
Hardy is a display typeface that includes circular cutouts replacing each angled intersection.
Show Stopper is a display typeface inspired by the sign painting industry, that captures the humor, charm, and humanity of the originals.
Reidfork is a vintage style typeface that comes in three styles: regular, handdrawn, and rough. It also comes with bonus vectors and vintage textpress.
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Style guides of yesteryear are typically thought of as design-oriented documents focusing on branding and color usage. But with the advent of insanely large codebases for websites like Facebook or Google’s vast array of products, style guides have since evolved.
These days, living style guides contain always up to date documentation of the current code base and its use cases. With these documents we can write much more maintainable and reusable code while seeing instantly how optimized our code base is.
Living style guides are similar to the older counterparts; they contain logo and branding information, color usage, as well as a general outline of code usage. The code outline section is where you can easily find duplicate or closely similar code and combine it to optimize your codebase, or view components already in use. Most guides either showcase a “log” style approach where every code instance is documented, or only the intentionally modular code is documented.
Not only do these guides focus on HTML and CSS, but also other languages that can be modularized for performance like JavaScript and PHP. A few solid examples of living style guides can be found at Github, Mozilla, and MailChimp. As you can see from those examples, it’s common to have either a page or sub-site to display use-cases side by side with the code for each component. This makes it easy to go and grab them when you need them, and for unfamiliar designers or developers to see how components work in an interactive fashion.
Beginning your own living style guide documentation from scratch may seem daunting, especially for larger projects. But typically there is a return on the investment of time required to get it done. Larger projects benefit immensely from a living documentation of site styles and code structure. Smaller projects have a less noticeable, but sometimes still worthwhile, return on your time investment. In either case, if you’re working on a project that may someday be handed off to another designer or developer it’ll make their day to see such documentation.
Components you use frequently are the best use-case for a living style guide, buttons come to mind immediately. A short list of things you may want to consider documenting are layout options (possibly outlining a grid system), typography, color usage, buttons and link styles, form styling, notifications or alerts, and list styling. Just about anything that may benefit from being reusable could be added essentially. When outlining, remember to keep things flexible. Never style an alert or button specific to one page or use-case, unless absolutely necessary. Instead, add modifier classes to build on the basic foundation for things like color, typography, or aesthetic changes. This way, you can always count on the .button class to designate a consistent width, height, and text size while allowing the modifier classes to change things particular to each use-case.
The purpose of maintainable code is to make things reusable and future-proof. Components such as notification bars, buttons, headers, and footers, are great examples of reusable code – Things you may use multiple times across the site, or on the same page. If you’re breaking old or already written code down to make it more maintainable after the fact, it’s actually pretty simple. Start by stripping away the CSS down to the basics. You should be left with a component class defining structural things like height, width, and position. While additional modifier classes can be used to change aesthetic things like color or typography. Additionally, if your project is using a body ID or class for each page, you can style unique use-cases on a per-page basis this way. Be sure not to resort to this practice too much though, as it can easily add weight to your style guide.
The KISS Principle is a design principle well suited for the modular development process as well. Writing simple, maintainable code is usually easiest by keeping your components simple. When it comes to simplicity, If it’s possible to make things more efficient and/or use less code while achieving the same result, our components should be written to do so. The end goals of a maintainable code structure is to have something reusable, small, and vastly more efficient than a non-maintainable counterpart.
When it comes to working with a maintainable code structure, naming conventions become very important. Writing descriptive CSS classes will go a long way to ensure maintaining your code base will be an easy task. There is no limit on CSS class lengths, so use this to your advantage. Make sure to stick to a clear naming convention though, as mixing dashes vs underscores or camel case vs all lowercase names can easily get confusing. It’s usually a great idea to make your component classes very descriptive, while making the modifier classes less so. Below is an example of a button, a unique use-case rule, and modifier classes.
<a href=“www.webdesignerdepot.com” class=“button red rounded”Webdesigner Depot</a
/* This is a component class, it should only contain basic structural rules */
.button {
display: block;
width: 250px;
height: 48px;
line-height: 48px;}
/* This unique use-case outlines a button used on the homepage */
.homepage-cta-button {
display: block
margin: 0 auto 50px;
width: 180px;
height: 60px;
line-height: 60px;}
/* Below are modifier classes, these are added in addition to the component class to add color or other aesthetic changes */
.red {background: #C54F48}
.rounded {border-radius: 5px;}
Automated style guide generators have started popping up left and right to help the push for style guides. Style Prototype is a SASS generator built by Ram Richard and Mason Wendell of Team SASS. It’s one of the better options out there at the moment, with similar generators like Hologram, Kalei, StyleDocco, and KSS also proving useful.
As always, there are pros and cons to using either method here. Automated solutions are quick and can be used after the fact, but they’re also sometimes strict. Hand-crafted style guides leave you knowing the ins and outs of everything, but take more time. Personally, the hand-crafted approach is best for me in most cases as it’s the most flexible in terms of working with other developers. But it’s certainly worth the time to try out some of the automated solutions, just to get an idea of how they work and what they say about your code.
Websites are never finished. We modify things, transition to new styles and trends, and in the end we can end up with a lot of code from past revisions. It’s important to take a moment and look back at the “end” of each revision to make sure things are as clean as they can be. At this point, I also like to throw each component (and modifier classes) in a Codepen to test browser support and make notes accordingly. This could save tons of time later if you’re designing a page with support constraints. While reviewing, also be sure to keep an eye out for components that may conflict with each other in odd ways or cause box-model problems.
In conclusion, style guides should result in code that is very manipulative and flexible, yet still easy to maintain and read. Considering how much time we must invest to reach such a result, living style guides have a much more quantifiable affect on larger projects than smaller ones. Complex or large projects benefit so much from all the optimization and performance increases that it’s well worth the time spent to reach said results. Creating a living style guide for a small website or project may not prove worthy of the time investment though.
In conclusion, we should all strive to write clean, maintainable code that focuses on future-proofing. Living style guides tend to encourage such a workflow and aide in making developers and viewers alike much happier.
WordPress 4.0 is now available, and millions of sites worldwide are in the process of upgrading. Despite the fact that WordPress themselves have talked down the significance of the .0 version number, WordPress 4.0 may be the most significant update in years.
There have been changes to the UI, enhancements to the writing experience, and some intriguing additions that hint at what’s to come in the future.
Announced in April, the 4.0 beta version was released on July 10th. Three further beta versions followed over the next month, fixing some of the bugs that inevitably creep in when you’re making this many revisions. Finally, the first release candidate crept out at the end of August, exactly on schedule, and the final release was packaged and pushed out at the end of last week.
WordPress maintains a fairly punishing release schedule, pushing out a new version every few months. Which means they’ve plenty of experience of estimating timescales and hitting deadlines. However, you have to think that the precision of scheduling in this case is a strong indicator of a smooth development cycle with few surprises along the way.
The first thing you’ll notice when you fire up WordPress 4.0 is the vastly improved writing experience.
Actually writing in WordPress isn’t that common, most people write in their chosen format and then export to WordPress, but the improvements that have been made might tempt a few users back. The dashboard now has a sticky header and footer, so you don’t need to scroll up or down to reach formatting options or check your word count. It’s a small thing, but it really helps the overall experience. Whether or not it’s enough to tempt me away from markdown, I’m not sure, but it’s certainly a welcome addition and anyone who uses WordPress like it’s a word processor will enjoy the performance boost.
Users who share a lot of media will be happy too, with the brand new media embedding feature.
Up until now YouTube videos, Tweets, and so forth, would be embedded as code and then the post would have to be previewed in order to check the results. Now, simply embed in theEdit Post panel and the media you’re embedding will appear right there.
Media management is also substantially improved in WordPress 4.0. Browse the Media Library and you’ll see an improved grid of endlessly scrolling thumbnails. You can also click a thumbnail to view a detailed shot and move through the uploaded media one item at a time. If you’ve uploaded a video, you can also watch it here, right in the dashboard.
In my opinion, the most significant addition, is the option to select a language for installation. Up until now, the installation steps have only been available in US-English.
This isn’t something that everyone will notice — especially not those who are updating an existing site — however the addition of numerous other languages lowers the barrier of entry for non-English speakers. That means WordPress’ userbase will increase globally, and that’s hugely significant for anyone who makes a living out of WordPress.
One of the most appealing revisions in WordPress 4.0 is the brand new way of browsing plugins, it’s the first major update in this area in five years.
The old way of browsing plugins in the dashboard meant that unless you knew the name of the plugin you were looking for, you were very unlikely to find anything worth installing. The latest version maintains the old search option, but there are a number of additions designed to help you find lesser known solutions.
Plugins can now be filtered by Featured, Popular, Newest, and Favourites. In addition, reviews can now be read right in the dashboard.
The consequence of all this is likely to be an increased diversity in the plugins being used across the community. The emphasis is no longer on the established plugin developers. If you’re new to developing plugins, or even if you’ve unsuccessful building a following up until now, you have a much better chance of picking up new users.
The final area that’s worth mentioning is the Theme Customizer, or — because WordPress are keen on making this change — simply Customizer. (The name change has taken place because it isn’t necessarily used to customize themes.)
Whilst little has happened to this area in this release there has been major work in prepping it for improvements in future releases, and the name change is just one aspect that hints at the direction WordPress is heading. WordPress’ development team have stated that we can expect changes and enhancements to how we access Customizer in the next, and upcoming releases. For now, the work that has been carried out on Customizer is designed to prep the feature for those changes.
One thing that has been made public in the 4.0 version of Customizer is the newly introduced grouping for Customizer elements, that allows theme and plugin developers to improve the UI of their products by grouping related elements together. It’s all done with thePanels API, and widget areas have already been grouped together into a Widget panel in this way. Panels are used to group sections together in the same way that sections group controls together.
The idea is greater control, and simpler, easier to understand UIs for any themes or plugins that use the Customizer. Fortunately, the Panels API works almost identically to the pre-existing Section API, which means those of us that are already making use of the Customizer have a relatively low learning curve to update our themes. In addition there are now far more input types supported in Customizer, and all Customizer controls can be contextual, based on the current preview.
Customizer’s API will make building truly customizable WP themes possible for the first time.
WordPress 4.0 is a rare beast in that it offers something for everyone: content authors get a better writing experience; and developers get a more advanced UI, and a greater chance for their products to be discovered and utilized by the substantial WordPress community.
What’s most exciting in WP 4.0 is that WordPress is being prepped for major upgrades in future. The team is focussed on expanding the userbase, improving the experience, and further embracing the community. 4.0 is a release that anyone that works with WordPress can get excited about.
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When i first got into web development, the one thing that always used to stump me was just how much information was out there in the way of tutorials. There seemed to be an endless choice of places to learn. But with all these options, there was a tradeoff. The paradox of choice. Because i had so many places that i ‘could’ learn, and because my time was limited, i had a lot of trouble deciding where i ‘should’ learn.
This post is the one i wish i had when i first started to learn about the uber useful html/css framework twitter bootstrap. Had i had a list like this, i reckon i could’ve cut down my learning time dramatically and got to where i wanted to go much faster.
So here it is, the 10 most useful Bootstrap Tutorials For Web Designers (2014) – enjoy!
Before you really dig in to any new technology, it’s always helpful to gain an insight into WHY you should learn it in the first place and what the possible benefits could be, some that you may not even have realised. This article does a very good job of breaking down the key benefits that bootstrap has to offer. It also taught me a few things that i wasn’t aware of! And i’ve been using Bootstrap for a while now!
Once you’ve made the commitment to learning Bootstrap, this tutorial serves as the perfect starting point. I like it personally because it is low on assumption and very beginner friendly. Unlike a lot of programmer oriented tutorials out there, this is great for a ‘not so code savvy web designer’ to get their feet wet with.
I find that the best way to take in new tech, is to read, see it demonstrated and then read again. For me this has been the most effective way to make the new information sink in. Watching a video tutorial really increases the reference points that you have for a topic very quickly, and for that purpose this particular tutorial is the best one i’ve found (for free) online.
Bootstrap 3, unlike previous versions has embraced a mobile first approach to its functionality – which means that responsiveness is no longer a ‘should’ but a must. This is the perfect tutorial to help you get your head around the responsive, mobile first approach to web design that Bootstrap 3 takes. It is also pretty well written and very easy to follow. Helped me brush on my responsive/mobile first understanding.
Less extends CSS and adds a lot of programmatic power to it by allowing you to create more modular styles. Using it (once you get a hang of it) can speed up your development workflow quite dramatically in a short period of time. This tut really does what it says on the tin in that regard. It breaks down the key concepts in a simple format, that makes sure you don’t get lost trying to reimagine how css should be written, like i did initially :).
Twitter Bootstrap is essentially a combination of 3 things – HTML, CSS and JS. What rarely gets talked about in beginner tutorials for bootstrap online is the JS side of the equation. Despite the fact that this is probably the most powerful part of the entire framework! – this tutorial provided by Sitepoint breaks it all down and outlines the key javascript components that are essential to almost any bootstrap project.
Once you’ve gotten a handle on LESS – as mentioned above, its primary benefit is that it offers a fairly dramatic productivity boost. But before you can really get into that groove, you’ll need to get a hang of a good workflow for it. This tutorial provides that in a very very comprehensive but simple way.
It’s not free, which is why i recommeded it towards the end but this is how i personally first got my feet wet with twitter bootstrap. So had to add it into the mix! It is honestly the best paid or free bootstrap primer/tutorial online, hands down. Very clear, succint and just plain perfect for a noob. Like i was before i watched it.
As a web designer, you’re probably fairly familiar with the Grid system. What makes Bootstrap as useful as it is is that it has implemented this concept in a programmatic way that almost anyone can understand. It does take a while to learn the syntax but coming from a design background, once you do that, you’ll fall in love with the Bootstrap way of displaying page layout. And this tutorial is the shortest way to get to that level of understanding.
I thought it’d be best to save this one for last. As it only really becomes helpful once you start to really dig in to Bootstrap. Seeing where it’s been and what its doing now will give you a broader view of where it might be going in the future and how and what you should stay on top of, should you want to keep up with it. This article gives a full breakdown of the new features in Bootstrap 3!
The Content Management System (CMS) is a ServiceNow application that primarily enables users to create a custom interface for the ServiceNow platform and ServiceNow applications. The CMS application is powerful and flexible, so customers have used it for a wide variety of projects from creating entire websites to integrating with other products. The Content Management application is active by default.
A CMS typically requires a systems administrator or a web developer to set up and add features, but non-technical users can use the application as a website maintenance tool to make changes to a website. For more information, see CMS Planning.
Timing is important when considering the addition of content management. Successful deployments of the content management system usually take place after phase one processes (for example, Incident, Problem, Change, Catalog, and Knowledge) are in place. This is especially true if the team has limited website design experience. Waiting until phase two of deployment gives administrators time to work in ServiceNow and to understand how the organization uses the system and what business needs it meets.
Also consider the maturity level of data in the ServiceNow system. Depending on the ITIL processes used, content management will only be useful and effective once the data within ServiceNow is established. Ensure that hierarchies, tasks, and workflows are well defined. For example, before creating a catalog front end, confirm that the service catalog has been in place for some time, has been used, and contains data. The same is true for a knowledge management front end, particularly when high ratings or view counts define article placement on the page.
Following are several CMS project ideas:
They like your business, time to build a relationship!
What is Social Media Marketing?
Having a great search engine friendly website is no more an option if you want to expand your business opportunities. Social Brand names like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube, and google plus are social media giants that need your attention in order to gain more business. Social media, alongside brilliant online marketing campaign, can be leveraged to product intelligent results for the businesses. Social Media Marketing is an amalgamation of all strategies and tactics employed to increase business visibility at various social media websites in order to gain loyal customer base.
You already have accounts at Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and other websites. What next?
So you got an account at Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, youtube, StumbleUpon, and Digg etc.? Great! What next? Have you managed your accounts to gain loyal list of followers that are following your tweets and status updates, and buying your products & services? Big companies like Levi’s, Dell, HP and Skittles have all used the power of social media marketing campaigns, and its time you do the same.
What do stats say?
An estimated February survey of social media websites shows that 35% of facebook users are aged in between 18 and 25 years. An estimated 53.5 billion minutes are spent on facebook per month, which is the highest ever recorded in the history. Yahoo comes next with 17.2 billion minutes per month. With the immense power of social media networking websites, it is no wonder to quickly grab the slice of market share by creating high quality landing pages and business profiles on facebook, LinkedIn, and Yahoo, etc.
If Facebook were to be a country, it would be the 2nd largest in the world, having immense power on social media marketing strategies. In 2010, finally after a long Super Bowling advertisement series run for a span of 23 years, Pepsi withdrew its investment, and injected in the Social Media campaigns like Twitter Marketing Facebook Marketing and Blogging.
Blog Management and creation of Landbook pages:
Web Designer VIP website designing team would create engaging and visually appealing facebook landing pages, twitter backgrounds and many LinkedIn profiles, etc. in order to capture the attention of your targeted audience. We craft social media marketing strategies based upon your company goals, objectives, and exact requirements.
Starting and maintaining a company blog is the best possible way to reach out new customers, users, and clients and develop a loyal following. Web Designer VIP design, manage and SEO optimize the blog for you so that you get known in the online world.
Do you know that businesses having blogs get roughly 50% more traffic than non-blog oriented businesses? Those businesses that continuously update their blogs get more traffic and more targeted customers ending up buying their products and services.
A visually engaging and interestingly written blog post is the best answer to get highly targeted and relevant traffic to your website. It should not be similar to that of a press release, but in a very informal way of having conversations with the clients. We teach companies to write engaging blog posts to capture the targeted audience.
Social bookmarking
Writing is not enough. Spread your message and for this purpose, we use Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, google plus, Digg, and StumbleUpon, status updates to inform your followers about your blog/site updates. We don’t guarantee that every message would be read by all of your followers, but most of your interested followers would definitely be interested in knowing more about your company and its products.
Analyzing every campaign
It is best to analyze the after effects of a social media marketing campaign to track down the results. We answer questions like:
By answering these questions, we readjust the strategy to fit according to your needs and requirements.
Contact us now for a free social media marketing quote!
Marketing Solutions
Advertise your business online using the power of SEM, Search Engine Marketing. SEM, as abbreviated for the term, is the process of advertising your website on top of search engine rankings for highly competitive keywords and gaining instant results. Unlike SEO, every click costs and the stiffer the competition, the higher the cost per click!
Why hire Web Designer VIP to handle your SEM needs?
SEM is a great way to gain targeted traffic in minutes. Unfortunately, many internet marketers fail to deploy a proper marketing strategy & plan and end up draining thousands of dollars of their clients on clicks not worth the money. This is what we avoid. We make sure that every click yields maximum ROI for your business.
Internet marketers employed by Web Designer VIP work diligently in a skillful manner to maximize your ROI on every click. We write high quality advertisement copies for maximum conversions.
The combination of SEO and SEM yield out greater, laser focused results in Google AdWords, MSN Ad Center, and Yahoo Search Marketing. Our expert team does all of the following for you:
We strategically define your marketing plan and implement it so that your message is reached out to the highest number of targeted audience.
Potential customers on your hand! – Get a no obligation FREE website analysis today!
Does your business have striking online presence? Want to be visible in search engines to gain targeted leads?
What is SEO?
SEO, (Search Engine Optimization) is the process of optimizing and tweaking websites to comply with search engine results for faster indexing and improved visibility. In short, it is the art and science of legally ranking a website by optimizing all aspects of content and link building. You could have a greatly built website, but in the world of fierce competition, you need to optimize it to get targeted traffic. One needs to consistently struggle to achieve and maintain top rankings in search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing in order to attain loyal customers.
What do Stats say?
With the stats speaking for themselves, it is now time to fine tune your websites.
Why hire SEO experts like Web Designer VIP?
Successful organizations never undermine the principles of search engine optimization, and we are no exception to that. How, when and why search engines make quick updates to the search engine algorithms, is something that even the experts don’t know of. It is therefore vital, to get the site continuously optimized to climb higher rankings so that it can better cater to the needs of your targeted visitors.
We are a team of dedicates white hat ethical SEO experts backed with proven track record of success and industry experience. We work on the following for your website:
SEO is easier said than done. How come that many websites seem to gain high quality targeted visitors, whereas many other seem to be lost in the crowd? Sadly speaking, it really isn’t an accident!
Increase your online rankings visibly by hiring Web Designer VIP. Using search engines to find targeted information is till date, the most popular method of website promotion. Search is still the biggest game in town! More than downloading songs, and chatting online, people spend time searching for relevant information.
Some of the most salient features of our SEO experts are:
Web Designer VIP SEO services classified by regions:
SEO Saudi Arabia (SEO Riyadh, SEO Dammam, SEO Jeddah) and other gulf countries: SEO Kuwait, SEO Bahrain, SEO Qatar, SEO UAE (SEO Abu Dhabi, SEO Dubai), and SEO Oman.
Using the immense power of social media marketing and web 2.0 properties, we create backlinks and useful discussions about your company and products, using sites like Twitter, Facebook, Digg, Del.icio.us, and LinkedIn, etc.
Make your first impression count. A Web Designer VIP Creative brand will communicate your key values and set you apart from your competitors. Our branding packages consist of a logo design, visual style guide and stationery design. Contact us today and see how we can help with your brand.
Importance of first impressions, you need SE friendly website!
First impression is the last impression. Web Designer VIP helps you to create and retain that attention-grabbing first impression by crafting compelling websites, which helps in developing your professional online identity. Is your website strong enough to grab hold of your readers’ attention within the first 3 to 5 seconds of their first visit?
With an aesthetically tasteful website, your products and services are more likely to be used than your competitors.
Web Designer VIP – Concentrating on the finer aspects of your website
We concentrate on the finer details and aspects of the websites, like where to put the content and how to design your corporate identity as to reflect your online business. We are a result-oriented company that designs and develops websites using the latest technologies like:
MySQL Database designing
E-commerce Shopping cart designing, programming and integration
PHP application development
PERL website development
Custom Website Application Development
Why hire Web Designer VIP for web development?
Our highly integrated team of professionals uses the latest and most reliable technologies for making your dream website come true. The website development process is a combination of logo design, website design and graphic design to create a compelling website for higher rankings. Whether you want a simple static website or a complex e-commerce solution like Amazon, we have the right set of tools and expertise you need to get moving.
A professionally looking website is an amalgamation of creativity and programming. As a result, we have injected the best of our expertise in creating elegant websites with farsighted approach. Every website development order is customized according to our clientele needs. Our compelling website designs and integrated customized website development solutions have enabled our customers in meeting their goals and objectives, whilst retaining their original message conveyed using their websites.
Rich Internet Applications Development
As an expert website designing and development firm, we pay special attention to important areas of your website, such as:
Compliance with all W3C Compliance standards
We are up-to-dated with all W3C standards and keep ourselves abreast to the changings taking place. Everything from Javascript to Flash, CSS, programming languages, and the entire website design are all W3C Compliant. The W3C compliance is an assurance of search engine friendly website that gets boosted in rankings.
Get a free quote now by sending us in your custom website development requirements.
Importance of first impressions, you need SE friendly website!
First impression is the last impression. Web Designer VIP helps you to create and retain that attention-grabbing first impression by crafting compelling websites, which helps in developing your professional online identity. Is your website strong enough to grab hold of your readers’ attention within the first 3 to 5 seconds of their first visit?
With an aesthetically tasteful website, your products and services are more likely to be used than your competitors.
Web Designer VIP – Concentrating on the finer aspects of your website
We concentrate on the finer details and aspects of the websites, like where to put the content and how to design your corporate identity as to reflect your online business. We are a result-oriented company that designs and develops websites using the latest technologies like:
MySQL Database designing
E-commerce Shopping cart designing, programming and integration
PHP application development
PERL website development
Custom Website Application Development
Why hire Web Designer VIP for web development?
Our highly integrated team of professionals uses the latest and most reliable technologies for making your dream website come true. The website development process is a combination of logo design, website design and graphic design to create a compelling website for higher rankings. Whether you want a simple static website or a complex e-commerce solution like Amazon, we have the right set of tools and expertise you need to get moving.
A professionally looking website is an amalgamation of creativity and programming. As a result, we have injected the best of our expertise in creating elegant websites with farsighted approach. Every website development order is customized according to our clientele needs. Our compelling website designs and integrated customized website development solutions have enabled our customers in meeting their goals and objectives, whilst retaining their original message conveyed using their websites.
Rich Internet Applications Development
As an expert website designing and development firm, we pay special attention to important areas of your website, such as:
Compliance with all W3C Compliance standards
We are up-to-dated with all W3C standards and keep ourselves abreast to the changings taking place. Everything from Javascript to Flash, CSS, programming languages, and the entire website design are all W3C Compliant. The W3C compliance is an assurance of search engine friendly website that gets boosted in rankings.
Get a free quote now by sending us in your custom website development requirements.
Expert Web Designer, Expert Web Designers, Expert Web Design, Web Design Experts have the people and expertise to turn your vision into reality on the internet, we provide a business-centric approach to web design encompassing more than just a website, تصميم مواقع انترنت احترافية و راقية