The 50 Best “Best Of” Online Marketing Lists

50 Best

Accurately measuring results is one of the greatest opportunities that we have access to through online marketing. Analyzing and evaluating these measurements allows us to observe which practices yield the best results. We can organize these results into lists as a visual way of representing the resources that are performing the greatest for various topics. This leads to many websites in the online marketing industry producing “Best of Lists” throughout each year.

So in that spirit we’ve put together a list of the 50 “Best Of” lists covering the online marketing space. Note: The rankings are simply divided by categories, not in order of importance. We are using the numbers solely to prove that we did, in fact, get to 50.

Online Marketing

1. Forbes kicks off our list with their Top 10 Online Marketing Experts To Follow In 2014. The individuals on the list specialize in different subject matter from varying backgrounds. But each of them are all a wealth of knowledge when it comes to online marketing.

2. One thing that online marketing and blogs have in common is that they need to contain good content. Good content comes from great writing. knows all about that and has compiled a list of The Top 25 Must-Read Internet Marketing Blogs.

3. Gyutae Park’s Winning the Web website uses Alexa, PageRank, Technorati, and Feedburner among other metrics to measure its Internet Marketing Top Blogs. Total number: 370.

4 . Radius – a company that designed predictive and intuitive software to help companies re-imagine growth decisions – has compiled a list of The Best Marketing Blogs of 2015. What we like about this list is that the sites that made the cut were voted upon by readers, and therefore, people who are actually benefitting from utilizing these sources.

5. Kaiser The Sage’s (AKA marketing consultant Jason Acidre) has produced his Top 90 Online Marketing Blogs. He has provided a dense, but diverse list of blogs who hold the top authority in each of their specialties. There is even a section dedicated to some up-and-coming blogs to keep an eye out for.

6. Practical Ecommerce is a site that provides a lot of useful resources for online merchants. Here they have compiled a guide to 12 Useful Ecommerce Blogs.

7. Beth Blanchard and Stone Hansard from Cision teamed up to unleash another list of the Top 100 Social Media, Internet Marketing & SEO Blogs.

8. The little guys need some love too. That’s why UpCity has given us the 25 Up-And-Coming Small Business and Online Marketing Blogs Worth Reading. The list is divided into specific sub-categories, including one that caters directly to small businesses.

9. The team at Branded3 say a good deal of blog ranking tables created recently use the hugely inaccurate and outdated Google PageRank as a method of measuring success. Their solution? A table that uses Alexa Rank and Technorati Rank to calculate the popularity of each site. The result is a list of the Top 100 SEO & Internet Marketing Blogs.

10. HubSpot created the Hot 100 Marketing Blogs list in order to make it easy for people to discover top digital marketing blogs. Hubspot has said, “We’re continually collecting 3rd party data for several thousand blogs that cover Internet marketing topics.” This certainly shows with the strength of the list they’ve put together.

11. The Top 20 Digital Marketing Blogs from Sparxoo. The first five below:

  • Seth Godin – Of course we had to add one of the most famous marketing gurus of all time.
  • Hard Knox Life – Dave Knox brings fresh perspective to digital marketing trends and overall marketing strategy.
  • Guy Kawasaki – Guy Kawasaki shares his incredible insights from years of experience at Apple and other leading companies.
  • Chris Brogan – Chris Brogan, a social marketing guru, posts the latest insights for marketers.
  • AdRants – Steve Hall takes no prisoners in his reviews of the latest ad campaigns.
  • Ads of the World – Want inspiration? Check out creative minds from around the world.

12. The 100 Best Marketing Blogs from Cool Marketing Stuff. Direct and to the point, the list from Cool Marketing Stuff is as comprehensive as it is complete.

13. The Big List of Search Engine Marketing & Optimization Blogs from Top Rank has it all from blogs that cover SEO and PPC to content marketing, social media marketing, and online public relations. The collection of over 400 SEO and Online Marketing related blogs is assembled by the staff at TopRank Online Marketing.

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Search Engine Optimization

14. Daily Blog Tips The Top 25 SEO Blogs list ranks the blogs according to their Google PageRank, Alexa rank, number of Bloglines subscribers and Technorati authority. Somewhere the team at Blogstorm (#9) are shaking their heads.

15. It’s not just the blogs, but the posts themselves that can be optimized. Yoast, a company that works to make websites more usable and reliable for both owners and visitors provided a list of 10 Tips for an Awesome and SEO-Friendly Blog Post. These guys know their optimization. Nice job!

16. This SEO Linking Building Guide to the best SEO linking building articles (wait, didn’t I just say that?) has it all. Case studies, organic link building tips directly from Google and a great piece by Search Engine Watch about back link building. My favorite: The 30-minute-a-day link Building Plan from iMedia Connection. Now if only someone could come up with the 29-minute-a-day link Building Plan.

17. It wouldn’t be a 50 Best of List without an offering from The Top Tens. So here are their opinions on the Best SEO Blogs. A nice little bonus is that they include other contenders that were in the running at the end of the initial list.

18. Mollie Vandor over at Mashable weighed in with her excellent 20+ Essential Resources for Improving Your SEO Skills. From beginner (SEO for Dummies), to advanced placement degree (Matt Cutts) she’s got it all covered and that’s why Mollie finds herself among the Best of the Best.

Social Media

19. Even a newbie marketer can appreciate a good social media campaign. Nearly everyone has seen one and many of us have been party to one whether we realized it or not. pulls together a great pictorial of the Best-Ever! Social Media Campaigns. Spoiler alert: The Blair Witch Project comes in at #1. Pretty impressive considering it was among the first social media efforts way back in the day (1999).

20. Not to be outdone, social marketing and media blog The Wall decided to go the distance with 40 more and release the Top 50 Social Media Campaigns. Oddly enough, The Blair Witch Project doesn’t even crack the top 50. Guess these lists are a bit subjective. Plus, with these guys being British and all they may have missed that buzz way back when.

21. Of course, you can’t even say social media these days without wondering what Marc Zuckerburg is doing for lunch. Social Media Examiner apparently also has the Zuck-bug and decided to create a 10 Top Facebook Pages post. Number 1? Red Bull. Apparently they’re in tune with their audience.

22. In the case of Smart Blog, the best means the worst. Rachel Crandall put together the best “Worst Of” list compiling 4 Twitter Campaigns That Went Horribly Wrong. Top of the list? At&T (among many other brands) exploiting the anniversary of 9/11 by attempting to use product placement as a form of “commemoration.”

23. Jay Baer, President of Convince & Convert offered up his Top 33 Digital Marketing Blogs. He provides details about the specific content that each blog caters to so you can easily navigate exactly what you may be looking for.

24. Using eCairn Conversation(tm) software, technology company eCairn generated the Top 150 Blog Posts. The top five? Seth’s Blog, Chris Brogan, Jeremiah Owyang, Brian Solis, and Social Media Explorer. There must be something to the eCairn Conversation chart. I think these guys are on to something.

25. Here we have Social Media Explorer’s 7 Effective Ways To Increase Your Social Media Traffic and Conversions. The sites listed help you get a better understanding of how strategizing your social media posts can affect your level of engagement.

26. And a bonus from those same guys at unlucky number 13. The Top 10 Social Media Blogs of 2015 (and it’s not even over yet!).

Going Viral

27. According to the crew at ProspectMX, – a viral campaign is a marketing blitz that essentially creates a pitch which is cool and interesting enough that consumers will spread it on its own. Well said. And with that in mind, their 15 Best Viral Marketing Campaigns put together an interesting list mixing the old (there’s that Blair Witch again) and the new (Old Spice guy).

28. Every year there are a few moments that stand out and define the past 12 months on social media. The team at Social Times decided to take a look back and give us The Top 5 Viral Events of 2014. From the Ice Bucket Challenge, to the Oscar Selfie, this list created a lot of traffic for many sites. Check them out.

29. Visible Measures, along with AdvertisingAge, provide weekly Top 10 Viral Video Ads Chart for the Web’s top-performing brand-driven ad campaigns. Naturally, this year’s Super Bowl spots are ranking the highest. The list includes commercials from Budweiser, Pepsi, and T-Mobile who used Kim Kardashian for their ad. Tragic.

online marketing - email marketing

Email Marketing

30. Vertical Response dropped a post on the 7 Stellar Social & Email Marketing Blogs You Should Be Reading. This list includes blogs that provide lots of valuable tips on how to strategically craft your content for social media and email marketing efforts.

31. If you are new to email marketing, this list is a great place to start. Even if you are a seasoned veteran, Capterra (a free service that helps businesses find software) blog post on the 13 Terrific Email Marketing Blogs for Email Newbies and Ninjas provides some great resources. Rather than just touching on the importance of email marketing, these blogs dive into best practices, analytics, design, and much more.

32. Lindsay Kolowich at HubSpot Blogs gave some samplings of great email campaigns in practice. Her 12 Examples of Effective Email Marketing lists images from a variety of different companies successfully executing their email campaigns. From charities, to online shops and publications, you can take a look at these examples and see if one technique might be able to work for you!

Pay-Per-Click Blogs

33. Pay-per-click marketing success takes a good deal of focus. Tom Demers at BoostCTR keeps his eye on the ball with his list: The Best PPC Blog – The Definitive List of Pay-Per Click Blogs. Among my favorites: The Certified Knowledge Blog (Formerly bgTheory), Bryan Eisenberg and PPC Blog & PPC Training Community.

34. Want to succeed in a big way? Of course you do – and VERO was kind enough to provide a list of their 50 Must-Read Marketing Blogs. See them here, and succeed there (wherever there may be for you).


35. It’s all about the conversions these days, and Kristi Hines at Kikolani put together the most comprehensive 6 Essential Split Tests for WordPress Users for Unbounce. When making decisions about your website’s design, you want to know which layout is going to give you the most conversions. A/B testing allows you to try out different options and analyze which one will be most beneficial for your business.

Web Design

36. The team at InstantShift believes one of the best ways to survey the evolution of Web design over a number of years is to compare different versions of websites. So they decided on taking a look at 6 Essential Split Tests for WordPress Users. The results: an interesting comparison of redesigned websites to their earlier incarnations.

37. 7 Essential Resources for Web Designers from identifies the best sources for all things web design. There are multiple websites listed that specialize in fonts, color pickers and icons.

38. Once again Daily Blog Tips served up a top 25 list based on the analysis on Google’s Pagerank, Alexa rank, Bloglines subscribers, and Technorati authority. This time its Top 25 Web Design Blogs.

39. What’s better than a Top 25 Web Design Blogs list? How about a Top 30 Web Design Blogs list? Well the creative online journal for design Web enthusiasts, Web Design Dev, has given us just that. And the extra five go a long way.

40. 40 Web Design Blogs To Follow In 2015 from Elegant Themes’ Blog. These guys have a great understanding of aesthetic and design, and the list they have compiled reflects that. Each site covers a wide range of web design topics from inspiration, to execution, and everything in between.

41. We’ve covered the Best, the Top, and even the Worst – and now we finally have a Must: 29 Web Design Blogs You Must Follow from [Re]Encoded. Here is a list of the 29 best Web design blogs to subscribe to. “The web design industry is always changing, so as a web designer, it is important to always be ahead of the curve,” they say. We totally agree.

42. WordPress is a great CMS and the guys at Web Design Fan have provided us with the 20 Best WordPress Tutorial Blogs. Enjoy!

Guerrilla Marketing

43. This list gives not only gives you a deeper understanding of what guerrilla marketing is, but also a list of ideas on how you can implement it into your own marketing tactics. Take a look at these 6 Tips to Make Guerrilla Marketing Work for You.

44. Referral Candy came through with a compilation of 8 Case Studies and Examples of guerrilla marketing tactics that they believe every startup should know. The examples they provide help you realize the variety of options you have when it comes to these campaigns, as well as the steps these businesses took to execute them.

45. Otonomic’s Top 20 Small Business Guerrilla Marketing Ideas & Strategies goes into detail on what it takes for a small business to make their guerrilla marketing successful. This list gives you a variety of different options to consider, so take a look and see which one might work for your business!

online marketing - content marketing

Content Marketing

46. Michael Brenner of B2B Marketing Insider has recently compiled a list of the Top 20 Content Marketing Blogs You Should Read Every Day. From non-profits to start-ups, this broad list covers a lot of ground and gives a nice variety of content marketing examples.

Affiliate Marketing

47. UpCity has given us a crash course in affiliate marketing with their list of the Top 10 Affiliate Marketing Blogs to Learn From. They go into detail about the content that the blogs cover, and what you can learn from each of them.

48. From Affiliate Top 50 there is the Top 10 Affiliate Marketers and their Blogs You Should Know. More money, more money, more money.

Landing Pages

49. Marketers are becoming more and more interested in measuring the ROI of social media. According to eMarketer, four out of five US businesses with at least 100 employees will be using social media for their marketing efforts this year. This makes measuring the effects of these marketing efforts even more important. That is why HubSpot Blogs created 20 Examples of Great Facebook Fan Pages.

50. Unbounce brings our list to a close with The Top 75 Must-Read Online Marketing Blogs. The company specializes in helping businesses create and customize landing pages to improve their marketing experience. So it’s safe to say we trust their opinion on the matter.