Quality Processes & Certificates

ISO 9001 Certification

We have been ISO 9001 certified since 2010, giving a guarantee of well documented quality control procedures and processes for client work as well as the business as a whole.

Cloud Technology Management

Web Designer Vip adopted cloud based technology very early on for managing internal processes. We use a sophisticated CRM to ensure all staff can see what is going on for specific clients. We use a cloud-based project management tool for ensuring all staff can see progress on projects and help project managers ensure delivery of work to client satisfaction.

As a leading company in a fast moving area of technology, keeping up to date with new technology and sharing best practise is important. We have an internal wiki for sharing technical knowledge and make use of social tools to help communication and efficient working.

Website Design Quality

When designing websites, we validate all website code and test the website with a number of browsers including IE6, IE7, IE8, FireFox, Chrome and Safari. We test all new websites on both PCs and Macs, and on a variety of screen resolution and monitor sizes.

Our websites adhere to the following standards:

All new websites are automatically checked with regards to accessibility and colour blind issues. We also regularly check all links (internal and external) are working, including those to other websites.

Amateur or “build your own” websites will often look very good on one browser or one operating system, but look poor on different browsers and devices. This is due to a lack of knowledge and no checking or validation process. Extra Digital have a set of quality checks we work through during and at the completion of the website design and development process to ensure our websites correctly function on all browsers and thus perform well in all major search engines.

PPC Management Quality

We were the first UK management firm to only use staff who had passed the Adwords examination to manage client accounts. This continuing practice ensures that all our account management staff are trained to the highest standards to manage accounts to the benefit of our clients.

Unlike many other digital agencies we never outsource PPC management and all work is carried out by in-house, fully qualified staff rather than trainees or freelancers.

SEO, Social and Marketing Quality

All SEO and marketing work uses sustainable “white hat” techniques which grow the presence of your business online over time rather than relying on unethical tricks and shortcuts that will be penalised at the next search algorithm update. We never risk our clients being blacklisted from searches by using spamming or short-term boost tactics. When acquiring links we focus on quality, not quantity, and exclude all paid links, exchanges, directories and other cheap, ineffective “link farming” techniques.

Unlike many other digital agencies we never outsource SEO, social management or other ongoing marketing work and all work is carried out by in-house, highly experienced staff rather than trainees or freelancers.

We make use of the following social media sites:


Our Clients

Web Designer Vip specialise in online marketing (SEO, PPC, Social Media), web design and development.

Often clients come to us for one service like SEO or Web Design and then find they are so happy with our work and level of service that they commision more services from us.

We are proud that we have several clients who have been with us for over 8 years and that they continue to trust us with their online marketing, design and development.


Database Development

Our Database Development Skills

We have an in house team of developers able to provide bespoke database applications, especially those that in interface with websites.

Our clients for this work range from small business up to major multinational corporations and we have produced systems ranging from small website applications through to sophisticated management information systems.

Our preferred development platform is LAMP (Linux server, Apache operating system, MySQL database and PHP programming language). This is a popular choice with government agencies and large business keen to avoid expensive license fees from the alternative Windows based development.

We are ISO 9001 certified and make use of online project management tools to keep track of project progress.

database development

Examples of database development

Finance system databases

We have produced database systems for interfacing between marketing websites and finance product calculators in markets such as loans, pensions and private healthcare. Many of these systems require secure servers as dealing with confidential medical or financial data. They often involve integration with 3rd party calculators or best deal finders.

Mapping and data analysis systems

It is possible to show complex set of data graphically and if the data relates to geographical regions to show this with Google maps or Google earth. We work with Bureau Veritas and defra on many air quality projects to show data on maps on websites. Some of these datasets and very large and require data manipulation and analysis before display.

Management Information systems

We have produced integrated management information systems that deal with all communication between the company and their clients. We have done this in industries such as healthcare and adult education.

This starts with leads generated from the website or by phone or email, includes a record of all communication, generates customisable email responses and PDF attachments, allows for online payments, records all payments received and made (to suppliers) and provides a reporting system for managers. Activities can be scheduled and highlighted in terms of priority. Access and reporting levels available vary with access level.

In one such system we have included a booking and room allocation system making it easy to assign to rooms according to language spoken and gender.

Marketing Information Systems

A much simpler alternative to a full management information system is a marketing system; this tells quickly where good leads or sales have come from and the aim is to provide just the information needed.

Workflow and document tracking

As processes get moved online there is a need for systems which accurately record the process of sending, receiving, auctioning and replying to documents. These projects range from the simple job applications systems to the more complex handling of local authority report submission over many years with multiple levels of review and different reviewers depending on geographical location.

School VLE

This is a VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) aimed at Primary Schools. It enables effective communication of homework between teachers and parents at a level appropriate to their age, and is very quick and easy to use. A key consideration here was a system which reduced workload for teachers and made their job easier. Responses from schools have been very positive in this regard.

Multilingual database development

We have extensive experience of producing database driven systems in multiple languages. Examples of these include:

  • Database to choose the particular ring or spring according to width and various other engineering measurements – in Russian
  • Database to select suitable aircraft for air charter company – in Russian, Arabic, French and English

Web Application Development

With over a decade of experience of in web application development built to high specification we can tackle most projects. Our clients include the Government (Defra), Education providers, Public service providers such as the police, healthcare providers, international companies such as Alcoa, Smalley, travel and tourism companies and businesses and organisations from many different sectors.

We work to ISO 9001 to ensure a high quality. Accessibility and search engine optimised code is standard for all websites and web applications.

Database Design

The majority of web application development we undertake will involve a database. For larger projects getting the database design right is critical for the final performance. Slow websites can be caused by an inefficient database setup and slow database queries.

For large projects we provide a full data analysis and often a work flow analysis as well. On many occasions we have taken existing systems and considerably improved the performance, sometimes by factors of over 20x in terms of speed for users.

We have in house staff skilled at database design and build as well as strategic planning.

Ecommerce Development

We design and develop a range of different ecommerce websites, using an appropriate web application development technology to the size and scale of the website required. Our speciality is search engine optimised online shops, and we ensure all design and development is done to help market the website online.

We are familar with integrating with many different PSPs (Payment Service Providers) to enable taking of payment by credit card securely.

We can provide the full solution including hosting with secure server and certificate if required. We can also advise regarding PCI compliance. Take a look at our ecommerce development expertise, which includes Magento ecommerce development, CS-Cart ecommerce development and small online shop development.

Multilingual Development

We undertaken website design and web application development in over twenty languages including:

  • French, German, Dutch
  • Spanish, Italian, Portuguese
  • Arabic
  • Russian, Turkish, Greek
  • Chinese (traditional), Chinese (simplified), Japanese, Korean
  • Latvian, Lithuanian, Slovakian, Polish, Czech
  • Bengali, Punjabi


Multilingual Web Design

The world we live in is becoming more and more multicultural. Developments in communication, led by internet, have allowed international expansion more possible than ever before. Web Designer Vip help our clients to tap into the potential leads and sales of international markets through great multilingual web design.

We utilise our marketing and web design experiences and expertise to build sites in many languages.

French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Russian, Chinese, Japanese and more.

Our experience

We have a decade of expertise in building effective and visually compelling websites for a wide range of sectors in many countries. See our map below for areas of the world we have produced websites for.

We can provide great value for your organisation and are keen to pass on our expert knowledge in multilingual web design. We know that there are many factors at play when looking at a design for each language. These include language translation and character sets as well as cultural translation all of which can influence key design decisions.

  • Translation: This should be done by a native speaker to get the best translation, and the context is important too. Dates numbers and currency all have special considerations that are different for each language.
  • Character set: Different languages use different alphabets. Many Western European languages are based on the Latin alphabet, but there are differences in letters used and especially accents. Other languages are based on different scripts, for example Cyrillic. These all require different character sets to be used within the website.
  • Text direction: Most languages in the world are written left to right. The most common exceptions are Arabic and Hebrew which are written right to left. And Chinese and Japanese which may be written top to bottom

The ExtraCMS

What makes Web Designer Vip a great choice for multilingual web design? As mentioned previously Business over the internet is increasingly becoming multinational, with buyers and leads generated all over the world. Our bespoke content management system ExtraCMS is built specifically for languages that use more than one website.

The ExtraCMS has no difficulty handling multilingual websites and non-standard character sets to make you can reach your target audience wherever they may be. It is the preferred choice for institutions such as the British Museum as well as Doctoori, the leading Arabic healthcare information provider.


PPC for Tourism: Case Studies

Web Designer Vip has managed many paid search campaigns within the tourism industry. These include PPC campaigns for hotels, for chains of hotels, for guest houses or bed and breakfast places. We have also run paid search campaigns for Tourism Agencies and regional visitor centres and event organisers. Some of these have been with supporting SEO work, others have been standalone PPC campaigns.

PPC for Tourism or Events or Bookings has the important point that once a date has passed the product (the booking) has gone, so products (bookings) have a fixed shelf life. Paid campaigns can be used to generate interest in an area, to generate enquiries for brochures or to send visitors through to make a reservation or booking.

Below are some examples of the paid search campaigns we have provided for clients within the tourism industry.

Tourism campaigns for regional tourist areas

We have worked with Visit Kent and Visit Lincolnshire on awareness campaigns to increase enquires for brochures and event literature. This has usually been in conjunction with offline poster campaigns (on railways) and in magazines and we have provided the PPC setup and management. These campaigns have been both local to the UK and abroad, often targeting specific countries.

PPC campaigns for groups of hotels

We have worked with groups of hotels – for example Handpicked Hotels or Hotels in Holland to advertise specific types of breaks or facilities or offers across a range of individual hotels. We’ve worked with hotels in many countries.

We’ve provided similar paid advertising for groups of guest house or holiday cottages, usually on a regional basis, such as in Cornwall. The campaigns include both general paid advertising for the type of accommodation, and also specific advertising to individual guest houses or cottages.

On the smaller scale we have provide paid search advertising for individual guest houses or holiday accommodation. This works well as it is very targeted.

Paid search for the tourism sector is very seasonal and long term expertise is helpful. Many of the online keyword tools review trends over the last few months  – but in tourism you are better reviewing data from a similar season last year and two years ago to see the seasonally relevant keywords.


Case Study: PPC for Online Music Shop

PPC Case Study: Increasing Website Sales

Web Designer Vip started providing PPC services to Sheet Music Direct in August 2011

In just one month, Sales doubled and the ROI was up by 65%

PPC Client

Sheetmusicdirect.com is the leading digital downloads service for musicians. They wanted a PPC Ad campaign to increase sales and boost their return on investment from online advertising.


PPC Objective

The PPC campaign objective was to increase the number of conversions and improve sales of digital sheet music, downloadable backing tracks and video music lessons from the website.

Web Designer Vip PPC Approach

To manage the PPC campaign for this online shop effectively, Web Designer Vip undertook

  • A comprehensive review of the PPC campaign including running reports followed by performance analysis
  • Daily monitoring and PPC optimisation
  • Various bidding options tested on some campaigns
  • New campaigns created and new products added
  • New ad copies added and existing ads improved
  • New destination URL’s tested

Web Designer Vip PPC Results

  • All major KPI’s for the AdWords campaign were considerably improved
  • ROI up by 65%
  • Conversion rate up by 27%
  • Number of sales doubled
  • Total sales value increased by 127%


Effective PPC management will give significant increases to existing campaign performance and the increased revenue from PPC campaigns will be significantly more than the PPC management fee.


Case Study: PPC for B2B Online Shop

Web Designer Vip provided PPC services to Welco from June 2010

Web Designer Vip helped Welco reduce the cost per conversion 4.5 times

PPC Client

Welco (part of the Brady group) sells industrial and commercial workplace equipment.The company had already been running a Google Adwords campaign. they had just upgraded their website to the latest Enterprise Magento platform and were looking for an experienced PPC agency to further improve the account’s performance.

PPC Objective

Following tha launch of new ecommerce store using the open source Magento platform, the PPC objective was to significantly improve conversion figures by increasing conversion rate, reducing the cost per conversion and increasing the number of transactions.

Web Designer Vip PPC Approach

Web Designer Vip took the following approach, combing both strategic planing and operational management of the account.

  • Comprehensive review of the PPC campaign including running reports followed by performance analysis
  • Initial AdWords account optimisation
  • Enabling conversion tracking for three types of conversions: sales, catalogue requests and contact forms.
  • Re-structuring the existing campaign
  • Performing a detailed keyword/market research in order to identify important terms or keywords that are missing in the current campaign
  • Adding a new products campaign
  • Ad copy optimisation: new ads tested, poor performing ads edited or paused
  • New landing pages tested using AB testing
  • Bid management at ad group level and keyword level
  • Multiple reports run in order to calculate profit and ROI at campaign / ad group / keyword level

Web Designer Vip PPC Results for online shop

Within the first month the results exceeded the initial targets set.

  • All Major KPI’s were considerably improved starting with the first month of this work
  • Cost per conversion reduced by 77%

Effective PPC management will give significant increases to existing campaign performance and the increased revenue from PPC campaigns will be significantly more than the PPC management fee.


Case Study: PPC for Online Tiles Shop

Web Designer Vip was first approached to undertake Adwords PPC optimisation and management for an online tiles shop back in 2010. The client were having difficulties in getting a good result from their Adwords budget and wanted to increase their return on investment in Adwords in order to grow their business

Adwords PPC for Tiles: Approach

After a full keyword analysis and examination of the conversion potential of the current online shop, we used our experience with ecommerce PPC to begin restructuring the account and adjusting the campaigns to boost the return on investment for the client’s PPC.

  • Bid optimisation for both long tailed and broad match keywords to grow revenue while boosting brand awareness in the marketplace
  • Consultancy and content suggestions to improve website landing pages in order to grow conversion potential and keyword quality scores
  • Testing and ongoing improvement to ad copy to encourage high clickthrough rates and improved conversion rate
  • Use of negative keywords to remove “wasted clicks” and make better use of available Adwords budget
  • Ongoing optimisation around keywords which produced highest revenue based on immediate ROI as well as more in-depth analysis in partnership with the client using % cost of sale modelling

Adwords PPC for Tiles: Results

The graph below shows paid search traffic growth over time (exact figures are not shown to preserve client data confidentiality). Click to enlarge.

The graph below shows the rising number of Adwords traffic conversions (purchases) for the tiles shop (exact figures are not shown to preserve client data confidentiality). Click to enlarge.

The graph below shows revenue growth for the tiles shop for the duration of Adwords PPC management work so far (exact figures are not shown to preserve client data confidentiality). Click to enlarge.

The site currently maintains levels of over 50% more relevant paid search traffic than it did when work first began. Typical results for any given month include (figures taken from real client data):

  • 10% more revenue year on year for Adwords traffic
  • 6% year on year increase in average order value from Adwords traffic
  • 8% year on year increase in revenue from non brand Adwords traffic
  • 9% year on year increase in Adwords traffic for the same clicks budget


Ecommerce PPC Case Study: UK Tile Company

Ecommerce Case study - online marketing Digital Marketing Case Study

Ecommerce PPC and SEO campaign for Walls and Floors – a leading online tile retailer.


To increase the revenue from the ecommerce website via both paid search and natural non paid search (SEO).


Relevant visitors to site improved and revenue from website increased significantly

Our Approach

ExtraDigital tackled the online marketing following a strategic plan to gradually optimise the AdWords account and multi-activity approach for the SEO work.

  • Targeted PPC ad generation
  • Careful monitoring of PPC account to increase sales but maintain average spend
  • Optimisation of valuable product keywords to increase their search engine ranking
  • Offsite article and copy generation to improve SEO


  • 54% more visitors to the site compared to last April
  • High ranking on Google for valuable product keywords

Case Study: Multilingual PPC for Total Logistics

“Independent Supply Chain Consultants”

Total Logistics
 are a highly experienced and effective independent supply chain consultancy advising top companies all over the world.

As part of their online marketing it was important to use AdWords PPC campaigns to promote Total Logistics work and websites. As well as involving the UK site their Dutch and German websites would also be included thus requiring a multilingual campaign.

Our Approach

On reviewing Total Logistics requirements we felt the best approach was to treat each language as a separate campaign with its own unique keywords, ads, landing pages and budget rather than a simple translation of the English campaign.

It was vital to get input from native speakers in both German and Dutch to ensure we selected the best keyword phrases and used ads that were not only correctly written, but also compelling.

Total Logistics were very specific about their keyword selection and we worked closely to their brief in this regard.


The results of this very carefully planned campaign has been to produce long-term cost effective PPC traffic for the UK, Dutch and German websites.

Were we have found keywords needing adjustment we have discussed this with Total Logistics and helped them to identify better alternatives.

Over the last 4 years the multilingual PPC campaign has generated over 3,600 visitors to the Dutch site, over 3,500 to the German website and over 6,500 to the UK site at an average cost per visitor of less than 80 pence per visit.


Online Shop PPC – ClickMetal

ClickMetal is an online metal supplier, they deal directly with both private companies and the public. Click Metal offer the largest range of metal products cut to size available on the internet.

Web Designer Vip have been running Click Metals PPC campaign and SEO over the last year and a half, the company have seen large growth during this time.

Some key improvements from the PPC campaign since Web Designer Vip took over:

  • March 2014 Year on year paid search revenue increased by 124%this is an extremely large increase in revenue and in overall including other forms of traffic the website saw a 50% increase In total revenue from the website.
  • Increase in conversion rates. The graph below shows the increase in conversion rates from December 2013 to April 2014.

The PPC campaign is completely run by Web Designer Vip and we work hard to achieve the best results possible for the client with the budget that is given.

Web Designer Vip have experience with managing large PPC campaigns for a number of ecommerce clients, we work hard to achieve effective results for our clients so that we build trust with them and help them to grow their business.


PPC Case Study – Proto Labs

Proto Labs specialise in manufacturing custom prototypes and production parts. The main services include CNC machining and Injection Molding They have websites in 6 languages, French, Italian, Spanish, English, Japanese and German. Protolabs were in need of a PPC partner to grow their business and increase the volume of leads they were getting through the website.


After a full keyword analysis and examination of the conversion potential of the current website, Web Designer Vip created several Adwords campaigns from scratch with the sole aim of increasing the volume of leads they received through the website.

We created campaigns in 4 languages and carried out the following:

  • Bid optimisation for both long tailed and broad match keywords to grow revenue while boosting brand awareness in the marketplace
  • Consultancy and content suggestions to improve website landing pages in order to grow conversion potential and keyword quality scores
  • Testing and ongoing improvement to ad copy to encourage high click through rates and improved conversion rate
  • Use of negative keywords to remove “wasted clicks” and make better use of available Adwords budget

The results?

The following results were for the French website between a 3 month period: March – May 2015.

The conversion rate has increased by 111%

Cost per conversion has reduced by 51%

The number of conversions increased by 30% while the total cost has been reduced by 37%


PPC Sales Growth for Online Tiles Superstore


For many online retailers running a successful PPC campaign that generates sales can be a real challenge.

This was why a major online tile superstore came to us. Our PPC management experts have helped take their PPC marketing from strength to strength find out how.

The Challenge

Web Designer Vip took over management for this store’s ecommerce PPC in the first quarter of 2014.
The challenge was to improve on 4 Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s), improve gross profit, conversion rate, total sales value and click thru rates.

  • Improve profits– This bottom line figure is the most important. Client wished to see a much better return on their investment to improve their profits.
  • Improve Click thru rate– In a competitive tile market place, we needed to stand out from the competition to improve the volume of clicks through to the website.
  • Increase Conversion rate– We needed to increase the volume of conversions (sales)
  • Increase total sales & sales value– Not only did we need to increase the volume of sales, we needed to increase the value of the sales also.

The Solution

Web Designer Vip took over management for this PPC account in the first quarter of 2014.
The challenge was to improve on 4 KPI’s,

We carried out the following steps:

  • In depth keyword research analysis, working closely with the client to understand their business, USP’s and key products.
  • Restructuring of the account, implementation of new Adgroups, campaigns and keywords
  • Bid optimisation for both long tailed and broad match keywords to grow revenue while boosting brand awareness in the marketplace
  • Consultancy and content suggestions to improve website landing pages in order to grow conversion potential and keyword quality scores
  • Testing and ongoing improvement to ad copy to encourage high click through rates and improved conversion rate
  • Creating creative ad copy to encourage a significant increase in click through rates
  • Use of negative keywords to remove “wasted clicks” and make better use of available Adwords budget

The Results

Our PPC management achieved some outstanding results, improving on all 4 KPI’s. Here are some of the results

Conversion Rate Increase

The conversion rate has increased by 231% year on year and continues to climb.

Total Sales Value Increase 

After implementation of the new strategy, Total sales value has increased by a huge 263%

Click through rate Increase

Through creative ad copy optimisation, click through rates increased by 65%

This  is one of many PPC clients that we have helped to increase their conversions.  We are passionate about helping our clients to grow their online business.


Multilingual PPC

PPC That Takes You To New Places

Did you know that pay per click advertising is not restricted to English, even on platforms like Google and Bing? Multilingual PPC management can help you to reach prospective customers and clients across the global market, even in unusual character sets or semitic languages such as Arabic.

Extra Digital have over ten years of experience in delivering effective, high ROI PPC management in French, Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese, Dutch, German, Russian and many more languages from across the world.

A successful multilingual PPC campaign requires careful consideration of:

  • Keywords used and their precise meaning in other languages
  • Ad copy quality, including cultural sensitivity where needed
  • Website landing page, requiring careful design and content provision
  • Keyword bid prices on different mobile and desktop platforms
  • Ad performance and appropriate website tracking code usage

We continuously monitor and optimise the account to achieve the best ROI from this form of advertising. Remember that in some countries Google is not the dominant search engine, and Google AdWords is not the dominant PPC supplier. For example in Russia, Yandex is more important, and in Chinese Baidu is the principle platform of choice.


PPC Management

Accelerate Your Business With Expert PPC Management

Is your Pay per Click (PPC) marketing bring in the results you want?

At Web Designer Vip our research has found that many businesses are disappointed with the return they get from their AdWords and other PPC campaigns.

This had lead them to question if PPC is a wise investment for their business.

If this is you we understand, but don’t give up on PPC just yet.


Because PPC is a great way to generate targeted traffic to your website and its often how your campaigns are managed that is the real problem.


Effective PPC Management

PPC advertising on platforms like Google Adwords, Facebook and LinkedIn Ads has become steadily more complex over time and is now extremely inaccessible to less experienced users.

An effective PPC management service ensures your campaigns:

  • Run to the correct budgets
  • Are regular optimised for the results you want
  • Produce a solid return on your investment

By putting your PPC in the hands of qualified experts like us we enable you to concentrate more on your business.

In addition simply adding the input of professional PPC management to properly optimise an account you could see rapid ROI improvements of 40% or more.

Request your FREE PPC campaign review now

PPC Management at Web Designer Vip

Our PPC management experts are qualified and more importantly have vast experience in running campaigns across all major pay-per-click platforms and networks, via search, display and video mediums.

We work with you to ensure that your website is highly visible online for the correct keywords and that you are getting the best possible return on your investment in PPC.

Whatever your advertising aims may be we ensure:

  • Correct keyword selection
  • Ads that covert searches effectively
  • Correct management of budgets
  • Correct campaign structure for better analysis to progress improvement
  • Review, recommend and implement new and existing PPC opportunities including “click to call” and shopping feed intergration

PPC Management – Our Results

We know if your PPC is under performing we can help, because we have already been able to dramatically improve our clients campaigns as follows:

  • Advertising spend reduced 70% while giving increased revenue
  • Four times more sales and double profit in less than two months
  • Sales value increased 127% in only one month
  • 150% increase in goal conversions in under two months
  • New business enquiries up 126% month on month
  • Cost per conversion down 74% month on month

Don’t Give Up on PPC

PPC is still one of the most efficient and cost effective methods to advertise your business, wherever you are in the world. However, is does need the right management and care to get the best results.

Our expert, fully qualified PPC marketing team can help you to put together a solid strategy that will optimise your account and improve your advertising to give you the best possible performance from your budget.

Get in touch today to find out more about how Web Designer Vip’s PPC management can help your business!


Online PR


Get A Buzz Around Your Business

Are you trying to drum up excitement around your business online and want to create a sustainable, highly effective online PR plan that will positively impact your growth and revenue? Web Designer Vip can help.

  • Expert writers and content developers trained and based entirely in the UK
  • Over ten years of networking, contacts and online PR experience
  • We’ve worked in a range of sectors including consumer goods, industrial B2B and blue chip services
  • Effective campaigns to boost your online presence and help to grow your business

Whether you want ongoing effort into online PR or a dedicated campaign around a new service or product launch – or any other event for your business – our online PR team can

  • Generate media buzz and excitement about your brand
  • Get your company the attention it deserves
  • Improve your website’s visibility and your brand’s online presence
  • Make prospective customers and clients aware of your latest news and developments
  • Establish a positive image and reference of your company for your clients

Our comprehensive approach to online PR, integrating public relations work with search engine optimisation and highly effective social media, gives you the best possible return on investment for your campaign. We always focus on your goals to give you top-notch, fully results-driven service that will grow your business and boost your brand across the


Social Media Strategy

Social Media is often the wild card within a marketing department – where brands and companies say casual things with little objective.

Allow us to formulate your social media strategy to give you a real impact on your business.

Our 7 step plan shows how we can create successful social media campaigns that generate more than just chatter, building more sales and leads generation.

STEP 1: Determine what business challenges social media can solve

Setting clear goals are vital to any marketing plan and social media is no exception.

So whether you want to drive more traffic to your website, engage with your customers or increase your brand awareness, Web Designer Vip will ensure these goals remain at the heart of your social media marketing.

When Social Media is used correctly you can build a team of customers who will advocate for your business online effectively marketing your business for free.

Social also enables you in building a strong community and build greater customer loyalty.

Step 2: Which Social Networks Suit Your Business?

Choosing the right social networks is vital, get it wrong and you could be talking to the wrong audience for your products or services.

For B2B customers often LinkedIn, Twitter and Quora are the best performing social networks. While if you’re a fashion ecommerce store then there is a lot to be gained with Instagram and Pinterest.

Web Designer Vip can help you focus on the networks your customers and potential customers use.

Step 3: Creating Engaging and Sharable Content 

Having the right content is key to any effective and engaging social media campaign.

Your content needs to connect with your audience and encourage engagement. To do this requires proper planning and research.

In addition you need to consider the types of content your audience will like including ‘how to’ videos, competitions and Infographics.

To be ahead of the competition, it is important to plan content in advance with content calendars and posting schedules.

Web Designer Vip can help will all aspects of your content planning and creation. We have an excellent range of specialist copywriters that we work with on a regular basis. Alternatively we are always happy to work with in-house teams or other agencies to get you the very best content.

Step 4: Data Analysis Powering Campaign Improvement

No campaign is complete without proper analysis of the results, but this is only really useful if those results then go forward to power further optimisation and development of your social marketing.

At Web Designer Vip we constantly use our analysis to make your campaigns even better.

We analyse in depth to determine the most effective time for publishing social media content. We identify your social success and build on them. Further, the most important step is to analyse the sales and leads generated via Social Media.


Social Media Content Creation

Creating Engaging Social Media Content

Social media no longer means throwing a Facebook page together or posting the occasional Tweet about how much coffee was drunk in the office this morning.

At Web Designer Vip our social media content management helps you put together a sensible and sustainable social marketing that works dynamically across multiple platforms.

It provides a wholesale social marketing approach that will allow your brand and business to grow.

  • Generate Sales and Leads Via Social Media
  • Create Effective Social Media Calendars
  • Grow customer loyalty and attract new customers to your brand
  • Promote “brand champions” who will promote you across all channels
  • Reap the long-term SEO benefits of a holistic social media plan
  • Focus on ROI so you don’t get bogged down in unprofitable activity

Social media websites can help support your online PR strategy and also have considerable knock-on benefits to search engine optimisation as well as raising your company’s profile online and making your brand more visible.

Get in touch today to find out how we can use social media and search marketing to help get you to the top of your industry as a trusted authority that will have customers flocking to your door.

Social Media Content Creation Services

Our range of cost-effective and inspired social media management helps you keep your brand at the forefront of the social space.

  • Account branding and page design aimed at your target audience
  • Targeted Social Media Content Calendars each month
  • Full content strategy to keep customers engaged and attract brand champions
  • Regular posts, updates and monitoring to ensure positive engagement
  • Social PPC advertising and applications to improve your presence on all channels


Social Media Content Creation

Creating Engaging Social Media Content

Social media no longer means throwing a Facebook page together or posting the occasional Tweet about how much coffee was drunk in the office this morning.

At ExtraDigital our social media content management helps you put together a sensible and sustainable social marketing that works dynamically across multiple platforms.

It provides a wholesale social marketing approach that will allow your brand and business to grow.

  • Generate Sales and Leads Via Social Media
  • Create Effective Social Media Calendars
  • Grow customer loyalty and attract new customers to your brand
  • Promote “brand champions” who will promote you across all channels
  • Reap the long-term SEO benefits of a holistic social media plan
  • Focus on ROI so you don’t get bogged down in unprofitable activity

View Garment Printing Blog Content

Social media websites can help support your online PR strategy and also have considerable knock-on benefits to search engine optimisation as well as raising your company’s profile online and making your brand more visible.

Get in touch today to find out how we can use social media and search marketing to help get you to the top of your industry as a trusted authority that will have customers flocking to your door.

Social Media Content Creation Services

Our range of cost-effective and inspired social media management helps you keep your brand at the forefront of the social space.

  • Account branding and page design aimed at your target audience
  • Targeted Social Media Content Calendars each month
  • Full content strategy to keep customers engaged and attract brand champions
  • Regular posts, updates and monitoring to ensure positive engagement
  • Social PPC advertising and applications to improve your presence on all channels

Case study: SEO for insurance

SEO Case Study: Competitive SEO for medical insurance

ExtraDigtal provided SEO services to Patient Choice since early 2009

Natural visitors to website up 375% in 3 months due to our knowledge and experience in site design, development and optimisation.

SEO Client

Patient Choice provides medical insurance and healthcare plans. In this competitive market the website was designed for a high conversion rate, so it is clear and simple without too much text.

The SEO work had to ensure the website remained simple, uncluttered with an easy to use quote and apply facility.

Web Designer Vip Approach

  • The website was already designed and built to be SEO friendly (we built it!)
  • Ongoing SEO monitoring and reaction as required
  • Extra pages generated
  • Article generation, syndication and online PR
  • High quality inbound references from authority websites

Web Designer Vip SEO Results

  • In 3 months, the natural visitors from ‘insurance’ keywords up by 375%
  • The top few positions for the major keywords (e.g. ‘private medical insurance’- 2nd)
  • And top page rankings for the most competitive keywords ( e.g. medical insurance)

Effective search engine optimisation will give a significant rise in natural non paid traffic to your website, with very dramatic results once your website is in the top few positions of Google.


SEO for Photo Frame Gifts – Client Case Study

After designing and building a shop on the Magento Ecommerce platform for an online gifts retailer specialising in photo frames, Web Designer Vip were asked to begin search engine optimisation work to boost traffic to the shop and improve revenue for the business.

SEO for Gift Shop: Approach

After a full keyword analysis and examination of the conversion potential of the current online shop, we used our experience with ecommerce SEO to begin work improving landing and product copy and other content in order to build on the success of the initial design and further optimise the shop for natural search.

  • Optimisation for long tailed, high converting product keywords using improved product and landing page copywriting
  • General SEO theming of the website for the broad phrase “photo frames”
  • Category level SEO work both on and offsite for broad phrases such as “wedding photo frames” and “birthday photo frames”
  • Improvements to meta data copy to improve search clickthrough rates
  • New site features including social integration, a new payment services provider and animated homepage banners used to increase conversion potential by improving the perception of the website to visitors
  • Seasonal keyword analysis used to drive traffic for particular product ranges in alignment with consumer demand for particular gift markets

Offsite SEO work was included alongside onsite work in order to grow domain authority using sustainable and high value inbound link development.

  • Creation of authority “brand neutral” marketing sites on gift giving and home decoration ideas
  • Content development to produce high value inbound links
  • Social media setup, branding and maintenance to assist in SEO progress as well as provide additional product referral traffic from visual platforms

SEO for Gift Shop: Results

The graph below shows organic search traffic growth over time (exact figures are not shown to preserve client data confidentiality). Click to enlarge.

The graph below shows revenue growth for the photo frame gifts shop for the duration of natural search marketing work (exact figures are not shown to preserve client data confidentiality). Click to enlarge.

Typical results for any given month include (figures taken from real client data):

  • 72% year on year traffic growth to the website
  • 88% year on year website revenue increase
  • 8% year on year increase in website ecommerce conversion rate
  • 56% year on year increase from referral traffic, including social sites

If you are looking for sustainable and effective growth for your online gift shop, Extra Digital’sSEO services, sector familiarity and design and development assets can help you realise significant growth in revenue, traffic and business brand. Contact us today to find out more, get a free website SEO review and find out how we can help you grow your online gifts business.


SEO for Online Tiles Shop – Client Case Study

Web Designer Vip was first approached to undertake SEO work for an online tiles shop back in 2011. The client were having difficulties in getting a good return on investment for their SEO work and wanted assistance and consultancy with onsite optimisation to increase their revenue and grow their business.

SEO for Tiles Shop: Approach

After a full keyword analysis and examination of the conversion potential of the current online shop, we used our experience with ecommerce SEO to begin advising on changes to the site structure, code and content which would benefit the optimisation of the website.

  • Optimisation for long tailed, high converting product keywords using improved product copy and page
  • General SEO theming of the website for the broad phrase “tiles”
  • Category level SEO work both on and offsite for broad phrases such as “bathroom tiles,” “wall tiles” and “mosaic tiles”
  • Suggestions to improve wireframe and design of the website to increase conversion potential and boost revenue, not just traffic volumes
  • Improvements to meta data copy to improve search clickthrough rates
  • Better code level optimisation, accessibility and validation to improve search engine crawl rates and boost relevant organic traffic

Initial onsite SEO work improved content dramatically and caused a sharp increase in relevant organic traffic over the first year. After this work shifted to offsite link development to build domain authority as the shop developer had difficulties maintaining valid and optimised code. The focus here was principally to grow domain authority using sustainable and high value inbound link development.

  • Creation of authority “brand neutral” marketing sites on DIY tiling and interior design focused around tile fashion and decoration trends
  • Content development to produce high value inbound links
  • Advice and content provision for website assets to encourage natural backlinks from users – a process called “linkbaiting”

SEO for Tiles Shop: Results

The graph below shows organic search traffic growth over time (exact figures are not shown to preserve client data confidentiality). Click to enlarge.

The graph below shows revenue growth for the tiles shop for the duration of natural search marketing work (exact figures are not shown to preserve client data confidentiality). Click to enlarge.

The site currently maintains levels of over 50% more relevant natural search traffic than it did when work first began. Typical results for any given month include (figures taken from real client data):

  • 33% year on year revenue increase from organic search traffic
  • 17% organic traffic increase for product and brand keywords
  • 44% year on year traffic increase for broad match keyword “tiles”
  • 4% year on year increase in organic traffic conversion rate
  • 24% year on year increase in shop transactions from organic traffic

If you are looking for sustainable and effective growth for your online tiles web shop, Extra Digital’s SEO services, sector familiarity and design and development assets can help you realise significant growth in revenue, traffic and business brand. Contact us today to find out more, get a free website SEO review and find out how we can help you grow your online tiles business.


SEO for B2B Cold Storage Provider – Client Case Study

Web Designer Vip was first approached to undertake SEO work for a major cold storage provider in 2010. The client required SEO work and consultancy with onsite optimisation to increase their revenue and grow their business. The cold storage provider wanted to increase the leads gained through natural traffic as well as PPC management.

SEO for B2B: Approach

After an extensive keyword review and examination of the conversion potential of the current site after website redesign, we used our experience with onsite optimisation to begin advising on changes to the site structure, code and content which would benefit the optimisation of the website. Following a redesign of the UK website, the Ireland website was to be redesigned and recoded for better conversion potential.

  • Better code level optimisation, accessibility and validation to improve search engine crawl rates and boost relevant organic traffic through website redesigns.
  • Optimisation for main keywords such as ‘refrigeration’ ‘cold rooms’ and ‘blast freezers’ as well as industry related keywords.
  • Copywriting of high quality, optimised copy for keyword specific landing pages
  • Offsite SEO to increase the volume of quality inbound links to improve domain authority. This included offsite article creation and content development to produce high value inbound links – to encourage natural backlinks from users – a process called “link baiting”
  • Improvements to meta data copy to improve search click through rates

Initial onsite and offsite SEO work improved content considerably and over time, there was a gradual increase in not only the volume of traffic from organic traffic, but the amount of enquiries also.

SEO for B2B Cold Storage: Results

The graph below shows organic search traffic growth over time (exact figures are not shown to preserve client data confidentiality).

The site currently maintains levels of over 158% more relevant natural search traffic than it did when work first began.

The graph below shows that SEO has grown to be the highest source of leads from the site since 2010 and the percentage of leads via search traffic is improving every year.


514% increase in Backlinks

Here at Web Designer Vip we have always maintained a policy of never paying for links to websites, all of the backlinks that we build for our clients are organic and natural links. Over the past seven months we have actively been working on steady and positive improvements to the levels of backlinks for one of our clients. Their backlinks have increased by 514% in seven months, that’s an increase of around 100 backlinks per month.

Below you can see the steady increase we have achieved over the past seven months of search engine optimisation work.

This increasing level of backlinks for this client has seen a knock on effect on the number of visitors coming to their site and the ranking of the site on SERPs. All of which have risen in the same time period. The client is very pleased with these results for their website and has seen an increase in the level of enquiries and leads they are receiving.

What are Backlinks?

For those who are not already aware, backlinks, as the name suggests, are links to the site from external sites. These backlinks help to drive traffic to your site which in turn helps to increase your visitor levels. Backlinks are also very useful for search engines and allows them to see which sites people are visiting for relevant keywords, this helps them to show only the more popular and relevant sites in their search results.

This means that a high level of quality non-spammy backlinks can help see not only your ranking improve but also the level of relevant traffic increase. Increasing the number of backlinks to your site is just one of the many methods that can be employed to help improve the ranking of your website and in turn the number of visits your website receives each month.


Case Study: 54% increase in revenue for online shop


Social marketing and search engine optimisation for Occasion Photo Frames, an online gift retailer. This project saw 54% more website revenue created year on year, leaving our clients happy and pleased with our work.

SEO management for online shop

Client Quote

The website is doing very well under your leadership and you are always on the phone when I need you, very helpful.”

Peter Grove, Occasion Photo Frames

SEO Target

To increase the revenue from the website by bringing in more “ready to buy” visitors from natural search

SEO Summary

Relevant site visitors increased and significant rise in online revenue was generated.

SEO Approach

  • Optimisation of valuable product keywords to increase their search engine ranking
  • Offsite article and copy generation to improve SEO
  • Onsite content enhancement and optimisation to boost onsite SEO
  • Extensive social media campaigns on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Squidoo and Yahoo Answers

SEO Results

  • 54% more revenue from the site compared to the previous year
  • 256% more visitors to the site over previous year

Case Study: SEO for GRP Products

SEO Case Study: Significant natural search traffic increase

Web Designer Vip has provide SEO services to Kingsley Plastics since September 2010. The initial work was very successful with Natural search figures increased by 73% in six months and over 400% in two years.

Three years later, all target product keywords are on the top page of Google with most in positions 1-3. This is from consistent, high quality SEO that does not risk being penalised by Google updates.

SEO Client

Kingsley Plastics provide a range of industrial GRP products and housings; including kiosks, cabinets and covers. They wanted to improve natural search figures and keywords rankings for their website.

Web Designer Vip SEO Approach


Web Designer Vip have monitored the Kingsley Plastics website continually to ensure that it is fully SEO optimised. Specific SEO tasks have included:

  • Review of keyword phrases to ensure the most relevant phrases are being targeted. For example the initial product names were manufacturer names and there were others used by customers that needed to be included.
  • Additional off page optimisation to support keyword ranking, through content marketing and offsite articles.
  • Minor page updates and amends to website to ensure they support the correct keywords

SEO Results

  • Natural search traffic increased in the first year of work by over 73% on the sites traffic back in August 2010
  • Increases in subsequent years of over 400% in natural traffic
  • 12 main keywords improved their ranking position, with over 16 keywords holding a Google UK search first page position
  • Cached pages have increased by over 13% in first three months of work
  • Back links have increased by over 74% in first three months of work


239.52% eCommerce conversions for fashion store

For the past six months we have been carrying out search engine optimisation on a Magento ecommerce store with fantastic results.

In six months we were able to…..

  • Remove errors from the sitefrom incorrect code and validation
  • Increase the organic flow of traffic to the site by 51%(when comparing the first month with the sixth month)
  • Improve the ranking of hundreds of keywordsfor the website as well as getting the website ranking high for hundreds of more keywords, even those keywords that were the most competitive keywords in the industry for our client
  • Increase the number of visitors viewing product pages (average of 659.38%improvement over the 6 month period) whilst also increasing the amount of time these visitors were spending on the page– a clear sign that people are able to navigate the shop with ease and are browsing as well as being interested in what they are looking for.
  • Improve the functionality of the sitein general to make the site more appealing for visitors and make it easier for them to browse and purchase from the ecommerce site
  • Implement know tools to help Google read the sitewith ease and therefore see the site rank better in search engines
  • Increase the ecommerce conversion rate– the percentage of visits that result in an ecommerce conversion – by 239.52% when compared with the previous year

To achieve these results we carried out an extensive review of the website, analysing its strengths and its weaknesses. Based on this we were able to work with the client and build an ongoing strategy with clear aims to be achieved. Our work took place on site as well as off site to build good quality back links to key landing pages and to ensure that when visitors landed on the site that they were met with a clear path and good quality content that was relevant and helpful.

Magento Ecommerce SEO Services at Web Designer Vip

Here at Web Designer Vip we have a high number of Magento sites that we currently carry out SEO work for, we also build Magento ecommerce stores and a number of other stores on various other ecommerce platforms. We can also provide PPC management for Magento ecommerce stores as well as web development services to help you provide a better site for your customers


168% increase in search traffic Charity Fulfilment Provider

Web Designer Vip planned, executed and monitored the internet marketing activities for a major charity fulfilment provider. Late in 2012, the site content was changed completely and so the site needed complete re-optimisation to bring relevant traffic to the website, to increase leads gained through organic traffic.

Internet Marketing for B2B: Approach

We re-analysed the current content on site and carried out extensive keyword research and competitor analysis to identify the key areas that the site needed to rank for. Using our experience of onsite optimisation, we began making the changes necessary to realign the content to target a range of carefully selected and researched keywords.

  • Optimised existing new website copy to improve accessibility and conversion potential
  • Used high quality copywriting to create keyword specific landing pages, to target high converting long tail and short tail keywords and increase traffic to the site
  • Offsite SEO to increase the volume of quality inbound links, to improve domain authority. This included offsite article creation, content development, social media management, online PR and blogging to produce high value inbound links – to encourage natural backlinks from users
  • Improvements to meta data copy to improve search click through rates

The onsite and offsite SEO work improved content considerably and over time, there was a gradual increase in not only the volume of traffic from organic traffic, but the frequency of impressions (or appearances) in search engines.

SEO for B2B Charity fulfilment provider: Results

The graph below shows organic search traffic growth over time (exact figures are not shown to preserve client data confidentiality).

internet marketing for B2B

The site currently maintains levels of over 168% more relevant natural search traffic than it did in December 2012.

The graph below compares the frequency of the site appearing in search engines at the start of the project compared to present figures (exact figures are not shown to preserve client data confidentiality).

Internet Marketing for b2b

The site is averaging more than 7 times the amount of impressions since the new optimisation work began.

512-fold increase in website traffic in 12 months

Effective SEO and quality generation are still key in achieving spectacular growth in website traffic.

The graphic above shows real case study data from analytics, and shows website visitors growing from 825 in December 2013 up to a staggering 423 thousand visitors in December 2014.

This is for the medical website Doctoori, which provides medical information in Arabic. Generating a large user base is key to the business development and Web Designer Vip were asked to help with the SEO and online marketing.

In terms of daily visitors, this has increased from about 30 /day up to well over 14,000 visitors per day. The total number of users of the website now exceeds one million.

Within one year, SEO had grown the user base to over one million people. Data from analytics is able to give information on were these people are based and what articles and topics they are interested in.

So how do you use SEO to get such a dramatic increase in visitors?

The answer is surprisingly simple. You build a quality website with SEO optimised code, you add quality content that is interesting and engaging and you promote this content to others.

SEO Case study detail

Q: Did you use link building?

Web Designer Vip have never used the traditional link building SEO techniques as Google has never liked them. We do promote the website elsewhere by writing quality articles or blogs (in Arabic as this is an Arabic website). But we have never seen the need for large scale link building techniques. And if you can get a 512-fold increase in website traffic without this rather proves that traditional link building is not needed!

Q: Did you use social?

Yes – social marketing is an important ingredient within forward looking SEO work. It is used to build engagement and promote the website. Google has sophisticated algorithms looking at how people talk about and share information on websites and understanding this helps achieve better SEO results.

Q: Are there any differences with Arabic SEO – is it harder than English?

SEO is all about gaining high visibility – climbing to the top of the search results in your market. So English and Arabic are different markets. There are fewer Arabic website so external SEO work – aimed at promoting the website on the internet is actually harder. And a surprising number of SEO tools still do not support Arabic language characters.

The Doctoori website also had a huge advantage in that it was built on the ExtraCMS which was built with multilingual SEO in mind, and makes multilingual SEO much easier. Many content management systems require SEO modules to generate search friendly websites  – but it is more efficient to build SEO friendly to start with.