Why Community is Important in Social Media Marketing


Ninjas, gurus and other authorities in the arena of social media have been preaching about community and engagement since its inception, and rather than go into a discussion of Leonardo Di Caprio’s career or what the number 528491 means, I thought that, due to some news from a certain company based in Oregon, it would be apropos to give an example that any business can review, borrow or flat out use to its advantage.

The company being referenced is NIKE, Inc. – a company which has only recently adopted the technique of communicating with customers using the full suite of popular social media channels company-wide. While their lack of official presence in the social media world may have baffled some for a while, the one major understanding NIKE had (and has) is of the importance of community. Many of NIKE’s footwear have become must-have items in pop culture. Air Jordans, Dunks, Air Force Ones and the like have huge followings and when news of a new release is dropped, throngs of brand advocates show up to the nearest shoe store to become customers once again. Recent history has shown that the broadcast of such news has been through social media outlets by influencers, insiders and fans and now NIKE is positioned to distribute this knowledge directly.

To show off their newest digital presence in the U.S., NIKE has introduced Twitter RSVP to assist in the management of their product launches at physical, brick-and-mortar Nike Stores. Sneaker enthusiasts simply:

  • follow their nearest Nike (owned) Store on Twitter;
  • watch for the store to send an RSVP tweet on the designated RSVP day; and
  • respond via direct message with the product specific hashtag, last four digits of their ID number and shoe size.

Those who respond within sixty minutes of said tweet are eligible and the footwear is awarded on a “first respond, first serve” basis. Confirmed recipients, then pick up their kicks on the day of the store launch at the specified timeframe in person and with proof of ID.

Do you see what they did there?

They’ve engaged their community using a particular social media channel, added a contest/goal-oriented atmosphere in order to gather response from the audience ultimately concluding with a sale. No, that was not a random amalgam of business related buzz terms—this is the purpose of social media marketing.

While it is true that many companies may not be able to see the ROI of their social media campaign as immediately as a company such as Nike, what we must look at is the process and how it works. The strength of this community is what made this campaign possible and social media is a great way to build a group like this. Through social media you can be empathetic with your community; you can listen to the good and the bad to make your product and experience better; you can further engage with insiders, enthusiasts and advocates. All of these activities help build trust in your brand and that is the most effective way for the sales process to begin. Additionally, these digital activities, along with your direct mail, advertising, face-to-face and other forms of communication bring something even more important to the table when done correctly: lifetime customer value—and isn’t that what we ultimately want?

I know I do.

The Nike Swoosh is a registered trademark of, owned by and the property of NIKE, Inc.


5 Ways Brand Journalism Will Drive Your Social Media Strategy


There is plenty of chatter about brand journalism these days. If this is the first time you’re hearing the term, listen up because you’re about to hear it a whole lot more. Big names are already capitalizing and practicing this new style of content marketing, often so effectively you may not have even noticed.

Done well brand journalism leverages social media to build influence, improve search results and spread ideas and excitement about a particular industry. At its most basic level, brand journalism involves storytelling that invites audiences to participate through digital and social media channels.

Essentially brand journalism is the practice of covering your business and your industry like a reporter. It also means transforming your marketing department (even if that’s only you!) into a publishing team that can produce content for readers and reporters.

The future belongs to businesses that become media. The key to your success is producing and hosting unique content designed to engage and attract a new audience. And how you leverage social media to drive this new style of journalism can mean the difference between success and failure.

Below are five tips on how to get started.

#1 This Isn’t Your Boss’ PR Program
For decades consumers have been bombarded with very “me” oriented messaging: My product, my service, my company, my plan. In order to thrive in the evolving digital landscape, you must get out of the “me” business so popular and common in public relations efforts. Instead, become a storyteller to attract, engage, entertain and inform your targeted audience.

Produce great content – articles, videos, infographics – and they’ll come to you.

This storytelling process is a fantastic inbound public relations approach that will pull consumers, competitors and media towards your business’s content hubs – company website, blog and important social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

For example, wireless telecom-giant Qualcomm is leading the charge in brand journalism and its efforts are often followed with savvy social media strategies designed to pull in a larger audience.

They understand it’s not all about the “me” approach.

The company’s publication, QualcommSpark, often focuses on cool and interesting gadgets and games which their products “touch”, and it rarely speaks directly about any chipsets or processors they may have created for use in these platforms (see below). It’s about creating interest around subjects they are involved in.
While there aren’t many of us with the financial resources of Qualcomm, remember many people once also thought blogging was the prevue of the big players. If you follow Qualcomm’s storytelling lead and learn how to talk about your company without actually talking about it (or at least not talking about it too much), you’ll attract an audience you’d never reach with old-style press releases.

  • Start small with one or two posts a week about things that interest people in your industry.
  • Hone your storytelling efforts by requesting feedback (put a comment section at the bottom).
  • Share your story using social media channels (Twitter, Pinterest, Google+) to pull your audience toward you. Add social buttons on each content page to make it easier for readers to share.
  • Develop interesting content that will encourage readers to make an effort to learn more about you and your business.

#2 You Are the Media Now – Start Acting Like it!
Now that you’ve decided to become a storyteller in your space, you’re better off thinking like a newsperson.

“You are now the editor of an online publication dedicated to following news and trends in your industry.”

The first step in this phase involves listening: learn the questions and concerns of your target audience. Instead of relying on “push” communications, such as e-mail marketing, direct mail and advertising, content is moving toward “pull” – pulling people to your business as opposed to pushing out information – which is a better long-term strategy.

“Our goal is to lead the conversation, to spark engagement, to identify trends relevant to our business and the industry,” Karen Snell, social media communications manager at Cisco, wrote on her blog recently.

Cisco Systems recently launched The Network, a technology news website tied very closely with its social media engagement program.

How Building Communities Leads to Commerce


Social media remains a hot button issue, even hotter over the past couple of weeks with Facebook’s valuation and subsequent reactions to its IPO. Add to the mix an evolving public perception of Google+ and Foursquare’s very public push to be a large prescense at the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, and you’ve got a lot of attention focused on one space.

In the midst of all of this media activity, Twitter took time out during Internet Week New York recently to showcase ways that partnerships with them can not only help brands build community but also provide avenues for that community to purchase goods and services. The theme of the event was The Conversation is the Canvas which further illustrates that, especially in social media, effective campaigns begin best with regular dialogue.

Here are a few highlights.

Social Media is as American as American Express

The highlight of the #Twitter4Brands presentation was provided by Leslie Berland, senior vice president of Digital Partnerships and Development at American Express. The credit card company famous for digital initiatives with Foursquare and Small Business Saturday has fully embraced the digital nature of their community which has been reinforced by their new partnership with Twitter.

The idea itself was obviously born in the old marketing and general life adage of K.I.S.S. and illustrated with the launch of this program at SXSW:

  1. Securely sync your credit card with Twitter.
  • Awareness of the program and launch was done in conjunction withGoGo Inflight Internet – a very smart move to connect with all of the people traveling into Austin for the tech part of SXSW.
  1. Tweet specialized hashtags from merchants to load the offer directly to your credit card.
  • Create tweets with#JayZSyncShow.
  1. You receive a tweet back from the American Express Sync Twitter account informing you that your discount has been loaded to your credit card;
  • Which is clear; and
  • Redeem your offer. The savings are already there.

American Express did not stop there. They also provided the hashtag #AmexAustin10 for use with any Austin-area merchant during the conference.

What AMEX did was very straightforward:

  • They pinpointed the merchant’s need – creating an easy, seamless service for a customer; and
  • Created a bridge between the merchant and customer so that an easy, seamless purchase can be made through an action the customer was very likely to already take.

By engaging in these two planning actions, they gave consumers no excuse or exit strategy to leave the offer. The consumer is (1) already active on Twitter; (2) engaged with the brand(s); and (3) doesn’t have to perform any “work” in saving. There’s no print coupon or print confirmation. There’s not even a coupon code which incidentally work pretty well. In this case, the consumer sees something they want to purchase, says they want to purchase the item(s) (which they would probably do due to FOMO) and makes the purchase: a truly organic user experience.

Allowing simple conversation—one of the most important aspects of social media—a brand is able to show their consumer that they are part of the process and, in turn, these consumers are more willing to naturally jump on the soapbox for the brand.

Please note:Twitter does not view community building with the help of hashtags and creating points of purchase as exclusive actions—there is a natural progression and purchasing is not forced. My colleagues in social media will appreciate that little disclaimer and you as a brand should surely appreciate and embrace this concept as well.

What do you think? Can you incorporate this type of community building in any of your campaigns? Let us know in the box below, we’d love to hear from you.

Facebook Marketing 101: Building Loyalty with Brand Pages


With 900 million users and counting, Facebook is a hotbed of opportunity for marketing. Most businesses can benefit from having a presence on this widely-used social network, but as with any other marketing channel, it’s important to go into it with realistic objectives.

  • Build a brand. Facebook offers an excellent outlet to build a brand that consumers can connect with beyond the often static nature of traditional marketing. On Facebook, customers can participate in brand activities and interact with your brand on a personal level.
  • Increase loyalty. By “Liking” a Facebook brand page, consumers are essentially opting in to receive your brand messaging. This is a powerful opportunity to connect with them and turn them into brand ambassadors and lifetime customers.
  • Communicate. Facebook marketing is not just pushing out brand messages. It has become common for customers to use a brand page to bring up inquiries or offer feedback. Handled correctly, this can be a fantastic way to communicate with customers and offer them exceptional customer service.

Once you’ve determined the goals your brand is looking to achieve through Facebook marketing, it’s time to set up your page.

Basic Steps
1. Use an existing Facebook account or create a new one.
2. Navigate to Pages and “Create a Page.”
3. Select a category.
4. Enter your brand name.
5. Agree to terms and “Get Started.”
6. Upload a profile picture (at least 180px).
7. Add basic info.
8. Select a URL – you will not be able to change this, so make sure you get it right the first time.
9. Add a cover image (850×315px).

Claim a Dedicated URL
The dedicated URL is referred to by Facebook as a username, although it is not a username in the traditional sense.
Admin Panel Manage Edit Page Basic Information Username
Choose a professional name that accurately reflects your brand. Capitalization is factored in, so use capital letters if it makes sense, for example check out this page.

Create Admins

  • If you’d like to have more than one person manage the page, you will need to give them administrative access.
  • Any team member who would like to be an admin should “like” the page.
  • Then go into Admin Panel Manage Edit Page Admin Roles and begin typing in the name of the person you’d like to add.
  • Select if you’d prefer to add them as a Manager, Content Creator, Moderator, Advertiser or Insights Analyst. See more information about Page admin roles.

Design Your Page
Design your Facebook page using strong branding that is well integrated with your other marketing channels. Often the Cover Image will mimic the design of a company’s website or current ad campaign and the Profile Pic will be the company logo. If you’re not sure what direction to take, these are solid practices to follow. The Facebook page design elements are outlined below, along with their recommended sizes:

  • Cover Image: 850×315px
  • Profile Pic: At least 180x180px
  • App Icons: 111x74px

Company Information Best Practices
As you’re filling out the informational content on your Facebook page, keep these best practices in mind:

  • Be specific and honest when you’re entering your profile information. Facebook is rumored to be hard at work improving their search functionality and when it (finally) does, you will want your brand profiles to be well-optimized.
  • Local pages can choose up to 3 subcategories. If your brand is local, do this!
  • The “start date” you choose will be the beginning of your Facebook timeline. If the brand is well-established or has a rich history, you may want to select the date the company was founded and then fill in company milestones.

That’s it! You’re now the proud owner of a Facebook Brand Page. Now that your page is set up, you’ll want to develop a smart content strategy and start a regular posting schedule. Stay tuned for tips on creating a killer Facebook content strategy…

Will Facebook Ads Overtake Google AdWords?


A little over a week ago Zynga’s stock price dropped below $5 for the first time. Now we are seeing Facebook ads and sponsored content popping up on Zynga.com, marking the first time these ads have appeared outside of the Facebook ecosystem.

So what you say? The move to utilize an existing partnership with the popular gaming company, Zynga, probably has many people thinking “Who cares if I see some ads for tractors while I’m trying to Farm my Ville?”

Don’t be fooled. It goes much deeper than that.

For starters, this is the first time Facebook Ads have been on another site, which likely means the start of a big advertisement push and expanding reach across the Web while answering critics’ questions about Facebook’s ability to generate actual revenue. This could mean a new round of challenges to Google and their online advertising business.

An interesting infographic  from Wordstream compares the two companies and examines their reach, revenue and performance.

A few interesting numbers to consider:

  • According to ComScore Data Mine: Google reached a billion unique visitors worldwide in May, while Facebook saw 713.6 million.
  • Facebook  generated $1.86 billion in ad revenue last year and sis expected to top $4 billion this year. Google reported $29.3 billion in overall revenues last year.
  • eMarketer estimates that Google had 38.5% of the online advertising market last year, compared to 4.6% for Facebook. The research firm also estimates that Facebook’s share will grow to 7% this year compared with 40.8% for Google.

Bottom line: Google is clearly the leader today in online advertising. Their ad creation tool is based on the keywords and match type that you select. As experts in knowing what users are searching, location and browsing history, Google takes advantage of this information by showing the most relevant ads to a user’s search query. But is your search query more important than who you are?

Facebook Ads focus in on the user. They have an endless supply of information from their users. Facebook’s ad creation tool asks for personal details about their users making it easy for marketers to target them through advertisements.

Of course, information like this may seem private and in-depth, but most of us have already forked over most of these details to them. For example, if I want to visit the Huffington Post website through their Facebook application just to read an article titled “Snooki’s Baby Bump,” I will have to give up valuable parts of my identity such such as my profile info, description, birthday, interests, likes…and my soul just for reading something about “Snooki.”

As marketers, it’s our job to figure out a strategy to create relevant ads for our clients and their products and services whether it’s using an advertising platform based on user intent or one based on user information.

Of course, ads are only going to generate money if they are relevant. And that is where Google thrives. It’s how we search for anything online, so its only logical Google’s definition of relevance matters.

However, on the flip side of things, ads are only relevant if they generate money. Confused?

Let’s put it this way, if marketers find Facebook ads more effective, they will not hesitate to use that over Google Adwords. Most businesses will try anything new and are not married to a particular method or strategy if they can find a better way to increase revenue and conversions while reducing costs.

A different approach to online advertising could be on the horizon with Facebook leading the way, if it can generate more ROI for businesses. If Facebook used this latest move with Zynga as a stepping stone into launching an off-site advertising network, would they be able to overcome Google’s hold in online advertising? For now, Google Adwords will maintain their dominance in the online advertising world but this could be the start of something big as Facebook extends its reach.

10 Advantages of Social Media Marketing for Your Business

Social media marketing is a highly valued element of any decent marketing strategy. The benefits of using social media marketing are so great, that anyone not implementing the cost-effective marketing resource is missing out on a phenomenal marketing opportunity.

According to Hubspot, 92% of all marketers claim that social media marketing is important for their business, with another 80% stating that their efforts increased traffic to their websites. It’s easy to see that social media marketing is definitely making waves in the marketing field and many marketers report realizing the potential for business growth, however they are unsure of the best method.

Social Media Examiner states that 97% of marketers are currently participating in social media, but 85% of participants aren’t sure what social media tools are the best to use. There seems to be some uncertainty when it comes to social media marketing. With our help, we will diminish the confusion by thoroughly explaining the best ways to use social media to market your business.

There are an immense amount of benefits of using social media to market your business. We’ve chosen 10 to highlight:

1. Increased Brand Recognition

Social media marketing is one of the most cost-efficient digital marketing methods to syndicate your content and increase your business visibility. Implementing a social media strategy will greatly increase your brand recognition because your business will be reaching such a broad audience of consumers. To get started, create social media profiles for your business and begin networking. Have employees, partner businesses, sponsors, your mother, anyone “like” and “share” your business content on social media. Simply having content “liked” and “shared” makes your business more visible to new consumers which will lead to retaining customers. The more people who know about your business, the better – and social media is a fantastic outlet for showing people what your business is about. Social media marketing increases any businesses’ ROI (return on investment).

2. Improved Brand Loyalty

According to a report by Texas Tech University, brands who engage on social media channels enjoy higher loyalty from their customers. Social media creates the perfect environment for brands to communicate with their consumers and create a bond of brand loyalty. The report proves that brands who communicate with their customers on social media obtain higher levels of customer loyalty.

The millennial consumer generation is known for being the most brand loyal generation of all. The millennial generation is the largest generation in US history – born between the early 1980’s and the early 2000’s – and will soon completely consume the market. Studies show that the millennial consumer generation is 80% more likely to use a brand again if they are pleased with their first purchase. With these technology natives requiring communication between themselves and their brands, businesses must implement social media marketing to catch the eye of the most influential consumer.

3. More Opportunities for Conversion

The more visibility your business has, the better. Every blog post, image, video, or comment may lead viewers to your company website, providing the opportunity for traffic conversion. Social media marketing allows your business to give a positive impression. If a viewer comes across your content and has no need for your products or services, the consumer is more likely to think of your business when the need arises.

4. Higher Conversion Rates

There are several ways social media marketing results in higher conversion rates, the most prominent is its humanization factor. When brands are interactive by sharing content, commenting, and posting statuses on social media, it personifies a brand. People prefer to do business with other people, rather than companies.

Studies have also shown that social media has a 100% higher lead-to-close rate than outbound marketing. When a brand is interactive on social media, consumers who follow your brand’s social media accounts often gain more trust for your brand and view your business as more credible. People use social media platforms to stay connected to their friends, family, and communities. Since people are already talking, why not throw your brand into the mix? More likely than not, they’ll mention your brand to a friend when your products or services are needed, overall providing your business with social proof of its quality. Putting your brand in an atmosphere where people are sharing, liking, and talking, can only improve the conversion rates on your existing traffic.

5. More Brand Authority

When consumers see your business posting on social media – a marketing strategy that only top businesses use – it makes your business appear more credible. Interacting with your customers frequently demonstrates that your business cares about customer satisfaction, and is available to answer any questions that customers might pose. When a satisfied customer wants to spread the word about a great product or service they received from your business, they often turn to social media (especially if social media is the platform where they heard about your business in the first place). Having authentic customers mentioning your business on social media will advertise your business to an even broader audience. The average person has over 300 friends on Facebook, that’s 300 more people that will hear about your business if they scroll through their news feed.

6. Increased Inbound Traffic

Without marketing your business on social media, your inbound traffic is limited to your usual customers. The people familiar with your brand are likely searching for the same keywords you already rank for. You’ll have much more difficulty reaching anyone outside of your loyal customer circle (if you have loyal customers) without social media marketing. Every social media profile you add to your marketing mix (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Vine, etc.) is a gateway to your website, and every piece of content you post is another opportunity to acquire a new customer. Social media is a melting pot of different types of people from different cultures and backgrounds, and no two people have the same profile. With different people come different needs and different ways of thinking. Perhaps someone in an older demographic of consumers will search your website for the same keywords, however a millennial generation consumer could think totally differently. By marketing on social media, you are opening your business to versatile consumers all over the world.

7. Cost-Effective

Social media marketing is the most cost-efficient advertising strategy. Once you obtain a few satisfied customers who are vocal about their positive purchase experience, you can sit back and let the advertising be done for you by actual customers who enjoyed your product or service.

According to Hubspot, 84% of marketers found that as little as 6 hours a week spent on social media marketing efforts saw a benefit of reduced marketing expenses. Even paid advertising through Facebook and Twitter is the cheapest form of marketing compared to other methods. If paid advertising on social media is the way you decide to go, you can always start small and watch your conversion rates rise, which will pay off the money you initially put in.

8. Better Search Engine Rankings (SEO)

Search engine ranking is very important for obtaining traffic to your business website. More than 58% of marketers who have been using social media for one year or longer improved search engine rankings. Ranking in the top positions in SEO for your keywords will revolutionize your traffic. Let’s face it, everyone uses Google to find information, and they likely won’t click “Next Page” because they don’t have to, they’ll find the answer within the first URLs they click on. If your business website isn’t ranked high in search engine results, you should probably adjust your marketing strategy.

Although posting on social media might get your business some site traffic, more is required to succeed at social media marketing. First, you must create high quality content. Content such as blogs, infographics, facts, advertising your products or services, employee photos and events, and much more will make your business’s social media profile intriguing and credible. Once you begin posting quality content, you’ll begin to build a social media community. Your followers will “like” and “share” your content, which will give your business more visibility, however it is about quality over quantity. An engaged community is more likely to link to you, which will make your website rank higher in search engine results. Social media can be used to publish your content in order to obtain more links to your webpages, which will rank you higher in search engine results.

9. Overall Better Customer Experience

Social media is a networking and communication platform. Every customer interaction with your business on social media is an opportunity to publicly demonstrate your compassion for your customers. Whether a customer has a complaint you can address, or a compliment to give, social media allows you to address the matter in an interpersonal dialogue. A brand devoted to customer satisfaction that takes the time to compose personal messages will inherently be viewed in a positive light, even if responding to a customer complaint.

10. Improved Customer Insights

Hubspot reported that 69% of marketers found social platforms provided market place insights. Social media also gives you an opportunity to gain valuable information about what your customers are interested in. By monitoring comments, you can see customers’ blunt opinions of your business that you might not be aware of if your business didn’t have social media presence.

Another insightful aspect of social media marketing is the ability to segment your content syndication lists based on topic and identify what types of content generate the most interest and then produce more of that type of content. With social media marketing you have the ability to measure conversions based on different posts on various social media platforms to find the perfect combination to generate revenue.

Now Get Started

Still don’t know where to start? First, create your business’s social media profiles, next, post engaging content, gain some links to your webpages (which will improve your keyword search engine optimization), and boom: you’ve got yourself a functioning social media marketing strategy.

There are virtually no reasons not to implement social media marketing into your marketing strategy. Your competition is most likely already on social media. Don’t let your competitors hog the playing field. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll see growth in your business. There is no reason not to market on social media when the potential losses are statistically insignificant.

How to Find Success Using Groupon

has gone from hardly known location-based deal service just over five years ago to widely used, but little understood international high riser.

While Groupon now operates in 18 countries – the Chicago-based business offers a daily deal service with deep discounts to shoppers on everything from travel to restaurants to spa treatments – it’s an online channel that many seem to have trouble figuring out how to use effectively.

However, before you abandon the idea altogether consider these stats:

  • Between 55% and 61% of businesses running daily deals make money on the promotions
  • 50% of U.S. consumers are aware of Groupon, and 20% regularly receive emails from the site
  • 15% of U.S. mobile phone owners are registered users of daily deals services such as Groupon and Living Social
  • There are more than 9 million users of Groupon’s mobile app80.2% of social media users who follow brands use Groupon

Ok, you get the idea. But just because there is plenty of activity on Groupon, doesn’t automatically mean you’ll find success. Groupon’s not for everyone and if you don’t create and then execute a strategy tailored for your business, you might wind up losing.

Here are three tips and four tools for Groupon success.


  1. Stay connected. Don’t think of Groupon’s Daily Deal as just that: a daily deal. Effectively using Groupon means incorporating it as part of a long-term strategy.  Ask for feedback, encourage participants to connect via your social media channels – Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, etc. – and follow up with them after the sale. Once they’re in your web, you need to keep their attention.
  2. Estimate costs ratios.Not every business is ripe for Groupon. For example, if most of your items or services cost $5 a reduced offer might not make such a big ripple. Determine your costs and decide what percentage reduction you can live with. If you sell widgets and have 100 in stock, make sure you can live with ALL of them being sold at a discounted rate. It happens.

There is such a thing as using Groupon as a loss leader, but before you set out to lose money on the deal in order to raise awareness about your business, do some serious thinking, as well as calculations.

  1. Expect success.Sometimes too much success can be a bad thing. Be prepared for a large turnout. Make sure there are stipulations on Groupon deals. Try including an expiration date and put a limit on times of use.  Also, make sure you have enough people on the job to handle the increased traffic.


  1. Merchant Center.Earlier this year Groupon launched an overhauled dashboard that provides businesses insights based on performance. This tool – Merchant Center – condenses information and simplifies features that provide merchants with a “snapshot” of their featured deals’ performance.

It also offers valuable data from of deals including age, sex, zip codes, as well as customer feedback. Use this information to stay connected and understand your clients.

  1. Groupon Scheduler.Thisonline scheduling application will help any business that requires appointments to accept online bookings through Groupon. Even if you don’t have your own online booking website, Groupon’s system will handle the process for you.
  2. Groupon Rewards.The rewards program is an ideal tool to help with that all-important repeat business. Use it and your customers  automatically earnRewards when making purchases with  major credit cards. The information is  saved in their Groupon profile and is then processed through merchants’ existing payment systems. This Groupon program saves smaller businesses the very high costs of a technology most cannot afford.
  3. Groupon Now!  Through the personalized dashboard merhcants can manage the customer stream coming into their businesses in real-time. This will allow you to analyze theROIof these efforts and help make future promotional decisions. In addition, customers can immediately redeem  offers sent to their mobile devices and computers, while merchants gain the flexibility to start and stop Groupon Now! deals.

How to Take Advantage of the New Twitter Profile

Back in May 2014 Twitter officially switched everyone over to the new profile page. While the most visible changes are how the new Twitter looks like the Facebook Timeline page, there are some other notable adjustments that you can use to tell the world and your followers more about yourself or your business/brand:

  • Larger profile picture (400 x 400 pi)
  • Wide background photo (1500 x 500 pi)
  • Pinned Tweets
  • Popular tweets have enlarged text
  • Filtering tweets by “Tweets” and “Tweets & replies”
  • Favorites Tab

Profile and Background Photos

Twitter has enlarged its profile photo to 400 x 400  pi, but what really has caught people’s attention is how the background photo has been enlarged and stretched out to 1500 x 500 pi. The similarities to Facebook’s Timeline page are very obvious, but this isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

If there could be one possible downside of using Twitter as a business, brand, or even as an individual, it’s that it’s hard to display who or what you are through 160 character tweets. The new profile and background photos make up for that because your brand can be visually represented. Think of it as picking images for your homepage or landing page except simpler. What images are you going to put on your Twitter profile page to convey what your brand is, the products/services you provide, or to influence people to follow or tweet at you?

Here are some good examples of brands and celebrities who have effectively used the new photo layout of Twitter to promote or create awareness:


  • The background photo of Floyd Mayweather is not just stating the date of his next fight. It includes a face shot of him and his opponent, along with details of WHEN and WHERE it will happen. A casual follower of Mayweather or someone who visits his page might pay to watch the fight.



  • By presenting what is essentially a movie poster, Warner Bros. Pictures is engaging in a simple form of advertising for their upcoming films. Also, by switching out the background photo, Warner Bros. Pictures is routinely showing their followers and visitors new visual content that could help sway them towards watching the film.



  • With 4 images (and accompanying text) Web designer vip is able to communicate exactly what they service and specialize in. By laying that out visually in their background photo, Web designer vip  could potentially get customers from Twitter. This is a great model professional businesses could employ on their own Twitter profiles.

Organizing and Emphasizing Tweets

Let’s say you are making a big announcement but want to continue your constant stream of tweets throughout the day. Or you really like this one tweet that encapsulates your brand, and when people visit your Twitter it’s imperative that they see this particular set of 160 characters. Introduce pinned tweets! By ‘pinning’ a tweet, it will remain at the top of your tweets feed until you unpin it or put another tweet in its place. The one negative of pinning is that you can only pin a single tweet at a time. However, it is still useful in ensuring that the most important tweet gets seen by those that visit your profile.

The tweets that gather the most engagement (retweets, favorites, etc.) will actually have enlarged texts in your tweet feed. This will let visitors know, as well as you, of your most popular tweets. For visitors, it will visually garner attention to what your best content is while you will get to see what content is working at getting engagement.

Twitter is also now segmenting your tweets between the ones that you tweet out to everyone and conversations you have with individuals. If you start out a tweet with someone’s handle, only you and the account you tweeted at will be able to see it. That particular tweet will not be included in the feed of your followers, and they can only view it if they click on your “Tweets & replies” tab. This is useful because it provides you with some discretion when you want it. However, say you are having a conversation and you want all your followers to see it. The customary practice, then, is to put a period before the handle of the other individual’s account. By putting a  period or any other text before their handle when starting off a tweet, it will show up in all your followers’ feeds.

In the Twitter of old, favoriting a tweet was a spur-of-the-moment, carefree click. With the new update, however, a “Favorites” tab is available so that visitors are able to see each and every tweet you have ever favorited. You can cultivate your brand/business by only favoriting certain tweets, especially if you are an industry leader in your field and looked upon by your followers as a source of knowledge and inspiration.

Optimizing your images and tweeting for different categories (in lieu of the new profile) is only the first step in building and maintaining your Twitter presence. Twitter has recently announced a new tool to track organic analytics. Besides doing research behind what tweets are getting engagement, it’s also useful to tweet content that is relevant to your target audience and offers a unique and different angle from your other social mediums and website.

2014 Ecommerce Holiday Shopping: Tis’ the Season for Online Business

Ecommerce Holiday Shopping - The Season for Online Shopping

Though 2014 is coming to a close, 9 of the best online shopping days of the year are still to come, and online retailers still have much to do before the year is over. More shoppers are avoiding the craziness of the Black Friday shopping experience by ordering online instead, and the brave ones that do go to brick-and-mortar stores will use their mobile devices while there to check prices, read reviews, and seek as much information as they can before making a purchase. This means that more than ever before, ecommerce storefronts should be just as ready for a massive influx of customers during the holiday season as any offline store.

Much has changed in the digital landscape since the 2013 online holiday shopping season, but this year’s online shopping season will be bigger in just about every way, and the importance of capturing as many sales as possible during this period is as important as ever. To help you out we’ve compiled an infographic that will show you the numbers behind the most popular eCommerce shopping days for this upcoming holiday season.

Ecommerce Holiday Shopping The Season for Online Shopping
With the best online shopping day of last year, Cyber Monday, right around the corner, now is the time for online retailers to make sure their website is optimized to handle the increased traffic and online sales that come with the holiday season. In particular, this means making sure that your online presence is able to cater to mobile users, whether through a responsive website or mobile app. With 19% of digital sales set to come from mobile devices in 2014, and 18.3% and 22.2% of all Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales projected to come from mobile devices respectively, not having an optimized mobile presence means that your business is missing out on key revenue generating opportunities.

If you have a business that has a brick and mortar location, a mobile presence, and a website, keep in mind that 90% of customers are expecting a consistent user experience across all channels and devices this holiday season – a 17% increase from last year. If your business doesn’t have consistent branding across online and offline channels, time is running out to get your brand presence properly prepared for the influx of digital holiday shoppers. Your online business should be structured to make it easy for potential customers to find what they are looking for across all channels, and if that isn’t currently the case your business could be losing customers to competitors who have taken the time to properly prepare for the 2014 holiday season.

Which statistics were the most surprising to you? Let us know in the comments section below.

How a Good PR Team Can Directly Influence Your SEO

How PR Helps Increase Organic Rankings

With today’s digital marketing landscape in a constant state of flux, businesses are tasked with finding newer, smarter ways of fostering and maintaining a strong online presence. Google’s most recent algorithm updates have shown that in order to succeed in today’s digital marketplace, websites need to shift their focus towards producing high quality content. This is exactly where the value of a skilled Public Relations team comes into play.

In the traditional sense of the phrase, “Public Relations” is a strategic communication process that sets out to build a mutually beneficial relationship between a brand, organization, or person, and an audience. In terms of digital marketing, PR professionals have a massive skillset that aligns perfectly with smart SEO tactics. From story creation to audience targeting and relationship building, PR is the next step for brands that want to increase organic traffic.

Crafting Relevant Content

In a world where content is rapidly becoming the go-to for SEO, PR professionals are perfect brand advocates and story tellers, capable of enhancing a site’s ranking by getting stellar, keyword-rich content the attention it deserves. Savvy PR professionals work with reporters, bloggers, and industry influencers on a daily basis, and know how to create unique stories for any audience.

PR Best Practices
Google’s more recent algorithm updates have brought PR practices to the forefront of SEO by emphasizing the meaning of quality onsite content. On the heels of these updates, pure link building is growing less and less viable and businesses need to shift their strategies from old link building tactics like submitting to directories to getting their brand mentioned in articles on highly authoritative sites.From a PR standpoint, the most effective content includes pieces that are timely, easily digestible, visually enticing, and available for consumption on multiple devices for the modern, on-the-go reader. Content with clear messaging and a strong call to action will convert audiences from a passive viewer to an engaged brand advocate.

Identifying Your Audience

A good PR team already knows the secret to effective content is creating what your audience is searching for. On top of spinning relevant stories, PR pros possess an additional advantage when it comes to successful content creation: knowing what audiences to target, and how.

Strategic research identifies new opportunities to target the various demographics of a brand’s audience, enabling a business to better determine what needs of their audience are not being met. Creating tailored content for these audiences will satisfy loyal brand ambassadors, while forging new relationships and creating new customers through viral content sharing.

Know Your Audience
Additionally, where a piece of content will see the most success needs to be considered before relevant outreach can begin. Understanding whether or not the content will be best consumed on Twitter, small but targeted blogs, or information-rich slide decks is an important first step to creating content that people will actually read and link to from their own sites. A good PR team knows that even if you have the most relevant piece of content for your target audience, if it’s not presented in the right medium it will go unnoticed.Social media, and Twitter in particular, is all about sustaining a relevant conversation with users and has become a key avenue for PR professionals to curate brand stories with bloggers, journalists, and everyone in-between, on a daily basis. Maintaining well-established relationships with key influencers enhances brand credibility with targeted audiences, and brings new viewers and potential clients to your website.

Building Strategic Relationships

PR professionals, similar to SEO experts, recognize the importance of building key relationships with relevant industry authorities. Such relationships, whether with reporters and bloggers, industry experts and tastemakers, or other businesses in the same field, help establish a brand as an authoritative source online. Once established as a credible source, links, whether permanent or temporary, are obtained with greater ease.

Building Strategic Relationships
Earning high-quality links and placements for relevant content helps your site gain link equity and increase keyword rankings while staying within SEO best practices. Implied links, otherwise known as brand mentions, are an equally important PR tactic in which a high authority domain links to your site without providing a link. Google’s so-called Panda Patent, filed in early 2014, assures that branded mentions are now being taken into account when Google determines how authoritative a website is on a certain topic. While they lack the same SEO value as an actual link to a site, they can help your business rank for keywords that are relevant and drive qualified traffic to your website from search engines. This is what PR professionals have been doing for decades in print, and it’s quickly gaining prominence in the digital world.By building links and placing stories with a diverse set of relevant and authoritative sites, a good PR team will help position a brand as an authority in its field. With the proper PR outreach, your site will experience measurable traffic and sales increases while gaining a new level of brand loyalty from audiences.

In Summary

Search engines are evolving away from old school SEO tactics like blog comment spam and directory submissions, and as a result the value that PR brings to increasing organic traffic is steadily growing. With focus shifting from haphazard link building to quality content creation, brands now have the potential to build authority in their fields, engage in meaningful conversations with their target audiences, and encourage content sharing through social media and more traditional PR tactics.

From knowing what audiences to target with the proper content, to effective link building and story placing, a seasoned PR team will enhance the quality of your website’s SEO, build your brand as an authority, and create awareness that generates new clients.

How does PR contribute to your SEO efforts? Let us know in the comments section below.

5 Reasons Your Competitors are Stealing Your Online Sales


There are very few things that are more frustrating for a business than to see your potential customers get stolen by a competitor. Many businesses know this is happening to them, but can’t identify precisely why they are losing sales to their competition.

More often than not, online businesses surrender potential customers to competitors because they don’t have an optimized conversion funnel that seamlessly leads users from the initial discovery of their brand all the way to an actual conversion goal. As a result, users look for other websites that have better online marketing visibility, a better understanding of what kind of content they are looking for, and a clearer navigation path to purchase a product or service.

While the specifics of addressing these issues on your website might sound too complicated to easily solve, more often than not, 1 of 5 issues is effecting your brand’s site in one way or another, and needs to be addressed to keep your competition from stealing away a piece of your online revenue.

1) Lack of Promotion Across Multiple Digital Marketing Channels

When it comes to properly promoting your brand online, using different digital marketing channels is an absolute necessity. While an online business should obviously take the time to identify which channels are going to provide the best ROI from their budget, effectively using a variety of different digital marketing channels can take an online marketing campaign from decent to truly great. This is particularly true if you are an ecommmerce brand, as there are many options that can get you great results:

One of the best examples of multiple online channels coming together to help a business achieve better results is the advantages pay-per-click marketing can provide when coupled together with search engine optimization. Both channels are extremely effective on their own, but when a business is able to lock down the #1 position for a keyword on both organic and paid channels, studies have found that organic click through rate go up substantially.

If your competitors have both the top paid and organic positions for a keyword you’re trying to rank for, potential customers are being siphoned away from your business. The reasons for this are pretty straightforward – users feel more comfortable converting with a competitor who has the brand legitimacy to rank well organically, but also has the budget to advertise. When combined, users see a brand with high paid and organic positions as an industry leader. Even if you rank in the first position for an organic keyword and a competitor ranks second, if they have paid ads and you don’t they could be stealing substantial amounts of potential customers from you.

2) Limited Content Optimization

In a time where content is playing an increasingly large role in SEO success, many businesses are getting their sales stolen because they are missing high quality content on their website that provides value to customers and builds loyalty. With 71% of marketers actively increasing their investment in content marketing during 2014, not creating effective content is no longer acceptable for an online business.

There was a time when it was acceptable to have a blog on a website that featured 250-word posts that provided little practical value to users, but helped SEO rankings. All that was required was a good understanding of what search engines were looking for, and the technical SEO knowledge to create posts that specifically targeted the keywords a business wanted. These tactics have become increasingly ineffective as Google has grown its algorithms to better understand and rank content like a real user would.

Content should be high quality, and should build lasting customer loyalty at the top of any conversion funnel so that users come back and eventually purchase a product or service after many interactions with your brand. For businesses that still aren’t doing this, traffic (as well as SEO rankings) are being squandered to competition that is willing to put in the time and effort it takes to create content users love. Don’t let your competition steal your customers. If you provide your users with content that keeps them engaged with your business, your can make sure that online sales aren’t being squandered.

3) Failure to Include Personalization

A trend that is quickly becoming common for online businesses is the idea of personalizing content for specific users based on their needs. Marketing personalization requires a better understanding of your customer’s wants and needs through demographics. Once you have a good idea of what they are looking for, you can tailor content to specifically for them.

With more than 32% of online retailers not using any sort of website personalization at all in 2014, there is a huge opportunity for brands to get ahead of the competition and win new customers at a competitor’s expense. Some great tools that can be used to do this are remarketing display and search ads, email newsletters, and even building out segments of your website that have specific segments of your audience in mind with unique customer names or welcome messages included, and then driving a target demographic to those pages. This makes it easier for your business to engage users and bring them content at all parts of your conversion funnel that is more tailored to the specific product or service that they might be looking to purchase.

If you aren’t personalizing content for your users you vould be giving them content they find uninteresting. This leaves the door wide open for competitors to more effectively get a user’s attention with content that is specifically tailored for them. This gives your competition an opportunity to come in and steal a potential customer from you.

4) Poor Mobile Presence

One of the most widely publicized ways that businesses are getting traffic and potential customers stolen from them by competitors is by not having an optimized mobile presence. 74% of marketers that are on mobile already are planning on scaling up their spending in the next two years, and if your business isn’t on mobile already not starting now will leave your brand even further behind the competition.

87% of US millennial smartphone users claim that: “My smartphone never leaves my side, night or day,” so it is little wonder that businesses need to take steps to optimize their brand on the devices their customers frequent. Particularly with Google’s recent mobile update that shows users in their mobile search results which websites will perform poorly on mobile devices, businesses need to take a serious look at optimizing their websites for mobile devices or risk losing large swathes of potential customers in both the short and long term.

If that isn’t enough of a reason to take mobile seriously, Google ranks websites for key search engine queries based on whether or not they are responsive. So even if your business doesn’t get many (or even any) sales from mobile devices, not having a mobile presence could still be hurting the amount of sales you’re closing by effectively gifting keywords you should be ranking for to competitors who have a website that can more effectively cater to mobile users.

5) Website Designs that Don’t Convert Traffic

One of the best ways to make sure that your competitors aren’t stealing your online sales is to make your online point of sale convert as much traffic as possible. This means creating a website that is visually stimulating to a user, but is primarily built to convert them into customers.

A great way to make sure users can convert easily is to map out your website’s navigation in a way that is logical to users and gets them from the initial point of entry on your website to your website’s conversion pages quickly and efficiently. This means that there should be a clear structure to your website that never leaves users stranded on pages they aren’t interested in. A great way to make sure everything is working as it should is to keep a close eye on your website’s analytics – particularly on metrics like bounce rate, exit rate, and time on page.

Straightforward navigation is important, but in order to make sure you’re converting as much traffic as possible, your business should always be testing new elements on your website to understand what gets people converting at the highest rate possible. They might seem like small, relatively innocuous pieces of a website, but things like color, size, CTA copy, and page layout can play huge roles in your website’s conversion rate, and only through testing can you find the right combination to get the highest possible amount of users converting.

Only 41% of digital marketing decision makers are currently using A/B testing tools to do this, so taking advantage of the benefits conversion rate optimization now is a great way to get ahead of your competition and pry some of your competitors’ customers towards your business.

Don’t Let Your Competition Rob You Blind

When you feel like your businesses is losing online sales to a competitor it is easy to think that your business is offering a product or service that isn’t measuring up to your competition. However, a lot of the time it has less to do with the quality of the product, and more to do with making sure that your online conversion funnel is set up to capture as much of your target customer base as possible.

The common issues that we’ve covered that lead to a competitor stealing your potential customers are often easily taken care of as long as your business has the proper time, knowledge, and resources to make sure that they are properly addressed. If you’ve seen your online revenue take a nosedive because a competitor is hijacking your potential customers, let our website design and online marketing experts take care of everything and get your business the sales and brand recognition it deserves.

Marketing Nation Roadshow: Innovation in the Nation


As a digital marketer, once in a while it’s wise to just take a break, sit back, and listen in on the advice of the top digital marketing leaders for a refreshing perspective. That’s exactly what I did last week (October 21, 2014) when I attended the Marketing Nation’s event at the Westin Times Square, which highlighted the importance of engagement marketing in today’s digital landscape. After enjoying snacks from Starbucks, we sat down to hear from Robin Bordoli, GM of Consumer Marketing at Marketo, an engagement marketing software company.

Bordoli began the presentation by outlining the best ways for marketers to engage with their audience, and highlighted Michael Pollan’s “In Defense of Food”, where Pollan dissects the food industry and summarizes it into 7 simple words: Eat food, mostly plants, not too much. He then applied this genius concept of simplistic thinking to the digital marketing world, and translated our world of fast-paced innovation into the following: Build long-term personalized relationships with your customers.

It is often difficult to think of relationships when working on such a large scale, but when looking at the relationships in your own life, you may realize the intensity and power associated with a relationship. So, how can we translate and incorporate the strength of a relationship into our digital marketing efforts?

Bordoli moved on to mention the famous quote from Albert Einstein who said, “insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”, and then asked the crowd what they needed to do differently to elicit a change in their marketing efforts. This stress on growing a relationship with each individual user is the key to winning with engagement marketing.

The 7 principles of engagement marketing, according to Bordoli, were highlighted and extrapolated upon in the next portion of his presentation. They are as follows:

  1. As individuals: The frequency, time frame, devices used, and other factors may change in importance for each individual user. It is the responsibility of us as marketers to reach each user as an individual.
  2. Based on what they do: Find the relevance between what you want to say and what a user is interested in, also known as behavior-based marketing. Market to them based on what they do rather than who they are.
  3. Continuously over time: Compare a relationship with a current or potential customer to the strong relationships in your own life, and realize that you are not marketing a single campaign, but a long-term relationship.
  4. Wherever they are: Learn and understand the concept of omni-channel marketing. Customers are now engaging on 3 or more channels, and it is your job to engage with themwhenever they are, and understand the importance of each individual channel in the process.
  5. Always directed towards a goal: Measurability and accountability are key. Whatever the goal may be, whether to buy, advocate, renew, or any other conversion goal, make sure that you are explicit about your goal and the journey you are taking your audience through.
  6. With measurable impact: Demonstrate if you have met your goal. If you are unable to measure your marketing efforts, you are unsure if they are successful or not.
  7. At the speed of digital: How do you as a marketing team move at the speed of digital and keep up with the innovations to give your customer or audience what they want?

The Marketing Nation Roadshow event incorporated the experience of various industry professionals, including Tara-Nicholle Nelson, VP of Marketing at MyFitnessPal, and Julie Cottineau, Founder & CEO of BrandTwist and Brand School Online. Each speaker stressed the importance of engagement marketing in the industry today, and shared ways that a strong engagement marketing strategy will help you meet the demands of the dynamic marketplace.

Press Release Tips: Best Practices To Help Your Website

Press Release Best Practices Featured Image

An Overview of Press Releases

Press releases are a great way to bring your website extra traffic, improve your domain authority, and provide increased brand recognition, as long as they’re used appropriately. When press releases net any of these “bonuses,” it can be tempting to increase the frequency of distribution. After all, if one press release can bring in over thousands of pageviews, what could go wrong?

Unfortunately, press releases also can bring negative attention to your website, hurt your domain authority, and decrease trust when written on less newsworthy items. Below we’ll break down the reasons why press releases should be seen as “bonus content,” and not a dependable avenue for growing your website.

Press Release Best Practices

So, if press releases improve your website, how can they also harm it? Every negative aspect of press releases are manifested in three distinct ways: oversaturation, perceived value, and repetitive links. Let’s take a look at why this happens, and how we can work together to avoid them.

Oversaturation & Perceived Value

When the benefits of press releases become obvious to companies, it makes sense to release them more often. Shouldn’t this mean that potential clients, investors, journalists, and industry insiders will more often see your business as an essential resource?

Releasing press releases too often results in oversaturation, making it less likely that a reader will follow a link to the website. Consider press releases in the context of the exclamation point. When a sentence is followed by an exclamation point, it adds additional weight to the sentence, and makes it seem important. For example, “Blue Fountain Media publishes a new blog!” In this context, the exclamation point serves to make the reader excited about what Blue Fountain Media may have published.

However, consider this sentence: “Blue Fountain Media publishes a new blog!!!!!!!” Not only do the additional exclamation points undermine the authority of the statement, but each exclamation point also undermines each previous exclamation point, until the value has decreased to such a degree as to make each following exclamation point ineffectual.

The same is true of press releases. When released too often, no matter how newsworthy the press release is, each subsequent press release undermines not only the authority, but also the importance of the following release. This is reflected in both “Reads” and “Pickups” through measurement platforms like Vocus. For Blue Fountain Media, in months in which two press releases were published, the number of pickups on each release was noticeably lower than in months where only one release was published. In months where two press releases are sent out, our first press release of the month averages about 300 pickups:

First Press Release of the Month
Compared to about 250 pickups for the second press release of the month:

Second Press Release of the Month
The best practices for frequency are as follows:

  • Only release press releases for newsworthy events, such as new product offerings, new statistical information on your business, and relevant news in your industry directly affecting your business or products.
  • Release no more than two press releases a month, though one is preferable.

Repetitive Links

For a long time, Google viewed links from sites like PRWeb as valid links to your website, which increased your domain authority, page authority, and your website’s position in organic search results. This, however, is no longer the case. Google now views PRWeb releases as “paid links,” and while this doesn’t result in negative SEO when used appropriately, they’re best used in moderation for the following reasons.

  1. Google grants higher domain authority to websites with a varied backlink profile. This means that the sites Google sees as most important are the ones with few links from many sites, as opposed to many links from few sites.
  2. Press releases link to your website. If other inbound links aren’t present, this looks bad to search engines. It means that the only sites in your industry or otherwise willing to give you a link are the sites you’ve paid to link to you.

This doesn’t mean that press releases in moderation will negatively affect your SEO and organic search results for relevant keywords. In fact, press releases can bring limited SEO value when used appropriately, even though they’re no follow links. However, what’s most important is to also focus on creating great content, like infographics, blogs, and slideshares, which other resources and industry experts may link to, creating a varied backlink profile. This tells Google that you matter in your industry, and that you more than likely have information on your website that would be valued by users.

In Summary

As with almost every aspect of content, it’s important to remember that quality beats quantity. While publishing press releases regularly is essential to get your brand out there and receive additional traffic, your readers come first. Don’t simply publish something because you haven’t put out a press release in a while. Ensure it’s something that reflects your brand, ensure it’s well written, and, most importantly, ensure it’s newsworthy.

– See more at: http://www.bluefountainmedia.com/blog/press-release-tips/#sthash.aaHtMaq5.dpuf

Social Media Management: How to Measure Social Media ROI

Social Media Marketing ROI Featured Image

You’ve set up your social media profiles, created stellar design assets, and have an appealing, well-defined voice for your brand. But how do you truly measure social media marketing success? While making lasting connections and growing your fan base is important, knowing how to measure and capitalize on your brand’s social media ROI is vital to the success of your marketing campaign.

To help businesses tackle this challenge, we’ve assembled the following tips on how to understand and measure social media marketing ROI.

Define Your Social Goals

Many brands that report having difficulty measuring SMM ROI have not defined specific, tangible goals. Often, businesses just want to have a presence on social media because their competitors have one and they feel like they should too – but they don’t stop to consider how it is going to add real value to their business. A brand cannot measure success without an end game in mind – therefore the first step in measuring ROI is to establish the goals you would like to achieve through social media and build a strategy to compliment your efforts.

Goals should be specific, realistic, quantifiable, and have a set deadline by which goals should be met in order to effectively measure success. Whether you are just trying to generate brand awareness, drive new traffic to your webpage, generate more engagement, or increase your sales numbers, you need to understand what the goals are so you can build an appropriate strategy.

Tailor Your Metrics

A big part of meeting your goals is to understand what social metrics are the most important for your business. There are three key metrics to monitor – reach, engagement, and conversion.

Reach will define how many users were impacted by your social media content. If the entire world of social media is ignoring your message, your strategy is inefficient and you’ll fail to produce results. Reach gives brands a decent understanding of how appealing the message is to their target demographic. Businesses can measure reach by tracking metrics like number of followers, connections, page likes, and subscribers. Most networks like Facebook and Twitter have analytics reports to easily track these numbers.

Engagement is determined through clicks, retweets, mentions, shares, comments, and other elements that require a brand to actively engage with your business. An increase in engagement is obtained by creating valuable content that inspires your followers to involve themselves with your brand. If your engagement levels are low, your brand should consider reworking its strategy to improve the timing of posts as well as the message being delivered to potential customers. Engagement can be tracked organically, through most platforms but as with reach, there are a number of third-party services available to marketers as well. We highly recommend Sprout Social, Klout, and Radian6 as viable options to track your brand’s engagement levels.

Conversions can be the most difficult to track on social media, and pose the greatest problem for the inexperienced community manager. Conversions define which users took an action because of your message and entered the lead-generation funnel. Conversions can be tracked through registrations for webinars, content downloads, form completions, etc. It is essential to your tracking success to measure these values in Google Analytics or another analytics platform that you can add to a social media landing page on a website you have control over. Leverage this service by using the campaign tracking feature, creating traceable links, and determining a goal tracking strategy to identify your online conversions. Google Analytics offers an online course to users who are inexperienced with the platform. Check it out, here.

Understand Your Results

Success is subjective to circumstance, and whether you’re looking to expand your reach, drive high levels of engagement, or convert fans into customers, being able to understand which key performance indicators are right for your ROI is vital to the success of your campaign.


Facebook Emerges as a Key Player in Online Advertising

Look out Google, Facebook is here to play in the world of online advertising.

A competitor of Google’s well known ad platform, Adwords, has come into the fray with the release of a new ad network run by Facebook in the first few days of October. Facebook has made this possible through their recent acquisition of Microsoft’s Atlas, an ad network that lets them market to users when they’re on and off of the platform.

After a redesign, Facebook will launch their own version of Atlas that will quantify and implement the user data of the over 1.3 billion people on Facebook. Yes, your posts, statuses, likes, and other actions on Facebook will all be taken into account when displaying ads to specific demographics and target audiences, which could someday give Facebook a leg up over Google’s paid advertising options.

How will this make Facebook a viable competitor to Google, the king of online advertising?

Facebook’s online advertising strategy could go into much deeper detail compared to Google’s by providing advertisers with more information about their target audiences. Not only that, but Facebook is also reportedly giving marketers a better picture of where their ads will be displayed and providing them with predictions of how users will react to the ads they are being shown. Facebook could start a new and more thorough trend of analysis overview for online advertising.

Instead of just trying to generate clicks and explain user behaviors after the results of a campaign have been analyzed, Facebook’s ad network is said to provide more information about conversions, impressions, clicks, and other key performance indicators about users before a campaign even launches.

How will Facebook use user-collected data to their advantage to reach audiences at the right time?

Facebook will implement their understanding of all the collected data from their users over the years along with the new version of Atlas feature that has the bandwidth to track individuals without using cookies or sessions. With so much user data from the 1.3 billion people who have created a Facebook account, and with the ability to present offline ads, Facebook has the potential to grow as a leading player in online advertising in the near future.

Straying away from the typical strategy of showing advertisements to a specific target audience, Facebook’s online advertising platform will go deeper by displaying advertisements to a slice of a target audience that is more likely to convert. Facebook is also focusing in on displaying different ads depending on where in the buyer journey a user is. By giving more precise timing options to marketers on when they display their ads to users, Facebook’s advertising platform is giving marketers a better chance of success with their ads by serving them at points in the sales funnel that they were meant to be viewed by users. This is a smarter way of ad targeting that is beneficial not just for businesses and marketers, but for users as well.

Should your business consider using Facebook’s online advertising platform?

If Facebook’s online advertising platform is everything that it’s worked up to be, all businesses and industries should at least consider using Facebook’s new service in their overall digital marketing strategy. Besides the level of detail and increased insights that the new online advertising platform supposedly provides compared to Google Adwords, it might already be a no-brainer for businesses that have already established a brand presence on Facebook, and it can act as the next step for them to get users already liking their Facebook page and activity to actually become customers. The platform is still very new, but it might be worth checking out for businesses looking to drive more traffic to their website, generate more online sales, and grow their online presence both on and off of Facebook.

Who is currently on Facebook?

The number of Facebook users at 1.3 billion is astounding, and holds room for unlimited potential for businesses looking to implement the new online advertising platform. With more and more users expected to join Facebook every year, what target audience or demographic could you not find on the social media giant? Despite its enormous user size and expected growth, marketers must understand that Facebook’s ad platform is different from Google’s and also know that Facebook’s user-collected data defines who they can target with their ads. For example, of the current 1.3 billion people on Facebook, mobile users across the globe number over 1 billion.

The largest demographic on Facebook is between the ages of 25-34, but there are other large, active, demographics with different age groups too. Chances are, if you have a business and wish to utilize Facebook’s online advertising platform to reach your target audience, they are already there.

With Facebook’s acquisition of Atlas and years of stock-piled data collection on its users, expect to see a change towards more people-based marketing that advertises not on a target demographic level, but on an individual one.


Using Instagram for Business: Instagram Best Practices You Need to Know

Instagram Best Practices Featured Image

This post was originally published on 9/25/14 and has since been updated.

Companies have realized that Instagram is another opportunity to market their products in a visual and lifestyle-centric manner, and when you scroll through your Instagram feed nowadays, it usually doesn’t take a lot of swipes before you come upon branded or marketed posts. You have to wonder though, how are these businesses or companies making money by being on Instagram, and should my business be on it too? So before we go over some best practices that you can implement if you do decide to add Instagram to your social marketing plan, here are some positive and negative takeaways about the image-based platform that can help you make a decision.

Users are on Instagram to take and post photos of a myriad of different things, but one thing that remains constant is that they are centered on a user’s lifestyle. That’s what Instagram is, a consumer platform that has content based on the livelihood of consumers. You need product or service images with lifestyle themes that act as soft product pushes to attract your target audience. While a lot of these issues are easily resolved, a real downfall of Instagram for marketers is that it does not support hyperlinked URLs on posts and only in a profile’s bio. If you have to spend a lot of time trying to think of how to visually show your products or services on Instagram, then the platform is probably not for you. Simply put, a clothing store is going to have a much easier time marketing itself on Instagram than a law firm.

If you do decide that Instagram could work for your business or company, here are some realistic expectations that you should set when starting to implement it into your social media marketing strategy. When managing and posting on Instagram, you should think of the platform as a brand-centric avenue to connect with your target audience outside the realm of sales transactions. Show your customers your personality and make your brand memorable. If you do want to keep track of how much you’re getting out of investing in Instagram, start by monitoring your engagement level on your posts and the number of follows you are receiving on a weekly or monthly basis. Seeing a visible increase in your online ROI immediately after creating a branded Instagram account is very unlikely, and it could take some time before you see an actual uptick. It’s best to think of Instagram as atop of the funnel conversion tool that can grow your brand awareness and initially track potential customers.

Still interested in creating an Instagram account for your business or company? Here are some best practices that I took away from the best brands on Instagram that should help you get started:

1) Keep a Balanced Content Calendar

Instagram is a lifestyle-based consumer oriented platform, and your content calendar should also reflect that with an even amount of product and lifestyle-focused images. What does your ideal customer do in their free time? Post lifestyle photos that you think would interest them, but stay true to what you want your brand to represent. Kate Spade’s Instagram account is a great example of finding the right balance between product and lifestyle images photos with the seamless integration of products into their lifestyle shots. Not only is Kate Spade featuring their products on Instagram, they are showing their target audience who they are in terms of company culture.

Kate Spade Instagram

Kate Spade NY Instagram

2) Avoid Posting More Than Once per Day

You do not want to be the annoying brand that your followers see every single time they swipe through their feed. Instagram is not like Twitter in terms of sending out content or material every hour or so like clockwork. Images say a lot more than words, so put some time and thought into your Instagram posts to maximize their effect on your audience.

In order to garner the most attention from your posts, it’s essential to post when your followers and potential customers are active on Instagram. The most optimal time to post will vary depending on your business or industry, but anytime around regular business hours (8 AM – 9 PM) should be a good time to post content that your audience sees and engages with. Some weekend hours are also a good time to post on Instagram, seeing as there is less competition among other brands, but the ideal time to post on weekends is going to vary based on industry.

3) Show Your Product At Work

Compared to other platforms, Instagram is much more personal for your target audience because of the image-based nature of the channel. To really speak to them, your Instagram profile should feature images of your products in everyday use, or how a customer would interact with your products. The Skimm, a daily email newsletter for women, posts what look like natural photos of how their consumers might interact with their product. As a large majority of their target audience reads their email in the morning, you can see in the below image how the Skimm has incorporated a breakfast photo with their email newsletter opened on an iPhone.

The Skimm Instagram

4) Tell Your Followers On Other Social Media Platforms That You’re on Instagram

If you don’t tell your followers on your Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms that you’re on Instagram, it’s very unlikely that they will discover your Instagram account. Include the Instagram social button on your website and email newsletters. Cross promote your social media accounts with creative and fun promos and competitions to encourage your followers on Facebook or Twitter to follow you on Instagram as well. By successfully leveraging your audience from your other social media channels, you can gain more initial followers and engagement on Instagram.


Digital Agency Structure: How It Can Help Your Business


In today’s age of online marketing, the responsibility of maintaining a strong digital presence is very difficult to manage along with the hectic schedule of running a business. Simply having a website is no longer enough to effectively engage your business’ audience while generating quality leads. A digital marketing strategy must be implemented that is consistent across all online channels, and it must be carried out in a way that catches the interest of users along all points of the conversion funnel.

This can be difficult to do unless a business has a large internal team that is dedicated to online marketing. If this is not the case, employing the services of a digital agency to take care of your digital marketing efforts is a smart and reliable way to boost your overall business ROI. To grow a brand’s online presence, a digital agency operates with the coordination and expertise of an entire marketing department.

A good digital agency is comprised of different teams that are dedicated to researching a business’ target audience, staying up to date on the latest digital and industry trends, and crafting an online experience for users that will eventually guide them towards a conversion. Each department coordinates together to create the best online marketing campaign for your business, starting with the Chief Marketing Officer.

Chief Marketing Officer

After a business decides to work with a digital agency, the CMO will discuss with the client about the goals and expectations for growing a more effective online presence that will help generate more sales. It is the CMO’s job to understand the needs of a business and to help plan a unique digital marketing strategy by setting a realistic timeline of when to expect results, gauging the involvement of each team depending on the goals of the business, and ensuring that the tactics and techniques utilized are the best options for an individual business’ industry and target audience.

Once a plan is in place, the CMO will assign responsibilities to each team and routinely check up on them to make sure that they are completing tasks correctly and as scheduled. Furthermore, they will make sure that there is effective cohesion between each marketing manager and their teams to create a unified campaign for the client’s business across multiple digital marketing channels.

Marketing Managers

The Marketing Manager coordinates the efforts of the Strategy, SEO, PPC, and Social Media Marketing teams to the specifics laid out in the client’s initial strategic marketing plan. The Marketing Manager also keeps in regular communication with the client, and updates them on the work that is being completed by each team. If the work is not satisfactory for any reason, the Marketing Manager will discuss changes and recommend solutions to the client and relay the appropriate steps that need to be taken by each team.

By maintaining a running dialogue between the different teams and the client, the Marketing Manager plays a vital role in making sure that the end result will not only be effective in accomplishing the client’s business goals, but also aligning with the marketing goals that the client desires.

Strategy Team

The Strategy team develops a plan revolving around how the client’s business will interact with users online while defining the role of each online marketing channel. By researching the target demographic and the brand’s particular industry online, the Strategy team formulates what platforms, mediums, and brand voice will engage users with the business’ online presence and increase conversions.

By also doing a competitive analysis, the Strategy team will see how the business’ competition interacts with users across channels like SEO and PPC, and strive to create the framework for a digital branding experience that will make the client’s business stand out from competitors. The Strategy team then relays their findings and plans to the SEO, PPC, and Social Media Marketing teams for implementation.

SEO Team

Search engine optimization covers a wide and extensive range of online curation, so the SEO team is comprised of different members, each with specialized tasks. The majority of visits come through search results from popular search engines like Google, and as a result the SEO team’s top priority is to achieve the highest possible ranking on keywords that will drive qualified traffic to a client’s website.

This is accomplished in a variety of ways that include: ranking organically for top industry keywords, gaining relevant links from websites with high domain authorities, writing content that stimulates user engagement, and even optimizing the layout and text coding of a website. In elevating a website’s organic ranking, the SEO team avoids any questionable or black hat SEO practices that provide quick short term gains, but can be detrimental to the long term SEO growth of a website.

PPC Team

The PPC team’s responsibility is to make sure a business has a noticeable presence on search engines through paid search and display advertising, and to bring users who have left a website back into the conversion process. Users who have already visited a website are much more likely to convert if they are shown advertisements while browsing elsewhere on the internet, and it helps to keep the products or services of a business top of mind for potential customers. The PPC team also works on optimizing landing pages by writing effective calls to action, having intuitive content placement, and structuring user friendly navigation that generates the most conversions without overwhelming or distracting visitors.

SMM Team

The Social Media Marketing team (SMM) makes sure that a business’ copy is appropriate for all social media marketing channels. Using audience research, the SMM team will focus on social media channels where the target audience is most active while curating content to post that will drive up engagement. The SMM team analyzes competitors’ social media usage, and takes steps to implement best practices for a brand’s particular industry to create a social media presence that will help establish brand loyalty. By monitoring social media conversations and being an open line for direct communication, the SMM team will measure and improve the brand perception to customers who are engaging with a business on social media.

Get the Most out of Your Digital Marketing Campaigns

From ecommerce to a B2B business, digital marketing is no longer a luxury for an online business, it’s a necessity. As the internet has rapidly developed over the past 25 years, so have its users. If a business’ digital marketing efforts are inconsistent across online channels, is outdated, or has content that is not relevant to users, it will be disregarded and lose customers to competitors who have a strong online presence.

Investing in a digital agency that can improve your overall ROI can be a smart investment to grow your digital presence in a way that will save you time and money in the long run. Even for digital agencies like Web Designer Vip, the entire scope of building an online brand presence that will generate quality leads and conversions requires multiple teams that are highly specialized in each area of online marketing.

1 Hour SEO Audit Challenge: RBH Sound


Search engine optimization is a great addition to any business’ digital marketing presence when done correctly. Taking the time to set it up properly can provide tons of high quality traffic to businesses with a relatively small financial outlay. While the time investment can be extensive, it can lead to massive ROI for any business looking to establish themselves as a force in their vertical online. This is particularly true for websites that have a lot of unique pages that feature different types of products.

In that spirit of websites that have lots of unique pages that feature different types of products or services, I’m proud to bring you our 1 Hour SEO Audit Challenge of this month, featuring high-performance audio product retailer, RBH Sound. Founded in 1976, RBH Sound is a manufacturer of high performance audio products for residential and commercial applications. The company offers products that include in-wall and in-ceiling speakers, on-wall speakers, freestanding speakers, and any other kind of audio solution that an individual or business would ever need.

We’ve made a slight change to how we calculate our speed grades – adding website optimization tool Dareboost to the mix to provide clearer insights on more precise steps businesses can take to improve their website from a speed standpoint. Otherwise, just like we’ve done for every “1 Hour SEO Audit Challenge”, we’ve based the grades given on the following categories:

  • Content
  • Schema
  • Backlinks
  • Site Speed
  • Meta Tag Issues
  • Title Tag Issues

Tools Used

  • Ragepank
  • Screaming Frog
  • Mozbar
  • Open Site Explorer
  • Copyscape
  • Microsoft IIS
  • SEMRush
  • GTMetrix
  • Dareboost


When it comes to the ideal website for search engine optimization purposes, content is one of the first and most important elements to look at. Not only does creating top-quality content help keep users on your website longer and help facilitate a higher conversion rate, it also allows your website to rank for relevant keywords if they are added to header text, body text, and a myriad of other places on a page of a website. With the recent uptick over the last few years when it comes to focusing on content marketing, it is more important than ever that businesses not only feature good written, image, and video content on their website, but that it is truly top-notch. Simply having content on a website is not enough – in order for it to make any sort of meaningful difference to your SEO it needs to be something that users love and naturally link to on their own websites or blogs.

From a technical standpoint RBH Sound actually does a seemingly okay job with their content marketing initiatives. Only .88% of the pages we crawled were considered “low content pages”, which is to say they had 300 words or less on them. That being said, the only section we found that could be considered a content section on their website was an events section that really only showed some pictures of their booths at the events they had attended. There was no blog, and no video section. In order for their content marketing efforts to get to the next level, these sections need to be added to the website – in the process they should be able to create a lot of great content that ranks for longtail keywords to generate traffic by talking about their products, how they work, and what people can do with them. There is so much cool stuff in the audio space that could be discussed, but in order for that conversation to begin the site needs the proper sections added.

Grade: D-


If there’s one section of these audits that has become increasingly depressing as we’ve looked at more and more websites it’s schema markup. As we’ve discussed in previous audits, as of April 2014, a measly 0.3% of websites featured any sort of schema markup on them – and the consistency with which websites we’ve audited are missing schema certainly supports those figures. This is particularly disturbing because schema can add so much to a website’s SEO – whether it’s getting images in the search engine results or providing business information like logos and location to search engines, having the correct schema can significantly increase the amounts of organic traffic a website receives when done correctly.

RBH Sound is another online presence that is right in line with 99.7% of the websites across the internet that have no schema at all. I’ve let this slide and pointed out other elements in the branded search that companies have done correctly in the past, but RBH really only has Sitelinks set up. A Google My Business page would be a nice addition, as would open graph tags for Facebook and Twitter – which are also missing from the site altogether. There is a lot of room for improvement here, and schema is a relatively straightforward add, so it should be done in the near future for as many variables as possible.

Grade: F


I’ve discussed at length the value of a properly constructed backlink profile – and when it comes to important aspects that will add to overall SEO success, having one that is built correctly is key. Having many equity-passing links and no-follow links that come from a variety of different relevant sources is one of the best ways to build a website’s domain authority while helping you to rank for new keywords on a page by page basis in the process. Having a number of different anchor texts is also key – something our previous audit, Breather, did quite well.

RBH Sound’s backlink profile has a platform from which to build off of – but needs a lot of work to get to the next level. With a domain authority of 42, and only 10 root domains providing 339 links to their website, there is a lot that can be done to take the site’s backlink profile to the next level. The most troubling thing is that there are only 10 root domains linking to the site – this means that if any of these websites were to be removed or suddenly decide to remove pages linking to RBH that roughly 10% of the site’s backlink profile would disappear overnight. RBH needs to focus on getting new links from new authoritative root domains as soon as possible to remedy this issue.

RBH Sound has a lot of branded anchor text in their inbound links at the moment. While there are a few terms scattered in there like “ep2 noise isolating earphones” which is great to see – there needs to be more product specific anchor text if the company wants to rank for more of their product offerings. There is also a lot of links that have no anchor text at all – this needs to be fixed immediately if possible as it is a lost opportunity to have descriptive anchor text.

Grade: B-

Site Speed

While some elements of SEO are extremely technical and don’t seem to directly offer much value to the average user as they scroll through a page, site speed is certainly an exception to this general rule. Particularly with recent Google algorithm updates to try and give more value to mobile-friendly sites, site speed is a very helpful factor to do correctly for both SEO and for users. While it might not play a huge role in overall SEO ranking right now, it’s increasingly important for business to take it seriously in order to get fast load times to keep users and search engine rankings happy.

RBH Sound Does a very good job with site speed – scoring an A rank PageSpeed Score and a B YSlow score. Their homepage has an average page load time of only 2 seconds, making their site one of the best ranked and fastest sites we’ve done so far in this series. While the homepage is a bit busy and dated in how it is presented, the speed is certainly helped by the fact that there aren’t any extremely fancy elements that need to load and imagery is kept to a relative minimum.

That being said, Dareboost found a couple of issues with the website that need to be addressed in order to increase site speed further. The first is that one of the few images that is actually being used by the homepage is a massive 1.24 MBs. This image needs to be optimized or compressed in some fashion so that users don’t have to wait for the image to load. The second problem that Dareboost identified is that the site is using some form of flash. We haven’t really covered this issue yet in our audits but this is a huge issue in terms of compatability (iPhones and iPads don’t support flash, for example), and should be transitioned over to HTML5 as soon as possible.

Grade: A-

Meta Tag Issues

A lot of businesses that are wary of all SEO practices purposefully ignore some of the elements that we look at on this audit. I totally understand the logic – you want to make sure the content you have is helpful for users first, and focusing on SEO elements can often lead to spammy content that is written for search engine crawlbots instead of for users. While I don’t agree with this logic, there is one element that this thought process can’t really rationally be applied to – meta descriptions.

Optimizing meta descriptions is an important step for both SEO-centric and user-centric thinkers, as it makes sure that users understand what the page is about so that proper expectations are set, while also increasing click through rate on meta descriptions that are optimized with relevant keywords. There is really no excuse for having meta descriptions that lack a call to action and/or some description about the page – you’ll get more traffic when it’s done correctly and it isn’t an element that you can keyword stuff or otherwise game to directly influence ranking (the clickthrough bonuses a good meta description provide is where ranking increases come from – so it’s an indirect relationship between meta description and rank increase).

RBH Sound falls really, really flat when it comes to meta descriptions. Out of the 32306 pages we crawled, only 92 had any meta description at all, and most were shorter than the recommended length of 150-160 characters. While the homepage had a meta description, there were some very important landing pages on the site that were missing them – including reviews, awards, inwall product pages, signature series product pages, and visage series product pages. These are pages that could potentially be showing up in a user’s search and should have meta descriptions that make people interested on clicking on the result. This should be rectified immediately, as adding a meta description for important pages should increase click-through rate and overall traffic (as well as search rankings as a result).

Grade: F

Title Tag Issues

There have been lots of Google algorithm changes over the last few years, but the fact of the matter is that on an individual page level the title tag continues to be one of the most important factors for good SEO and SERP rankings. Making sure to include a title tag that is optimized for relevant keywords at a range of 55-60 characters can often be the difference between a website generating very little organic traffic or attracting tons of qualified organic traffic to help a business generate lots of conversions online.

RBH Sounds does a significantly better job with their titles tags than they do with their meta descriptions. Our of the 32306 pages we crawled, 98.74% of pages had a page title of some sort. Only a little more than 1% of pages had character counts that had issues with the amount of characters included. The only real problem was the amount of user manual pages they have on the site – all of which feature the title tag “RBH Product Support Instruction/User Manuals”. These pages should either be gated, marked as nofollow, or have their title tags changed to reflect specific user manuals so that they rank appropriately in search engine results. This problem aside though, RBH Sound does a pretty decent job.

Grade: B+

General Suggestions

RBH Sound is one of the largest (if not the largest) site we’ve done on this series. They have tons and tons of pages, and so a lot of the SEO elements we look at in this series are going to be very difficult to implement. That being said, schema is a relatively straightforward sitewide addition that should be an easy add to the entire site as long as there is a CMS that the addition can be made on.

That being said, some of these edits are going to take a lot of time. Particularly with meta descriptions, it would definitely make a lot of sense to try and identify and address issues on key pages first and then go from there. Particularly on important product pages and other pages that are right off the main navigation, time needs to be spent to make sure that each page has a correct title tag, meta descriptions, and other on page elements like header 1 and header 2 tags.

Increase Web Traffic To A New Page with Digital PR Tactics


You’ve just launched a new page on your website – great! Whether a revamped “About Us” page, a new services page, or even a fresh blog post, your next step should be focused around building your brand credibility and influence, ultimately resulting in high-quality, relevant links back to the new pages. In order to positively affect search engine visibility and increase the traffic to that page, you need to obtain links from authoritative websites. Rather than waiting to amass natural links or press mentions, employing a strategic digital public relations plan can help your new page achieve both positive search results and increased traffic flow.

While digital public relations outreach is traditionally known to garner links back to a website’s home page, there are a number of initiatives you can use to maximize visibility of these deeper pages.

  1. Tailor Your Media Pitches with Relevant Keywords

While this may seem like a given, any media pitches you create should be as unique and well thought-out as each page and piece of content on your site. Be sure to have a solid understanding of the goal and purpose of the page before researching blogs, news outlets, and social influencers for your target audience. This audience may be vastly different than the audience of your website as a whole – don’t be afraid to capitalize on niche markets to maximize potential media exposure.

When it comes to crafting the pitch itself, utilize keywords found on the page you are trying to increase traffic to. Although these keywords are not guaranteed to appear in the final article or placement, including these buzzwords may influence your media contact’s writing focus to better reflect terms that are relevant to your page.

  1. Position New Pages as Resources

Ideally, any specific pages you pitch out should include content that is both enriching and interesting. A new page featuring content that contributes to a greater dialogue is more likely to receive media traction than one that doesn’t, so focus your efforts on publicizing new pages that are rich in information and will establish your site and brand as a credible source.
In addition to conducting outreach with unique pitches, look for stories and blog posts on the page’s topic that already exist online. Identifying articles already written on the topic presents opportunities for your page to then be included in that story as a resource for additional information.

  1. Leverage Social Media Influencers

A successful public relations campaign should include some form of a strategic social media component. When working on media research prior to pitching, a solid list of social influencers in the space your specific page or business covers should also be created. Building a relationship with important industry-relevant social tastemakers is key to increasing recognition, and while cultivating these relationships can be very time intensive, these influencers have the potential of becoming an ambassador for your site and brand.
Tapping social influencers with high follower counts not only increases visibility of your site and potentially increases traffic flow to the intended page. Use a tool such as Followerwonk to identify relevant influencers, and determine the social outreach plan for this initiative. Followerwonk allows you to search for keywords through Twitter bios, enabling you to discover which contacts are going to be most interested in what you’re trying to share with them.

  1. Guest Posts

Whatever industry your business is part of, there’s a good chance you or your employees are experts within that field. Leverage your expertise to present yourself as a thought leader in your industry, and collaborate with various media outlets to contribute articles on topics that you can speak to. If you can offer readers value and have unique insights on a topic within your industry, reporters or editors will be eager to have you work with them. This presents many opportunities for you to promote your new page if you shape your article around content that is on that particular page.

In order to provide value to readers, you can’t arbitrarily insert a link to your new page if it isn’t relevant, and more likely than not, editors won’t allow that. Instead, take time to craft an outline of your article that is related to both your expertise, as well as your new page. With every guest post you contribute, you’ll be able to include a link, and encourage users to visit.

  1. Get Creative

Is there anything about your page that makes it stand out? Maybe you have a new design feature that you want to bring attention to? Take the opportunity to pitch to design-specific resources. Don’t be afraid to think creatively and see if you can tap into a niche market rather than the usual broader ones. Branching out can give you a chance to grain traction from unexpected places.

Also, take the time to seek out organizations with a more targeted audience. Having links from reputable blogs and media outlets are wonderful, but sometimes their readers may not be seeking the information, products, and services that your site provides. Organizations that cater to a smaller industry demographic can lead to more relevant traffic, and hopefully, more conversions. The internet is full of websites that provide specific resources to users seeking references on specific subject matter. So don’t undervalue the potential benefit from taking the extra time to pitch to these outlets as well.

Using Digital PR to Increase Web Traffic To A New Page

When it comes to launching a new page on an existing website, you want to approach it with the same level of enthusiasm that you would with any other project. Analyze techniques that have worked for you in the past, and tap into some new ventures as well. Take advantage of the opportunity to utilize some unconventional ideas to draw in traffic! By brainstorming and putting in the effort to effectively draw attention to the new page, you will undoubtedly see noticable results.

Data Driven Content Marketing: Measuring Your Effectiveness


There’s no question that producing a well strategized and maintained content stream is crucial for the success of any digital business. The benefits are numerous and include everything from an increase in visitor engagement onsite, improved search engine rankings through SEO, and if your content marketing initiatives are done correctly, the establishment of a “sticky” factor that keeps people coming back to your site.

The copywriting portion of content marketing is the fun part, but in order to truly get the most out the content you produce it’s vital that you begin thinking about how effective your content is analytically. A truly effective content marketer combines both the creative and analytical aspects of proper content marketing to produce engaging, hard-hitting copy that is backed by significant amounts of quantitative research to inform what is being discussed. The following are some of the most important elements of proper data driven content marketing to keep in mind to help give your content marketing program a substantial edge over your competition.

Before Posting:

Surf a Little
The key to ensuring that what you’re writing is engaging is making sure that you’re staying on top of trends in your industry, and being aware of what your audience finds valuable. A fairly simple way to do this is to monitor social media conversations on Twitter and Facebook to stay abreast of news and developments. Regularly check industry news outlets and the social profiles of industry influencers to see what “hot topics” are circulating amongst your audience. The content you create should offer some fresh perspective or an appropriate response/reaction to the particular topic.

Leverage Google Trends as a tool for your research efforts to see what terms and trends are significant in searches and just how many people are expressing interest in these terms. The tool also allows you to see a forecast for any given term and topic allowing you to gauge the projected amount of interest users will have in this subject as time progresses. Build this data into your planning phase so that you can identify which topics and subjects users are seeking to learn the most about, and ultimately allow it to help you define what your content should be related to and how effective it will be in providing value to readers.
The content you create should always be substantiated by correlating data so that you know your efforts aren’t going to be useless. To highlight the benefits of utilizing Google Trends, consider the idea of a relatively new subject within your space and perhaps there isn’t a lot of existing content on it. Take a look at Google Trends to see if this subject may gain traction within the next few months, allowing you and your organization to get an edge over competition, and be one of the first to provide insights on the topic of interest.

Keyword Research
Once you have a relevant topic, you’ll want to do your site a favor by ensuring that the final product benefits your search engine rankings and is easily accessible to users. To do this, create content that contains keywords appropriate to the article topic as well as your business’ products or service offerings. A great tool for this is Google Keyword Planner.
The goal here is to find keywords that have a high monthly search volume mixed with low competition, which greatly improves the chances of your content appearing prominently on the search results page when a user searches for the particular set of terms or keywords that you’ve identified. These keywords cannot simply be plugged into your content in any way possible, but instead should be naturally occurring in a way that provides an excellent and relevant user experience while simultaneously giving you as much SEO value as possible.

After Posting

Hopefully you’re using a tool like Google Analytics on your website to help you monitor your site’s performance. If so, allow a week or so to pass after posting your content to allow data about how users are interacting with your content to aggregate. Once you do, dig through the following metrics to analyze the performance of your content and it’s effectiveness in reaching the goal of the content. Identify what types of content is repeatedly producing the best results, and what content could use some improvements, is one of the best ways you can enhance your SEO by using data to drive your content marketing initiatives.

Key Metrics:

  • Page Views:While it shouldn’t be the only metric that informs whether or not your content marketing initiatives are successful, page views are a solid metric that can be extremely helpful when it comes to comparing different pieces of content. It will inform you about what your audience is interested in and also help you identify what pieces of content are the most important on your site for generating traffic.
  • Page Bounce Rate:You’ll want this as low as possible, as it indicates the content was engaging enough to send people elsewhere through the site. Remember that if you’re posting content on a blog a bounce rate at or just slightly below 90% is perfectly normal.
  • Time on Page:These metrics are tied to bounce rate, and reiterates a visitor’s engagement with the content. The longer the average time is that users are interacting with your content the more likely they are to be finding that content helpful.
  • Session Duration/Page Depth:Looking at these two metrics for the overall site will give you a good idea of how effective the content you’re producing is to the overall user experience, and how extensively users are engaging with your website as a whole as a result.
  • Social Engagement:If you share your content on social media, monitor the traffic that comes through that source and how it behaves by utilizing UTM parameters that are linked to your analytics account. Keep track of how people are responding to your content by paying attention to audience follower growth and the amount of likes, shares, comments, and retweets on each of your pieces of content.

Data Driven Content Marketing Informs Success

With data backing what you produce, you can work on continual topic optimization and mold your content program into a tool that cannot only increase your business’ success in terms of online traffic and sales, but also position you and your team as thought leaders in your respective industries. By utilizing tools and programs that allow you to optimize your content, and then examining what’s working and what’s not, you can proactively develop a content program that is tailored to most closely fulfill the needs of your audience, and significantly improve rate that your business grows.

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5 Must Have Elements for Inspiring About Us Pages

Even though inbound marketing is not a relatively new concept, it is certainly being executed in a number of new ways. People often associate content marketing with blog posts and social outreach. However, restricting content to those parameters can lead to many overlooked opportunities. You want to make sure that your business doesn’t miss out on a chance to generate creative and engaging content throughout alternative sections of your website.

It is important to consider the marketing potential that lies within the content of your website’s “About Us” page. As one of the most visited locations on any given company’s site, the “About Us” page plays a large role in the first impression that you leave on a potential customer. This is where they come to learn more about your company and the people behind the brand. A customer looks here before they start to take your business (or the idea of collaborating with it) seriously.

Clearly “About Us” pages are important! That’s why, as we’ve mentioned in previous content marketing articles, you need to make sure the information on this page tells a compelling story.

But how do you that?

To make it easier, we’ve narrowed down 5 creative elements you must have for designing an inspiring “About Us” page:

• Company Vision & Philosophy

• Company Timeline

• Team Member Profiles

• Business Concept Visuals

• Multimedia Content

Now that we know what our page needs, how do we go about implementing these new ideas? Let’s take a look at some examples and see how different businesses are leading visitors to learn more about who they are and what they do.


1. Your Company’s Vision & Philosophy

You’re not like everyone else — so tell the world what makes you unique! Why should people choose you over your competitors?

Stand out with an “About Us” page that shows off who your company is and strongly conveys your brand’s voice. What brought your company together? What do you see as its future? Offer your visitors information that will make them interested in your business and the work that you do.

This doesn’t necessarily mean that an “About Us” page has to be very long. For example, Whoa Nelly gets the point across with a short and sweet presentation that communicates how they came to be, and what they offer.



By keeping their content concise and targeted, Whoa Nelly is able to captivate their audiences through the stunning visuals and engaging copy provided throughout their page.

Here are some other great Vision & Philosophy page examples:

2. A Timeline of Your Company’s History

Over the last decade, Facebook has made the use of timelines a popular way to present information about yourself. So why not apply the same concept to your “About Us” page? Take visitors on a trip through your company’s history. You can show them where you started, how far you have come, and everything your business has accomplished along the way.

You can present visitors with relevant milestones and details about the business in a visually engaging way for your viewers to take in. Timelines allow you to display a large amount of information and detail in a format other than just text. The variety is something that potential customers will appreciate.

Take a look at Moz’s beautifully designed “About Us” page – a vertical timeline that pairs key moments, like the site’s launch in 2003, with fun company images and accomplishments.


Other great Timeline “About Us” page examples:

3. Team Member Profiles

The “About Us” or “Our Story” page should be about the passion driving your vision and the people that make it happen. Contrary to popular belief, this page’s content doesn’t have to sound formal in order to gain credibility. Most people find it easier to connect with real human beings, so let the personality of your employees and the environment of your workplace shine through!

Nerdery does a great job of showcasing the people behind the company and making them seem approachable to audiences, giving a more human-like quality to the brand.

Note: Including a company dog automatically DOUBLES your website’s conversion rates (just kidding!).



You can even include Social Media profiles for each team member in order to make your business look approachable and engaging. If you are a company in the B2B sector, you can include LinkedIn badges with links to the individual profile of every member in the leadership team to help each member of your team have added credibility.

Other great Team Member Profiles page examples:

4. An Infographic Visual to Present Your Business Concept

Sometimes well-designed graphics can help visitors understand your business concept better than a wordy explanation. After all, if people can’t figure out what you do, how will they know if they need your product or service?

So you can skip the industry jargon and use infographic visuals, like Ogilvy One Worldwide does on its Big Data page. This can be a great way to paint a clearer picture so that audiences can understand exactly what you do.


Other great Infographic -like “About Us” page examples:

5. Multimedia Content

Do you have a cool story about how your business was created? The classic saying “Show, Don’t Tell” can be beneficial and applicable to your website design. Why not make a video that tells your story and allow it to speak for itself?

Today’s web design technology allows for easy integration of video & multimedia elements to create a compelling visual story. By providing a mental picture to your visitors, it increases the chances of people seeing it, connecting with it, and sharing it.

Take a cue from Bench, an accounting service provider who needed to convey the benefits of their online product while stressing their personal experience. By using visuals and multimedia, Bench is able to create an effective “About Us” page that shows who they are and what they do instead of simply stating it to audiences through dull copy.


Other great multimedia content “About Us” page examples:

There are many different and inspiring approaches that can be taken when designing your website’s “About Us” page. From very formal, to the fun and creative, it’s important to include content & design elements that fit the personality of your company.

For even more inspiring “About Us” pages I highly recommend that you check out this amazing website.

10 Tools to Make Community Management Easier


Online community management is not easy. With a laundry list of client feeds to monitor on a daily basis, having the right tools for the job is essential to prevent what we like to call, “social media meltdowns.”

social media meltdown

Pronounced: /kayy-(oss)/


  1. a state of being in whence any marketing official can find their community manager sobbing uncontrollably in the fetal position on the conference room floor.

Fortunately, there are a plethora of resources to help. If you’re a community manager or actively involved in social media marketing, check out any of the following resources that are sure to help make your job a little bit easier:

Google Drive
Useful for any business? Of course, but when your job requires you to be plugged in to the social conversation 24/7, Google Drive is the perfect resource to keep all of your client documents, agreements, and schedules in one place, accessible from any device at any time. From spreadsheets and documents, to presentations, Google Drive allows you to compile everything in one organized location. You also have the option to let multiple people have access to editing these pages, allowing for easier collaboration and communication amongst team members. Need we say more?

Sprout Social

Without question, Sprout Social is one of our favorite monitoring and reporting tools. Not only is the platform easy to maneuver, (a plus for both community managers and clients alike) but its design is clean and pleasing to the eye. It gives you the opportunity to manage your social messages easily through a number of publishing and targeting options. You can schedule content across multiple platforms and analyze engagement through detailed reports, all while maintaining positive relationships with your clients through Sprout’s organized customer profiling system. Overall, it is an excellent one-stop resource for engagement, publishing, and analytics.


While Sprout Social wins the award for well-designed user interface, we couldn’t live without Hootsuite. It is my platform of choice for scheduling multiple feeds. Hootsuite provides analytics for a detailed look at how well your social media efforts are performing, as well as an engagement breakdown of your network’s activity. It compiles all of your profiles onto one dashboard for a concise layout. However, an organized mind helps with this tool, as the lists and tabs can get quite extensive and jumbled if not cared for properly. Allowing multiple team members to collaborate can help alleviate this and balance the workload for you or your client.

Google Analytics

Using Google Analytics to measure the online traffic for our clients’ websites is absolutely essential to understanding how qualified the traffic we are driving from social is, and dedicating resources according to the levels of ROI each social outlet provides. These in-depth metrics provide valuable information that can help you make the most of your online efforts. You can have a solidified view of the journey your viewers take while on your website, and use the metrics provided to make changes to your marketing techniques as necessary. This tool is one of the most helpful for gathering data to make further improvements in all of your various advertising campaigns.

This app should definitely make it to the home screen of any community manager’s phone or tablet. It’s an excellent tool for collecting the news relevant to not only clients, but also what’s developing in the social realm of their industry. Flipboard curates your chosen news into customized magazines on any topic imaginable, making it the perfect all-in-one-place tool. Pick and choose the stories that you want to follow, and get a tailored look into the industries that matter the most to you. Through Flipboard’s curation and sharing capabilities, it serves as a great resource that can keep you informed and involved in the developments going on in your field.


Without Tweetdeck, I’d be lost. It is our go-to tool for monitoring the social conversation surrounding a brand. Tweetdeck, like Hootsuite, allows the user to create multiple tabs for channels, keywords, and news. It helps you manage your online communities by giving you complete control over more than one account. This includes features such as the scheduling of tweets, and real-time streams of emerging news or information surrounding your brand. You can track individual topics or hashtags with ease, and monitor multiple timelines all at once. Its simplicity allows for an easy introduction for new users, while appealing to seasoned professionals through its advanced monitoring capabilities.


Tweepi is the perfect tool for avoiding said “social media meltdowns” as mentioned above. It is great for cleaning up your Twitter feed, with my most favorite aspect of the tool being that you can force spammers to unfollow your account. It also makes finding and targeting influencers much easier with its fantastic search capabilities. These features allow you to search for, and target individuals who are interested in your services or industry, while connecting you with like-minded people along the way. Tweepi has a number of organizational options, like geolocation, to help you get a better look at specific activity within your audience based on region. It will be you Twitter account’s new best friend.


Simple, but helpful, Bitly allows users to not only shorten links, but to see when the links were most popular and how often they’ve been clicked once posted. The upgrade is particularly useful to online community managers for creating customized keywords in short URLs for reporting, analytics, and SEO purposes. Being able to link to your work on Twitter makes Bitly a great resource, but getting to see how those links perform makes it even better.

Demographics Pro

Looking for an opportunity to “nerd out”? Demographics Pro is for you. It gives an amazing overview with deep insights into the consumers who follow your Twitter and Instagram accounts, allowing for an easy way to choose the proper message and campaigns for your social calendars. They are true to their name, providing detailed demographics and psychographics to see the behaviors of your audience in order to analyze, influence, and target online communities.

To get a better look at your competitor’s activity, and analysis of your audience’s behavior, SimilarWeb is a great tool. You can see the traffic statistics of other businesses in your industry to understand how your company measures up in comparison. As of July 2015, content discovery platform Swayy has joined SimilarWeb. Swayy was a metrics tool that helped businesses target content to their online communities based on behavioral analysis across millions of websites and apps. SimilarWeb has acquired Swayy’s talent and expertise as an effort to improve their existing content recognition programs. The acquisition allows these two channels to combine forces, providing deeper analysis of individual audience members, and improving the overall management of online communities.

3 New Initiatives to Enhance Your Mobile Marketing Campaign


Over time, the entire user space has become overwhelmingly dominated by mobile. From 1995 to 2014, individuals with mobile phones in the global population have increased from 1% to 73%. In just under ten years, mobile phone users have grown from 80MM to a tremendous 5.2B.


Not only is the amount of mobile users increasing, but there is significant engagement growth on these devices as well. This means that people are utilizing these devices to access the internet in greater numbers than ever before. The average adult on a mobile device for at least three hours per day is increasing at a rate of 11% year over year in comparison to only five years ago. Users are on-the-go and, to date, more time is spent engaging with mobile digital media than with digital media on a desktop, laptop or any other connected device.
So while these statistics are significant and provide a reasonable amount of data for brands to realize the importance of mobile, how can companies leverage this growth to benefit their overall business plan?

Three new marketing initiatives have been introduced and can make exponential differences to your brand’s ROI if they act as a critical component to your mobile strategy. From location-based marketing to engaging content and one-click purchase options, these innovative approaches will undoubtedly help to round out the effectiveness of your mobile marketing campaigns.

Instagram Ads for Everyone

Instagram is a global, visually-captivating social media platform that attracts an immense number of users each day, fostering engagement that is expanding at an incredibly impressive rate of 108% year-over-year. Finally, after more than a year’s wait, this social media channel has made advertisement offerings available to everyone.


The advertising platform allows you to target people based on Facebook demographics and Instagram behavioral data so that you can reach the right audience, at the right time, with the right content. You can look at things like what accounts your users follow, which profiles they are most frequently hitting the “Like” button on, and even what hashtags they are using. This information can then be integrated into a strategic approach where brands can optimize the content that they serve their audience to be relevant to specific needs. The ads are clickable, direct-response ads that feature a call-to-action such as “shop now” or “sign up” and take potential customers directly to the point of conversion. By directing users to the product page or sign-up page, you’re able to streamline the process, increasing the likelihood that a conversion is completed.Instagram allows you to include four images in each advertising campaign through a carousel format, maximizing effectiveness and exposure of the visual. Brands can use compelling imagery through this new advertising channel to reach their audience in an innovative way that’s tailored to their individual interests and behaviors. Best of all, it works on a cost-per-click basis, keeping expenses down and making this a viable option for even small budgets.

Mobile eComm That Works

A positive user-experience is crucial to the success of any marketing campaign — mobile or not. However when you’re buying something through an e-commerce site on your smartphone, it can be especially frustrating if the company has not optimized their site for the devices you’re using. The checkout process for a lot of companies can be almost 10-steps long and require zooming in, zooming out, or excessive scrolling up and down because you’re using a touch screen instead of a mouse and traditional keyboard.


Now, there is a mobile ecommerce platform that truly works and can alleviate any negative user-experiences with mobile purchases. Stripe, the payment Application Programming Interface (API) company, has released Relay. This program is the most forward thinking API to hit the world of ecommerce in years. With Relay, any merchant can sell their product directly in mobile applications. Users can complete purchases without going to the merchant’s platform, improving both the quality and timeliness of the buying process. This option truly creates one-click purchasing options.Mobile product ads for all businesses can then generate far more ROI with Relay due to a massively improved user-experience and simplified checkout process. Relay has partnered with Twitter, SPRING, ShopStyle, and inMobil for its launch, but the program can be built into ANY app, presenting a myriad of opportunities. This program puts the user top of mind, and ensures that any purchase experience is as simple as possible for mobile customers.

Beyond Geo-Fencing

Marketers can now go beyond geo-fencing to reach their audience. The integration of hyper-targeted advertisements into mobile marketing strategies allows companies to more effectively tailor campaigns to reach specific users based on location. By utilizing GPS technology, where true longitude and latitude are identified (as opposed to cell tower and Wi-Fi triangulation as geo-fencing does), you can target individuals and optimize the content you’re delivering accordingly.


With this innovative technology, you can define your reach based on whatever hyper location you want and use defined geo-location ads. For example, if you have a woman in a Target store shopping for her three children, you can serve her with an ad for your brand if that shopper is part of your target audience. As long as users are consuming content in some way on their mobile phone, they can be reached. If there are multiple locations you’re targeting, that’s no problem. You can optimize per location in real-time, and move your budget based on individual grid points.

Tools for the Success of Your Mobile Marketing Campaign

All in all, these initiatives are enabling marketers to reach their audience like never before. Mobile’s influence and ubiquity is finally on-par with its performance, allowing brands to target users as individuals wherever they are located. Not only will these efforts benefit companies, but the improved user-experience will provide customers with content that is more fitting to their needs. Brands will see a rise in sales generated and even an enhanced brand reputation as their users are reminded through targeted marketing tactics that these companies truly understand their unique interests and purchasing behaviors.


Top 5 Elements of Successful Email Marketing Strategies


When it comes to email marketing, there’s more than one way to measure success. A multitude of metrics can indicate overall performance and present areas for improvement after the launch of a campaign. Taking a look at click-through-rates or open rates, how conversion rate was impacted by a certain email, or how much website traffic is being generated can identify the effectiveness of this kind of marketing initiative. To be successful with email marketing, strategies should be focused on fostering brand engagement and minimizing unsubscribers, all while maintaining strong branding.

Accomplishing all of the above is definitely feasible if the right strategy is created. You need extensive research, sometimes a bit of trial and error, and a thorough understanding of the audience you’re delivering messaging to. However most importantly, you need to implement a series of best practices in order to develop a strategic approach that enables you to achieve your core objectives. Here are 5 elements of email marketing that will help you make sure you’re getting the results you want:

Timing and Frequency

The timing with which you’re sending your email campaigns is one of the most important elements to focus on in an email marketing strategy. You may be located in New York, but perhaps a large portion of your target demographic is in a different time zone. The time of day when users receive emails can directly contribute to performance indicators like open-rate and click-through-rate. You can’t send the same message at the same hour to a global or national audience and expect to reach everyone. Segment your email lists based on the time zone recipients live in so that they’re receiving your emails at an hour that is convenient and appropriate for them.

If you’re looking to maximize user engagement with your emails, but aren’t sure when to send, a good place to start is by considering three core time slots—during the morning once your users are commuting or arriving at work, during the early afternoon on their lunch break, or in the evening late night once they are back in their homes. From there, think about your specific audience’s lifestyle habits and when they would be most likely to give some attention to your email. If you’ve launched email campaigns in the past take a look at the statistics provided by your email platform. For example, in MailChimp, you can see the metrics from previous campaigns and identify what time the most users were reached.

Aside from just the timing of your email, the frequency at which you disseminate your messages plays a major role in performance. The age of email blasting is over. Users have increasing email fatigue these days and won’t even open your emails if they are inundated with a plethora of emails. As a result, it is often the case that the more messages you send the less effective they will be. While your emails may have a short “shelf life” this doesn’t mean you should be sending a new one each and every day—that’s how you’ll get a surge in unsubscribers. Instead, keep your emails at two per week at most to ensure that you’re still reaching users and cutting through the clutter of their inbox. Depending on industry, sometimes two per month is even more fitting.

Subject Lines

The importance of a terrific subject line cannot be stressed enough—it’s literally the first thing the user is reading and their first “personal” impression of your brand. An effective subject line sparks user interest and builds anticipation of what the email contains. You need just enough to get the user intrigued, while still staying true to your brand in under 60 characters. It’s okay to think a little outside the box and let some creativity flow with subject lines, but keep in mind that more often than not, simplicity works best. The best subject lines find a happy medium between oozing creativity and being straight to the point of why you’re emailing a user, and make sure that it also fits your company’s branding.

The goal of a subject line is to entice recipients to open the message, but to also click through the email. For that reason, consistency as you go from the subject line to the actual content of the email is crucial. You can’t say something “clickbaity” just so that users open the message, only to disappoint them upon finding no relevancy to what they originally saw in their inbox. This instills a poor sense of trust with your brand and almost guarantees that users won’t take a desired action.

If you have an idea for a subject line but are unsure if it’s fitting with your brand, never be afraid to ask others around you for feedback. Sometimes, an outsider’s perspective can shed some much needed light onto your ideas. Similarly, segmenting your lists into two groups and testing out different subject lines provides you with hard data about what which subject lines resonate best with users. Discovering what works best with the people whose opinions you value most (your users’) is incredibly important.

Content: Visuals and Copy

Images speak louder than words, and this holds true with any successful email marketing strategy. In general there should always be more visuals than copy in an email. Users don’t want too much to read, they want to be able to quickly skim easy-to-digest content and have a full understanding of the central messaging. If you have a lot of content to offer your audience surrounding a particular subject addressed in your email, direct users to a landing page on your website where they can read the rest or review the full article. Don’t contain it all in the message.

A good portion of the copy used in your emails should be in the CTA. In every email, there is an action that you want recipients to take. Whether it’s “Buy Now,” “Request A Quote,” “Download Now,” or “Read More,” if the messaging is too wordy, the CTA will get lost. Instead, make sure these buttons are vibrant and prominent in comparison to the rest of the message, while still fitting with the design theme. Any CTA is a major component of your core-messaging, so if you aren’t concise with the rest of your wording, it may go overlooked.

Since images are vital to the success of an email marketing campaign, you want to make sure they are loading appropriately and quickly for users. Use a file optimizing tool to ensure images load efficiently. If users are waiting for an image to load, they’ll likely skip to the next email or delete the message. That being said, sometimes technology is faulty or an email service provider requires users to choose to see images and as a result images may not load. If you include relevant image alt tags on the visuals you include, users will have at least some context as to what the visuals are intended to be if they aren’t appearing right away. This little effort can go a long way with providing a good user-experience for recipients.

Recently, more and more companies are experimenting with the inclusion of GIFs in their email campaigns. Sometimes, this can be a challenging feat because not all email platforms will load them correctly, or they will load only the frame of the GIF instead of providing users with the full effect. If you’re considering utilizing this type of visual in your emails, thoroughly test it on a variety of platforms, and if it’s going to be frozen on one particular frame, make sure it’s an image that’s able to stand alone and still give users a complete understanding of what the content is about.

Photo Credit: Jason Rodriguez

Optimization for All Devices

Long gone are the days where all users accessed their inbox from the same email platform on their desktops. Today users are connected to email through smartphones, tablets, desktops, with a wide range of devices to choose from within those general categories. The way one person views an email isn’t the same way another person does, so to ensure that accessibility isn’t jeopardized for any users, a responsive design email is typically the best solution. This way all recipients on nearly every device and platform imaginable have a user-friendly experience with your email and are able to view it as intended. If you aren’t using a responsive design, investigate what devices the majority of your users are on, and ensure that the email is tailored to those functionalities and set up for that platform.

In today’s era of being constantly connected to the internet, the majority of users are on mobile – regardless of vertical. This actively growing audience is on-the-go and expects the brands they engage with to understand that. Clickable items on a mobile device should be optimized for a touch screen thumb—not a mouse—and shouldn’t require the user to do any extra work (zooming in or zooming out) to view the images in the message.

While you can focus on a certain group of users, ideally, you should be optimizing your email campaigns for your entire audience—which means whatever device they are checking their mail on. Litmus is a tool that allows you to see how your email would render on multiple devices and platforms before you send it. Give it a look through before you launch any email campaign.


Content you provide users with through email initiatives should be relevant and provide significant value. Marketing to the user as an individual and using personalization no longer needs to be exemplified by addressing them with first and last name. Similar to a conversion funnel, an email funnel allows you to target users with more specific content as they show signs of progressive interest and come closer to becoming a customer.

If a user is in your email database after signing up for your newsletter on a specific blog post, you can segment your lists based on relevant content that they have demonstrated interest in. By personalizing emails in a step-by-step process based on relevance, the effectiveness of your messages will be much greater as the content is related to what initially caused them to interact with your brand.

Perhaps you have a newsletter sign up on your blog, and after reading an article on email marketing the user provides you with their contact information. Sending them a follow up email that addresses logo design will not fulfill their needs, and will seem arbitrary given their reason for signing up. Instead, set up a specific email funnel for users within that group. Send them a whitepaper that goes into further detail about email marketing, and if they open email they move further down the funnel, where they’ll receive another email providing them with content that makes sense given their latest read.

Blog Content Optimization: How to Enhance Search Rankings


Writing engaging content for a blog is great. But writing that content with a purpose is even better. You want your posts to be discovered, and in turn, lead that traffic to your company’s website. However, this doesn’t just happen – active steps need to be taken while writing your blog content to increase your chances of being ranked highly on search engines, in order to naturally bring visitors to your page.

We’ve compiled a list of 8 essential steps to take into consideration when trying to increase your blog content’s search rankings that often get overlooked during the process of writing posts. Each of these items can play a large role in the growth of your blog, and when done correctly, your business as well.

Check Title and h1 Tags

One of the big things to note when trying to increase search rankings is whether or not your title and h1 tags are targeting the keyword you’re trying to rank for. Whether it’s an exact match of a long tail keyword or a close variation, these tags should be keyword-rich. When possible, have titles and h1s that are slightly different, but still related to the overall content of the page. You want to make sure that when someone clicks on your result, you are not giving them a title that is entirely different from what they were searching. Don’t set an expectation, and then deliver something completely different. People will leave the page if they are not finding what they are looking for. You do want something in the h1 to be a little more user friendly, but for it to still have keywords.

Sometimes it is difficult to include your keyword, other secondary keywords, and other relevant information in your title tag while still having it make sense. The titles often end up relatively plain. The h1 gives you can opportunity to expand on the information your title already provides and engage your audience a little more, especially if they are coming from outlets other than search engines. Whether it’s from social, or referral sources, you want to make the h1 as enticing as possible for those visitors as well. Overall, these two tags are not that different from one another, but the h1 gives you slightly more leeway. You want to make sure they both have keywords when possible, and that they are both user friendly. When used strategically, they can have a positive impact on your rank.

Check h2 Tags

These are not as big of an indicator as title tags, but having keywords or relevant terms in h2 tags can be very helpful. We even have a few posts that rank for words within our h2’s, as well as the terms in the title itself. It’s really important that if you have sub headers, you’re marking them as h2s and h3s because they are a much powerful SEO indicator than simply larger or bolded text. It gives you an opportunity to rank for more of those longer tail keywords that are relevant to your topic, while giving your primary keyword a little boost. On the other hand, these should certainly not be keyword-stuffed, or presented in a way that would be frustrating for users to read through. Google recognizes these things, and frankly, it just doesn’t look good. Find a good balance, but definitely take advantage of these tags when you can.

Social Sharing

You want to give people the ability to share blog posts quickly and conveniently across many different platforms. For us, that means Google Plus, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. Having social sharing signals for each can show how many individuals have already shared the post, giving other readers an indication of how authoritative the piece of content may be. Not only is the page ranking, but people are taking the time to share it as well. From a content standpoint, I don’t think there is any better trust indicator than social shares, so it is very important to make that opportunity available to your audience.

A lot of people overlook the small details, such as the pre-generated tweet that comes up when people choose to share a post. We have seen a boost in our social shares after we made the change to predefine our tweets with better copy than just a direct variation of our title tag. This may take a little extra work, but it gives you much more control and customization over what other people will share. The investment certainly pays off with the links back to your content through increased visibility from these social platforms.

Unique Images (When Possible)

This can be difficult for smaller businesses as you may not have a design team dedicated to creating original images for your website. However, if you have the means, it is something to think about quite seriously. Having a unique image on each post is a phenomenal advantage. Not only does it allow you to gain traffic through Google image search, but it also gives you the opportunity to have something that is sharable.

The greatest potential for this comes from infographics. Make sure that if you create one for a post that you give the option for the reader to share or download it. Not only do unique images serve as a good branding tool, but people tend to share content more often when there is an image that goes along with it. Also, when other people use images in their content, it provides the opportunity to get a link back to the original page that the image was published on. You want to encourage those who share the image to always link back to the source from which they found it, as this can be an incredible opportunity when your image is being found on authoritative sites. Like a domino effect, your images will lead to more links, and more links will lead to a better ranking.

Page Speed

When it comes to a blog, site speed can often be forgotten. Usually it’s the home page and landing pages that are the main focus for optimizing this feature because of their importance. However, if the same concern is used when creating a blog, it can have a tremendous impact on your rank. Little things like optimizing the file sizes of your images and videos can make a huge difference to the speed with which your page loads, and the overall user experience for your visitor.

When it comes to ranking first or second on Google’s front page, such a seemingly small change can sometimes be the determining factor. If it takes a short time for your page to load, it is more likely that people will stick around and check out more content – and as a result your bounce rate will decrease. It is good for your blog, and great for your brand.

Meta Description

There has been a lot of talk about how meta descriptions are not a direct factor when it comes to ranking. While that is true, they shouldn’t be overlooked or ignored. Meta descriptions play a large role in click through rate, and this is one of the indicators used by Google when determining where you should rank. A call to action and any keywords that you are trying to target should be included, as they will be bolded when they match the keyword searched.

You want to create meta descriptions that are engaging and will cause people to want to learn more. The copy needs to be 160 characters or less, which may not seem like much, but at least this give you more freedom for creativity than the title tag limit of 60 characters. Meta descriptions present an opportunity to elaborate on the title of the page itself, and give the reader a better indication of what they will find on your page. If you do not define a meta description yourself, Google will do it for you – which is not always ideal.

Internal Links

You have a lot of great content and that’s awesome, but if you do not link it to appropriate pages that are deeper in your site, you run the risk of those other pages not ranking well, as well as lowered conversions for your business because the potential customers were not led through your site’s conversion funnel properly. When possible, it is important to link to other relevant blog posts or pages. It will help funnel whatever link equity you may have for the page that is linking out, and will keep the audience reading relevant content throughout your site. You’re also able to define your own anchor text when doing internal linking, which is a great opportunity to take advantage of when looking for places to include keywords. Just make sure any words you decide to use as anchor text don’t disrupt a user’s reading experience and that they are relevant and fit in with the natural flow of your post.

Rewriting Old Content

A lot of general business websites that may have a blog don’t take advantage of their old content. It is important to rewrite your old work once in a while in order to update content that may still be bringing in traffic, but happens to be a little dated. This “evergreen” content is made of pages that may have been written 5 years ago, but still have useful and relevant information to someone who might be reading it today. “How To” guides, and annual lists are great contenders to be rewritten, while things like breaking news pieces are not. In order for this strategy to be effective you need to hit a threshold of 250-300 new characters for Google to consider your page rewritten – so keep that in mind. Also, make use of Google Webmaster Tools to re-index the page whenever it is updated. If you have a post that has done well, make sure you are adding technical SEO elements like header tags or image alt text when appropriate, but don’t get too carried away with it as you do not want to risk damaging the quality of the content for a better rank.

If you take the time to apply all of these things to your blog, you will most likely see an increase in rank, but certainly an increase in traffic. As always, it is important to think about the user first, but make sure that your page is structured in a way that makes sense for your overall SEO.

Digital Marketing Skills: What Skills are Needed for Marketing?

Skills Needed for Marketing Featured Image

What Skills Are Needed for Digital Marketing?

Many people think that in order to get into digital marketing, you need to come from one of two potential backgrounds. You either studied business, or computers. You majored in marketing or economics and have spent your college years gathering experience in the field. If you took the computers route, you majored in computer engineering or graphics and learned advanced technical knowledge from designing, to developing, to coding.

However, there are a lot of other options when it comes to becoming a good digital marketer. A variety of backgrounds and expertise can contribute to the makings of a successful career. It will take time, and a hunger to learn in order to get your bearings within the industry. But there is no reason to discredit your abilities simply because of your educational background.

One Reddit user was interested in what specific skills are needed for digital marketing. He asked, “What skills or background would I need to get started in digital marketing?” While there is no one single qualification or set of skills that are required to be a great digital marketer, this video explores some of the backgrounds that our employees have here at Blue Fountain Media. Our Marketing Strategist, Julie Barsamian discusses how she got started in the industry and how you can leverage your existing set of skills to become a digital marketing superstar.

Regardless of the flexibility regarding your previous education, becoming a good digital marketer is not just a simple, straightforward process. No matter where your qualifications came from, or what field you were trained in, there is always more to learn. It requires patience and a persistent interest in the different channels available in the digital space. You need to have a commitment to understanding how to put together a strategy that will help your business or client excel. Julie recommends “learning the lingo” and picking up the language of the industry. Understanding the vocabulary will help you to learn other aspects of the business, but it will also allow you to communicate professionally with your clients and peers. She also adds that when it comes to previous experience, it can help to have some knowledge in the subject matter that you may find yourself working in. For example, if your clients are all in the fashion, technology, or real estate industries, having some background expertise in any of those fields can certainly put you at an advantage.

digital marketing skills - education
Julie provides a deeper look into her own educational and training background, as well as those of other Blue Fountain Media employees. From her description, you can see that there are a number of different directions from which these individuals came, proving that there is not one simple mold to fit into in order to become a digital marketer.

Naturally upon starting out, it can be helpful to enter the field with pre-existing skills and knowledge that you can apply to your digital marketing efforts. However, in a fast-paced field that is constantly evolving and adapting to the environment and technology surrounding it, there is no reason why you can’t become a successful digital marker. With the right attitude and eagerness to learn, the possibilities are truly endless.

This was the final video from our four part series answering your questions about the basics of digital marketing. Click here to view our previous video, “Digital Marketing: What Fields Can I Choose to Specialize In?” Join us again next week when we break down Pay-Per-Click Marketing.

If you have questions about website design, development, or digital marketing that you would like us to answer, let us know in the comments section below or by tweeting us at @BFMweb.


Hi! My name is Julie Barsamian and I’m a digital marketing strategist here at Blue Fountain Media.

Today we’re taking your questions about digital marketing. This question comes from a Reddit user, and they ask: “What are the skills or backgrounds needed to work in digital marketing?”

I took a quick inventory of some of the things that people here have studied, and thought about my personal experience – and truly there are a number of backgrounds that could contribute to a successful career in digital marketing.

We’ve got people here who studied Math and Economics, Communications, English, Journalism…but on the other hand having some sort of subject matter expertise – maybe in the field that you are marketing, is also really beneficial as long as you have a sort of fearless approach to learning the lingo and learning to use tools. Maybe something even as advanced as email coding.

If you want an example of my experience – my background – comes from an undergrad degree in Econ, but then I studied journalism. I worked as a reporter and a photographer and then I learned the lingo and I learned the tools of digital marketing – in-house before coming to Blue Fountain Media. All those combination of experiences really helped to round out my approach and also working in an atmosphere with people who are really knowledgeable is definitely an added plus.


Top Location Based Marketing Tactics for Thanksgiving Travel

Marketing Tactics for Thanksgiving Travel

Whether or not you want to accept it, the time has come to accept the inevitable…Thanksgiving is here. While some businesses and marketers might skip right to Christmas the day after Halloween, it’s important to take a step back and give thanks for all the marketing opportunities that present themselves throughout the Thanksgiving holiday week.

The potential goes far beyond just the Black Friday shopping and Cyber Monday deals. Thanksgiving is one of the weeks with the highest volume of travelers, and with that, increased opportunities for location based marketing as new audiences flock to different regions throughout the country. It’s important to take advantage of these geographic strategies because people are on the move throughout the entire week – traveling, spending time with family, and of course, shopping.

With the increase in mobile popularity, people are making purchases on the go. Black Friday is no longer constricted to the walls of your nearest mall. Instead, these deals are coming directly to the customer rather than drawing them into the physical store. According to a study done by eMarketer, 30% of all Black Friday online revenues in 2014 were from mobile devices, a 48% jump up from 2013. It is clear that there is a lot of potential in this platform, so let’s take a look at some of the ways you can make the most out of both your business’s holiday budget, and Thanksgiving travelers.

Location Targeting Using AdWords

A business’ paid efforts are one of the best and simplest ways for a company with an existing digital advertising effort to leverage location based marketing strategies. If you’re a business that has set locations or knows where most of your users are going to be during Thanksgiving traveling, you can build out campaigns to target countries, cities, regions, or even postal codes to catch users on mobile devices, tablets, or desktops and laptops based both on relevant keywords and geotargeting location options. You can decide whether or not you want to target people who are searching for or showing interest in a target location, or if you’d rather just target people who are physically in a specific location. This is particularly helpful if you think people are interested in your product are trying to find information about a place, or if you just want to target people who are waiting in or near an airport or travel destination that falls within a designated area. If you want to take it one step further than geofencing, you can now even leverage true latitude and longitude options to target customers in more specific areas, using third-party networks like Mosaic.

Location Targeting on AdWords
For display in particular you can use retargeting banner ads to serve to audiences who have already come to your website with great effect. Specifically for Thanksgiving travelers you can not only use location based targeting to select where your retargeting display ads show, you can also dictate the locations in which your display ads show and what sites they show on. You can effectively exclude websites that aren’t relevant to your business and hone in on specific areas like postal codes, or places of interest like airports, to geofence areas that are particularly compatible with your business. Particularly during the Thanksgiving travel season, this can pay massive dividends for your business when done correctly.


For your email campaigns, segment your lists and organize them by location or time zone. This allows you to have them sent out at the optimal time for the respective location of each person on your list. You want to make sure that your content is reaching these individuals at peak hours, while taking into account the changes in behavior of these people during this holiday week. According to a study by eMarketer, 2014 saw greater open rates of email marketing efforts across both desktop and mobile platforms in Q4, than in Q3. While some industries may suffer throughout the later parts of the year, people are definitely still checking their email, and they are investing in the opportunities presented to them through their inbox this time of year.

thanksgiving marketing - emails
Make sure your emails and your mobile website are optimized for people who are on the move and trying to make a purchase, and be sure to have follow-up emails sent to shoppers who may not have finished their purchase during their travels, but could still be interested in your product. Your pages should be responsive across different devices, have clear navigation, fast loading times, and large buttons to make the shopping experience easy. You want your audience to be able to complete their purchase faster than they can finish their Thanksgiving dinner.Having festive and Thanksgiving-themed mailers wouldn’t hurt either. All of Thanksgiving weekend is filled with titled shopping days like Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday. ‘Tis the season to take advantage of each opportunity, and retarget your emails to reflect the holidays.


Public Relations
You can spend the rest of the year targeting larger publications and news outlets. However, during the holidays, it’s important to weigh the benefits of marketing towards more localized publications and businesses. Everyone is going home for the season, and not consuming the same media that they do throughout the rest of the year. Take advantage of this by targeting reporters in specific locations with events and news that is relative to their local area. Publications like Newsday cater to the Long Island area on a daily basis, while The Daily Record is one of New Jersey’s main outlets.

Stores and brands that are only native to certain parts of the country should take advantage of location based marketing and those consumers who are traveling to their areas throughout the holiday season. Regional chains such as In-N-Out Burger, who can be found in the American Southwest, can use location based marketing and geo-fencing to attract people in the area aside from the usual local crowd. It doesn’t necessarily have to be holiday shopping that the marketing focuses on, it can just be targeted towards the influx in travelers in general.

Content Marketing
The fun thing about the holidays, is that there is plenty to write about. There is never a shortage of content topics, and you should use the travelers’ curiosity (and copious in-transit reading time) to your advantage while planning out your content. The end of the year provides you with the flexibility to be a little more creative with your content than usual. Try targeting longer tail keywords that are more specific, and are answering an individual’s interests. You can focus on content that addresses location-specific topics, and answering questions within posts like “How to,” “Why,” or “What.” You can even incorporate some popular list posts into your calendar that will be about targeted demographics or specific regions, cities, or neighborhoods.

According to a study by eMarketer, 7.1% of digital retailers in the United States are adjusting their seasonal marketing content by incorporating more geolocal content into their strategy. Help people figure out what to do when they’re visiting a certain area, or how they should entertain their guests and family while they are visiting for the holidays.

thanksgiving marketing - content


Twitter and Facebook have become essential tools in the digital marketing world and are paving the way for other social media platforms to take advantage of this evolving opportunity. You can utilize paid social opportunities to target your holiday marketing towards specific demographics or locations. Individuals may be sitting and watching football in a post-turkey food coma, scrolling through social media and looking at everyone’s drum stick Instagrams, and find your targeted ads in their feed. There are also a number of growing opportunities to have your audiences make purchases directly through the advertisements. We see examples of this through Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook, and can expect to see that increase in the coming years.

When it comes to your organic efforts, similar to your content marketing, you can be a little more creative but still strategic. Time your content accordingly, taking into consideration everyone’s changing schedules and traveling times. You can also incorporate location specific hashtags that are relevant to what you are posting, or who you are targeting based on a geographical area. Also, try reaching out to influencers who are based in some locations if there are in areas you are interested in making an appearance in, or audiences that you want to try and connect with.

Mobile is Key for Travelers

If you’ve ever traveled on Thanksgiving you don’t have to be told that most travelers are not on desktops or laptops. They’re on mobile devices like tablets and phones, and clearly any digital marketing efforts you create should take this into consideration. This is particularly true if you want to capture the attention of individuals as they travel in order to sell them a relevant product or service that they might find particularly useful as they struggle to get to their final Thanksgiving destination.

There are a number of ways you can effectively make the mobile experience with your brand more successful. We’ve already discussed the power of using location based marketing tactics for paid advertising like geofencing, but there a few more simplistic things a business can do.

The first, and most obvious, is having a website that has a fantastic mobile experience. People have a lot of time during Thanksgiving travel – whether that is sitting on a bus, waiting for an airplane, or just sitting in the backseat of a family car. It is one of the few times that people have enough time to just sit and look at a mobile device and this allows them time to get through an entire purchase process on their mobile device. Having a responsive website that takes people all the way from the top of your conversion funnel to a product purchase is a great way to make sure that people do everything they need to in order to convert with you right on their mobile device. The value of this should not be underestimated.The second is to consider your email marketing campaigns. If you need to reach people on mobile devices these campaigns should be fully responsive and show correctly on tablet and mobile devices. When this is coupled with a responsive website design it makes for a seamless user experience from inbox to website to product purchase and helps make users feel more at ease buying from you while they’re on the go.

The third has to do with banner advertising on mobile devices. While banners in standard sizes do resize down for mobile displays they aren’t inherently “optimized” for mobile devices – they are simply smaller versions of larger banners that were intended for desktops. A great way to provide better creative is to consider designing separate mobile-only campaigns with this in mind while creating larger calls to action and easier-to-read messaging. While these banners might look ridiculous on desktop devices, they make it much easier for a user to interact with when on-the-go.

Finally, if you’re a business that has the luxury of having locations in key travel areas like airports, bus terminals, or tourist-heavy areas, consider the value of using beacons. While they have largely been overlooked, beacons can be a great way to target users who are in or near your store with advertising that helps them come to your brick and mortar locations to make a purchase. A particularly helpful thing to do with this tactic is to use something like a discount to help facilitate greater interest in what your business can offer passersby.

Almost all of the internet use that happens while users are traveling for Thanksgiving is happening on a mobile device. Take the time to create a coherent strategy specifically for these devices and your business will have a much more successful time reaching this key demographic in a targeted and helpful way that will help strengthen your business’ bottom line.


Thanksgiving weekend is the kickoff to the holiday shopping madness, so making the most of your online marketing efforts during this week is definitely something that should not be overlooked. There are a lot of options when it comes to targeting your customers based on location and demographic, so try incorporating some of them into your existing strategies. It could end up being the gift that keeps on giving for you and your marketing team.

After traveling, eating, and shopping your way through the weekend, you can be thankful that you have a minute to relax. Don’t get too comfortable though, because Christmas is right around the corner…


12 Best B2B Mobile Apps for Managing Your Business on the Go

Blog - Best B2B Mobile Apps

Running a B2B business is difficult for even the most experienced CEO. From attracting new business, to finances and hiring, there are a lot of things that can be problematic over the course of a day. Particularly if you’re running from meeting to meeting, it can be nearly impossible to keep track of everything that is going on with your business in a structured and efficient manner. However, it can be easier than a lot of people might think – if you know where to find the right mobile apps to help. Here are 12 of the most helpful apps to help you run your B2B business efficiently.

1. Asana

best b2b mobile apps - asana
When it comes to project management, it doesn’t get much better than Asana. Available for desktop, iOS, and Android devices, Asana helps everyone on your team stay organized and productive. The app allows you to assign tasks to anyone on your team via their email address and includes capabilities to create entire projects with due dates, subtasks, and notifications to the emails of relevant employees so that everyone is on the same page. This app will help you stay on top of everything that is going on at your business while you’re away while letting you know who on your team might have some bandwidth for a new project.

Price: Free

2. Google Analytics App

best b2b mobile apps - google analytics
If you have an online website, you should be running some kind of analytics software so that you can keep track of everything on your website and who is visiting. Google Analytics is a great solution for desktop users, but what are B2B business owners on the run supposed to do? Until recently, there wasn’t much – but now Google has come out with a Google Analytics app for iOS and Android devices. Everything you’d need from regular Google Analytics is there: real-time data, acquisition data, audience insights, behavior, and conversions. As users continue to access the internet on mobile devices it’s nice to know that you can make sure that your website is performing as it should be while you’re on the run.

Price: Free

3. HootSuite

best b2b mobile apps - hootsuite
While social media isn’t always the biggest concern of a B2B business owner, it should still be monitored closely for any user feedback or concerns that might arise. If you’re a bigger B2B company, odds are you have an in-house or agency-based social media marketing team that looks after this kind of stuff, but if you’re running a smaller business it can be tough to stay informed about what’s going on with your social media accounts while you’re on the go.

The HootSuite app solves all of these issues. It ties in perfectly with the desktop version of the app, and lets you monitor all of your relevant social media accounts in one place – including Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Twitter home feed, mentions, retweets, the Facebook news feed, and LinkedIn updates are all here, and you can even post content directly from your mobile device. This app is really a must-have for the B2B business owner who wants to stay on top of everything that is happening with his or her business on social media.

Price: Free

4. LinkedIn Pulse

best b2b mobile apps - linkedin pulse
LinkedIn Pulse is an organized way to gather all of the news relevant to your industry and interests. It collects important news bites as well as professional content and presents it to you in a quick and easy to use format. You are in complete control of your feed as you pick and choose the sources and influencers that you personally want to follow. They can be other individuals within your field, or just sources who’s content you enjoy.

The app also allows you to join in on the conversations going on throughout your industry through likes, comments, and shares. You can send this information out into your own network to help inform those who are connected with you. This is a concise way to see what is trending worldwide as well as in your particular market for someone who is constantly on the go.

Price: Free

5. WebEx

best b2b mobile app - webex
With WebEx you will never miss a meeting again, regardless of where you are. It allows you to host and attend meetings and organize online events all from your tablet or mobile app. You can keep in touch with your team and office no matter where you are. You can even share files, message, and video conference everyone through the platform that keeps all of your team’s activity synced and stored across all devices.

For companies that have teams dispersed through multiple locations, or even if you are just working from home one day, you will never have to feel out of reach, or out of touch, with the rest of the individuals you need to communicate with.

Price: Free

6. Salesforce Mobile

best b2b mobile app - salesforce
Every good B2B business should have a CRM in place to keep your sales efforts efficient and profitable. Salesforce is a great option if you’re still looking for a stable CRM to put in place – not only because it has a great desktop version, but because it has a fantastic mobile version too! Everything you need to access in your regular desktop CRM is included with the mobile version, allowing any B2B owner on the go to make sure that the business is staying profitable and that sales are continuing to get made.

Price: Free

7. DocuSign

best b2b mobile app - docusign
Signing contracts with vendors, clients, and employees is an everyday part of being a B2B business owner. If you’re on the go, this can be a tough ask – even if you can find a place to take a seat and write out your signature, who’s to say that you won’t get bumped or hit and have to awkwardly present a signature that looks a bit…off.

Enter DocuSign. This handy app takes any scanned document and allows you to easily apply your signature digitally to contracts, receipts, and other sensitive content right from your smartphone. Not only does it solve any signature issues, it also lets you seamlessly send your newly signed contracts right back to your office – meaning that you can make it to a sales meeting while someone on your team makes sure the contract is good to go so that you don’t have to take time out of your busy day.

Price: Free

8. EverNote

best b2b mobile apps - evernote
Keeping notes is an important part of every CEO’s daily routine. You want to make sure that any thoughts you might have are jotted down quickly so that you can move along with your day and then come back to them when it’s appropriate. You could hire an assistant to shadow you while you’re on the go to take care of this, or you could carry a pad of paper with you everywhere you go, but if you’re the kind of business owner who wants to travel as light as possible Evernote, for iPhone and Android, is a great option as well.

The app allows you to write all the notes you need while also letting you clip web articles, capture images of handwritten notes, and keep photos of physical and digital details of your projects. Their software even allows you to search through your photos and notes for individual words (both written and contained within photos) so that you can quickly and easily find everything you’re looking for.

Price: Free

9. Google Drive

best b2b mobile apps - google drive
Google Drive keeps you and your team’s files in one safe and accessible location whether you are in or out of the physical office. The types of files can range from photos, designs, charts, documents, recordings, videos and much more. Google starts you with 15 GB of free storage, and you can connect with different coworkers to allow them access to your various files. Individuals can view, download, and collaborate on any file that you want, making teamwork easier than ever.

The most beneficial aspect is that you can access your drive from anywhere whether it is a computer, tablet, or smartphone, making it the perfect fit for managing your business even when you are not in the actual office.

Price: Free with In-App Purchase options

10. Flipboard

best b2b mobile apps - flipboard
Keeping up with the news is nearly impossible if you’re a B2B business owner who is constantly on the go. Even when you do have time to check up on your favored publication, you might often find that what you’re looking for or interested in is nowhere to be found. This is particularly problematic if breaking news has to do with your business and you miss out on an opportunity to capitalize on it through PR initiatives.

The best way to remedy this problem is to download the iOS and Android app Flipboard. Flipboard gathers content from social networks, news publications, and blogs to display stories, articles, blog posts, videos, and other content in a magazine-like format. When you first use Flipboard you subscribe to topics you’re interested in so that you can be sure the app is giving you content that is relevant to you.

Price: Free

11. Dropbox

best b2b mobile apps - dropbox
Bridging the gap between desktop and mobile is a real challenge when you’re a B2B business owner on the run. Between word documents, images, and spreadsheets, it’s difficult to make sure you can access everything you need when you’re on the run. This is where dropbox comes in. The platform allows you to keep all your content in one place so that you can bring up presentations, documents, and other files even when you’re on the go. Available on iOS and Android devices, Dropbox makes sure that everything you need to review for your perfect pitch is always available.

Price: Free

12. Voice Text

best b2b mobile apps - voice text
Keeping track of ideas and tasks can be difficult when you are on-the-go. If you are driving, or not able to text on your phone at a specific time, having an app that has dictation recording capabilities can be extremely beneficial. Voice Text can transcribe your voice into a text or email, and you can send that content into a number of social networking applications such as Facebook and Twitter. There is also a clipboard from which you can paste your text into any other application you choose. There are a various editing features, and the app supports 23 different languages and dialects.

Dictating your content onto an app like Voice Text is 5 times faster than typing it all out. It has intelligent speech recognition that can automatically correct your grammar, and improve its precision over time. This can be helpful in a number of different business situations. If you think of an idea or tweet but don’t have the time to draft it all up, simply record it for later. Maybe you have a long email that needs to be sent, dictating it out loud before sending it can help keep your thoughts organized, and get the job done much quicker.


What are Marketing Attribution Models?

Many marketers including myself face tough questions about how their efforts are bringing ROI to a company. For some marketing channels like search engine marketing, email marketing, or SEO, this can be a relatively straightforward process. Simply go through Google Analytics, figure out what channel was responsible for an individual clicking on an RAQ or “buy now” button, and report that as a win for said channel. However, there is something fundamentally wrong with this – particularly in the B2B space. What if someone has come to your site 6 times – once from social media, once from search engine marketing, once from a display ad, twice from SEO, and once directly. What about the other five visits in this example – should they not get credit?

In my mind, the answer is unequivocally that all sources should get some sort of credit for the leads they are involved in regardless of where that is within a conversion funnel, and the reasoning is simple: just because a channel wasn’t responsible for the final visit that led to a conversion, doesn’t mean it isn’t providing any value to the company or not helping to close the lead. If we go back to the example above for instance, if I no longer spend marketing budget on social media because it was only the first touch point in a lead, who is to say whether or not that the lead ultimately even converts from a direct search 5 visits later?

While it might seem very difficult to solve this issue with multi-channel attribution, there is something you can do to make the value you assign to each of your marketing channels a bit more reflective of the role they actually played in generating a conversion – set up a multi-channel attribution model. Multi-channel attribution modeling is the process of understanding or assigning credit to each channel that played a role in helping a lead eventually generate a conversion for your business. Using an attribution model that reflects the various touch points a visitor makes when interacting with your business is a great way for a marketing team to allocate credit to the channels that preceded the final conversion during a customer’s buyer journey.

By looking not only at the last touchpoint before a conversion but at the entire sequence of events, it’s possible to better allocate credit between every channel and campaign. While taking the time to set up an attribution model obviously doesn’t increase the value of each of your marketing channels and touchpoints, it does allow you to spend your budget more effectively by ascertaining what each channel’s actual value is to every sale your business makes. The success of digital marketing to generate a lead is often attributed to one channel, when in reality there are many assists from other channels that need to be taken into account as well.

The purpose of attribution modeling should be to better understand the buying behavior of your website visitors. Any efficient attribution model you set up should be able to tell you why people buy from your website, what happens before they make a purchase, what prompted them to make the purchase in the first place, and what your most effective acquisition channels are so that you can properly invest in them moving forward.

Why Do You Need An Attribution Model?

Chances are that your business does currently have an attribution model. The problem is that your attribution model is most likely a first or last touch modeling, which is to say you’re only considering the first or last source that brings a user to your website before they make a sale. What most businesses need in order to take themselves to the next level is a multi-touch attribution model. While they aren’t perfect, multi-touch attribution models are infinitely more useful for a business than a simple last or first touch model. In fact, almost any type of multi-touch attribution model is preferable to a first or last-touch model in terms of getting your business one step closer to understanding marketing’s true impact on your bottom line.

Multi-touch is how actionable marketing impact modeling should be for any business moving forward. It is the only real way to gain visibility into a short time frame so that your business can make agile decisions around where to spend a marketing budget with the greatest ROI. With more and more budget moving into the digital landscape and tracking of real-time marketing getting more efficient, the need to for a model that is immediately actionable for a company is more important than ever before.


While attribution modeling can be extremely helpful when set up correctly, there are a few challenges that marketers and business owners need to solve before they are ready to get a working attribution model in place. The first is to form a very simple understanding of the fact that consumer interest is influenced by your marketing efforts as a whole. This means that things like paid search and display impressions, social media engagement, and PR placements play a direct role in the success or failure of your business. While it is almost impossible to untangle the tangible value of these efforts from marketing efforts that create direct leads like email or search engine optimization, understanding that the role they play is paramount to creating an attribution model that accurately reflects how each marketing channel is bringing value to your business.

In addition to problems tracking impressions and engagement, companies also need to consider the existing brand equity that influences customer decisions, as well as offline marketing efforts that are difficult, if not impossible, to correctly track. While it is particularly challenging to factor these elements into an attribution model, marketers need to understand that while they might not see direct ROI elements like customer loyalty, offline efforts are certainly playing a role within their attribution funnel and should be included if possible.

Aside from elements of your marketing efforts that can’t be tracked or measured perfectly, marketers need to make sure that the attribution they currently have for their various marketing channels is correct. For most digital marketers this translates into making sure that your analytics are giving proper attribution and not attributing a visit or a lead to an incorrect channel. The best example of this is not correctly categorizing when traffic is coming from an email or a search engine and attributing it to direct marketing instead. This can cause serious issues for any business or marketing team because ROI is not correctly understood and mistakes are often made when trying to consider which marketing channels need more or less budget.

Attribution Models to Consider

There are many different attribution models to consider. When trying to figure out which one would make the most sense for your business it is important to think about how your sales process works – specifically which steps in the buyer process are the most important for generating actual sales. Each step in the buyer journey should be assigned credit for the work it did to close a lead – and the percentage assigned should be reflected of how much of a role they are playing in the conversion process.

Here are some the traditional models that you might consider as a baseline for starting to set up the attribution model for your business:

Last Interaction
As we discussed earlier, last interaction is the default model for most companies who have attribution modeling set up. This model gives all of the credit for a conversion to the last touch point or traffic source of a lead and totally ignores any previous visits or touch points that a lead might have had with your business. The shortcoming of this channel is fairly obvious – other channels that are involved with your lead should be getting some of the credit for their work as well, not just the last source a lead came from. Another issue is that standard last interaction modeling can’t take into account things like offline behavior or disconnected devices like mobile phones or tablets where behavior may continue before or after a lead has been created.

First Interaction
Although not as common as the last interaction attribution model, first interaction is a close second. This model gives all of the credit for a conversion to the first touch point or channel that brought a visitor to your site. This kind is best used if you suspect that a channel is undervalued because it is bringing a lot of visitors to your website, but few conversions. The obvious shortcomings of this model is that there is no consideration given to what channel is doing the work to actually close a lead and make it into a conversion and there is no way to measure how the channels between the first and last interaction are working to make sure that users are staying within the conversion funnel.

The linear attribution model takes an egalitarian approach to how each channel that was involved in a conversion receive credit, and gives equal value to each. So if you have a lead that came to your website 5 different times from 5 different sources, each source would receive 20% of the credit for closing the lead. While this model is a great way to evaluate the overall contribution of each of your channels, it doesn’t take into account their position within the conversion funnel. First and last interactions are weighed exactly the same as all other touchpoints.

Time Decay
The time decay attribution model takes into account how close to a conversion each interaction occurs and rewards appropriately. This means that the last interaction will get the largest percentage of credit, followed by the second to last interaction, etc. This might be helpful if you’re running a promotional giveaway or if you know that each interaction closer to a conversion is more important to get in the grand scheme of generating conversion for your business. This only drawback of this model is that it may undervalue earlier touchpoints if your business needs to play a large emphasis on generating an initial touchpoint with audiences.

The position-based attribution model is a variation we use at Web Designer Vip. This is because the model gives more credit to the first and last interactions with a business while equally distributing the rest of the credit to middle interactions. For us, this is the most accurate default marketing attribution model to start with, as getting the initial interest in our service and expertise and closing our leads are the most difficult and important things for us. The middle touchpoints are more or less equally important for us because we want to make sure that people are moving down our conversion funnel and not losing interest, but they aren’t as difficult or as important for us to get than the first and last touchpoints. The drawback to this model is if your business really needs a second or third touchpoint to close a sale for whatever reason – maybe you find that it is on second visits that people generally tend to so something important for you to turn that lead into a conversion further down the road, such as downloading a whitepaper or signing up for a newsletter.

While selecting the attribution model that most accurately reflects what your business looks for within your sales cycle is a good start, there should be customization around what kind of attribution each channel gets. Chances are, none of these attribution models really correctly or exactly capture what your brand needs from an attribution model, and they should be tweaked accordingly. For example, our position based model is slightly customized to reflect a sort of “W” attribution model that gives the most value to our first, middle, and last touch points. It is important for us that people come back in the middle of the conversion funnel so that we don’t lose the lead’s attention, and we make sure to result that step in the conversion process accordingly.

Attribution Isn’t Perfect

When thinking about adding marketing attribution for your business it is important to remember that no matter what attribution model you pick, it won’t give you perfect data. However, position-based, time delay and other customized variations that more accurately reflect the value that each touchpoint a customer has with your business will provide more actionable insights for your business than a simple last-click attribution. None of these models will give you an exact picture so understanding what model is as good as it will possible get is the sweet spot you’re looking to achieve. Your model should provide you with more insights than you would have otherwise and allow you the confidence to spend your marketing channel in line with what your attribution model tells you. That being said, remember to not sideline attribution models after picking one – continuously test as you’re able and go with the model that you find gives you the most actionable data.