Optimizing for conversions is the name of the game no matter what skill or discipline you happen to be employing in the realm of online marketing. Once a person lands on your website, whether it be the homepage or product specific page, how you layout your content is crucial when it comes to grabbing attention and getting people to call or opt in for more engagement with your brand.
How Much Text Should There Be?
People generally don’t come to your website to read a novel, so try not to write them one. Of course, that doesn’t mean that you need to make a site minimal, but instead try and find a way to strike the perfect balance of text. Information is best digested in small bites, along with clearly designated headlines to make scanning easy. Indicators with small sections of text are optimal for the layout of a successful landing page.
Make it clear to people that they are in right place with very strong, concise, and relevant messaging above the fold. You only have a matter of seconds to grab and keep someone’s attention. This doesn’t mean just having a fancy picture and an arrow pointing to a “REQUEST A QUOTE NOW” button. Those elements need to be part of the overall layout in some fashion, but there needs to be adequate information and substance to accompany the concise intuitive layout that is geared specifically in order to convert quickly.
Make it Intuitive!
Intuitive landing pages simplify the process of encouraging your users to take action. Visitors to your website should quickly grasp what they are looking for on your website. This content should be tailored to their search habits and be coupled with an incentive to reach out to you for more information.
In the case of Verve Medical Cosmetics, the goal or conversion is to get users to sign up or call for a free consultation.
Someone searching for a Botox Doctor in NYC clicks on our ad for Verve Medical Cosmetics Botox Cosmetic treatment. Since traffic from pay-per-click marketing usually yields a more qualified lead, the user is looking for a very specific product or service like Botox treatments. A landing page should feature clear messaging with supportive talking points and actual patient photos, all driving users towards a prominent call to action.
What is Your Value Proposition?
To stand out from the competition, the value of your brand needs to be visually apparent and expressed as vividly as possible to users without cluttering the page with text. In this case, we chose to highlight the literal value of the invitation to Botox specials. This is a great offer and is unique to new clients. Above the fold we have a free consultation, and below we have a series of great specials. This is what sets Verve apart from the competition.
A Trusted Source…
If they are still undecided, the substantive supporting text below the fold must establish your credibility with strong and informative text. The image below shows the informative text below the fold. In this example we have content that explains the service and validates their practice with Botox info, doctor certifications and other relevant information. This supportive content is what leads people to convert.
Trust and credibility factors are well represented in the citation from the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery on the popularity of Botox Cosmetic, as well as in informative sections about the product and what you can expect from it. Also, integrating Google Maps with the locations section of the page illustrates how local your company really is. When targeting the competitive NYC area, this proximity factor is another selling point to convert.
In this case, it’s a doctor that is administering the products and treatment with said product. He is the determining factor for trust. Taking this into consideration, we placed his credentials just below the image you see above, right below text that reads: “MEET DR. BRACCI.” When new patients come to the office for the first time they meet Dr. Bracci in person, so we wanted to show him! His picture, combined with his accreditations, clearly demonstrate his training, experience, and professionalism.
Intuitive and Informative Landing Pages Work
Verve Medical Cosmetics is a great example of using landing page strategy and content to convert. For SEO purposes, original content that supports the main call(s)-to-action are always recommended. Utilize H tags that complement the keyword funnel with purpose and always aim to inform the user. The results prove that PPC landing pages are effective when they are concise, informative, and intuitive with a direct call to action.
What results you ask? The Verve Medical Cosmetics landing page went from zero conversions from Jan. 1st 2013 to March 1st with its previous template to 16 conversions with our new landing page since March 1st 2013. Through a combination of form submissions and phone calls, the new landing page helped Verve Medical Cosmetics to a 1,600% increase in conversions in just three months’ time.
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